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Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso BTS d’ETAT session de 2005

Coordination des examens du BTS d’Etat OPTIONS : FC, GC, Bq, As, TH, CE, MM, CI, SB

Epreuve de Anglais écrit

Durée : 02 heures
Coefficient : 01


Some years ago, the term ”mobile phone” ahs something of a misnomer. Phones were only
“mobile”. Today there are some1.35 billion mobile phones. In some countries more than half
the population own them. Most fit in the palm of your hand, and they are sometimes even
provided free of charge. Nearly as many of these devices are in use as TV sets and personal
computer combined. People describe mobile phone as not just a technological marvel but “a
social phenomenon”.
What effect are mobile phones having on society? Are they friend or foe?
The booming sales of mobile phones are a boon to many businesses. The mobile telephone
market is the largest consumer electronics segment ever. In other words, more money is
spent on mobile phones now than on any other electronic device in the past. In Burkina for
example mobile phones generate millions of CFA a year telecommunication companies such
as (ONATEL-CELTEL-TELECEL). It is easy to see why big business views the mobile phone
as a friend.
Many of the messages exchanged between these high tech devices are, not in the form of
speech, but in the form of the written word. Instead of speaking into the handset, a growing
number of mobile phones users-especially youths-are using a facility called SMS (the Short
Message Service).
While mobile phones are a useful tool both for socializing and for conducting business, to
many employees these devices might sometimes seen more like a fetter than a friend. The
pressure people feel to respond to a mobile phone call no matter where they are or what they
are doing, using a mobile phone driving, passengers ignoring the warning to turn their device
off while on board and the effect of mobile phone radiation on living tissues.
Through dogged by controversy the mobile phone is having a profound impact both
economically and socially.

Misnomer : erreur
Foe : enemy
Through dogged by: bien que ce sujet à

Guided commentary (14 points)

1. What effect are mobile phones having on society? (2 points)

2. Why is more money spent in the acquisition of mobile phones? (2 points)
3. In which ways are mobile phones good business for telecommunication companies?
(2 points)
4. What could be some advantages and drawbacks of the SMS? (2 points)
5. The mobile phone -friend or foe? Discuss. (6points)

Language practice (6 points)

A. Put these sentences into the passive voice (3 points)

1. She filed the documents
2. We must give them some money
3. I have forgotten the mobile phone

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (3 points)

1. If I (to be) the managing director I would fire the whole staff.
2. The people (to leave) the since 4 o’clock
3. Weeks ago the director (to speak) to us

Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso BTS d’ETAT session de 2005
Coordination des examens du BTS d’Etat OPTIONS : FC, GC, Bq, As, TH, CE, MM, CI, SB

Epreuve de Anglais écrit

Durée : 02 heures
Coefficient : 01

Text: Globalization curse or cure?

In a new effort to solve world problems, many world leaders are recommending
globalization. Yet, nothing seems to spark riots and protests more easily than summit
meeting on this subject. What is globalization? Will it solve your problems?

Globalization is the great economic event of our era, said Martin Wolf a financial
columnist. It is a term some people use to describe the growing worldwide interdependence
of people and countries.
The constant worldwide flow of people, ideas, news, money and technology has created a
new global neighbourhood that can bring benefits.

Although our global neighbourhood is far from ideal, the process of global integration
is probably irreversible. Will people turn off their TVs, throw away their mobile phones,
destroy their computers, and stop travelling to other lands? Will nations try to isolate
themselves completely from the rest of the world, politically and economically? It seems more
unlikely. Nobody wants to discard the benefits of globalization. But what about accompanying
problems? They are causing increasing concern, and they touch the lives of everyone.
The distribution of global wealth has never been fair, but economic globalization has widened
the chasm between rich and poor.

Another area of concern involves clashes of culture and the spread of materialistic
values. The interchange of ideas is an important feature of globalization, and nothing
symbolizes this phenomenon more than the internet. Unfortunately the internet is not merely
used to spread beneficial information culture and commerce.

Like many mankind’s projects, globalisation has proved both useful and harmful.

Foot notes
Chasm: gap

Guided commentary (14 points)

1. Why do world leaders recommend globalisation?

2. According to the text why do meeting about globalisation create riots?
3. State out three advantages and drawbacks of globalization.
4. In which ways has globalization magnified the problems that already existed in our
5. “Could globalization with a human face be the answer to our problems”? Discuss.

Language practice (6 points)

A. Report these sentences (4 points)

1. The director said to the employees “our sales trends are declining these days”
2. My mother said “I shall sort all the documents in my drawer”
3. “The accountant took the ledger” the book keeper said.
4. The students said “Where are the stamped certificates”?

B. Synonyms (2 points)

From the list choose a synonym for the under lined word in each sentence.
Very – data – skip – put back

1. These policemen need a lot of information to undertake the investigation.

2. If you can’t do that homework omit it.
3. The weather is extremely hot this morning.
4. The watchman was asked to replace the tools after using them.

Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso BTS d’ETAT session de 2005
Coordination des examens du BTS d’Etat options : FC, GC, Bq, As, TH, CE, MM, CI, SB

Epreuve de Anglais écrit

Durée : 02 heures
Coefficient : 01

Text: What is underdevelopment?

Underdevelopment is not absence of development, because every people have
developed in one way or another and to a greater or lesser extent.
Underdevelopment makes sense only as a means of comparing levels of development. It is
very much tied to the fact that human social development has been uneven and from a
strictly economic viewpoint some human groups have advanced further by producing more
and becoming wealthier. At all times, therefore, one of the ideas behind underdevelopment is
a comparative one. It is possible to compare the economic conditions at two different periods
for the same country and determine whether or not it had developed.

A second and even more indispensable component of modern underdevelopment is

that it expresses a particular relationship of exploitation: namely, the exploitation of one
country by another. All of the countries named as “underdeveloped” in the world are exploited
by others; and the underdevelopment with which the world is now preoccupied is a product of
capitalist, imperialist, and colonialist exploitation. African and Asian societies were developing
independently until they were taken over directly or indirectly by the capitalist powers. When
that happened, exploitation increased and the export of surplus ensued, depriving the
societies of the benefit of their natural resources and labour. That is an integral part of
underdevelopment in the contemporary sense.

In some quarters, it has often been thought wise to substitute the term “developing” for
“underdevelopment”. One of the reasons for so doing is to avoid any unpleasantness, which
may be attached to the second term, which might be interpreted as meaning underdeveloped
mentally, physically, morally, or in any other respect. Actually, if “underdevelopment” were
related to anything other than comparing economies, then the most underdeveloped country
in the world would be the U.S.A., which practises external oppression on a massive scale,
while internally there is a blend of exploitation, brutality, and psychiatric disorder.

Form W. Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.

To ensue: s’ensuivre, résulter
On a massive scale: à très grande échelle
A blend : a mixture

Guided commentary

1. According to this text, what is underdevelopment? (2 points)

2. What led some countries to be underdeveloped? (2 points)
3. Why do some people prefer the term developing countries to underdeveloped
countries? (2 points)
4. Is underdevelopment only related to the levels of development? Justify your answer.
(2 points)
5. If you were a decision maker, would you consider that your country is developed? (4

Language practice

A. Report these sentences (3 points)

1. The supplier said “We shall forward the goods tomorrow”

2. The minister says “Does the parliament accept the budget?”
3. The people said “How do we evaluate our development?”

B. Use the appropriate relative pronouns (3 points)

1. The man and his dog ………………….crossed the road were killed.
2. This man ………………………..purse was stolen was crying a lot.
3. The goods……………………..Ali bought were stocked in that ware house.

Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso BTS d’ETAT session de 2005
Coordination des examens du BTS d’Etat TOUTES OPTIONS

Epreuve de Techniques d’expression

Durée : 02 heures
Coefficient : 02

Exercice I : (5pts)
Une annonce parue dans un journal de la place dit ceci : « une importante société de la place
recherche pour embauche deux informaticiens. Les candidats doivent avoir le profil suivant :
− être titulaire d’un BTS ou d’un DUT ;
− parler couramment l’Anglais ;
− avoir au moins quatre années d’expérience. »
La sélection se fera à partir d’une lettre de motivation.
Rédiger ce document.
Exercice II : (4pts)
Remplissez le tableau suivant relatif aux écrits professionnels et leurs signataires par Vrai ou
par Faux
Signataire Le Rédacteur Le Président Autres Pas de
Compte Rendu
Procès Verbal
Curriculum -Vitae
Exercice III : (10pts)
1) Après avoir pris connaissance du Curriculum -Vitae proposé en annexe, relevez 4
anomalies et 4 oublis significatifs.
2) Reprenez le document en y apportant les corrections nécessaires.
Exercice IV : (5pts)
a) Répondez aux questions suivantes par vrai ou faux.
b) On peut conclure la lettre de motivation par des sentiments distingués. Vrai ou faux ?
c) On peut signer le curriculum vitae. Vrai ou faux ?
d) On peut porter la mention « ampliation » à tout document administratif. Vrai ou faux ?
e) On peut signer la lettre de motivation. Vrai ou faux ?
f) La note de service est un document d’information descendante. Vrai ou faux ?


Nom : Ouattara
Prénom : Josiane
Adresse : 01 BP 35 ouagadougou
Age : 30 ans – 1 enfant

BTS : Assistant Secrétaire bilingue 2002
BTS : Secrétariat de direction 1997

1998-2000 – LONAB
Secrétaire Administrative
1997-1998 – Entreprise Sol Confort
Secrétaire du Directeur
2002 – Ce jour - Ambassade des USA
Secrétaire bilingue

2001 – Stage au Ghana

2002 – Stage aux USA.


Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso BTS d’ETAT session de 2005
Coordination des examens du BTS d’Etat TOUTES OPTIONS

Epreuve de Techniques d’expression

Durée : 02 heures
Coefficient : 02
Exercice 1 (7 points)
Voici dans le désordre les éléments d’un document administratif. Reconstituez ledit document en
mettant chaque élément à sa place conformément à ce type d’écrit. Quelle est la nature dudit
document ? Justifiez votre réponse.
1. Burkina Faso
2. Le Ministre de l’Economie et du Budget à Messieurs les Ministres.
3. Unité-Progrès-Justice
4. Ouagadougou, le 05/12/99
5. Ministère de l’Economie et du Budget
6. Conventions passées entre l’Etat et les sociétés d’Etat
7. N°032/MEB/CAB
8. Le Ministre, OUATTA Béogo
9. Il nous est revenu que des Conventions sont passées entre l’Etat et les sociétés d’Etat et
entreprises publiques sans qu’un cahier des charges soit annexé à ces conventions. Ce qui rend
difficile les contrôles économiques et financiers.
10. Aussi a-t-on l’honneur de porter à votre connaissance qu’on a donné des instructions pour
qu’aucune convention passée entre l’Etat et les sociétés d’Etat et les entreprises publiques ne
soit soumise à notre approbation si un cahier des charges ne justifie pas l’utilisation des fonds
11. Nous vous serions très obligés de bien vouloir informer de ces dispositions ceux de vos
services qui rédigent habituellement des conventions passées avec les sociétés d’Etat et les
entreprises publiques.

Exercice 2 (6 points)
Monsieur KWAME Ange a été chargé de l’expédition des affaires courantes par note de service en
l’absence de son premier responsable.
Il se pose à lui un problème pour la signature des documents à lui soumis car après consultation d’un
de ses collègues, il ressort que M. KWAME doit signer les documents par délégation.
− Cela est-il approprié ? (1 point)
− Selon vous, à quel titre doit-il signer les différents documents ? (1 point)

− Quelle(s) différence(s) faites-vous entre la signature par délégation et par intérim ? (4 point)
Exercice 3 (7 points)
Responsable d’une entreprise, vous convoquez une réunion pour discuter des problèmes inhérents à la
vie de l’entreprise.
Vous devez rédiger ensuite un compte rendu en tant que participant.
− Avez-vous le choix entre le compte rendu intégral ou in extenso ou un compte rendu
analytique ?
− Quelle est la différence entre les deux ?
− Rédigez le compte rendu.


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