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Name : Faisal H.

Student Indentification Number : 23085014004
Study Program : Information Technology Education
Task : English

English Ekspression
What is Expression?
The definition of expression or also known as expressing is an expression to
express something when we dialogue with the interlocutor. The function or
purpose of expression is so that we and the other person understand the context
that is being discussed, thus avoiding miscommunication or misunderstanding. In
this material there are 3 kinds of expression, which are as follows:
1. Thanks Expression
2. Apology Expression
3. Premission Expression

1. Thanks Ekspression :
Expression of Thanking or Gratitude is an expression of gratitude to another
person. We can use several different expressions when we want to express our
gratitude, you can find a list of them below, and you can choose whichever one
you like.
Example of sentences :

Expression of Thanking (Terima kasih)

 Thank you (terima kasih)

 Thank you very much (terima kasih banyak)
 Thank you so much (terima kasih banyak)
 Thanks a lot (makasih banyak)
 Thanks (makasih)
 Thanks for your help (terima kasih atas bantuanmu)

Response (Respon)

 Your welcome (sama-sama)

 No problem (tidak masalah)
 No worries (tidak masalah)
 Don't mention it (tidak perlu)
 Nevermind (tidak perlu)

2. Apology Expression


Expression of apologizing is an expression of apology to others. When we make

a mistake, we want to apologize. In English, there are also several ways to

Example of sentences :

Expression of Apologizing (Permintaan maaf)

 Sorry (maaf)
 I'm sorry (maafkan aku)
 I am really sorry (aku benar-benar minta maaf)
 Forgive me (maafkan aku)
 I apologize (aku memeinta maaf)
 Sorry for my mistake (maaf atas kesalahanku)

Response (Respon)
 It's okay (tidak apa-apa)
 That's alright (tidak apa-apa)
 It doesn't matter (tidak masalah)
 It is fine (tidak apa-apa)

3. Premission Expression
Asking permission is a social skill that is a need in any culture. On the other
hand, being able to allow someone to do something is another skill.

Example of sentences :

Asking for permission

 Can I use your pen, please?

 Can I sit here?
 Is it okay if I sit here?
 Can I ask you a question?
 May I use your computer?
 May I come in?
 Can I take a look at your book?
 Do you mind if I turn down the TV?
 Do you mind if I use your phone?
 Would you mind if I opened the window?
 If you don’t mind, I’d like to smoke.
 I wonder if I could borrow your car for a few days.
 Would it be all right if I borrowed your phone?

Giving permission
 Sure.
 Sure, go ahead.
 No problem.
 Yes, you can.
 Please feel free.
 I don’t mind.

Refusing permission
 I’m afraid not.
 I’m afraid, but you can’t.
 I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.
 No, you cannot.

 You couldn’t do that.
 Sorry, you are not permitted.

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