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My organization that I work for is CyberCoders.

As of this year, they are 5 th largest

permanent placement recruiting agency in the world and the 2 nd largest in the United
States. The company has been around since 1999, and is a 2.2 billion dollar, publicly
traded company. I am an Executive Recruiter.

Task #1: Find emerging tech start-ups and get them to agree to pay our fees for

Task #1 Reworded: Explore the world recently funded technology start-ups and find
companies where my recruiting assistance will be valued.

This new wording makes me feel that I am a value person in the life of start-up
companies and also of candidates. It makes me look at myself as not just a
salesperson, but a team member. In this case I am on both teams.

Task #2: Headhunt quality talent out of larger companies and sell them on a better

Task 2 Reworded: Find the most talented developers that work at larger enterprises and
sell them on the opportunity to be a monumental part of a next generation company.

This new wording makes me see myself as a go-getter. I go out and find the best talent,
out of the best companies and sell them on a vision of what they can be. It’s like finding
Mark Zuckerberg before he was Mark Zuckerberg.

Task #3: Sell that candidate to my now client and make sure they interview well.
Negotiate their salaries and make the placement.

Task #3 Reworded: After speaking with the sourced candidate, write up a persuasive
paragraph defining their skillset and background and how they would be of value to my
new client. Prepare the candidate for each interview and set proper expectations about
salary and job-related information in order to successfully place the candidate.

This new wording really describes the candidate side of my job. I have to make sure my
candidates are fully prepared, so that they crush the interview process and make it easy
on my clients. I befriend my candidates and when I get them an offer, I feel like I have
done a good deed. In some cases, I am changing their lives.

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