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Thinking Habits and Dispositions


H umans are creatures of habit. We all have

habits that affect the way we dress and
groom ourselves, how and what we eat, how
many scholars today believe that effective think-
ing includes both intellectual skills and positive
dispositions regarding the use of such skills. For
we travel to the university each day, and how my purposes today, I shall treat habits of mind
we go about our work. In addition we have and thinking dispositions as being essentially
recreational and entertainment habits, reading synonymous and interchangeable.
and study habits, and even prayer habits. Just Shari Tishman and her colleagues at Harvard
as we have habitual ways of behaving, we define thinking dispositions as “abiding ten-
also have habitual ways of thinking. President dencies toward distinct patterns of thinking
Howard W. Hunter acknowledged the existence behaviors.”4 Hence a thinking disposition is a
of thinking habits when he declared, “Outward consistent tendency or inclination to think in
circumstances do not determine the course of certain ways. Thinking dispositions are some-
our lives as much as the thoughts that habitually what stable and generalizable. To be disposed
occupy our minds.”1 to think in a certain manner means that an
In 1910 John Dewey wrote the book How individual has a consistent tendency to employ
We Think, in which he described some of the the same thinking pattern in different situa-
ways that thinking habits influence the way tions and on different occasions. For example,
people think. In recent years other scholars some people are disposed to be analytical and
have elaborated on the idea of thinking habits.2 skeptical. They typically try to examine the
Scholars who have tried to create programs available evidence before deciding whether
designed to teach people to think better have to accept a proposition. Other people may be
discovered that many people already possess prone to rationalize. They make up their mind
the skills needed to think effectively. What they first and then search for evidence to support
lacked was not the necessary abilities but the their chosen point of view while ignoring any
commitment and the willingness to invest their evidence to the contrary.5
time and effort in using the thinking skills they
had already acquired. This finding led researchers Richard R Sudweeks was a BYU professor of educa-
to conclude that people have dispositions that tional psychology when this devotional address was
influence the way they think.3 Consequently, given on 15 July 2003.


2 Brigham Young University 2003–2004 Speeches

Let me call your attention to an instance habits than to isolated, individual thoughts
in the New Testament that provides an interest- that temporarily occupy our minds. It is a per-
ing example of a thinking habit. When Jesus son’s mental habits and thinking dispositions
described the Pharisees as being “blind guides, that will largely determine his or her character
which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” rather than random, isolated thoughts.
(Matthew 23:24), he was doing more than just
using figurative language. He was accusing Counterproductive Habits of Mind
them of having a tendency to make mountains Now I would like to get specific and
out of molehills when it was to their advantage, focus on five examples of thinking habits
and to make molehills out of mountains when that are counterproductive.
that was to their advantage. In other words, He
was claiming that they exaggerated trivial mat- 1. Lustful thinking
ters into unnecessarily complex issues while We live in a time when it is difficult to
downplaying weightier questions into trivial avoid being exposed to risqué images and
and insignificant concerns. This manipulative materials and sexual innuendo, but I encour-
mindset was a thinking habit on the part of age you to avoid harboring thoughts about
many Pharisees and was one of the problems anything that is lewd, coarse, obscene, or vul-
that aroused Jesus’ indignation toward them. gar. Unwanted thoughts are like stray cats that
Now consider the interesting assertion trespass across our yards. You may not be suc-
made by Alma the Younger in Alma 12:14: cessful in keeping them out completely, but a
single thought that sneaks into your mind will
For our words will condemn us, yea, all our not do much harm unless you invite it to linger
works will condemn us; we shall not be found and treat it as a welcome guest rather than as
spotless; and our thoughts will also condemn us. an intruder. Do not feed these strangers. Do
not nurture a friendship with them. Do not
Alma declared that people will be judged allow yourself to develop the habit of enter-
by their thoughts as well as by their behavior. taining them. Treat them as intruders and take
I believe that Alma’s statement in this verse affirmative steps to avoid mingling with them.
refers more to the thinking habits and disposi-
tions that characterize our minds than to discrete, 2. Coveting
isolated thoughts. Coveting is another sin that we commit in
One reason the Lord will hold us accountable our minds. It, too, can become a habit. Coveting
for our thoughts is because of the relationship is a form of selfish thinking that occurs when a
between a person’s thinking habits and his char- person develops an inordinate desire to obtain
acter. This relationship is taught in Proverbs 23:7. the possessions, position, or status attained by
We typically replace the pronoun in this passage someone else. Some of us have a tendency to
and paraphrase the verse to read “As [a man] dismiss coveting as a trivial matter, but it is
thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This scripture specifically forbidden by the Lord in the Ten
teaches that we become what we think. In the Commandments (see Exodus 20:17). Note that
words of James Allen, “A man is literally what the injunction against covetous thinking is one
he thinks, his character being the complete sum of the most detailed of the Ten Commandments.
of all his thoughts.”6
The verb thinketh in Proverbs 23:7 is expressed 3. Bearing a Grudge
in the progressive tense, suggesting that this The third thinking disposition that I want
passage refers more to our ongoing thinking to describe involves the tendency to remember
Richard R Sudweeks 3

events that we ought to forget. Some of us have 5. Ignoring the Impact of Your Thinking on the
developed the habit of remembering incidents Lives of Others
from the past when someone offended us or Sometimes we allow ourselves to mistakenly
took advantage of us. Believing that we were believe that what we think and how we think
wrongfully victimized, we replay the incident is purely a personal matter that has no effect on
over and over again in our minds and often others. That idea is not only naïve but false.
make it worse that it really was. Consequently None of us lives in a vacuum completely
we come to resent the person who perpetrated isolated from other people. Instead we interact
the wrong, and we develop a grudge against with others on an ongoing basis. In this sense
them. We not only harbor the grudge in our life is like a chess game. The thoughts and the
minds, but we nurse it, believing that by doing moves of each player are influenced by the
so we somehow obtain retribution. thoughts and the moves of the other player.
Permitting yourself to be preoccupied with Whether you like it or not, how and what you
feelings of resentment and revenge will not hurt think is influenced by the thinking of others
the other person. Instead, it will likely cause with whom you associate. Conversely, your
you to become bitter and spiteful. If you allow thoughts and thinking habits will influence
these thoughts and feelings to continue, they their thoughts and actions. This interdepen-
will canker your soul. Remember the words of dence is emphasized by the following quota-
the Lord in D&C 64:9: “He that forgiveth not tion: “Human beings are not only moral agents
his brother his trespasses standeth condemned or subjects of moral action, but also moral
before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the patients, or subjects which are acted upon
greater sin.” and affected by what they and others do.”8
Because of our God-given moral agency,
4. Piling Pity upon Oneself we have freedom of choice and the right to
The habit of feeling sorry for yourself and make our own decisions. However, in addition,
engaging in self-pity is another counterproductive each of us is a moral patient in the sense that we
habit in which some of us regularly engage. We are acted upon and influenced by the ways in
all experience the ups and downs of life, and we which others think and act.
all have a tendency to feel discouraged once in a In recent years I have come to realize that
while. But sometimes we allow this discourage- some of my thinking habits have been directly
ment to feed upon itself. We focus on the nega- impacted by other influential persons in my
tive and talk ourselves into the downward spiral life, including my parents, my wife, and some
of believing that we are no good and that we outstanding teachers, colleagues, church leaders,
can’t do anything right. We pile pity upon our- and neighbors. This insight is sobering because
selves and permit our initial discouragement it has helped me realize that how and what I
to develop into despondency and despair. think will likely have an impact upon others,
Take affirmative steps to avoid this down- even when I don’t intend it to do so. May I sug-
ward cycle. Moods like sadness, gloom, anxiety, gest that the same is true with you. Be careful
and anger do not just passively descend upon about how and what you think, because it is
a person like rain without that person having likely to have both intended and unintended
some control over them. Your thoughts affect effects on others. The person who believes that
your feelings, and “you can change the way how and what he thinks has no impact on others
you feel by [changing the way] you think.”7 is not only selfish but irresponsible.
Do not allow yourself to be victimized by The five thinking habits that I have discussed
your own thinking. so far are not the only ones that are negative and
4 Brigham Young University 2003–2004 Speeches

counterproductive. We could discuss many simplify the structure and reveal the meaning,
other examples, but we don’t have time. If you let’s temporarily remove the long series of
currently have one or more of these destructive clauses in the middle of the verse and insert
habits, I urge you to change your customary ellipses in their place. Simplified in this man-
ways of thinking. Repent! We tend to believe ner, the verse reads: “Finally, brethren, . . .
that repentance is needed only when we have think on these things.”
committed a sinful act, but repentance also We could simplify the sentence even further
applies to how and what we think. In fact, the by removing all but the subject and the verb.
word repent, as used in the New Testament, So, in its simplest form this lengthy sentence is
comes from a Greek verb that literally means an imperative statement encouraging members
“to change one’s mind or purpose.”9 Complete of the Church to think.
repentance involves more than refraining from The eight clauses that we temporarily
discrete acts of sinful behavior that you com- removed specify the kinds of things Paul
mitted sometime in the past. It involves chang- admonished the Philippians to think about.
ing your thinking habits and dispositions as They include:
well. Changing your thinking patterns will likely
lead to changes in your behavioral patterns. 1. Whatsoever things are true,
2. Whatsoever things are honest,
Thinking in Which We Ought to Engage 3. Whatsoever things are just,
We have spent enough time focusing on 4. Whatsoever things are pure,
the kinds of thinking you should avoid. Now 5. Whatsoever things are lovely,
let’s see what the scriptures admonish us to 6. Whatsoever things are of good report,
think about. Two scriptures help us describe 7. Any virtue,
the types of thinking in which we ought to 8. [Anything that is] praise [worthy].
engage. First, consider the imperative pre-
sented in D&C 121:45. The verb let is often Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon
interpreted as being synonymous with allow teach the need for every person to be born
or permit, but the dictionary suggests that let again. The Book of Mormon describes this
also means “to cause to: make.”10 So the state- spiritual rebirth as a “mighty change” of heart
ment “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceas- (Mosiah 5:2; Alma 5:14). This process not only
ingly” is a command directing members of the includes changes in our innermost feelings and
Church to take charge of their thoughts and desires, it also presupposes big changes in our
cause them to be more virtuous. thinking habits and dispositions. The Apostle
Second, consider a similar directive given Paul’s directive in Romans 12:1–2 emphasizes
by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:8: this need to change the way we habitually
think and what we think about. He instructed
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, the Romans, “Be not conformed to this world:
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever mind” (verse 2).
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good Various scholars and curriculum reformers
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any have recommended lists of productive thinking
praise, think on these things. habits and dispositions that students in univer-
sities and public schools should be taught to
The structure and meaning of this long develop.11 We don’t have time to discuss many
verse is not as complex as it first appears. To of them, but I would like focus on two thinking
Richard R Sudweeks 5

habits and dispositions that are particularly make predictions, and (3) solve problems that
relevant for students and faculty at a university. he could not have done without this new con-
ceptual knowledge. To the extent that the per-
Two Useful Thinking Habits son’s understanding is inaccurate or incomplete,
Seek Understanding his thinking will be misleading or limited. Hence,
John Biggs and several other scholars have a person’s understanding shapes his thinking.
distinguished between two different approaches The second advantage is that understanding
to learning that they call the “surface approach” is generative. By thinking about the concepts,
and the “deep approach.” The surface approach principles, procedures, and criteria that he
occurs when a student tries to complete an has come to understand, the understanding
assigned learning task with minimum effort person is better able to recognize relationships,
while giving the appearance of having properly construct meaningful analogies, generate new
learned what was expected. Learning to rotely insights, formulate productive questions, and
recite the verbatim definition of a concept or conduct further inquiry activities. In contrast
principle without any understanding of it is one to the inert nature of factual knowledge,
example of the surface approach. Some forms understanding is productive. In other words,
of factual knowledge need to be memorized, understanding provides a basis for acquiring
but memorization becomes a surface approach a new and deeper understanding.
when a student relies on it instead of striving A third advantage of understanding is that it
to understand the ideas to be learned.12 tends to have more staying power. Rote memori-
One of the mistakes students often make zation of factual information may get you past
is to substitute memorization in place of under- a test, but you likely will not retain this informa-
standing. I urge you to develop the habit of tion very long afterwards. Understanding is
striving for understanding whenever you more likely to result in learning that lasts.14
study. Seek to understand the basic ideas,
procedures, and criteria that you encounter Monitor and Manage Your Own Thinking
in whatever subject you are studying. In the Another useful habit to develop is to learn
language of the scriptures, “with all thy how to more effectively monitor and manage
getting get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). your thinking. Mindful people think about
Understanding cannot be developed their own thinking. They consciously strive to
without thinking. To understand a new be aware of the thinking strategies and processes
topic you must thoughtfully process the that they use when they try to solve a problem
new ideas you encounter and relate them or accomplish a cognitively demanding task.
to your prior knowledge. You must integrate In addition, they evaluate the products of their
isolated bits and pieces of information into thinking processes. They question their assump-
some meaningful structure or framework. tions, check their inferences, and attempt to
Understanding has three important advan- validate their interpretations and conclusions.
tages in comparison to rote knowledge. First, They try to distinguish between paths in their
understanding is enabling.13 The person who thought processes that seem to be leading
possesses understanding is able to use his knowl- them toward a successful solution and any
edge flexibly and adaptively. Understanding that might seem to be leading them in an
provides new concepts, principles, procedures, unsuccessful direction.
and criteria to think with. By thinking with these Psychologists use the noun metacognition
new ideas, the person who has developed under- to refer to this kind of thinking about one’s
standing is able to (1) explain relationships, (2) own thinking.15 Metacognition is typically
6 Brigham Young University 2003–2004 Speeches

conceptualized as including two complementary in D&C 4 directs that we “serve him with all
components. The first is to be aware of your own [our] heart, might, mind and strength.”
thinking processes. The second is to monitor, What does it mean to love and serve the
evaluate, and regulate those processes. I encour- Lord with all one’s mind? I don’t claim to have
age you to become proficient in performing any profound answers to this question, but I
both of these aspects of metacognition. You will share with you three simple ideas that
will be a better student and a better lifelong represent my current thinking.
learner if you become proficient at doing both First, Jesus declared Himself to be “the way,
of these. the truth, and the life” ( John 14:6). Therefore,
to love Him with all your mind is to devote all
“With All Thy Mind” your intellectual skills and mental capacities
I invite you now to compare two interesting to learning and knowing the truth. Second, to
passages from the Bible: one from the Old love Him with all your mind means to “always
Testament and one from the New Testament. remember Him”(D&C 20:77, 79) and to make a
Deuteronomy 6:5 contains a commandment in habit of thinking about Him and His teachings
which the Israelites were directed to “love the so that He has an active presence and influence
Lord . . . with all thine heart, and with all thy in your mind. Third, to love and serve Him
soul, and with all thy might.” According to the with all your mind is to consciously choose to
record in Mark 12:30, Jesus quoted this passage be His disciple by striving to habitually think
from Deuteronomy in response to a scribe who the way He would have you think and to do
tried to trick Him by asking Him which was what He would have you do.
the first or greatest commandment in the law. In summary, I suggest that you carefully
If you carefully compare the two passages, examine the thinking habits and dispositions
you will discover that the New Testament that function in your life. Become more aware
account includes the extra phrase “and with of them. Monitor and evaluate them in terms of
all thy mind” that Jesus appears to have the influence they have upon you. Take steps to
inserted. Matthew’s account of this incident manage these habits instead of allowing them
includes the same insertion (see Matthew to manage you.
22:35–37). This textual variation should cause I thank the Lord for blessing us with the
us to “marvel” (D&C 76:18) and to wonder ability to think, and I pray that we will all strive
“why?” and “so what?” to live up to the responsibility that comes with
The Doctrine and Covenants includes a this blessing. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
version of this commandment recorded in
section 59, verse 5. This version also includes Notes
the added idea that we should love the Lord 1. The Teachings of Howard W. Hunter, ed. Clyde J.
with our minds. Williams (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1997), 74.
I do not know why the extra stipulation
to love God with all your mind is included 2. See F. James Rutherford and Andrew Ahlgren,
in the New Testament and in the Doctrine Science for All Americans (New York: Oxford University
and Covenants, but I believe it is a noteworthy Press with the American Association for the Advance-
addition that we ought to ponder. Latter-day ment of Science, 1990); Benchmarks for Science Literacy
Saints should remember that D&C 4:2 contains (New York: Oxford University Press with the American
a directive that is similar to the one we have Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993);
just examined in Mark. Instead of specifying Discovering and Exploring Habits of Mind, ed. Arthur
that we should love the Lord, this parallel verse L. Costa and Bena Kallick (Alexandria, Virginia:
Richard R Sudweeks 7

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop- 9. William Edwy Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New
ment, 2000); Activating and Engaging Habits of Mind, Testament Words, in An Expository Dictionary of Biblical
ed. Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick (Alexandria, Words, ed. Merrill F. Unger and William White, Jr. (1952;
Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curric- dictionaries of Old Testament and New Testament
ulum Development, 2000); and James W. Sire, Habits words originally published as separate works and
of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling reprinted as 2 vols. in 1, Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas
(Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2000). Nelson, revised 1985 with cover copy Vine’s Complete
Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words),
3. See Jonathan Baron, Rationality and Intelligence 525, s.v. “repent”; see also Theodore M. Burton, “The
(Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York: Cambridge Meaning of Repentance,” Ensign, August 1988, 7–8.
University Press, 1985); Robert H. Ennis, “A Taxonomy
of Critical Thinking Dispositions and Abilities,” in 10. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed.,
Teaching Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice, ed. Joan 713, s.v. “let.”
Boykoff Baron and Robert J. Sternberg (New York:
Freeman, 1987), 9–26; Ron Ritchhart, Intellectual 11. See Costa and Kallick, Discovering and Exploring
Character: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Get Habits of Mind; and Ennis, “A Taxonomy,” in Baron
It (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002); David N. Perkins, and Sternberg, Teaching Thinking Skills.
Eileen Jay, and Shari Tishman, “Beyond Abilities:
A Dispositional Theory of Thinking,” Merrill-Palmer 12. See John B. Biggs, Teaching for Quality Learning
Quarterly 39, no. 1 (1993):1–21; and Shari Tishman, at University: What the Student Does (Buckingham
David Perkins, and Eileen Jay, The Thinking [England]; Philadelphia: Society for Research into
Classroom: Learning and Teaching in a Culture Higher Education: Open University Press, 1999).
of Thinking (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995).
13. See David Perkins, “What Is Understanding?”
4. Tishman, Perkins, and Jay, The Thinking Classroom, in Teaching for Understanding: Linking Research with
39; see also 40. Practice, ed. Martha Stone Wiske (San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass, 1998), 39–57; and Ritchhart, Intellectual Character.
5. See Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, The Art of Thinking:
A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought (New York: 14. See Marcia Mentkowski and associates, Learning
Harper and Row, 1984), 40; and Douglas J. Soccio That Lasts: Integrating Learning, Development, and
and Vincent E. Barry, Practical Logic: An Antidote Performance in College and Beyond (San Francisco:
for Uncritical Thinking (Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Jossey-Bass, 2000).
Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 1992).
15. See James G. Greeno, Allan M. Collins, and
6. James Allen, As a Man Thinketh (New York: Lauren B. Resnick, “Cognition and Learning,” in
Crowell, 1913), 7; emphasis in original. Handbook of Educational Psychology, ed. David C.
Berliner and Robert C. Calfee (New York: Macmillan,
7. Martin Seligman in Daniel Goleman, Emotional 1996), 15–46; The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive
Intelligence (New York: Bantam Books, 1995), 246. Sciences, ed. Robert A. Wilson and Frank C. Keil
(Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1999),
8. Richard M. Fox and Joseph P. DeMarco, Moral 533–35, s.v. “metacognition” (by Louis J. Moses
Reasoning: A Philosophic Approach to Applied Ethics and Jodie A. Baird); and Thomas O. Nelson,
(Fort Worth, Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, “Cognition Versus Metacognition,” in The Nature
1990), 21; emphasis added. of Cognition, ed. Robert J. Sternberg (Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1999), 625–41.

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