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Phase III.

Data Gathering

The process of survey will follow where the researchers will distribute the
questionnaires to the respondents, one (1) manager and thirty (30) employees on each fast
food chain in Cebu on scheduled time and date. The participants are asked to sign the
informed consent form as evidence of their willingness to cooperate in the study.
After collecting all the data, the researchers will assess and analyze the findings obtained.

Data collection is to gather precise and accurate information as evidence for analysis

to formulate answers that are credible to the questions posed in the field of study. It is the
most important part and it is undergoing phases for the study to be carried out
successfully. The researcher must first obtain the transmittal letter, survey questionnaires,
and the affidavit of consent. The identification of the study environment and the
respondents will then be pursued. The researchers may begin collecting the information
after the procurement and identification stage. These stages are essential in order to collect
precise information and to prevent future mistakes in the process. Parts of the data
collection process are ethical consideration that the researcher must adhere to. Ethical
consideration plays a critical role in conducting a research study. According to Grand
Canyon University (2019), ethics are the behavioral norms or standards that differentiate
between what is proper and improper. It enables to determine the distinction between
behaviors that are acceptable and unacceptable. The ethical review process may include an
option to request a waiver of signed consent as long as certain other conditions of
protection are met. The consent process is the most important part under the ethical
consideration in which the researchers have a conversation with prospective participants
to ensure that they understand all the key information points, have the opportunity to ask
questions, and understand that they have the right to refuse. The researchers ensure that
subjects are adequately informed about the potential risks and benefits of participation in
the study.

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