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Name:___________________________ Date:_______________

Grade X: _________________________ Score:______________

I. Fill in the blanks. (2pts)

1. In mathematics, we think of _______ as a list of numbers.
2. The sum of the terms of a sequence is called as ________.
3. To describe the sum of the terms of a sequence, we use the ______ notation.
4. In the summation notation, “ the sum of n and 2 for n between 2 and 7” can be written as _______.
5. _________ is a sequence with common difference.
6. The number d in a n=a1 +(n−1)d , is called the ________of any consecutive terms in an arithmetic sequence.
7. The sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, .., is an example of __________.
8. _____________ is the arrangement of shape, pattern and number according to rule or order.
9. The symbol ________ is used to denote sum of all numbers.
10. In the sequence 1, 5, ___, ___ ,the common difference is 4.
II. Application
A. Find the indicated term of each sequence, given the following explicit formula. (3pts)
1. a n=2(n+1) 25th term
2. a n=( n−5) 12th term
3. a n=2 n+n2 9th term
4. a n=( n−1/2) 7th term
5. a n=√ n−1 /4 36th term
B. Find the terms asked on each number given its first term and common difference.(3pts)
1. a 1=2 d= - 5 n= 25
2. a 1=42 d= ½ n= 38
3. a 1=13 d= 3.5 n= 12
4. a 1=105 d= 24 n= 7
5. a 1=−1 d= 10 n= 50
C. Find the sum of the terms indicated on each item. (5pts)
1. S10 for the sequence 2,14,…, 3. ∑ 3 n−n
2. 15, 19, 23,…,sum from a 5 to a 10 4. b∑ 1 /4(n+1)
n =2

D. Problem Solving (10 pts)

A sari-sari store sells P1000.00 worth of products during the first week. The owner of the sari-sari store has a set
of a goal increase his weekly sales by P500.00 each week for the next nine weeks. The owner wants to see the
increase of his sales for each week of selling. What is his total sale in 11 weeks?

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