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Panis, Francis Macabalos

Physical Education

1. Differentiate locomotor movement from non-locomotor movement.
Locomotor differs from non-locomotor movement in the sense of their way of moving the body in which in
locomotor movement, the body moves from one place to another and causes the body to travel. While in non-
locomotor movements which is also known as axial movement, the body moves from one place only. In simplest
explanation, the body parts or even the whole body moves without causing it to travel.

2. What are the importance of locomotor and non-locomotor movement to our daily activities?
Locomotor movement is important to our daily lives because they are the foundation of human movement. To
go further, non-locomotor is also important in our everyday activities due to the fact that it assists with body
awareness and spatial awareness – such skills allow children to explore the way in which the body can be moved,
controlled, or balanced on by the shapes that the body can make. It also contribute to the development of flexibility,
both physically and mentally, along with the focus of attention that results from practicing specific non-locomotor
skills. In overall, this two fundamental body movement (locomotor and non-locomotor movement) is important in
our daily activities because it serves as the building blocks that is necessary for performing physical activities like
sports and dance.

3. How do movement skills and movement elements differ? How do you use them in conjunction with one another?
The difference between movement skills and movement elements is in their way of applying to physical
activities especially in dance in which movement skills refers to the specific set of skills that involve different parts
of the body, including feet, legs, torso, head, arms and hands. They are the building blocks for more complex and
specialised physicality that children will need throughout their lives to competently participate in different games,
sports and recreational activities. On the other hand, elements of movement are space, time, and force (energy). It is
also explored in the curriculum include body awareness, spatial awareness, effort awareness, and relationship
to/with objects, people and space. In conjunction of this two terms to one another, performing body movement
skills necessary to consider the movement elements so that the movement will have harmony. In short, movement
skills and elements must always be connected, the two must always present.

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