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1. DEFINICIÓN Y FUNCIÓN: Palabra que se utiliza para describir o calificar:personas

situaciones y/o elementos.
 The girl….. The girl is beautiful.
The phone… expensive phone

2. UBICACION EN LA ORACION: La posición del adjetivo en inglés varía según su función.

Al final despues del verbo… Chicken is yellow.

Antes del sustantivo… I have a big, yellow, chicken.


3.1 ADJETIVOS DEMOSTRATIVOS: indican proximidad o lejania… señala…

“This”, “these”, “that”, “those”
NEAR (cerca) This These
FAR (lejos) That Those

Example: This is my phone……………. These are my sons: Said and Keiry

That is your phone…………... Those are my sons…..

3.2 ADJETIVOS NUMERALES: indican relaciones numericas de cantidad u orden:

”one”, “two”,”three”- “first”, “second”, “third”
Example: the mach last ninety minutes, in two parts of forty-five

3.3 ADJETIVOS CUANTITATIVOS : califican al sustantivo de manera imprecisa:

“Much”, “many”, “few”, “little”, “enough”, “plenty”, “some”, “most”.
Example: some students didn´t attend the class because they were in the strike

3.4 ADJETIVOS CUALITATIVOS: Sirven para describir como es una persona, objeto:
“full”, big” “small”, “short”, “thin”, “fat”.

Example: I bought a very small phone


1. NUMBERS: one, two, twelve, twenty two, nine, ten

2. OPINION: delicious, charming, beautiful, lovely, charming
3. TAMAÑO: tall, tiny, huge, massive, tiny, short, high
4. TEMPERATURA: hot, cold,freezing, lukewarm, cool, muggy.
5. EDAD: old, young, new, modern, ancient, updated, old fashioned
6. FORMA: square, round,spherical, curved, straight
7. COLOR: red, purple, green, blue, orange, black, brown, yellow
8. ORIGEN: Swedish, Victorian, Chinese, Spanish, Swiss, German
9. MATERIAL: glass, silver, wooden,metallic, plastic
10. PROPOSITO: bathing suit, wedding dress, school, riding,

She is responsible, short, young and colombian.

She is a responsible, short, young, colombian woman.
The phone is beautiful.
I have a good, big, old, rectangular, white, american, glass, aluminum, calling phone.


Example: My cell phone is new, medium, blue and very fast in navegation

1. Escribe los adjetivos en el orden correcto

 Spanish/ beautiful/ a / woman/ young….

 Glass/ a/ round/ small/ table
 French/ city/ a / old/ wonderful
 Red / new / a / car /fast
 Small / three / book / black
 Big / red / apple / delicious

2. Escriba una oracion por cada imagen usando el orden del adjetivo sin repetirlos

A pettry, medium, white and coffe dog

A beautiful, red and black dress

A happy, medium, young, white French girl

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