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How to become
Parapsychology, psychotronics, extrasensology are currently experiencing
a real boom.  Almost daily press published articles about events p and  inquisitive people
with different possibilities paranormal. Scientists from many countries were interested
in and erios this issue. Scientific results obtained in the last two decades the study of
paranormal phenomena allow their examination of the positions us as human
possibilities, there is a real but unexplored deep within him or to today.
"Human possibilities are limitless," says the author of this book, Albert Ignatenko, an
active member of the Society of Psychologists attached to the Presidium of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, President of the International Center for Psychoenergosuggestion ,
President of the Association of Ukrainian Extra Sensors . I have known the man for more
than ten years, whom the Hungarian journalists recently called "the king of
paraphenomena". Aibert Ignatenko is truly a unique personality, I do not know if there is a
man in the world who has dozens of phenomenal abilities, starting with memory and ending
with the most mysterious in the field of parapsychology and psychoenergy. It is no
coincidence that the Ignatenko phenomenon has attracted the attention of many scientists,
both in our country and abroad.
AG Spirin, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences : "   In my
opinion, A. Ignat enko possesses an unusual capacity , at a very high level,
for remote energetic information action on people and for receiving information
through unusual channels of connection. , which is of great interest to the science that
investigates the phenomenal possibilities of man ".
NE Fedorenko, PhD Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy, member of the
Academy of parapsychology and medicine USA: "... science to penetrate deep into the mental
state of man, searching and determining psychological methods necessary action on its sense
of measure all, it amazes, subjugates and convinces us that in front of us is the master of a
complex genre of art ".                         
L .A. Lepihova, PhD, Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychological Research in
Kiev: "The natural psychophysical peculiarities of A. Ignatenko's personality allowed him to
develop a number of abilities in the process of practicing, which can be recognized as Among
them are, above all, a well-developed figurative memory and a strong ideomotor sensitivity ...
He can correct the perception of the world, human behavior and can even awaken to life
his dormant abilities ... "
AV Zhajnov, head of the laboratory of sociological and psychological works at the
Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute: "I worked for many years with top figures such as Messing
and Kuni. Later, Albert Ignatenko came to our laboratory, with whom we carried out a series
of scientific works. Undoubtedly, Ignatenko's level of possibilities is much higher ... "
For over 25 years Albert Ignatenko has successfully combined scientific and scenic
activity. For many years, parapsychology has been considered a false science, paranormal
phenomena have been denied, and it has taken a great deal of courage from scientists who
have dealt with these problems and a great deal of talent from experimenters such as
Ignatenko. on stage the phenomena of telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance and mental
suggestion without the use of hypnosis.
Concentrated scientific work in the field of suggestology plus huge practical work
allowed A. Ignatenko to form a new direction in world practice -
psychoenergosuggestion. This direction is analyzed in detail in his book, and in life it is
successfully applied by the students and disciples of the first psychoenergosugestologist.
There are hundreds of publications, dozens of scientific articles, several films
dedicated to the Ignatenko phenomenon have been shot. Very interesting from my point of
view are the experiences recorded on film on the action on dead matter and the processes that
take place in it, for example, the influence on the clouds. Albert Ignatenko 's psycho-
energetic possibilities allow him to gather or, conversely, disperse the clouds. Q in the routes
R of elimination of the environmental catastrophe of the Aral, a group of bioenergooperatori
Nikolaev conducted experiments on the concentration of the coating and compressing
clouds cloudy in a certain region. Photos from the cosmos taken during the experiment attest
to the possibility of remote bioenergetic action on the nebula. "In this man, perhaps, the most
amazing thing is not what he can do himself. Although, perhaps very much. The most
amazing thing is that Ignatenko, during his public appearances, he obtains the same
phenomenal qualities from ordinary people "- wrote two years ago the newspaper"
Vecerniaia Moskva ".
"Could you" make "a man a phenomenon without being in direct contact with him? I
asked him once.
"A school without attending the phenomenon," Albert smiled. "It's an interesting
idea." I'll think about it. And here I have in front of me the book "How to become a
phenomenon". Unlike many other books written on the same subject, it arouses a great deal
of confidence in me. Not only because the system proposed by the author is, in the opinion of
many specialties, simple, accessible and provided for a quick learning. I find the basic
conception of his system particularly important: phenomena are not exceptional, supernatural
capacities. They represent what is stored, exists, is in each of us. Phenomena are not
supermen, but the people of the future and every human being has the chance to resemble
Japanese filmmakers who shot the film "Soviet Extrasensors" said of Albert
Ignatenko: "According to our beliefs, this man is fulfilling a certain mission on Earth." I am
not going to judge what the Japanese meant, but I am convinced of one thing - the conception
of the world, the philosophy, the personality of the author of this book serve high, noble,
good and future-oriented goals .
J & .Nautnov Corresponding Member of the International Association of
What flames, will they wing me
And who broke my chains and handcuffs
And the fear of death and the terrible door
How rare are those who go out?
Years, months and days, playful time
(Children of the time), the reckless court
Q n that - steel, not m-defense treasure
And the enemy didn't make a lamb either ...
With safe wings he crossed the high,
Crystal sticks don't scare me,
And the flight to infinity does not end ...
And from my globe I rise to another,
An etheric field beyond sings to me
And what others barely see, I leave behind!
Giordano BRUNO
It has been more than three centuries since the author of these lines, Giordano
Bruno was burned at the stake for that redinţa into the multiplicity of inhabited worlds. Much
has changed over the three hundred years in our knowledge of the world and the
universe. But to what extent did we get closer to the Truth? What do we know about the laws
of the Universe, about the place of Man in the Universe, the meaning of life, about the
mysterious and visible mechanisms of the Cosmos?
Every age brings its knowledge and original truths are included in f and each of
the existing philosophical systems. For a long time, materialists and idealists argued over the
cause. primary of existence. Materialists consider matter to be paramount, idealists -
consciousness, energologists - energy.
Contemporary atomic physics, elementary particle theory, have brought these
three categories together in an inseparable interconnection. And then, man's thinking, on a
new one. stage of development, he turned again to the primordial mystery of life — the
mystery of Man.
It is impossible to know the Universe without knowing Man. And at the same
time, by studying and understanding himself, Man discovers the whole world, those laws,
which create and govern the world.
Starting from the contemporary models of the Universe, it is necessary to analyze
our existence through the conception: Man-Earth-Cosmos, that is, through the unity between
the micro and the macrocosm. She wrote, for example, on the subject the great modern
philosopher aca demicianul VI Vernadsky: "Man first understand actually, he is the planet's
inhabitants and may have to think and act in a new aspect, not only the aspect of the disparate
personality, of the family or of the people, of the state or of its allies, but also from the
planetary aspect.He, like any being, can think and act from a planetary aspect only in the field
of life To the earth, to which he is inextricably linked, according to objective laws, and from
which he cannot emerge. Its existence represents its function. "
Nature does not give us knowledge, we acquire it in the struggle with the
difficulties it creates. And if until now human development took place according to the
genetic programs imposed by nature, now something else is needed. Man's evolution must
begin with his own effort, the manifestation of his Will and Faith in his unlimited
How can this be done? There are many schools and systems for the psychological
development of man. Everyone has the freedom to choose. You may be interested in the self-
improvement system I propose. He starts from the conception that "man is the microcosm",
analyzes the phenomena from the position of one of the last theories given to mankind, in my
opinion, fundamental and all-encompassing - the AUM system, which presents the practice of
human bioenergy development.
Cosmic knowledge is proper to our natural thinking. But do many of us feel like a
"microcosm-macrocosm" system? Take the first step on the path to self-perfection.
Sit in a comfortable armchair and meditate. Close your eyes, take the position of
the "visit": feet glued, knees slightly apart, hands on knees, palms up, relax, remove foreign
thoughts, enter into harmony with the cosmos. Imagine: I am the microcosm. All the
processes that take place in the Universe take place in me. I'm a flow of energy, I'm
plasma. All around me is cosmic energy, I see it with my eyes closed and I feel it. The energy
of the Cosmos penetrates me. I feel it in the form of a pleasant wave, which fills every cell of
my body. My energy enters the energy of the Cosmos. I merge with the macrocosm, with the
Universe. My "I-1" cells are inseparable. I feel macrocosm. The cells, my "I-1", are as strong
as the macrocosm. I rest. The pleasant fusion gave me strength and confidence in myself, in
my possibilities. Knowing the Cosmos, I knew myself. Creative ideas have emerged. I can
create. I have set myself a noble goal and I can achieve it.
              And now, counting to ten, I will enter the usual state, but everything I
felt, saw, and said remains in me and will be realized by my psyche and every cell of the
One - the body is light and fresh.
Two - hands, feet are light.
Three-trunk is easy.
Four - the thoughts are clear, the memory works great.
Five - thoughts become more precise.
Six - every cell of the body is strong, quiet and commanded by me.
Seven is easy, pleasant and good for me.
Eight - I knew myself.
Nine — everything I set out to accomplish.
Ten — the body is light, fresh, the head clear and clear.
You can open your eyes. Get up and walk around the room. This meditative exercise
facilitates spiritual growth. Each time after performing the exercise, I advise you to think about the
qualities that lead to "purity": truth, sincerity, desire to do good to others and not to hurt them with
thought, word, deed ... Remember the said Rabindranat Tagore: "... in order to gain power, you
must obey the law of universal forces and be penetrated by the consciousness that they are
yours." No one will ever understand the real possibilities if, apart from the natural desire to become
a phenomenon, he does not fully understand that man is a particle of the macrocosm, that is, under
the power of the universal laws of nature. And only by subordinating themselves to them can one
find oneself in oneself , with unlimited possibilities
Modern cosmology considers our universe as the host of several worlds, each with its own
characteristics, its own state of matter and time. The knowledge gained through the
information field of the earth, as well as the many brilliant hypotheses of scientists on the
theory of space and time, give us the opportunity to conclude on the multidimensionality of
our universe. Seven dimensions of the worlds are known today. We live in three-dimensional
space with the coordinates: height, width, length, and the function of time is sensitive to any
mechanical or biological movement. But in our material world there are much more subtle
phenomena, which receive in the following dimensions the characteristics of time. The
development will, lime, intellect, intuition, love, are the spatial coordinates four, five, six
seven dimensiuni.Universul We crossed the subtle substance desprecare mentioned in many
philosophers of antiquity cosmological -Absolutul, which has an infinite number of
dimensions. The past, the present, the future are united in the Absolute. Besides our Universe,
in the Absolute there are other universes, but their knowledge is still difficult to access even
for more advanced civilizations on other planets. Our universe unites thirteen worlds, seven
main worlds , five intermediate worlds and one opposite world, the world of "dark"
forces. An interesting classification of these worlds is proposed by the AUM system, which
has researched the laws of harmony and beauty in the Universe (fig. 1).
The Absolute The first world, three-dimensional, is well known to us. Matter and
energy correspond to the oscillations of red waves and are in harmony with the vibrations of the
"do" sound in the first octave.
The second world, etheric, has no living beings. The energy corresponds to the
oscillations of the orange color waves and the "re" note. The energy of this world is consumed for
the movement of living beings on earth.
The third world is the astral. Matter is the gravitational field of the Moon. The energy
and matter correspond to the oscillations of the yellow waves and the "mi" note.
The fourth world - (four-dimensional space) - is the mental one. Matter is the
gravitational field of the planets of the Solar System. The energy and matter correspond to the
oscillations of the green waves and the "fa" note.
  Powder (black)  
  13th World (brown)  
Do Three-dimensional (red) 3 dim.
Do- Intermediate (red-orange) 3.25
pound dim.
Re Ethereal (orange) 3.25  di
Re- Intermediate (Light orange) 3.25
hash dim.
mi Astral (yellow) 3.5 dim.
fa Mental (green) 4 dim.
Make Mental-karmic (the color of the sea 4.5 dim.
hash waves)
groun Karmic (blue) 5 dim
Sol- Intuitive-karmic (light blue) 5.5 m.
to Intuitive (blue) 6 dim.
La- Supermen (wave color + purple) 6.5 dim.
And Nirvana (violet) 7 dim
The fifth world— (five-dimensional space) —is the karmic world. Matter is the
gravitational field of the Sun. Matter and energy correspond to the oscillations of blue waves and
the note "ground".
The sixth world - (hexadimensional space) - is the intuitive world. Matter is the
gravitational field of our galaxy and corresponds to the oscillations of blue waves and
the "la" note .
The seventh world— (seven-dimensional space) —is Nirvana (the world of love).
Matter is the gravitational field of the Universe and corresponds to the purple color and the "and"
There is also the mirror reflection of Nirvana - the thirteenth world. The opposite
feeling of love, which leads to creation - the feeling of hatred, which leads to destruction. The
matter and energy of the thirteenth world correspond to the brown waves, the note is missing. In the
Hindu religion it is called the world of Shiva, in Christianity - the world of Lucifer. This world is
spread throughout the Universe, but the basic planet of the thirteenth world is considered the Earth,
which thus becomes the center of the universal struggle. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that
there are wonderful conditions on Earth for both rapid development and just as rapid degradation.
Each of the thirteen worlds has the same importance for the Absolute. This cosmic
dependence is expressed in painting: the fusion of the main colors creates a unique, global color -
white or black. Ac EAST Absolute color. Q n music consonance of two sounds, for example, "do"
in the first and second octave, comprising all twelve tones of the first octave. There is an interesting
correlation in the painting. If you mix all the colors of the rainbow in one, you get the color white
(the chain of creation and love). If the same thing is done, but changing the color purple (love) to
brown (hatred), you will get the color black (chain of destruction).
In music, in addition to the seven main notes (seven worlds), there are five
complementary ones, called sharps and flats (intermediate worlds).
Let us consider that the thirteenth world can replace the twelfth world, in order to create
the black chain of destruction. If we compare the known laws of harmony in music and painting
with the principles of the given system, we find an interesting legitimacy. For example, the
consonant (harmonized) chord — the "do" note and the "fa" note in the first octave correspond to
red and green — the harmonious combination of painting, and in our system life on Earth (red) and
the development of the intellect (green) give a perfect development in Karma.
If, for example, we examine the dissonance (disagreement) of the notes "mi" and "fa",
then their corresponding dimensions in our system, astral (vitality, active spirit, vigor) and mental
(force of logic, thinking, concentration) make up a dissonance, which often manifests itself
in people through over-tension and overwork. Those who wish can draw many useful conclusions
by researching this issue in more detail.

Man is the child of the Cosmos. All our organs are in relation to the forces circulating
in the cosmos. Q in accordance with the teaching thantrică, subtle worlds create individual body,
which also Universe consists of seven basic world has seven main bodies. These bodies are
composed of the matter and energy of the corresponding worlds, they interact with them, they
receive information from them. All subtle bodies are in close interdependence communicating with
their world through certain energy centers - the chakras - which are located on the inside of the
spine. (Figure 2 shows the main chakras, their location and connections).
Subtle bodies are very complex structures compared to the physical body, and their
physiology has been insufficiently studied.
The etheric body, according to clairvoyant observations, is 3-4 cm. And more
outside the limits of the physical body. During the intrauterine period, the dense body is
formed according to the matrix of the etheric body and represents its copy. Throughout life,
the etheric body fulfills the function of builder and restorer of the dense body. A healthy
etheric body is characterized by a good reserve of energy, which passes through the dense
body acting positively on its organs. Many researchers believe that the chakras of the
physical plane MULADHARA and SVADHISTHANA belong to the etheric body. In my
opinion, these are two independent shots quite close in terms of energy functions as chakra
MULAD HARA plays a role linking physical energy center (Ajna chakra) and psychical
energy center (chakra SAHASRARA). MULADHARA, absorbs the energy fields of the
Earth necessary for the physical body. SVADHISTHANA, which produces the inner energy,
feeds on food of food origin, which it distributes through its meridians to the organs of the
physical body and transmits it to those energy centers, with which it is in direct
connection. The correlations between SVADHISTHANA and the other frames determine the
importance of the influence of food on our energetic manifestations (MANTPURA chakra),
sexuality (MULADHARA chakra), emotional sphere (ANAHATA chakra). '
The astral body is composed of the matter of the astral world - the matter of the
gravitational field of the Moon, it is endowed with a great fluidity and, depending on the
emotional state, it can take different shapes and sizes. In the astral body we can move
momentarily in the area of action of the gravitational field of the Moon.
The main chakra of the astral body is MANIPURA. This center represents the
accumulator and the energy distributor developed in the other chakras. Through PURE HANDS
the connection with the energy and matter of the astral world is maintained.
The mental body (reason, judgment) is connected to the physical one through the
Chinese channels, consists of the matter of four-dimensional space and has, in addition to a certain
volume, an extension in time. The higher the intellect is in development, the more beautiful the
mental body. He is the strongest body of the personality, and the apogee of the soul is the body of
NIRVANA. The mental body, like the mental world in the Universe, is the center of the cosmic
organism. We use them as support in all our actions and behaviors, so the weakness of the mental
body is not desirable: we may find ourselves with many lives outside of evolution. The mental
body has a primary mental chakra system called AUM - central, depending on its location relative
to other frames and placed the goat Anahi T A. Q in addition to main chakras, the mental body has
some subchakre that links it to other some subtle bodies. It has the greatest influence on the mental
body under the NIRVANA chakra.
Our "I" master is the karmic body. It contains the causes of all the manifestations of the
lower planes, all the subconscious environments of previous lives, which determine our individual
life, our destiny. The most important characteristic of the karmic body is the direction of all the
functions of the cosmic organism. The development of this body gives the possibility to go through
the previous lives and, later, the possibility to concentrate one's own "self". The karmic body is
connected to the karmic world through the VISHUDHA chakra.
The next body, the intuitive one, is connected to the intuitive world through the AJNA
chakra, sometimes called the "third eye." AJNA is the source of intuitive enlightenment and
embodies the unconscious sphere of consciousness, that is, "superconsciousness." The intuitive
body, to a greater or lesser extent, is developed in all people. Many have gone through the
experience when, for a moment, intuition gave the wisest solution. The power of the intuitive body

is immense, in its power is both the vision of the past and the future.
NIRVANA-ANAHATA body chakra - coincides with the heart plexus, is a link
between the physical body and N1RVANA's body through its own heart. The body of NIRVANA
is the merging of our self with the Universe, the unification with Truth and Love.
The last body - the body of the Absolute - is a result of the development of all seven
bodies of the cosmic organism. The chakra of the body of the Absolute - SAHASRARA - is a
unique center of energy, which accompanies after death the subtle body in the cosmic
spheres. Through the SAHASRARA chakra the spirit of the human being is found in. permanent
connection with the Universal Spirit. And if we take into account the fact that the meaning of our
existence is to perfect our karmic baggage, then the goat SAHASRARA is assigned the most
important role - that of regulating our behavior in accordance with the meaning of life.
In addition to the seven basic bodies and the 8th totalizer (the Absolute), there are five
intermediate bodies, related to their worlds. In conclusion, the diagram looks like this: light chain: 7
main bodies + 5 intermediate bodies + one body
totalizer (purple color) = 13 dark chain: 7 main bodies + 5 intermediate bodies    + one
totalizer body ( brown color) = 13

chakras Location Color Body

SAHASRARA the center of the scalp white absolute

ANAJHATA vertebra 5-6 of the spine, plexus of the heart violet Nirvana

AJNA cervical vertebra 2, frontal triangle blue Intuitive

V1S HUDHA vertebra 1 of the spine, the level of the thyroid gland blue karmic
CENTRAL 5 vertebra of the spine green Mental
MAN1PURA 5th lumbar vertebra 2 cm above the navel yellow Astral
Svadhisthana in the lower abdomen ui orange (orange) It  's teric
MULADHARA in the region of the coccyx Red FUC


A well-developed etheric body (orange) excludes diseases, makes man resilient and fit
for work. All subtle bodies take energy from the etheric body. Etheric energy very often and is the
astral body. With the development of the orange body, the astral body and two intermediate bodies
develop: red-orange (do-diez) and light-orange ( re-diez).
The indicators of the strong development of the etheric body are: physical health,
endurance, work capacity, suppleness of the body, physical strength, potency. Recommendations
for its development: respiratory gymnastics, hatha-yoga, all forms of sports, rational nutrition,
regular starvation, exercises to restore the energy consumed (according to my system: exercises No.
1 and No. 2).
The most important qualities of the Astral body (yellow) are: vigor, active spirit,
vitality, ability to be cheerful, to feel joy and to laugh with all one's heart. The high degree of astral
development is related to the science of deep identification with another individual model, art,
inspiration. There are special methods of astral development. These include daily baths in cold
water (water is related to astral energies), walking barefoot on the ground, meditations on taste,
smell, heat, cold, etc.
The indicators of the strong development of the mental body (green) are: creation,
resistance to intellectual work, the amount and general volume of knowledge, the power of logic,
logical memory, speed in thinking, love for philosophical and exact sciences, exclusion of emotions
in thought, science self-control. In the accumulation of knowledge and development of the intellect,
are often factors braking feeling of superiority, pride, overexcitability and
excess the exercise. Excluding them will facilitate the rapid development of the mental body.
The karmic world is more subtle and dynamic than the mental one. Q. In many studies
psychical development, karmic body is given particular importance sometimes decisive. The power
of karmic development is linked to the knowledge of the individual and to the realization of the
most important law of karmic development: the precise accomplishment of all the norms and laws
of those structures, of which we are an integral part. A good karmic development allows the
continuous removal of one's own harmful habits and the practice of alienation, non-
identification. The latter requires a continuous control over one's own thoughts and emotions,
which facilitates the preservation of psychic energy and the development in the plan of all color
shades. The indicators of strong karmic development are: perfect attention, economy of forces,
means, time, energy, fulfillment of duty, the science of working efficiently, maximum
concentration, selflessness, precise achievement and respect for pre-established human
relationships. Within a karmic development of 100% and above this percentage, its energy is
transformed into other forms of cosmic development, and an additional percentage of development
in karma provides a percentage and a half in another plane.
The development of the intuitive body (blue) is related to the development of intuition
(the power to perceive harmony or lack of harmony in an object, concept, phenomenon). The main
indicators of the development of the intuitive body are: love for harmony, beauty, intuitive sense of
consonances or dissonances, knowledge of the laws of harmony of the world around, ability to
visualize, sharpness of visual and auditory memory, practice of dreaming, development of spiritual
vision. -third eye ").
The technique of entering the dream can be successfully mastered by the one who has
reached perfection in self-practice. The first step is self-awareness in a dream, a clear understanding
of where you sleep, where you sleep, who you are, what your name is, and so on. For this it is
necessary to master the practice of self-suggestion and to repeat before falling asleep and after
waking up the formula: "I am in a dream, I remember my name, I am aware that I am
sleeping". Subsequently, this awareness gradually expands.
One of the most effective means of developing the "third eye" is visualization. At the
beginning, we must learn, in a state of relaxation, to imagine a color and to hear its corresponding
sound. Then we can try to see and hear combinations of colors and sounds, imagine geometric
figures and volumes. If the "third eye" is well developed, the luminous emanations of subtle bodies,
the color shades of the human aura, become visible.
If you want to grow up in Nirvana, you must first of all be aware of the most important
enemy - the "ego" or self-love, which does not allow for purple growth. All negative traits: fear,
envy, hatred, jealousy, pride, lying, lack of faith are creations, first of all, of our ego, self-love and
perception of the world in terms of benefits for my own self. . The other form of love is
characterized by the love of all that is outside the limits of one's own self and represents the
indicator of a strong development of Nirvana's body. These indicators include: the spirit of sacrifice
and the desire to live for others, compassion and repentance, sensitivity of heart, faith and trust,
aspirations to unification, etc. The development of Nirvana's body can be facilitated by meditations
combined with states of relaxation, unification and dissolution of the self, focusing on the heart,
perfecting the qualities that lead to purity: sincerity, truthfulness, benevolence, cordiality, honesty
and kindness.
All the qualities opposite to the color purple correspond to the brown world. Its
characteristics are: anger and annoyance, inclination to violence and the desire to rule, lying and
deception, sarcasm and wickedness, unforgiving character and lack of faith, fear and fear, envy and
jealousy, greed and theft.
The harmonious combination of the best qualities, of all the ways of development
represents the body of the Absolute. The 100% development of all bodies makes it possible for the
all-encompassing energy of the Absolute - KUNDALINI-SHAKTI - to rise through all the chakras
to its white half and allow man to receive information from the Absolute, reaching the journey to
the Absolute. But in order to awaken KUNDALINI and pass through its channels, it is necessary to
have a well-developed subtle body, where KUNDALINI has penetrated, to have clean channels, to
have a strong karma for directing the proper body and an expanded consciousness for receiving
information coming from the world. subtle. The best meditations for the development of white are
those that include several centers simultaneously. It should be noted that the full balance of
development of all subtle bodies is not desirable, because the balance prevents growth and,
consequently, progress to a new level. It is necessary to change the rhythm, which is created by the
conscious non-observance of the balance, ie the passage to the forefront of a single mode of
Among the intermediate bodies, the most important role in the development of the
cosmic organism is played by the mental-karmic, intuitive-karmic and supermental bodies .
Mental-karmic development (the color of the waves, ie green + blue) requires the
combination of intelligence and will. Other indicators: control over intelligence, ability to make
wise decisions, systematization of knowledge and philosophical ideas, ability to work for the goal,
clarity of thought. He develops well the color of the waves of the sea, the permanent practice of
control over the intellect, the removal of useless thoughts and images.
Unlike the mental-karmic image, in which the purpose and means for achieving this
body are established, in the intuitive-karmic development (light blue) the goal and means are
chosen intuitively. The main indicators of development are: the combination of karmic qualities
with the qualities of beauty and harmony, the artistic propagation and systematization of
knowledge, the use of art for meditation and the increase of psychic forces.
Supermental development (sea wave + purple) is the harmonious combination of
intellect, will and love. At its core is a strong judgment for the good of the people. Other indicators
of supermental development: love for the Truth, wisdom, knowledge of the laws of the Universe,
the spread of philosophical and scientific knowledge.
The problem of consciousness is one of the most complex in modern
psychology. scientists carefully study the parameters and characteristics specific to
consciousness (clarity, continuity of flow, active spirit, targeting the object, etc.). However
not all pshihologii accepts parameters that onştiinţei capacity (efficiency) and density. In each
individual the capacity for attention is different: from the awareness of the self and one's own
actions to the awareness of full unification with the Cosmos (Superconsciousness).
Each body of the cosmic organism has its own energy of consciousness. The more
developed these bodies are, the more comprehensive their consciousness is. The greatest
amount of information is accessible to the bodies of Nirvana, Karrnic, Mental. The total light
from the red to the green body is the consciousness of the person, from light green to purple
is the Consciousness of the Soul, the Consciousness of the Absolute, the Consciousness of the
Spirit. The purification of the cosmic organism of dark colors helps to purify the
At the level of the Central Chakra there is a bright point of oval shape inside the
energetic contour. This point is the Light of Consciousness, which interprets the information that
comes to it from all sides. Q inside contour bright point can move, so the perception of our world is
different for each contour noi.Deplasarea point off limits allow receiving information from other
worlds. Moving the point requires a lot of energy, the ability to keep the light of consciousness in
the new position, ie a special program of psychophysical exercise. Man attains absolute
consciousness during the raising of the Kundalini to the Sahasrara.
The technique of directing Consciousness is related to the category of
Attention. Psychology defines this category as follows: "Attention is the concentration of
Consciousness on one or more objects, which ensures its particularly intense reflection."
The state of deep concentration of attention is the first factor of great importance. Once
we have mastered the technique of deep concentration of attention, we can learn to maintain the
point of light of Consciousness in any place of the energetic contour.
Later it is necessary to master the technique of stability (duration) of Attention. This
results in the resistance of maintaining the point of the Light of Consciousness in any place of the
energetic contour.
The next important parameter is the ability to quickly switch attention. By developing
this ability we can learn to move quickly from one point of the Light of Consciousness to another
within the energetic contour.
And, finally, the highest stages of attention development are its volume (yield) and
distributive character. The volume of attention of an ordinary person comprises 5-7 objects. But
after successfully grasping more than 10 objects and actions, man instantly ignites a few points of
the Light of Consciousness — the transition to perfected consciousness. If attention captures a few
objects, but the amount of Light of Consciousness is transmitted unequally (to one object more, to
another less), then we are talking about the distributive character of attention. This important
parameter offers the possibility to return the point of Consciousness to its normal state.
Developing concentration, stability and quick switching of attention can be helped with
the exercises I suggest:
1. Take an object (for example, a box of matches), place it in front of you and try to
focus your attention on this object for a minute, thinking only of it. But how? Let's say, in the
following way: "The box has a rectangular shape, it has this color, it has a label, there are so many
sticks inside, I like the box, it can be made into a box, the box can float on water like a boat,
etc." (This exercise also develops imagination.) At first they will bother you, they will "penetrate"
foreign thoughts, they must be banished, but if you fail, you better stop. Exercise until the first
signs of fatigue appear, starting with one minute and adding half a minute each day, increasing the
concentration time to five to seven minutes. I recommend that the exercise be done twice a day, in
the morning and in the evening two to three hours before bed for three months. In the second
month, the exercise can be complicated: in parallel with focusing on the matchbox, the music is
released (distraction factor).   
2. This exercise is often presented by yogis to demonstrate the focus technique. I take a
few different pebbles, throw them on the table and look at them for three seconds. Then, describe
in detail each pebble (their color, shape, size, number). I advise you and your children to exercise
this ability to concentrate.   
As you have noticed, the exercises I have proposed are simple, but when you do them
you must strictly follow the following rule: do not overtrain.
Manipulating the conscience is a dangerous thing, yogis need decades to develop this
technique. In my system, the result can be obtained more quickly, provided that all the systems of
subtle bodies are harmoniously developed and the methods of psychoenergetics are well mastered.
Exceptional results for increasing the parameters of Consciousness offer the exercise of
Memory, which also facilitates the development of one's own phenomenal qualities (telepathy,
verbal suggestion, clairvoyance, etc.)
Psychology defines Memory as follows: "Memory is the reflection of the direct and
past experience of man by the retention, preservation and subsequent representation of feelings,
thoughts and images previously experienced by him, of previously perceived objects and
phenomena." Each of our cosmic bodies has its own memory. The light of Consciousness leaves
traces not only on the physical body (DNA and RNA molecules) but also in the matter of subtle
bodies, hence the large number of forms of memory. In the case of conscious memorization, it is
desirable to switch several forms of Memory so that the recording enters several bodies
simultaneously. This makes it easier to reproduce what was recorded . Let's look at some forms of
Verbal-logic - the  ability to retain information based on logical connections. It
develops through logical reasoning (for example, on the edge of a read text). The Sahasrara, Ajna
and Muladhara chakras have a great influence on the development of this kind of memory.
Intuitive  - the ability to retain in memory frames, the hologram of information seen by
focusing attention. The chakras that influence the development of Intuitive Memory are: Sahasrara,
Ajna, Vishudha.
Motor - the ability to reproduce a seen motor operation. The chakras that influence the
development of motor memory are: Muladhara, Ajna, Manipura.
Emotional  - the ability to memorize and reproduce a certain emotion,
sensation. Emotionally lived moments are better remembered for longer. The chakras that
influence its development are: Anahata, Ajna, Muladhara, Sahasrara.
The phenomenal indicators of Mechanical and Spontaneous Memory are ensured by
the one hundred percent development of the astral body. The karmic body has great possibilities for
storing and reproducing information. The characteristics of Memory also improve in the case of
a strong mental development (extensive and lasting knowledge).
1. For the verbal-logical and figurative memory .             
Sit in a comfortable position, easy to relax. Read a short text carefully, select the main
details, images, constituents. Then, with your eyes closed, try to reproduce it, imagine and try to see
in your mind what you have read down to the smallest detail. Schematically, this process will look
as follows (fig. 3).
For example, you have divided the text into ten parts (groups). Suppose the fourth
group escaped from Memory. How to remember and reconstruct what has been lost from
Memory? The development given in the diagram will help you. If the "surface" text did not occur,
read it again. I recommend that you take a text of up to ten sentences at the beginning. Gradually
you can enlarge it to one page and so on
2. For Intuitive-Photographic Memory.
Prepare a sheet of paper with nine squares. Ask someone to write the numbers in these
squares. Examine the numbers and try to memorize their order and all the features of the writing
(spelling). The exercise will be done daily, until the first signs of fatigue. Memory time: at first nine
seconds, then decreases to three seconds. Subsequently, the number of squares with digits can be
gradually increased. The same method can be used for working with text.
3. Universal exercise of practicing all forms of Memory, related to the attempt to
move the point of Consciousness in time.
Before going to bed, sit in a comfortable position and try to make a "roll" of the day,
that is, to recall all the events of the previous day in reverse order. Strive to remember your
feelings, worries, images, texts , etc. at the same time.

This exercise should be done daily for a year. After a long practice, you can move the point
of the Light of Consciousness into the past and you will be able to mentally review every day, hour,
minute of your life.
Self-suggestion methods give good results for practicing Memory. For example, before
memorizing certain information, relax easily and give mental command: "Everything I see, hear,
feel, I will memorize easily; I will remember very well and I will be able to remember at any time
what I need it. My memory is elastic and commanded by me. I can remember everything as soon
as I want to. " After that, start storing. To develop a lasting memory, it is necessary to perform this
exercise three times a day for a year.
If you do not master the method of self-suggestion, which makes it much more efficient
to perform Memory commands, I suggest you learn a quick exercise.
Standing, close your eyes, relax a little and give the mental command: "When I say
'three' I will fall on my back. 'One' - I am pulled back, 'two' - I am pulled even further back," three "-
fall on your back. Stop! The feeling of falling is gone". (try to say the word "stop" not when you
touch the ground but a little earlier). You must be in a passive state: you must not strongly want to
fall, but neither must you oppose yourself. If you've mastered "falling" on the "three" count, try the
"one" count. Then you can use the following formula to improve memory autosugestionare: "My
memory retains everything I needed. Q at any time through a mental command, I can remember
everything." After that, continue storing the information. The exercise will be done three times a
day for a year.
For those who want to achieve phenomenal results in the development of Memory, I
recommend keeping a daily journal, which will help them to fix and analyze the positive and
negative factors that influence the processes of memorization, storage and reproduction of
information (Fig. 4).
As a foundation of cosmic development, the existence of the individual on earth must
be considered as the healthiest and most useful unit of society. The practice of the psyche
must take place in accordance with an active life. Nothing favors the development of the red
plan as much as the aspiration for physical, mental and energetic health.
Physical health.
The recommendations for maintaining our physical body, in the order given below,
are quite simple, but must be strictly followed.
The first rule refers to a rational and balanced diet. I suggest the following diet:
breakfast - juices, fruits; lunch — juices, fresh vegetable salads, vegetable, meat or fish
soups, and fruit desserts; dinner — just like lunch, but no soup. A minimum consumption of
bread, salt, sugar is desirable. Exclude coffee and chocolate from the diet, as it slightly
excites the cells.
The second rule is to clean the body of various residues in time. An enema
accompanied by starvation should be performed once a week for 24 hours. In addition, it is
very useful to perform regular cleaning of all internal organs, for which folk medicine
provides very effective recipes. Here are some of them.
Prophylactic cleaning (for all internal organs): The usual dragee is used. Boil and drink in
the winter in the form of concentrated tea for 3-4 weeks.
Cleaning of salts (if deposited): cover two tablespoons of husked rice with water and leave
for 24 hours. Boil in the morning (after boiling, boil for another 5 minutes) and consume on the
stomach naked. It is desirable that after this 4-6 hours nothing is consumed. The treatment is done
every two weeks, twice a year. It is an effective prophylactic variant.
To eliminate calcareous deposits good results are obtained using the following recipe: 3
packets of bay leaves (50 g each) are required. First day: pour 300 g of water into an enameled
bowl and put half a packet of bay leaves, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove
the pan from the heat and cover for 3 hours. Pour the liquid into a glass and drink in small sips
throughout the day. The procedure is repeated on the second and third day. In a week, the three-day
cycle is repeated, and in a year it will be repeated for six days.
Cleansing the liver : use marigolds (dried). Boil 40 g of flowers or plants in a liter of
water. Q during the day, the amount of drink three times with 20 min. before eating. The treatment
lasts 2-3 weeks.
Removal of liver stones: prepare a mixture of 100 g of olive oil and 100 g of fresh lemon
juice, the mixture is cooled to + 10 degrees Celsius. First day: have lunch, not dinner. Before going
to bed, sitting in bed and constantly stirring the composition, drink in small sips. After you fall
asleep, you don't have to get up. The next day: there is an enema in the morning. During the day
drink only boiled water, slightly sweetened with honey and with the addition of salt with lemon or
juice. In the evening there is an enema again. Third day: enema in the morning. Boiled vegetables
and fruits will be eaten during the day. After one of the enemas, intense green stones will appear. If
no stones appear after the last enema, then the procedure is repeated in five days. Otherwise, the
procedure is repeated in two weeks .
Kidney cleansing: one and a half months a year will drink magnetized water.
Lymph cleansing. (Complex method of detoxification).
In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of the following
mixture: a tablespoon of Glauber salt (sodium sulfate) to a glass of water. Prepare a mixture
of 2 liters of citrus juice and 2 liters of water (a total of 4 liters); the juice is prepared from: 4
large or 6 small grapefruits, 1-3 lemons, up to 2 liters to be completed with orange juice. Add
2 liters of water. The mixture will be consumed in 30 minutes. after
taking Glauber's salt . The treatment continues every 20-30 minutes, consuming average
amounts throughout the day (350-400 g). You can not eat anything and only if there is a
strong feeling of hunger eat a few oranges. Before going to bed, make an enema (2 liters of
water with the addition of lemon juice). The procedure is repeated for 3 days. As a result, 12
liters of diseased acid lymph are eliminated from the body . In all 3 days drink only juices, eat
raw vegetables and fruits, drink water with Glauber salt on an empty stomach .
Cleansing blood vessels and raising the general tone of the physical body:
the plants are used: chamomile, St. John's wort, siminoc, birch buds. Take 100 g of each plant and
put in a 3 1 jar, close the jar (storage method). Preparation: boil 0.5 1 water, add a tablespoon of
herbs, leave for 20 min, strain. To 250 g of the mixture add a teaspoon of honey, mix and drink
before bed. The remaining 250 g is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, warmed and with
the addition of honey. Q. In this way the entire mixture is used. The procedure is repeated in 5
The third rule necessary for the development of the physical body is a good physical load
accompanied by a sufficient physical exhaustion (until abundant perspiration). At least once a week
to take a steam bath.
Mental health .
Permanent self-control, introspection, self-perception, self-education, etc., are important
parameters of mental health development. the perfect mastery of the self-exercise system allows to
influence easily the psychophysiological sphere of the organism.
I suggest you learn two simple exercises, which will become the key to your psyche, will
allow you to direct the psychic processes .
Sit comfortably in an armchair, hands on your knees, close your eyes. The self-suggestion
formula is: "At the number" 10 "the hands will become heavy, they will stick strongly to the legs
and I will not be able to lift them. One - the hands start to stick to the feet. Two - the hands become
heavier. Three, four "My hands are tight. Five, six - my hands are tight. Seven, eight - I can't get my
hands off my feet. The more I try to get them off, the harder they stick. Nine, ten - my hands." they
are very close to my feet and I can't lift them, and now when I say "five" my hands will become
light, free, mobile and, after this exercise, any suggestion will be made by my psyche. light, mobile,
detach from the legs. Three, four - the hands have become lighter, more mobile, they have
completely detached. Five, six - the hands are light, free mobile. " And now, for a minute, you can
give any necessary and pre-programmed guidance to your psyche.
Same position, eyes closed. Suggestive formula: "At number" thirteen "my nervous system
will strengthen, my body will become lighter, fresh, mobile. One, two — every cell of my central
nervous system is strong, quiet, and directed by me. Three, four - the nervous system has
strengthened, calmed down.Five, six - the nervous system is strong, calm and directed by me.At
any time, any mental command will be performed always and anywhere by my psyche.At the
number "five", the body will become fresh, light, calm and finish the exercise One - the body is
light, fresh, calm Two - the hands, the legs are light Three - the torso is light Four - the thoughts are
pleasant, fresh, calm Five - the head is clear fresh, clear. " The exercise is over. Open your eyes, get
up, shake, and walk around the room.
Energy health.
From my point of view, physical and mental health depend to a large extent on the body's
energy balance. If a strong energy, people basically do not get sick, and knowing the methods of
charging bioenergy provides self-regeneration organis Mulu at the cellular level. We have
developed a set of exercises on energy regulation and growth. This issue will be examined in detail
in the "Bioenergy" chapter. Until then, I propose an effective recipe that contributes to increasing
the energy potential of the physical body (internal energy).
Take 100 g of wheat (untreated with chemicals), sprinkle on a clay plate, wash several
times with water. When the water is clean, a part is drained and left only as long as it is at the level
of the upper layer of the grains. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for 1-3 days. During
wheat germination, water is added. When germs with a size of 1 mm appear, the wheat is washed
again several times. Boil a glass of milk and pour over the wheat. Add a teaspoon of honey and a
teaspoon of butter. Heat to normal temperature and consume. This is the daily portion. Sprouted
wheat can be eaten at any time of the day, for half a month, while reducing the consumption of
flour products. This treatment should be applied every year.
I am familiar with philosophical systems, which look at the phenomenon of Life as the
unification of two fundamental elements - Spirit and Matter. The thread that connects these two
categories is Consciousness, which in turn is the only one that connects two other categories: Life
and Death. "The Light of Consciousness is Life, the interruption of the Light of Consciousness is
Death", - said the ancient philosophers and saw the meaning of Life in the extension of the Light of
Consciousness, the attainment of Full Consciousness, which is not interrupted after the Death of the
physical body and leads to immortality.
After physical death, man has a multitude of ways to continue his existence in different
spheres of the thirteen worlds, of course, not always in human form. The problem of Eternal Life
and permanent rebirth (reincarnation) is examined in depth by Buddhist philosophy.
Like the physical body, all subtle bodies are subjected to the processes of
decomposition and death. Many religions, depending on the terms of leaving the various bodies,
have developed appropriate burial and commemoration rituals. Three days after the death of the
physical body, the energetic envelope with the stored information - the essence of the subtle body -
leaves the etheric body (after which it is destroyed). After 9 days the essence leaves the astral
body. After 40 days - the mental body, 114 days - the karmic body, after 146 days - the intuitive
body. After 666 days - the covering of Nirvana's body can enter the Absolute (white - if Nirvana's
body has developed or black - if the brown body has developed). Only the etheric body
decomposes, the other bodies are kept for future evolutionary development, because a single life in
the physical body does not reach the complete development of subtle bodies. Every human being
goes through an evolutionary chain of development, characteristic only of himself. Research on
reincarnation has shown that, on average, each of us has lived three to four hundred lives. But most
people, after death, do not realize themselves and, being born again, lose the memory of the
past. However, if man has reached a high cosmic development during his Life, he has the
opportunity to remember his previous life . A special technique, which allows viewing his own
reincarnations, helps to return the "forgotten" experience and knowledge. The quality of lives lived
is of great importance. The aspiration towards the Absolute and the efforts made towards the
development of the integral cosmic organism, give the possibility that, during a short existence -
only 50 lives - to pass into other spheres of the subtle worlds.
VIII. bioenergy
Biofield. How do you have it ?
Some researchers call it psi energy . All parapsychological phenomena are related to
this form of energy, but mankind has relatively recently begun to seriously study this
problem. There are many opinions, different hypotheses, about the biofield, bioenergy and
bioradiation, sometimes diametrically opposed, but most researchers recognize that in the living
organism there is a separate structure - the biofield - that differs qualitatively from other fields
known in physics. Through special experiments, carried out in scientific laboratories, the character
of the biofield radiation was established. Along with the known physical fields and radiation (the
whole electromagnetic range), during the psi phenomena , unknown energetic components of the
biofield are observed. For example, during the events at Chernobyl, extrasensors, by the method of
biolocation, were able to determine the level of radioactivity, and their indications coincided with
the indications given by dosimeters. Experiments have also shown that the human biofield can
protect against radiation. Wheat grains received a radiation dose of 10,000 Roentgen. Previously, a
batch was processed by an extrasensor with a radiation protection program. The plants, on which
the extrasensor acted, kept their viability. The mechanism of such an action has not yet been
discovered by physicists. Q n my view, global biofield is the field of the 12 bodies with
characteristic energy potentials, which generates power biofield. The energy potential depends on
the state of physical and mental health, on the genetic baggage and, not excluded, on the
astrological factor.
Q n Naturally everyone is interested in the question: what is the strength and power of
their own biofield. Extrasensorii experienced easily determined Limi tele biofield with his hands,
sometimes with optical analyzer. For beginners who want to enter the science of extrasensology, I
recommend the following method. Cut a cone-shaped spiral out of a thin sheet (preferably a
cigarette sheet). It hangs on a nylon thread. Stand at a distance of 2-3 m, extend your hands forward
and try to wind the paper spiral clockwise, then stop it and wrap it again, this time
counterclockwise. If the exercise is successful, it means that you have a penchant for bioenergetic
The energetic potential of the biofield can be amplified in the context: physical health,
plus mental health, plus energy health.



How do energy processes take place in the body? In-depth research on this issue is
presented in hatha-yoga.
There are two types of energy: positive (masculine) - Yang and negative (feminine)
Yin. Energy circulates in the human body through special energy channels (meridians). There is a
resemblance between the circulation of energy through the meridians and the circulation of
blood. This is manifested by the existence of an equal number of meridians of the Yin organs
(much blood, little energy) and meridians of the Yang organs (much energy, little blood). Yin and
Yang should not be classified as bad and good. Both kinds of energy are needed, and in the state of
health, the opposite actions of Yin-Yang are equalized.
Each of the Yin-Yang groups includes 6 meridians (five meridians of the organs and
one that directs the functions of the organs).
Yang group: gallbladder, large intestine, stomach, small intestine, bladder, and meridian
named by Chinese acupuncturists, the father of energy. Yin group: liver, lungs, spleen, pancreas,
heart, kidneys and functional meridian. passes continuously from one meridian to another in the
following order: liver (Yin) - lungs (Yin) - large intestine (Yang) - stomach (Yang) - spleen -
pancreas (Yin) - heart (Yin) - small intestine (Yang ) - bladder (Yang) - kidney (Yin) - Mother of
blood (Yin) - Father of energy (Yang) - gallbladder (Yang). A complete cycle also involves the
direction of energy flows. The flows, which pass through the inside of the hands, drain from the
upper part of the body in the direction of the fingertips and end here. These are centrifugal flows,
which include the meridians of the heart, lungs, and the functional meridian of the Mother of
Blood. The streams on the outside of the hands, which flow from the tips of the fingers, are
directed towards the upper part of the body. These are centripetal flows, which belong to the
meridians of the large intestine, the
small intestine, the functional
Yin-Yang categories are a
necessity for any structure. In
cosmic dynamics they are expressed
by the symbol of the cross (fig. 4a) .

In times of completion and concentration, the motion vector is directed into the top; In a
state of apathy, laziness, melancholy, the vector of movement changes its direction in the direction
of chaos. Calm, relaxation, manifestations of the soul lead to the Yang side. The state of agitation,
acceleration, manifestation of personality lead to the Yin side. Man is not able to maintain the
perfect philosophical cross for long. Depending on the external and internal conditions, the cross
deforms in one direction or another. It is dangerous to deform in the Y direction in chaos, it is
possible that in its cosmic development man slipped into the past by millions of years. In the
previous chapter we examined the harmonious development system of subtle bodies and also the
functions of their main chakras. I find particularly important the problem of their functioning: the
triggering (awakening) of the chakras, their development and the ability to direct them. I propose an
exercise system, developed and tested by me, during a practice of several years. As experience has
shown, the exercises are not too difficult for anyone who wants to self-perform in this area.
Before beginning any of the exercises, we must face East, utter a mantra of protection,
which awakens, stimulates, opens all the chakras.
"Let there be Light and Peace in heaven.
May there be  peace in the depths.
May there be Peace on Earth.
May there be peace for all beings.
May it be Happiness for all beings.
May it be Joy for all beings

The mantra must be uttered five times: to the East, turn your head to the right (South), to
the left (North), turn your head over your left shoulder up (West), turn your head over your left
shoulder down. This mantra also has an additional meaning: it is unifying and protective. For
example, during World War II, people who knew this mantra and uttered it every day survived
without a scratch.
Preparatory exercise. close your eyes, raise your half-bent arms slightly (prayer
position). With a mental ray you go from head to toe through all the chakras, imagining their color.
Exercise 1. Triggering Muladhara and Svadhisthana .
Face north. Arms lowered freely. Take a deep breath into the chest at the number "three", at
the same time gradually pull (to the limit) the anus inwards. At number "three" hold your breath,
keeping your anus in the same position, then at number "three" exhale through your mouth,
simultaneously returning with the anus in the initial position. You should not overtighten the
anus. The exercise is performed at a slow pace for 2-3 min. warming well two lower frames -
Muladhara and Svadhisthana.
Then imagine that through both legs the energy (red - through the right leg, orange -
through the left) rises to the Muladhara and Svadhisthana chakras. With the eye of the mind, look at
the chakras in the form of a cone whose tip reaches the coccyx and the base comes out at the front
of the trunk, in the lower abdomen. First send the energy to the top of the cone (the base of the
goat), then spiral through the cone (clockwise) to its base, twisting the spiral to the center point (fig.
Breathing is shallow. The exercise is performed by constantly visualizing the color with the
eye of the mind, until a strong glow of the chakras appears.
Exercise l 2 . Triggering of Manipura chakras . It is performed standing facing
north, "prayer position", shallow breathing. Give mental command: "The yellow energy is
heading for Manipura in a continuous flow through both arms." With the mind's eye, direct
the yellow energy towards the top of the goat's cone (5th vertebra of the spine) and, as in the
first exercise, turn it on the spirals of the cone clockwise to its base, located at 2 cm. above
the umbilicus (fig . 6).
Exercise 3. Triggering the Vishudha goat . It is performed standing, in the "prayer
position", the breathing is superficial. turn your mind's eye to the Vishudha chakra imagining
its color (blue). For    -20 sec., Focus on it. Then send the blue energy through both arms to
the tip of the cone (the first vertebra of the spinal cord), imagining that the tip of the cone is a
magnet and the cone is a funnel. Turn the energy clockwise, as in the previous exercise,
towards the base of the cone (thyroid gland, clavicle). You should always see the blue color
until it gets a strong glow (fig. 7).
Exercise 4. Triggering the Ajna chakra. Stand facing north, "prayer position." Aim
your mind's eye at the Ajna chakra (the second cervical vertebra) and visualize its color
(blue). Take the blue energy through both arms and send it to the top of the cone of the Ajna
chakra (the second cervical vertebra) and, clockwise, according to the same pattern, spiral
down the blue energy to the base of the cone, and then to the center of the Ajna chakra. The
exercise is performed by sending energy until a strong color brightness is obtained (fig. 8).
Exercise 5. Triggering and developing the mental body chakra . This exercise can
be performed when the opening exercises of the Ajna, Vishudha and Manipura chakras have
been mastered perfectly. Take the "prayer position" facing north. Aim your mind's eye at the
tip of the Manipur's cone (chakra base), visualize it for 5-6 seconds, clearly perceiving the
yellow light. Then point the mind at the top of the Ajna cone, visualize it, clearly perceiving
the color blue. Command it mentally: "The energy from both chakras must simultaneously
and without hindrance meet each other." begin to send the energy at the same time through
two cones to the centers of the chakras, clockwise, and then simultaneously with Manipura,
send the energy up to the Central chakra of the Mental Body, from Ajna — down. (Figure
9). At the level of the Central chakra, through the spiral, the fusion of energies takes place
(yellow + blue = green). A dense bright green color must be achieved by visualization.
Exercise 6. Triggering the Anahata chakra. Stand facing north in the "prayer
position." Mentally visualize the light of the three lower chakras, the tips of their cones (Muladhara,
Svadhisthana and Manipura), then the two upper chakras (Ajna, Vishudha). Simultaneously, take
the energy from the two upper and three lower cones and spiral it around the spine to the top of the
Anahata chakra cone (the fifth vertebra of the spinal cord). From the two upper chakras, energy is
transmitted clockwise, from the lower three - vice versa. At the top of the cone the energies merge,
twisting into a purple thread, which descends clockwise to the base, and then spiraling towards the
center of the Anahata chakra. The exercise is done until a strong purple color is obtained (fig. 10 ).
Exercise 7. Development of the Sahasrara chakra . Sit facing north in the lotus
position. If you find it difficult to sit in this position, then simply cross your legs, close your
eyes, join your toes. Imagine that on your left is the Moon (negative energy, cold), on the
right - the Sun (positive energy, warm), and around you is the ocean of energy of the Cosmos,
energy that you begin to inspire through left nostril (view this process), then raise the energy
to Ajna, Sahasrara and lower it through the left side of the spine to the coccyx. At the same
time, inhale through the right nostril the positive energy, then lower it using the same pattern,
but through the right side of the spine to the coccyx.


                                          F ig .10 F ig. 11                                                                        
Q n coccyx right wind energy flows and run three and a half rotations around the
spine, then lift them. Further, the positive energy rises through the right side, along the spine,
and through the left side - the negative energy. At the level of the neck (the hypothalamus
area) the energy intersects: the lunar one goes in the right hemisphere of the brain, and the
solar one - in the left hemisphere. Then the energy rises to the level of the Sahasrara and
unites. Mentally, the knot is "tied" (fig. 11).
Repeat this exercise 15-20 times, raising the energy during inspiration and
lowering it during expiration. Exercise to block the brown chakra. This exercise, on the one hand,
diminishes the development of the brown color and on the other hand, allows to raise the quality of
the purple color to a higher level.
The exercise can be performed sitting in the "visiting position" (arms on knees with
palms facing up), face north with eyes closed and. Mentally visualize all the chakras according to
their color range, including the brown world chakra. Once you have taken the energy from the
center of the base of the Vishudha cone (blue), send it down to subchakra one (the green bright spot
around the heart plexus, right side). Then, counterclockwise, the Central chakra is curved after the
ellipse, the energy is sent to the center of the base of the Anahata cone. It then returns by ellipse to
the initial subchakra 1.
The energy is taken from the base of the Ajna chakra cone (blue), sent down to
subchakra 2, counterclockwise, parallel to the blue energy. The energy moves to the base of the
Anahata cone and returns elliptically to the starting point 2.
              The same is done with the energies Manipura (yellow, subchakra 3), orange
(orange, subchakra 4), Muladhara (red, subchakra 5) but, clockwise. This method creates a
protective block. It remains to strengthen its energy. The following method applies. The energy
from the Sahasrara descends through all the chakras through the bases of the cones to the
Muladhara. Then, after waking up the Ajna center, the bifurcated energy is sent horizontally to the
right and left through the temples. hardening must be done three times (fig. 12).
There is also a simpler method for protecting the heart chakra from the brown world
chakra. With the mind, slowly go through all the chakras from the top to the bottom (Muladhara)
through the bases of the chakras (the tips of the cones), clearly visualizing their color. Then, from
the tip of the Muladhara cone, send the energy clockwise and raise it to the Central chakra, then
send it elliptical by bending the heart chakra (clockwise). The Sahasrara chakra (the base of its
cone) is then visualized and the energy is sent down to the Central chakra and counterclockwise
around the heart chakra, stopping it at the Central chakra. Mentally the energy node "connects" (fig.
13). Then, the reinforcement is performed using the method from the previous exercise.

Bioenergy is an indicator not only for the integral development of our body, but also the
basis of those phenomena related to parapsychological science. It is impossible to practice
treatment through bioenergetic action, telepathy, telekinesis, psychoenergetic suggestion, etc.
without knowing the methods of accumulation, distribution and strengthening of bioenergy. I
would like you to learn two very important, basic exercises in the field of bioenergetics.

Exercise no. 1 allows the amplification of the body's bioenergy several times and, as
long research shows, this triggers the body's internal reserves and self-regeneration of the body at
the cellular level.
The exercise is performed standing in the "prayer position" or sitting in the "visiting
position" (fig. 14).
When we inhale: we imagine that billions of particles of cosmic energy, energy of
vigor, life, health and longevity reach our fingertips opening bioenergetic locks (biologically active
points). The sensation is perceived in the form of light stings, low current, tingling, etc.
When we exhale: the energy is sent inside and fills the palms.
When we inhale: we send even more energy to our fingertips.
When we exhale: we send the energy inwards and fill the arms to the elbows.
When we inhale: we send the energy back to the locks at our fingertips.
When we exhale: the energy goes inside, it fills the palms, the arms up to the elbows,
up to the shoulders.
When we inhale: we take even more energy and send it to our fingertips.
When we exhale: the energy goes inside, passes through the arms fills the shoulders
and neck.
When we inhale: we take even more energy and send it to the open locks.
When we exhale: the energy goes inside, fills the arms, shoulders, neck and from
bottom to top face.
In parallel, use the self-suggestion formula: "The face relaxes, rejuvenates and shines
with a matte and pleasant light".
When we inhale: an even stronger flow penetrates through our fingertips.
When we exhale: energy penetrates inside, fills the arms, shoulders, neck, fills the Ajna
chakra (from the base of the cone to the tip), fills the forehead.
When we inhale: a strong flow of energy penetrates our fingertips.
When we exhale: energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face (Ajna,
Sahasrara), fills the occipital area (memory center). In parallel, we use the self-suggestion formula:
"My memory is strong, it has a great capacity, it retains everything I need and I can remember
everything without weight."
When we inhale: a stronger flow of energy penetrates our fingertips.
When we exhale: the energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (the
two upper chakras) and descends through the spinal cord to the coccyx, comes in contact with the
cone tips of all chakras (Ajna, Vishudha, Anahata, Central Chakra, Manipura, Svadhisthana ,
Muladhara), strengthens them.
When we inhale: again a strong flow of energy penetrates our fingertips .

  When we exhale: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital area, enters the base of
the Vishudha cone and descends through the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal
and genital organs, stimulating the functioning of organs and chakras.
When we inhale: an even stronger flow of energy penetrates our fingertips.
When we exhale: through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital area, through the
bases of the cones of all the chakras. through all the internal and genital organs, the energy fills the
feet to the soles with a soft wave.
At the end, after we have accumulated energy by inspiration, we send it by expiration on
the trajectory of the whole scheme and fill with energy the soles, on which are the biologically
active points that correspond to the internal organs. After the exercise, join the arms for 5-6

Exercise no. 2, energy accumulation.
This exercise is especially useful for those who deal with treatment through bioenergy,
massage, acupuncture, and also people with a weak nervous system, subject to stress. Usually,
during the state of stress there is an eruption of energy in the body and an energy imbalance. If you
learn to accumulate energy, then, in a stressful situation, there is a replenishment of the energy in
the energy accumulator and, thus, the balance does not break (fig. 15). The exercise is performed
standing in the "prayer position" or sitting in the "notice positions", facing north, eyes closed. It
counts to "seven". When we inhale: a strong flow of energy is sent to the fingertips (energy
locks). When we exhale: "one, two, three" simultaneously the energy is transmitted through the
arms to the base of the Manipura chakra cone (lower abdomen), it is screwed counterclockwise to
the top of the cone (5th lumbar vertebra). When we inhale: again, a greater amount of energy enters
through the fingertips. When we exhale: "four" energy is transmitted to the base of the Manipura
cone and descends through the center of the base of the Svadhisthana cone and then sent to the base
of the Muladhara cone, winding counterclockwise to the top of the cone (coccyx). When we inhale:
the energy flow is retained and sent to the fingertips. When we exhale: "five" energy is sent to
Manipura, through Svadhisthana, Muladhara (according to the previous scheme) and rises on the
spine to the top of the Anahata chakra cone. It turns clockwise toward the Center of the base of the
cone. When we inhale: 'Again, the energy is taken up and sent to the fingertips. When we exhale:
"six" energy is sent to Manipura, descends through Svadhisthana, Muladhara, further, according to
the scheme to Anahata, and rises on the spine through the tips of the cones of Vishudha, Ajna to
Sahasrara. At this moment, in those who have mastered the exercise perfectly, a thin crescent of
energy appears on the right side, at a short distance from the body, at an angle of about 45
degrees. When we inhale: take the flow of energy and send it to your fingertips. When we exhale:
"seven" energy, going through the whole scheme, descends through the bases of the cones of all the
chakras again to the base of the Manipura cone the internal and external energy accumulator. To
those who find it difficult to assimilate these exercises, I propose their simplified version.
Exercise no. 1 (fig. 16)
Take the "position of prayer" facing north. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Imagine
that there is a huge amount of cosmic energy around you.
When inhaling: pull the energy towards the energy locks at your fingertips. Sensations
of light stings, low current, tingling, etc.
When you exhale: send the energy inside your palms.
When inhaling: take a larger amount of energy and send it to your fingertips.
When you exhale: send the energy inside, fill your arms to the elbows.
When inhaling: take an even greater amount of energy and send it to your fingertips.
When you exhale: the energy spreads inside, fills the palms, arms to the elbows, to the
When you inhale: take an even greater amount of energy again and send it to your
When you exhale the energy enters the inside, passes through the arms, fills the
shoulders and neck.
When inhaling: take an even greater amount of energy and send it to your fingertips.
When you exhale: energy enters the inside, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and, from
the bottom up, the face. At this point, mentally give the self-suggestion command: "The face
relaxes, rejuvenates; it begins to shine with a pleasant matte light."
When you inhale: a strong flow of energy comes to your fingertips.
When you exhale: energy enters the inside, fills the arms, shoulders, neck, face,
forehead. At this point you are self-suggesting: "Energy stimulates my creative processes, my
creative power increases."
When you inhale: an even stronger flow of energy comes to your fingertips.
When you exhale: energy enters the inside through the arms, shoulders, neck, face,
filling the occipital area. At this point, use the self-suggestion: "My memory is strong, and it has a
great capacity. I remember everything I need and I can remember everything without weight."
When you inhale: an even stronger flow of energy penetrates your fingertips .
When you exhale: energy enters the inside through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, fills
the brain and descends through the spinal cord to the coccyx. The mental suggestion is: "Every cell
of the central nervous system becomes strong, calm and directed by me. The nervous system is
calm. It works at a healthy pace."
When you inhale: again, a flow of energy comes to your fingertips. When you exhale:
the energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital area makes a spiral and descends
filling all the internal and genital organs. The mental suggestion is: "The internal organs and the
genitals become strong, healthy. All the coats of arms work in a perfectly healthy rhythm."
When you inhale: a strong flow of energy penetrates through your fingertips.
When you exhale: the energy, through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital area,
through the internal and genital organs, fills the feet to the soles with a soft wave. Mental control is:
"The legs are strong, healthy, mobile."
And finally, after you have taken energy by inspiration, send it by expiration on the
path of the scheme and fill with energy the soles, on which are the biologically active points
corresponding to the internal organs.
For those who have mastered exercises 1 and 2, I propose some exercises that are
particularly useful in bioenergy treatment. Remote amplification of human energy.
One of the simplest methods is the following. It is necessary to execute exercise 2
beforehand, so as not to deplete your own bioenergetic system.              
Position a person in front of you with their back to the north. Raise your arms and,
after you have mentally picked up a bundle of energy from the solar plexus, send it into your
palms and perform a step from head to toe (the scheme is: the arms join above the head and
split on both sides of the trunk ). The pass is executed three times.
Then imagine that each cell of the body emits a strong flow of energy oriented towards the
psychic level: "My energy will be easily received, transformed and assimilated by the
person." Then for 7-8 sec. rub (warm) the palms vigorously and, through circular passes,
from a distance of 10-15 cm, transmit the energy covering the head (3 sec.) simultaneously
the torso and the arms (6 sec.) and, finally, the legs (the arms work at the level of the solar
plexus itself, the energy is transmitted through three passes to the feet starting from top to
When transmitting energy, it is desirable to imagine that the person bathes in rays
of soft and pleasant energy, which will bring vitality, health and joy to that person.
In the end, the energy must be strengthened, because part of your energy is
consumed, the body of another person gradually transferring your energy to his.
Join the fingers of the right hand (thumb, forefinger and middle finger). At a
distance of 5-10 cm from the person's body, draw with your fingers a vertical line from the
top, through the center of the head, to the end of the torso. Then, from left to right, at the
level of the eyebrows, chest, from the left nipple to the right, draw a horizontal line, then
lowering it to the appendix at an angle of 4 times.
Q ntărirea can run 3, 6, 9 times. In women, strengthening is done according to this
scheme. In men, the horizontal lines are drawn from right to left and descend at a 45-degree angle
to the opposite side of the torso (Fig. 17).
After the remote energy amplification session of the body, it is necessary to perform
exercise 2 to replenish the lost energy.
In extreme situations, when you need urgent help, a quick charge can be made with energy
using two biologically active HE-GU points on the arms (fig. 18).
Press the HE-GU points with your thumbs at the same time and send the energy
through your right arm to the other person's left arm, mentally visualizing the energy and
giving the command: "My energy passes through the patient's left hand, his heart, his right
hand and then it enters my left hand ". Charging with bioenergy is done several times for 10-
15 seconds.
In extreme situations, when you need urgent help, a quick charge can be made with energy
using two biologically active HE-GU points on the arms (fig. 18).
At the same time, press the HE-GU points with your thumbs and send the energy
through your right arm into the other person's left arm, mentally visualizing the energy and
giving the command: "My energy passes through the patient's left hand, his heart, his right
hand and then it enters my left hand ". The charging with bioenergy is done several times for
seconds. A closed circuit consisting of two bioenergetic systems is obtained, a weaker one,
which has suffered an interruption, is connected through the system stronger bioenergetic at
normal operating mode.


 Fig . 17

                                            Bioenergetic protection .
Given that there are different bioenergetic systems depending on their strength, frequency
and quality, we must know and master the methods of self-protection of our own bioenergetic
system against the influence of other systems (which can sometimes be negative). There are
bioenergetic systems, which systematically take energy from other systems (energetic vampirism).
I suggest an exercise that creates a strong self-protection.
Face north. Raise your arms at head level and at number "seven" take energy in the palm
area. Squeeze your fingers seven times as if you were grabbing energy from space.
The left arm (limiter) is bent at the elbow at 45 degrees, held to one side at the level of the
solar plexus with the palm inside. The right hand with the fingers outstretched rises to the level of
the face (the distance from the hand to the forehead is 10-15 cm), the command is given in
advance: "Now I will create seven bioenergetic cylinders, which cannot be pierced."
With your right hand, clockwise, perform seven circular motions around you imagining
that you are forming the cylinders: first, second, third, etc. Then, join the fingers of your right hand
and imagine that you are "welding" the cylinders with your energy as with a welding machine and
at the same time stick it to your bioenergetic system. Perform "welding" with your right arm,
gradually lowering it to the solar plexus. Stop arm and send (mentally) radius po energy to give . I
recommend that from time to time, once a week, the energy cylinders be replaced, because they
accumulate negative information.
The energy cylinders are replaced as follows. Join the fingers of your right hand, as in the
previous exercise, during the "welding", imagine, lowering your arm, that your energy "detaches"
the cylinders. "Peeling" all seven cylinders at the same time, move the arm at the level of the head
counterclockwise, as if removing the first shell, the second, the third shell, etc. After removing each
energetic shell, shake the palm of your right hand. , and after removing the last cover, shake both
hands three times, throwing away the negative information.
After removing the energy cylinders, a new bioenergetic protective coating is immediately
created according to the already known scheme.


Bioenergetic treatment has been used since antiquity. From ancient India the science of
the pranic method of treatment passed to Egypt, Greece, China, Judea and other countries. Healing
through the method of applying hands was also used by Jesus Christ.
Having good bioenergy, the sensitive - people with an increased sensitivity to the
biofield - when they bring their hands close to a person's body, feel from a certain distance a certain
palpable density, heat, cold, stings. The sensations received in contact with the biofield are used by
to bioenergotherapists (extrasensors) in the diagnosis of diseases. It is good to know that field
treatment by applying hands can only be performed by healthy people, who have mastered the
methods of bioenergetic charging and self-protection, who master self-exercise perfectly and,
naturally, have adequate knowledge of medicine.
The following exercise contributes to the development of diagnostic capacity.
Q shudder 6-7 small objects on the table, preferably made of various materials (metal,
glass, fabric, cardboard, wood, plastic, fiber). At the beginning, with your eyes open, from a short
distance (2-3 cm.) Pass over them with your hand, trying to memorize and fix the perceived
sensations. This exercise will be done for a week, after which it will be repeated with closed eyes,
with self-control. When you can easily perceive the sensation of each object and after you have
mastered the anatomy of the human body, you can proceed to establish the diagnosis.
There is a very important rule, which must be strictly observed: to remove the sensation
of the diseased organ or disease, during diagnosis, it is mandatory to shake hands 3.6, 9
times. After finishing work, wash your hands with water. Q. In this way destroys foreign energy
together with the information contained.
Here is one of the methods of hand diagnosis. It is advisable for the person to be
diagnosed to turn his back to the north. Sit in front of it and start running light passes with
both hands or with one (the other hand with a slightly clenched fist). The examination
is done from top to bottom, starting with the head area. The hands are at a distance of 10-15 cm
from the surface of the body, the fingers open. When examining certain parts of your body, you
need to focus as much as possible on the signals you receive. If you have noticed a stinging signal
in the form of stinging, joint pain in the middle, ring, or index finger, you should stop and repeat the
examination. The painful signal, of different intensity, is the indicator of the deviation from the
normal functioning of an organ. The strongest signals are given by acute inflammatory diseases,
malignant tumors (cold, joint pain). If you feel a drop (fall) of the field together with an unpleasant,
sharp sensation, it means that there was a trauma in that place. By practicing the method and
working creatively, you will discover a huge number of different sensations. After receiving the
disease signal, it is necessary to remove it immediately by shaking your hands. People who have
some knowledge in the field of medicine can accompany the evidence of the diseased organ by
analysis and find out the nature of the disease. Once you have discovered the diseased organ and
determined the nature of the disease, you must find its primary cause, unless the source of the
disease is another organ. In this case, it is recommended that you perform the diagnosis from the
back by carefully examining your spine. One hand (the one that shields) must be placed on the
surface of the body, in the place where the diseased organ is, and with the other hand the organs that
can be the primary cause, the source of the disease, are examined. When it is discovered, the power
chain closes and you will receive the corresponding signal.
The diagnosis can be put not only in direct contact with the examined one, but also
using his photo depending on his physiognomy.
Diagnosis after photography .
It is desirable that the photograph was taken as recently as possible at the time of
diagnosis. This method of diagnosis and treatment is used (with enough results) by many
experienced extrasensors, although scientifically it is still little studied and requires serious
research. For example, how is information about a person, their physical condition transmitted on
photographic film? How does the correction of information on photography occur (the person at
the time of photography was healthy, then became ill and photography expresses this new
information?) What to do, in many bioenergetic phenomena, so far practice has taken before
theory, to so we trust her experience!
Before moving on to the diagnosis after the photo, I recommend using the self-
suggestion method: close your eyes and give the mental command: "Looking at the photo I will be
able, easily, calmly, without weight to feel this person through the energy of my hands." Then open
your eyes and, starting from the head, slowly, like a spiral, do the research. Perceptions, signals are
the same as in the case of direct contact diagnosis, when the diagnosed person is in front of
you. After working with the photo, shake your hands and wash them carefully.
Diagnosis by appearance
You must be given an approximate description of the person (height, weight,
characteristic details of the figure, face, etc.). Closing your eyes, after the verbal portrait, you must
clearly represent this person, his energy spectrum in the form of an energy flow. You almost see
her. It's in front of you. start slowly from top to bottom to run the already known diagnostic
method. Q Before a diagnosis, you must run a session autosugestionare using a command similar
to the diagnosis after photo.   
Another diagnostic option can be used after the appearance. Sit in the "visiting
position". The person next to you must clearly represent the person's appearance, which needs to be
diagnosed (usually a person who knows the patient well). You need to relax and penetrate with
your energy the person whose appearance is presented. After a minute and a half, two minutes, the
details of her figure begin to appear. Loosen your right arm and send the energy from your
fingertips to the visible spectrum. You will have the feeling that he is somehow "tied" to your
energy. Displace the spectrum and place it next to you. You can practically feel it (run your hand
around your head, your torso). Once you have perceived the spectrum, start diagnosing.
Treatment by bioenergetic action .
This method of treatment requires from the healer in addition to good extrasensory
abilities, knowledge of medicine and the theoretical basis of reflexology. Therefore, I propose to
beginners those variants, which can be used in everyday life, in extreme situations, after they have
mastered the circulation of energy in the human body (see the chapter "Energy circulation").
Pain removal.
This method can only be used in special situations, because pain is an important
indicator for establishing the diagnosis of the disease. Before treatment you need to
strengthen your bioenergy by performing exercise 1.
                      The first method . Place the patient in front of you in a sitting or
standing position , with his back to the north. Rub your palms after you have previously
washed your hands and wiped them carefully. Then, send the energy in the palms from a
distance of 5 - 7 cm., By circular movements (passes), for 2-3 min., A kind of saturation with
energy of the diseased organ or a part of the body. The steps are performed until the pain
disappears. Then strengthen the energy. Shake hands three times, wash and perform
individual bioenergetic loading (Exercise 2)
The second method . The energy is sent to the palms. On the right the left is the
indicator, on the left the right hand is the working hand (+). For example: a person has a
headache in the forehead area. The left hand - the indicator - is placed in the neck area at a
distance of 5-7 cm from the head. The right hand is placed at the same distance in the
forehead area. Make passes with your right hand clockwise. The energy seems to pass from
one side of your head to the other. You will feel light stings in your left hand. After looking
at the patient's forehead and then closing your eyes, you will see it in the form of a milky
white spot, on which there will be dark parts (diseased spots). View these portions with your
eyes closed as you continue to send energy into your right and left hands. Fill the stains with
energy until they are completely gone. When the whole area has a milky white tint, it
ends. Strengthen the energy according to the previous pattern (in men - from right to left, in
women - from left to right). After finishing the treatment, shake hands and wash them.
The third method . The energy is taken with the palm of the right hand by grasping
movements. At the number "seven" the palm of the right hand is pressed on the place of the
diseased organ. close your eyes and visualize this area on a milky white background. With your
right hand, absorb the sick energy according to the pattern: right hand - right shoulder - through the
chest area - left shoulder — left hand. In the left arm, starting with the forearm, a (slightly painful)
signal is felt, which descends. When it reaches your fingertips, shake your left hand three
times. Perform this operation several times until the pain is completely removed. strengthen the
Hipertensiu treatment NII .
Place the patient (preferably standing) with his back to the north. warm (rub) your
palms, send the energy in both hands. The left hand - the indicator - is held at a distance of 5 cm
from the forehead area. The right hand — the working hand — in the nape of the neck. Send the
internal energy to your fingertips. There are light stings in his left hand. Send an even greater
amount of energy to the right hand, then direct it to the nape of the neck. Imagine that the flow of
energy can direct the blood down the spine to the pelvis, and at the same time lower your right hand
in the direction of the spine to the coccyx. Perform this operation 15-20 times until the voltage
normalizes. strengthen the treatment, shake your hands three times .
Increased blood pressure .
The preparation for treatment is the same. As soon as you feel light stings in your right
hand, lower your right hand to the coccyx. Send an even greater amount of energy to your right
hand. Imagine that the flow of energy can direct the blood up through the spine to the brain. At the
same time, raise your right hand and direct the blood to the brain.
The operation is performed several times until the voltage normalizes. It is
strengthened using the same scheme. Stopping bleeding and tissue regeneration. The method is
applied only in the case of small and shallow cuts. A rapid bioenergetic loading of the body is
performed. If the cut (wound) is on the left side (-), then the working hand is right (+) and the left
hand is the indicator. If it is the other way around, then the working hand is left.
Take the energy into the solar plexus and send it in both hands using the mental
command: "penetrate the soft, healing energy, which through its heat will dry the blood on the
wound, will stick the wound, will regenerate the tissue."
When you exhale, gently send the energy from the solar plexus to the fingertips of your
right hand. Then direct the energy through circular passes to the cut or wound.
25-30 energy references will be made. Then, a new fast bioenergetic charge will be
performed and 25-30 references of soft, warm energy will be made to the cut until the hemorrhage
Now it is possible to proceed to the regeneration of the cut tissue. The body will be
charged with energy using the mental formula: "My energy is as hard as the thread that binds the
wound. My energy is as strong as the glue that sticks to the wound." Mentally visualize the end
result: the wound no longer exists, the edges of the cut are glued without any marks, the skin is
completely regenerated, smooth. strengthen the energy. After the wound has healed, perform a fast
bioenergetic charge for 10-12 sec. act on the injured part with soft and warm energy. Strengthen
the treatment and, as usual, shake your hands three times.
Distance treatment.
These methods of treatment can be mastered only by those who master the methods of
treatment with bioenergetic action or by those who have mastered the method of directing internal
and external energy, who know how to apply telepathic procedures.
Photo treatment.
There are hundreds of methods to perform this treatment. Here is one of the
simplest. Sit in a comfortable armchair. Perform a full bioenergetic charge. Put the patient's picture
on the table. Enter a state of easy relaxation. Send energy to the palms. Using light passes (use the
thumb, middle and ring finger) clockwise to send energy to the photo on the diseased area. After
each circular pass, make a vibrating motion with your index finger (three times) to strengthen the
energy. Perform the treatment for 2-3 min. It is a good idea to imagine your diseased organ or part
of your skin before starting the operation and to give yourself the command: "My energy
strengthens this organ and heals it." It is important to see its final result before treatment and to be
100% sure of its effectiveness. After treatment, shake hands and recharge your body with energy.


Sight through the skin .

In the remote exchange of information, the skin plays a key role. We have already
been convinced of this when diagnosed by hand. Now, we will get acquainted with another
phenomenon the possibility of "seeing" with the help of the skin. Optical sensitivity of the
skin is a field quite researched by the science of parapsychology. From my point of view, the
hypothesis according to which the ability to "see" the skin is a particular case of the
perception of the field and is related to its psycho-energetic characteristic is interesting.
How to learn to see with the help of the skin? A special exercise system will be able to
help you. When you move on to the exercise, be prepared to do it. Perform the body's bioenergetic
charging and self-suggestion exercise. The self-suggestion formula is: "I will be able to easily,
freely, without difficulty perceive the color of the square. I will feel all the temperature variations
with the palm of my hand, and my brain will automatically give me the final result."
I recommend practicing with squares at the beginning (they can be made of paper or
cardboard) with three colors: white, black, red.
Place the black and white square next to it. Close your eyes, relax the palm of the hand
you are working with. Lift it to a height of about 10 cm, hold it over one square, and then move it
abruptly over the other. Analyze the sensations. Above the white color you will feel cool (the type
of morning cold), above the black color weak heat. Learn to easily distinguish these
sensations with your eyes still , remember them and fix them in the archive of your memory. Then
practice with one of the colors already learned. Ask someone to put the square under your palm.
When you learn to distinguish two colors without mistake, add one more color, such as
red, during practice. Put the square under your palm and for 3-4 min. remember the sensations
received. After storing them, lock them in memory. You can use the self-suggestion formula in
this case: "I can easily perceive the color with my palm, I can remember the sensation, what is in
the memory archive, I can compare and give a precise answer."
Telekinesis .
The ability to act on inanimate objects (for example, turning the compass needle,
holding objects in the air, bending metal objects, extinguishing the flame of the candle from a
distance, etc.) is considered in parapsychology as a phenomenon of telekinesis. In this regard, some
researchers claim that the drive occurs by creating strong physical fields (it has been noted, for
example, that telekinesis generates strong fields of electromagnetic pulses and acoustic signals
lasting 10-100 fractions of a second). Other researchers assume that the action could occur by the
force of thought (psychokinesis) and thus thought is considered to be of immaterial essence
influencing immaterial substances. In my opinion, in the phenomena of telekinesis are found both
concepts, but, starting from the fact that thinking, however, is material, it must be about the
influence of material factors on material objects.
Future experimental research will help to discover the nature of telekinesis. For now,
we can only see the existence of psi energy and its participation in the phenomena of
telekinesis. Practical experience nowadays allows more the discovery of the mechanism of action
on inanimate objects and the possibility of acquiring telekinesis.
If you want to develop your telekinetic abilities, you must, first of all, learn perfectly
the exercises of growth and bioenergetic accumulation (exercises No. 1 and No. 2) and master the
technique of self-suggestion. Only then can you move on to the telekinetic capability development
system. The exercise I proposed is a variant of this system.
To perform this exercise you need to prepare a very light spiral paper cone caught with
a capron thread. Perform exercises No. lşiNr.2.
Take the "prayer position" and, after you mentally feel the energy in the solar plexus,
exhale and send it to the fingertips of your right hand, then your left hand. You should feel the flow
of energy between the palms facing each other, at a distance of 30 cm. You can feel the density of
the air between your hands and the stings in your palms. When you exhale, send energy back to the
solar plexus. This operation is performed 15-20 times. Then, for the last time, send the energy to
your fingertips and, with both hands, gently, without physical strain on your wrists, rotate the paper
cone in any direction.
After you have mastered the exercise and rested for 5-6 minutes, perform a full charge
with energy and move on to a more complex exercise: operating on the radiometer. Put it on the
table and act on it, try to turn the slats. After two, three months, when you already "master" the
radiometer, you can try to act on the compass needle.
When exercising telekinetic abilities, you should perform the exercises regularly, but
until the first signs of fatigue. You do not have to lose too much energy, you must charge with
energy after each exercise.
Those who have mastered the chakra-triggering exercises perfectly can easily learn the
technique of deforming metal objects (bending spoons, forks, etc.). However, it should be noted
that people suffering from heart disease are not allowed to practice this technique. Spontaneous
telekinetic abilities are observed in many children. In this case, parents must be very careful with
their children's "exercises", they must not admit the excess in practice, avoiding such unpleasant
consequences. The chakras: Anahata, Muladhara and Ajna are involved in the mechanism of action
on metal objects.
Take the object with your left hand, and gently caress the smoothest place with your
right hand using your index finger and thumb. At first, visualize the Anahata chakra, focus on it
until you see its color clearly, then spiral the energy from the base of the Anahata chakra cone to the
fingertips of your right and left hand. The energy supply must be smooth. In parallel, give the
command at the psychic level: "My energy acts on the molecules and atoms of the object, I can
change their structure." This thought must be constantly present during the exercise.
Then start viewing the Muladhara chakra, send the energy (clearly visualizing the
color) to take the top of the chakra through spirals along the spine to the top of the Anahata chakra
cone, then through spirals to the base of its cone, and finally send the energy to right arm.
Next, you need to visualize the Ajna chakra, lower the energy through the spine to
Anahata counterclockwise, and send the energy in the same way, through spirals, to the tips of the
fingers of your left hand. the object deforms.
As the observations show, in the case of sending energy based on the given scheme, the
object bends downwards. But if we change the second part of the scheme and send the energy from
Muladhara to the left hand counterclockwise, and from Ajna to the right hand clockwise, then the
object bends upwards.
The ability to receive and transmit information remotely, I consider the most
important of the parapsychological skills. The transmission of thoughts is closely related to
almost all parapsychological phenomena: psychokinesis, telesthesia (transmission of
sensations), clairvoyance, clairvoyance, retroscopy (vision in the past), etc. Telepathy, as a
problem of remote information contacts, is also fundamental in the study of the global
problem of the development of life as a cosmic manifestation. Our existence is a unitary
information system, in which all cells interact. How does the exchange of information take
place? There are a lot of theories on the mechanism of bioinformational contacts:
electromagnetic, holographic, wave theory, bioplasmic, leptono-electromagnetic, etc. Perhaps
science is on the verge of one of the greatest discoveries - the discovery of the law of
universal informational interaction. But for now, researchers have only questions in front of
them. One of the main obstacles in the research of telepathic phenomena is the extraordinary
rarity of people able to make information connections at a distance. Although, the telepathic
capacity, in my opinion, is of a genetic nature: primitive people had a strong bioenergetic
field and could see, feel each other from a distance. Then this valuable gift was lost and now
the telepathic capacity is revealed atavistically in spontaneous manifestations, or as a result of
a high spiritual development through intense and lasting exercises of self-perfection. The
discovery of telepathic abilities can be helped by a certain exercise system, provided that you
master the method of self-suggestion and direct the bioenergy of your own body. The
exercises can be better done using Zener's drawings: five figures drawn on paper a circle, a
square, a star, a wave, a cross.
Information transmission technique .
Perform full bioenergy charging. Enter the state of self-suggestion with the formula:
"Easy, without weight I enter the same wave with the person who must receive the information. All
external disturbing factors have disappeared, dissolved, do not bother me. I easily direct my own
bioenergy and direct it on the object that interests me, I transmit the information to it and it is easily
received and deciphered ".
Now look closely at the drawing. The gaze moves like the periscope of the
submarine. Once you have clearly fixed the drawing, the "periscope" retreats inside, into the
brain. After that, through the emitted energy, the information having the respective figure imprinted
is transmitted to the object that receives the information. You must "get rid" of the imprinted figure
quickly (it must slide towards the receiving object), otherwise there is an interruption in the
reception of the information.
The technique of receiving information.
The initial training is the same as that of the operator transmitting the information. But
the self-suggestion formula is different: "Easy, weightless I can adjust to receive information. It will
appear easy, free, weightless. External disruptors do not bother me." The information usually
appears to the person with their eyes closed. through the right hemisphere (to the left in
reverse). The transmitted figures may appear incomplete, half, sometimes only one edge or one
Man's ability to see objects at a distance is a phenomenal trait called clairvoyance. For
a long time, cases of clairvoyance were considered a fact in itself, the mechanism of the
phenomenon remaining an enigma. I have been dealing with this problem for 25 years and the
research carried out in laboratories, the numerous experiments carried out with ordinary people,
which became clairvoyants due to a certain applied methodology, helped to discover the
mechanism of the phenomenon. In my opinion, man's ability to see objects at a distance is, first of
all, the knowledge of directing his own astral body. The removal of the astral body from the limits
of the physical one represents, in fact, the phenomenon of clairvoyance.
Can we become clairvoyants? For this we must master perfectly the methods of
directing the internal bioenergy in correlation with the external energies - the energies of the
Cosmos, also to direct the psychic sphere (self-suggestion).
The technique of removing the astral body .
Q. Before practice must necessarily say patronizing mantra: "Let there be light and
peace in heaven ...". Lie on a flat bed (hard and not pillow) head north. Superficial breathing. For 3-
5 min. focus the radius of thought on the base of the Manipura chakra cone. At the same time, send
the external energy with both hands to the tip of the chakra cone, directing the energy clockwise to
its base. When you feel supersaturated (you feel as if the chakra cone is like a heavily inflated ball
or that strong and unpleasant vibrations occur) join your fingertips for 5-6 seconds, then return them
to their original position (parallel to the torso).
Using self-suggestion, open your suggestive "lock" with the formula: "Every word,
every thought of mine will be easily received by the psyche, bioenergosystem and will be
fulfilled." For 15-20 minutes look up (for example, at the ceiling) and focus on one thought: "My
subtle astral body can easily, without weight, detach from my coarse physical body." Repeat until
this thought intertwines with your burning desire into a unitary whole. The first sign is a slight
vibration of the body. Then switch the mind's eye (do not look from the ceiling) at your astral
sheath (yellow, joined to Manipura) for about 3 minutes. Visualize it clearly (mentally). At the
same time, self-suggest with the formula: "My astral body easily leads the coarse body. The coarse
matter will easily detach, at my desire, from the subtle one. My astral body now becomes a
thousand times stronger than the physical one and it I can send easily to any distance, then I can
easily turn it around. My will easily directs the astral ".
Make a strong energy reference from the Manipura chakra to the astral
envelope. Through the effort of strong will and desire (but without physical over-tension), slowly
separate the astral body, lift it to the ceiling, saying three times the formula of self-suggestion: "I
have defeated the gravitational force of the Earth." You will feel a slight push and your astral fold
will be near the ceiling. Then, if you want, you can go through the wall, you can rise to the stars ...
The connection between the astral and the physical envelope is kept permanently. What your astral
shell sees, also sees the physical. The transmission of information is done through the bioenergy-
information channel.
If you feel exhaustion, turn the astral envelope immediately. When the astral is strongly
weakened, by the force of thought (because the control must be permanent) you open the "locks" at
your fingertips, direct the energy towards Manipura by charging it and send a strong flow of energy
to the astral.
In the first 2-3 years, when you perform this exercise, you must be accompanied by a
professional, a master, to be safe. Otherwise, there is a danger of not turning the astral envelope
correctly or, even more dangerously, of not turning it at all, which is equivalent to physical
death. Learn to control yourself and, in the early years, do not remove the astral at great distances.
Biolocation .
The phenomenon of biolocation or dowsing has been known for a long time, for more
than four thousand years. Biolocation has been widespread in both Europe and Asia in search of
water and minerals. The more intense use of this method began in the early twentieth century. In
1911, the first congress of biolocation specialists took place in Hanover; later the "International
Organization of Biolocation Specialists" was established. There are currently several national water
and ore seekers' organizations in the United States, England, France, Germany, New Zealand, and
other countries. In the USSR, in 1979 at the meeting of the commission on this topic was adopted
the term "biolocation", and the rotating effect of the metal frame was called "biolocation method".
A high sensitivity, a strong bioenergetic field, the capacity for psychic self-regulation allow this
method in 2-3 weeks.
The indicator frame is of two types (fig. 20). It is made of metal wire with a diameter of
2-4 mm. The operator squeezes part of the frame in his hand (s). While searching for ores, the free
part (frame shoulder) rotates left and right. Depending on the angle of rotation, the type of ore is
determined. If the frame is in the "zero" position, it means that nothing is in place

 Practice method .
Before you start looking Exercise runs. 2 (accumulation of energy in the Manipura
Holding the frame in your hand, focus on the search, for example water, and give
mental command:
"The frame and I are a unitary whole. I feel the water. My sensations are
transmitted to the frame and it will give the signal at the right time."
Prepare three dishes covered with a tarpaulin in advance. Put water in one, scrap
metal in the other, and any crystalline rock in the third. The distance between the vessels
should be 15-20 cm. Slowly, without haste, when the frame is in the zero position, pass your
hand over the first vessel 3-4 times and then return it to the initial position. Note the angle of
deviation. Then perform the same operation over the second and third vessels, keeping the
deviation angles in mind. Perform these operations by asking someone to change the location
of the vessels. After the deviation angles determine where and what they are. Once you have
mastered the exercise perfectly, you can start looking for ores, water, etc.
With the help of the frame, a person can be diagnosed at a distance of 5-7 cm
from the body surface. When a pathological fact is discovered, the frame executes a
rotational movement. The essence of the problem is given by the fact that in a healthy person
the etheric covering is found everywhere at the same distance from the surface of the body. If
the function of any organ is damaged, a "falling of the shell" is felt in that place, a fact
determined by the metal frame. In the case of overexcitation of the central nervous system,
there may be a leakage of energy and, in this case, there is an enlargement, an amplification
of the etheric sheath. There are also more advanced methods for those professionals who
know how to work with the chakras. I propose one of these methods, that of searching for
ores. Q warm up the Muladhara-chakra by pulling the inside of the anus - 3 seconds, then 3
sec pause for 23 minutes. (do not overtighten). Send the mental ray to the top of the
Muladhara chakra cone. Open it, by an effort of will, absorb the energy clockwise to the base
of the cone. Then, similarly, trigger all the chakras. Switch the mental ray over the Ajna
chakra (you should see its bright blue cone). Set the information on a mental level: "I easily
perceive the information of the Earth, I process it easily."
Transfer the mental ray to the base of the Muladhara chakra cone and send the
energy through both feet to the earth (the connection to the earth). The sensation of a light
wave, of an impulse appears. When you feel intuitively that you have reached your goal, from
the Muladhara chakra (the base of the cone) send the energy up to Svadhisthana, Manipura
and the Central Chakra, then at 45 degrees to the wrists, where the frames are
located. Mentally self-suggest: "I am inextricably linked to the Earth." Start searching for
ores. The type of frame is determined by the deviation angle of the frame. In the case of
medical diagnosis, the chakras of Ajna, Manipura and Anahata are usually used. The
mechanism of the biolocation method is based on the human body's ability to perceive
radiation of various substances. The stronger the substance, the more the energy of the lower
chakras is amplified and the more the metal frame deviates.
The eye (application of negative information) .
It is a fairly widespread phenomenon, which is based on a negative action, intentional
or unintentional of one person on another using external and internal bioenergy (representing the
carriers) with the application of negative information.
Technique for removing negative information .
Place the person in front of you standing with your back to the north. Pass both arms
outstretched three times along its body, from top to bottom. Then, with your right hand, perform the
examination starting from the crest (Sahasrara chakra) from the front to the center to all the chakras
up to Muladhara. Feel the frequency of the field of the object being investigated.
With your fingertips (indicators) "catch" the foreign frequency of the field (a
completely different vibration is felt, another signal). Where the signal is strongest, contact
with the foreign signal occurs. It is necessary to determine after the light areas where the
object is located, which transmitted the negative information. Counterclockwise, without
lowering your arms, gradually turn around your own axis and, after feeling the already
familiar foreign signal, stop. This is the direction of the object at that moment, which applied
the negative information to the perceiver.
Continuing the process of removing this information, in the place where you felt
the strongest contact with the foreign body, perform a movement of its energy absorption in
the wrist and, in a spiral, clockwise, send energy in the direction of the object. , which
produced the eye.
After that, the research must be performed again using the same scheme. If the
presence of the foreign field is felt again, cleaning (removal) is performed again. After
performing the procedure, create bioenergetic protection for the recipient.
The person who transmitted the negative information, after removing it, usually
suffers. The information, like a boomerang, returns to him amplified by the victim's
bioenergy. In addition, when it is removed, the energy with the negative information
disintegrates (unbalances) first of all the bioenergetic system of the one who sends it and only
after that, it affects the other's system. The laws of the Cosmos enter into force; they punish
not only the subject as a result of his harmful action, but also his closest relatives.
Poltergeist .
The German translation of this word is "noisy spirit". In the case of the poltergeist , the
objects move spontaneously, there are cracks, noises, there are disturbances of the household
appliances, signs appear on the walls, the objects ignite themselves,
etc. The poltergeis situations documented by scientists have aroused great interest in this
phenomenon. There are many hypotheses that explain the mechanisms: phenomenon related to the
system of gluon chains, with ultrasound or plasma production, close to psychokinesis and which
occurs as a result of changes in the Earth's geomagnetic field and other causes.
The poltergeist situations encountered in my practice show that this phenomenon is
related to a certain form of energy - the bioenergetic coating left after the death of a person (usually
violent death) and which, for some reason, did not reach one of the floors. the energy field of the
Earth. An interesting encounter with the poltergeist phenomenon took place in Nikolaev, the city
where I live. In a house occupied by a grandmother and her 10-year-old nephew, objects began to
light themselves. Together with journalists and scientists, I went to the scene and fixed myself on
the poltergeist. Suddenly I came in telepathic contact with him. The dialogue proceeded as follows:
"Do you know who's coming to you?"
-What's your name?
-You died?
"Who is to blame for your death? In response, I have been given a few names, which I do not give
for objective reasons."
"Can you show me what you showed everyone?"
-I do not know...
Arriving at the scene, I investigated under a state of hypnosis and psycho-energetic
action the boy, with whom the power always came into contact. Then I tried to find out if a man
named Mikita lived in that place. Indeed, this man lived and died there of a strange disease a few
months before the events described. The boy took the crown to the funeral and did not like it at
all. 9 days after the funeral, the first manifestation of poltergeist appeared (lighting objects), 40 days
later the phenomenon amplified (a whole series of fires broke out).
Searching the house, I came in contact with the poltergeist again and asked him to set
fire to the mattress, which was already partially burned. I got the answer, "I can't. I don't have the
strength anymore." "Would you like to go where you need to go?" "Yes". Receiving an affirmative
answer, through a certain procedure, I started to remove the very weak energy envelope, in the
bioenergy and information field. The electric light began to flicker ... The phenomenon never
happened again.
For society, the phenomenon of poltergeist is not desirable. But it can be removed by
professional methods.
To remove the poltergeist, telepathic contact must be made with him. He usually
Stand up, arms down, eyes closed. Direct the mental ray towards the Ajna chakra (the
tip of the cone), then spiral clockwise to send the energy to the base. The chakra cone should be
deep blue. Then switch the radius to the Anahata chakra in the same way, performing the same
operations as for the Ajna chakra. From the base of the Anahata chakra cone, send the energy to
the base of the Ajna cone. After that, point the energy bundles in the direction of the poltergeist,
thinking, "Do you want me to help you get to your information cell in the Cosmos?" If you receive
an affirmative answer, then trigger the Manipura chakra according to the previous scheme, send the
energy to Ajna (from the base of the cone of the first chakra to the second) and then to the
poltergeist amplifying its energy and directing it to the destination.
Q. At this time you can raise blood pressure may occur also Disturbances in radios,
electric lamps may flicker, etc. After doing this, you need to make another mental call: "I took you
right, are you there?" If the answer is yes, stop working, if not, you need to transmit more energy to
awaken the Manipura chakra and proceed according to the previous scheme. After that it is
necessary to purify your bioenergetic system.
Awaken all the chakras starting with Muladhara and ending with Sahasrara. Send a
strong flow of energy upwards. Then, in the "prayer position", capture the energy in both hands,
release it through the entire bioenergetic system, using exercise 1. At the end, shake your hands and
feet three times. Perform a bioenergetic charge on the body.
The opening of the Superconscious .
Superconsciousness is above all the opening of the channel of connection with the
information field of the Earth and with various cosmic levels through the exchange of bioenergy.
In man who has developed chakras and knows how to direct them, the Superconscious
(Sahasrara-chakra) can expand to the exit to Cosmic Reason, with which he can communicate at
the supermental level. Using this level, he can take the necessary information about the past and
the future of the Earth's information field, because the time record is fixed here precisely (true, in
coded form).
Even using the mental level (lower level) you can see objects in the distance within the
limits of the globe, you can see and hear everything that happens at over 1000 km. distance.
I propose the following method for the strong triggering of the pituitary chakras - the
center of the will - and the opening through the Ajna chakra (the third eye) of the superconscious
connection channel. However, I want to warn those who will learn my methods, of the possible
unpleasant consequences, in the event that they practice forgetting the main law of the Cosmos:
everything we think and everything we do must be directed only to the Good. And only the one
who carries love (the person with the developed heart chakra) can enter the Gates of Truth.
Executions for the opening of the Superconscious .
Before performing the exercise, the mantra of protection must be uttered: "Let there be
light and peace ...".
Triggering the pituitary gland. Early in the morning (until 10 o'clock) sit in the "visiting
position", then join your arms and legs. Eyes open. For 3 min. rub the roof of your mouth with
your tongue and say (in a whisper) the mantra OM (AOUMM) —bound. Equal breathing.
Breathing while focusing on the object is equal. Breathe for 3 minutes like this. The
first 30 sec: 3 sec.-inhale, 3 sec.-exhale. Next 30 sec: 4 sec.-inhale, 4 sec.-exhale, etc.
Simultaneously, focus on the object, remember the details accurately (the object may be a table
lamp with a matte bulb. The light bulb should be clearly visible, the lamp shade of the lamp must
be thin, with a pattern).
Exercise for complex concentration and triggering of the Ajna chakra. Breathing
changes after the previous exercise and will have the following rhythm: 8 sec.-inspiration, 8 sec.-
hold your breath, 8 sec.-exhale, 8 sec.-hold your breath. Breathe for 2 minutes. At the same time,
focus your mind's eye on the cone of the Ajna chakra and, clockwise, send the energy to the base of
the cone until it reaches an intense light. Then change the rhythm of inspiration according to the
pattern: inhale-6 sec, hold your breath-6 sec, exhale-3sec Focus your attention on the
lamp. Simultaneously as if you were absorbing it inside the Ajna chakra. When you inhale, send it
to the pituitary gland. When you exhale, place the object (lamp) in the old place. Perform the
exercise for 3 minutes.
Complex concentration - focusing attention on the Ajna chakra with a view of the
object inside. Meditation - focusing attention on Ajna with a view to the object in it and beyond its
Meditation. Breathing: inhale-3 sec, hold breath-3 sec, exhale-6 sec. Breathing is
imperceptible. Q. During exhalation sounds imperceptible sound "kha". The focus is on the Ajna
chakra. This exercise should be performed for 3 min. Strive to visualize the object in the Ajna
chakra and at the same time beyond its limits. When the image of the object (still weak) appears
beyond the limits of your physical body, you transmit energy more strongly, exhale longer, and
pause longer. During this time, all the chakras, starting with Muladhara, will open. Body
temperature may rise, slight pressure may be felt inside the head. Immediately perform the
breathing exercise according to the scheme: 8 sec. -inspiration, 8 sec.-hold your breath, 8 sec-
exhale, 8 sec-hold your breath, for a minute and a half, two minutes.
Then the energy, starting from the Sahasrara, counterclockwise, through the spiral and
at the bases of the chakras, descends to the Muladhara. It is desirable not to let your temperature
The sequence of reaching the first stage of superconsciousness, resulting from the
previous exercises is: connecting the pituitary gland - visualizing the object (concentration) -
visualizing the details of the object (bulb) - entering and removing the initial position - meditation -
seeing the object at a distance — exiting the state ).
Developing the imagination to move to the second stage of Superconsciousness :
Sit in the "position of the visit" facing north, in a comfortable armchair and listening to
pleasant, slow music, enter the state of suggestion (in which all self-suggestion formulas are
made). You want to see the sea. Send the thought to the sea; then imagine it clearly, and more
clearly, until you see it with your eyes closed. In parallel, mentally using self-suggestion: "I see the
sea clearly", without straining, keep the image somewhere inside the head at the point of
intersection (horizontal line - from Ajna - chakra, vertical line - from the top). Let's call this point
the "gate of Superconsciousness."
Let's complicate the exercise. Once you have seen the object, try to mentally imagine
sound effects (hitting the shore waves, seagulls screaming, ship sirens, etc.) on the mental level ,
using the self-suggestion formula: "I can easily hear everything that happens at a great distance. by
me". Perform the exercise until the first signs of fatigue for 3-4 weeks, twice a day, until you reach
Then the exercise gets even more complicated. Without music, for a minute, try to see
the desired object with your eyes closed, and then for a minute, hear the corresponding
sounds. Using this exercise, you can see any object at a great distance (cities, countries, etc.).
Thus, the general scheme looks as follows: stage I + stage II = exit to stage III of
The third stage of Superconsciousness.
Meditation with the pre-triggering of the pituitary gland also triggers the Ajna chakra
with a strong sending of energy to the base of the cone. The sensation of stabbing in the pituitary
area opens the "gate" to the Superconscious. Perform in the stream it, at the psychic level, the
model of the exit to the determined level and when you feel inside the brain a light (the Light of
Consciousness), then Superconsciousness is open. Through the spiral, clockwise, try to get out, for
example, in the information field of the Earth.
"Suggestion" is a Latin word. "Suggestology", however, comes from the English
language, "suggest" means to propose, to advise. That is why the Bulgarian scientist, Professor G.
Lozanov, the founder of suggestion, considers this term more appropriate to highlight the essence
of the science of suggestion, because man himself in accordance with his particularities chooses his
path to self-perfection.
The suggestion as well as hypnosis have been known for a long time. There is the
suggestion in the waking state, hypnosis, and also the verbal, nonverbal, direct, indirect suggestion,
with or without contact, at a distance, etc. In terms of the physiological mechanisms of action,
suggestology differs substantially from hypnosis. In the case of the suggestive action, sleep and
amnesia are missing, the creation of the subject is not affected, on the contrary, it is fully
manifested, the subconscious processes are activated. The mechanism of action of the suggestion
consists in the skill of the sugestologist to establish a contact - to open the "lock" from the
conscious to the subconscious for the introduction of the information and its realization at a non-
critical level.
Earlier, there was the opinion that it is impossible to impose a certain thought on a man
or to produce a hypnotic sleep, if he does not want it. From my point of view, this conception arose
due to the insufficient study of the sphere of the subconscious and the lack of professionals in the
field of suggestion and bioenergetics.
Q n current stage of development of our society, work on verbal level is very
complicated. According to experimental data, only 17-30 percent of people obey the verbal
suggestion (according to Pavlov at the level of the second signaling system). Every word uttered by
the suggestologist is mentally analyzed by any trained and informed man today. For example,
when testing the ability to suggest, the subject is given the command: "Fall on your back". And the
perceiver immediately thinks, "Like what thing should I fall on my back?" The mental struggle
between two individuals begins. If the specialist does not have the necessary authority, the result is
often null.
After many years of researching this issue, I have come to the conclusion that quick
procedures are needed to allow the suggestive "lock" to be opened immediately without giving the
subject time to think. One such method, which ensures that 96-99 percent of people come into
contact with the sugestologist, has been discovered. In the world of psychological practice, a new
direction called "Psychoenergosuggestion" was born. Since 1971, I have been working on the
improvement of this new branch together with the psychology department of the Nikolaev
Pedagogical Institute. Its scientific interpretation was included in the materials of the first Union
Conference on the issue of energy-information exchange in nature - "Bioenergo-89".
So what is bioenergosuggestion? It is a non-verbal form of action with the use of the
biofield on the psyche, of each cell as an autonomous thinking mechanism and of the human
bioenergetic system.
The mechanism of action of psychoenergosuggestion includes the accumulation of a
large amount of psi energy in the area of bioenergetic centers (chakras), the production of a
concentrated eruption of energy (narrow targeting) in the form of a ray with a certain frequency,
which corresponds to the frequency of bioenergetic object. .
There are a large number of variants of psychoenergetic action. One of them consists in
the opening of the suggestive "lock" from the conscious to the subconscious, when the
consciousness seems to follow from the outside, at a non-critical level, the process of suggestion,
both verbally and nonverbally. If the suggestion formula suddenly contradicts the person's ethical
and moral principles, then the so-called "protection centers" are automatically triggered and the
"lock" is closed. Therefore, the psycho-energetic action is one of the most humane and correct
forms of action through which the enlargement of the sphere of consciousness, the state of creative
ecstasy, takes place.
Psychoenergosuggestion proposes another form of action on the sphere of the
subconscious. The penetration into the subconscious and the outflow of information to the
conscious level occurs from within. By acting with a strong beam of energy on the base of the Ajna
chakra and sending energy and overlapping information, we have a fundamentally new form - the
bioenergy-informational form of action. This method allows the opening of the sphere of
superconsciousness and penetration into various parapsychological phenomena.
In the case of psychoenergetic action, the introduction of information goes through
much deeper structures of the brain, Ioc has a more precise realization. If during hypnosis, for
example, there is stagnation on the consciousness, it slows down, the braking of the manifestations
of personality and the direction of the psyche is achieved through a report (the link to the
hypnotist), in the case of psychoenergosuggestive action but the picture is complete different. In
this situation, as the research has shown, there is a local braking or an activation of the centers of
the subconscious, the braked connections of the cortex and the subshell open, completely
unexpected psychological effects appear. And, what is particularly important, the consciousness
and critical capacity of the personality remain unbridled, open to self-regulation. There is a
psychological communion and an interaction between the subject and the
psychoenergosuggestologist in the direction of future development and personality improvement.
The essential problem of suggestive psycho-energetic action consists in determining the
channels and means of introducing information. The problem is strictly methodical, closely related
to the possibilities of the psychoenergosuggestologist himself. Special knowledge is required,
training in directing the parameters of one's own biofield, in dissociating psychophysical
formations, hologram forms, the ability to work with psychophysical formations (PF).
              As shown in the theoretical and experimental
research psihoenergosugestia can be applied to a wide range of
phenomena energoinformaţionale: information-psychophysiological, including all the
processes of collecting extrasensorială information: telepathy, far-sightedness, psychometric
premonition and retrocogniţia, in retrospect, energy-psychophysiological, which represent
bio- and psycho-energetic phenomena: psychokinesis, magic, poltergeist; psychophysical
informational phenomena, which include a wide circle of phenomena: materialization,
dematerialization, teleportation, reincarnation, ghosts, visions, etc. Psychoenergosuggestion
is increasingly used in human capacity development. Applied psycho-energetic research can
have a perspective development in the following main directions:

- elaboration of medical methods, diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis of diseases;

—Chrono-biological psychoenergetics, dynamic genetics;
—Elaboration of pedagogical methods of education, teaching, correction;
—Elaboration of social-psychological means of formation and leadership,
diagnosis of group and mass phenomena; elaboration of a new method of art and
information; solving ecological problems, protection and forecasting of natural disasters,
elaboration of the means of directing nature; processing new energy sources, optimizing the
bioecos and evolution, creating new technologies, new information systems and computing
techniques, robots and artificial intelligence; studying the mechanisms of the third signaling
system (the information field of the Earth). Psychoenergetics is a science at the beginning of
the road. mastering the practice of psychoenergosuggestion will allow this path to be traveled
faster, more efficiently and with better results. Jump into the subconscious . The problem of
unconscious psychic activity is the most important for parapsychology, and its historical roots
are found in the depths of philosophy. However, experimental research in the field of
unconscious psychic activity has so far not led to the development of a particular theory. S.
Freud came much closer to solving the problem in his works. He considered the psyche in the
form of two "chambers." In one of them, brightly lit, is consciousness, in the other
unconscious impulses, which by all means strive to enter the luminous "chamber" of
consciousness. But the "keeper of the door" - the symbol of the regular mechanisms,
inoculated into man through the system of education - lets pass from the "room" of the
unconscious only those impulses which do not contradict him as a regulator of
behavior. Based on this metaphorical model is built the psychoanalytic concept of neurosis
surgery and the method, with which psychoanalysts try to extract the hidden beginnings from
the depths of the patient's psyche - the method of free associations. The facts that demonstrate
the psychological efficiency of the free association method are undeniable. However, as
research has shown, there is a more correct and faster way, corresponding to the level of
modern science, to act on the psycho-energetic sphere of the subconscious.
By skillfully directing (internal) bioenergy, also using correctly the psi energy of the
external field, one can correct the sphere of the subconscious, introducing at the psychoenergetic
level a hologram in the human brain. The hologram introduced will be the dominant factor, which
will allow the neutralization of all the starts, images, negative emotions that appeared previously.
There are different working methods, which in the contact and non-contact
variants, at any distance, give the possibility to enter the necessary hologram. visualize it
according to the final result with full confidence in the success of the achievement. Even a
shadow of a doubt will disturb the work of real value.
Hologram insertion technique: perform a full charge of the body with bioenergy
(exercises no. 1 and no. 2).
Orient the mental ray towards the base of the Ajna chakra cone and send the
energy to the wrists (heat is felt). Then, from inside the brain, send the hologram to the base
of the Ajna chakra cone. After performing the respiratory variant, on exhalation (HA)
mentally transmit the hologram of the right hand. The hologram is applied to the wearer
(energy). The mantra (KHA) is performed and the energy is transmitted to the patient, at the
base of the Ajna chakra clockwise, inside, in the sphere of his subconscious. Imagine clearly
that the hologram completely filled the subconscious by neutralizing the negative impulses.
After 3, 6, 9 energy references with holograms, the hardening is performed
according to the classic bioenergy hardening variant.
The method of entering the hologram without contact: for this the
psychoenergosuggestologist must know the frequency of the patient's field, also the complete
data on his disease. The preparation technique is the same. Stand facing north. Keep your
right hand bent at the elbow parallel to the ground. Take the frequency of the field in the
photo or object used by that person. Send energy through your fingertips to the object
frequently, receiving the reverse pulse with the frequency of its field (biolocation effect)
close your eyes and send the mental ray to all chakras, from the bottom down (as if you were
operating them). Focus on the Sahasrara chakra, send the energy spiral upwards
clockwise. At the mental level, the command is given: "Find the bioenergetic cell of the
object in the information field of the Earth". When, with your eyes closed, you see a dull spot
(in the form of a star), and you feel a vibration in your right hand, then the goal has been
reached. Then, counterclockwise, send the energy spiral from the cell back to the Sahasrara,
deposit the holograms on the psychic spiral, pronouncing when you exhale the "H" clockwise
sound, raise the hologram to the energy cell, then at this you lower the spiral clockwise as if
you were inserting the object into the Sahasrara chakra. This operation is repeated three
Perform the reinforcement in the air with your right hand, imagine that the object is in front
of you. Lower your hand, shake it three times. Then send another powerful beam of energy to
the cell with the "KH-HA" sound. Imagine strengthening the hologram in the cell for life (fig.

                                                                            Fig .22                                                               
Psychoenergosugestologist — the profession of the future
Who can take on the new profession of psychoenergosuggestologist? In my opinion, any person
with certain skills and knowledge, inclinations in the field of bioenergetics and who respects the
Laws of cosmic philosophy, the philosophy of serving Good and Light. You can determine the
premises you have for this work by the test-scheme below, evaluating your goal possibilities .
The type of nervous system choleric sanguine melancholic
The will strong weak  
bioenergy strong weak  
morale picked up satisfactorily  
The health weak satisfying strong
selfishness developed not  
Respond to evil with good Yes not  
intuition Hi weak  
Logic Hi weak  
attention developed poorly developed  
suggestion very good Hi weak
Perseverance there is not  
The spirit of sacrifice there is not  
How you communicate with people Easy good bad
autosuggestion Yes not  
The desire  to know the truth     there is not  
honesty Yes not  
self-confidence Yes not  
Preparing for checks Yes not  
Psihoenergosugestolog profession requires Armoni 's mental and physical
knowledge psychophysiological self-regulation and conduct of their own functions
organism.Este very important to get a look Central (concentration). There is a system for
practicing it. Sit comfortably in an armchair. On the wall, at a distance of 2 m in length and
height, hang a square of white cardboard measuring 20x20 cm. In the center of the square is a
circle the size of a coin, painted with black ink, and in the center of the circle - a small white
dot. The first week. For a minute, without blinking, look at the point and imagine that your
gaze sends a strong flow of energy. The exercise is performed three times a day.
The second week. The same exercise is performed for 2 min. If your eyes water,
soak a napkin in water and place it on your eyelids. Stop the exercise. Third week. Hang
another similar square on the wall. The distance between the squares must be 20 cm. 30 sec
look at a square, then 30 sec look at the left square with your left eye and the right at your
right eye. The exercise is performed repeatedly three times a day. The fourth week. At the
beginning, perform the exercise of the third week twice. Then, 30 sec look at the left square
and 30 sec with the left eye the right square, with the right eye - the left. Exercise three times
a day. By performing these exercises for one year, changing their order of choice, the
execution time can be extended up to 5 min. For those who have decided to take
psychoenergosuggestion seriously, I want to warn them about a dangerous syndrome, which
usually occurs in the first stage - the "superman" syndrome - the feeling of
superiority. Therefore, starting with the first day of practice, for a longer period of time
(always better) the psychoenergosuggestologist must deal every evening with the analysis of
his behavior that day. It is good for him to write down his negative actions on paper, then,
before going to bed, to read and burn them using the mental suggestion: "I burn with my
paper and my bad behavior." The practice of self-analysis will avoid "illness" with the
"superman" syndrome and fill one's existence only with good deeds, the essence of which is
to bring goodness, knowledge, progress, joy and love for people.              
Methods of psychoenergetic action .
Q before execution, it is necessary to perform charging using bioenergetic body
exercises 1 and 2.Poziţionaţi percipient before you stand back to the north and south-facing. The
distance from it is 1-2 m. Ask him to look into your eyes. Send a powerful beam of energy through
a spiral, clockwise, with both eyes in the area of the Ajna chakra, as if you were screwing the
energy inside its head for 3-4 sec. Then lean back a little, imagine clearly that you are tightly tied to
it with a wire, cable. The subject begins to sway in your direction. Contact with the suggestologist
has been established and the recipient is now in a psychoenergetic state. Then return to the starting
position. Raise your right hand and say when you exhale the "KH" sound as if you were cutting this
thread. Immediately contact with the recipient is interrupted.
I propose another procedure for introducing psychoenergosuggestion. Place the
subject facing north (feet side by side, arms down, eyes closed). You are behind him, half a
meter away. Raise both arms, keep your palms upright, awaken the Manipura chakra, send
energy from it to the wrists, and then beyond the palms. Join this energy over the subject's
head as if you were throwing a lasso. Take a step back and pull the subject's head with your
energy. If you lean on your back, it means that you have opened the psycho-energetic
"lock". After that, the suggestion concentrated in a certain direction can be executed both
verbally and nonverbally. If the subject has a low level of suggestion, an even stronger power
reference is required to open the link channel. Place the percipient standing facing north
(arms lowered, legs glued, eyes closed). Send a strong flow of energy to the wrist from
Manipura, place the little finger of the right hand at the base of the recipient's Ajna chakra. In
99 cases out of one hundred, a psycho-energetic lock opens. After contact, bioenergetic
recharging is absolutely necessary.
After introducing the perceiver into the psycho-energetic state, you can inoculate
the illusion of sensations (he may feel an invisible wall, an ordinary object becomes hot or
very heavy for him, etc.).
You need to make a strong transmission of energy in the palm of your right hand,
moving it imagining that you form an impassable wall (better visualize the wall as a trail of
smoke). Then ask the perceiver to touch it with his hands and ask him how he feels. Ask him
to tear down the wall with his fists, etc.
After obtaining the result, you must raise your right hand, and suddenly lower it,
simultaneously grasping the energy that was used to form the wall and interrupting contact
with the subject. Bringing the subject to a much higher level of psychoenergetic state must
take place gradually, because the bioenergetic and psychic sphere of man must go through a
process of adaptation. And only after you have obtained, for example, a result in terms of
creating the illusion of perceiving sensations, can you move on to creating hallucination.
Sit at a distance of 2-3 md e subject, behind him. During this time, you must enter
yourself into a psycho-energetic state by visualizing the final result of your own
suggestion. Mentally create an object, such as an apple. Being in the "prayer position" send a
strong flow of energy forward, in the direction of the subject acting on the Manipura chakra.
fruit). When you enter a state of hallucination, perform an additional two energy sendings and
take a single exhalation, strengthening the object visualized for you and the
perceiver. Perform the query. Then cut off the contact using the traditional method.
It is very important to get the person out of the psycho-energetic state. Here it is better
to use, at the same time, the verbal and non-verbal method, using the formula: "Now the connection
between us will be broken. The mood is excellent. I am not tired, my head is clear, clear, fresh. It
can act on you. only at will. " Make an arm movement, breaking the energetic thread that connects
you to the subject.
Removing the light hidden capacity
The psychoenergosuggestive method is very effective in discovering the internal
reserves of man, both psychic and bioenergetic. For each person it is very important to know
their own skills stored in karmic and genetic programs. This issue is particularly important in
the development and education of personalităţii.Metoda proposed by me, allows a person
with psihoenergosuge - stologuiui, perform diagnostics psi Hica and energy and before
starting work, it is necessary to enter - required gradual perception of the recipient in a
psycho-energetic state until the sight of the imagined object. Then, placing the palm of your
right hand in the middle of the scalp, send the energy to the bases of each chakra or, down to
Muladhara (pumping). Raise the energy clockwise as if you were slapping it. Make an easier
reference of energy to the center of the head, vertically down to the intersection with the cone
of the Ajna chakra. The suggestion formula is used: "At the mental level, now the
information about your skills will arrive. The information is gone. Talk. Talk louder."
The receiver will start at your request to emit the information, at first slowly, then
louder. If the subject has difficulty, you should interrupt the work, resuming it only in a few
hours. You have to work gently, do not use a commanding tone. Then perform out of state
psihoener - gosugestivă.
With the help of a certain method, the psychoenergosuggestologist can determine
the subject to see your internal organs (in color) and to self-diagnose. After the third stage
(hallucination), place the subject standing, face north, and eyes closed. Place the palm of your
right hand on his forehead and his middle finger on his forehead. Lower your left hand. When
inhaling (prolonged) with the "H" mantra, make a slight reference of energy through all the
subject's chakras (the bases of the cones) down to Muladhara, then when you inhale raise the
energy to the tops of the chakra cones to the Sahasrara. Use the self - management formula :
"Now, with your eyes closed, you can easily see all your internal organs from top to bottom.
See the vessels, arteries, etc .; How many up to" three "will you see even better." One "(take
energy with Manipura and send a bundle from head to toe with the mantra "H"). Perform this
operation three times. "One, two, three" —see all internal organs. "You are not good at
medicine, but you feel the disorders in the functioning of their own organs, if they exist. Say
it out loud. "
If the image is not clear enough, send three more times an even softer flow of
energy from head to toe. If the diagnosis was made easily and the recipient did not get tired, it
can be raised to an even higher level. high, when he will be able to take information from the
subconscious and, if necessary, from the Superconscious, regarding the method of treatment
of his disease. Place the palm of the right hand in the area of the recipient's neck, the little
finger - on the second cervical vertebra, the base of the Ajna chakra. When you inhale, count
to "seven" and pull the Manipura inside. Concentrate your energy on it. When you hold your
breath (5 sec), send the energy from it into the palm of your right hand. Then, with the mantra
"KH", send the clockwise energy to the base of the Ajna chakra cone. Next, place your left
hand on the top of the percussion and do the same with sending the energy vertically down to
the intersection with the cone of the Ajna chakra.
Use the suggestion formula: "Your subconscious and superconscious are like an
open book. Look at the pages of this book and find the recipe for the treatment of the disease
you have. Dictate this recipe." After work, the correct removal from the psycho-energetic
state is performed.
Psychoenergosuggestion in art, sports. Gifted, talented personalities usually have a
high sensitivity and inclination towards psychoenergosuggestive action. In turn, this type of
action helps them to better discover their talent through the use of internal reserves and the
conscious leveling of the hidden potential. Q. Before starting work, percipient must receive
information on psihoenergosugestiei method. After that, the suggestion check is performed
and the introduction in the state of psychoenergosuggestion is performed using the methods
described above; Depending on the purpose, the tasks, which are in front of the recipient, the
program is developed and based on it, the hologram is prepared (the suggestion formula
should preferably be accompanied by viewing the model and viewing the final result of your
activity). Example. An actor studies the character of Hamlet. It must be brought to a certain
situational, emotional level, to the point of hallucination. Suggestive formula: "You are the
real Hamlet. You are Hamlet from childhood.
You were educated like Hamlet in Denmark at Elsmor Castle. Think, feel
like H amlet '. Q n depending on design role, orders can be changed. After 5-6 repetitions
suggestion will strengthen. On exiting the psihoenergosugestie is necessary to give additional
command: "With each session you enter even more into the role of Hamlet. Only on stage
will you metamorphose into it, outside the stage you will continue to live your own life ".
In my opinion, if the actor independently acquires the methods of bioenergetics
and psychoenergosuggestion to perfection, he can act on the room during the show at the
telepathic level. And then, for example, even spectators who do not know the language will
be able to understand it easily. I am convinced that any brilliant actor acts spontaneously on
the room through bioenergy, transmitting his emotions. And, the spectator, receiving them at
the subconscious level, automatically deciphers them, because the connection channel
between the conscious and the subconscious is opened, that is, the suggestion is
made. Psychoenergosuggestion opens up enormous possibilities for art and painting. The
great painters, being in a state of creative ecstasy, worked in the conditions of a strong
bioenergy, which through the wrist, was transmitted spontaneously to the paint and easel
together with the superposition of the thoughts and emotions of the creator. This is the magic
of painting, which leads to the healing of the spirit and even of the human
physique. Therefore, mastering the method of psychoenergosuggestion can pave the way for
a new direction in art — the art of healing painting.
Psychoenergosuggestive method of training athletes. The main condition, which
determines its efficiency, is the creation of an optimal functional state of the athlete's body
for suggestion and repetition. The basic criteria of the condition are represented by the
following psychophysiological indicators:
a. the biological "reverse link" between psychoenergosuggestologist and athlete;
b. "reverse link" study;             
c. programming the functional states of the athletes.             
The activity is divided into three stages: before the race, during the race, after the
The first stage: strengthening the bioenergetic potential of the athlete, acting on
the emotional sphere, on various organs and systems, activating and braking the sensory
apparatus (suggesting anesthesia), directing vegetative processes, acting on the psychic
sphere using different suggestion formulas, for example: "Trust in your own forces and
possibilities ".A second step: removing state of tension in the moments before the start, gain
bioenergetics, orientation manifestation rese - Velor internal and victory, to contact
antrenorul.A psihoenergetic strong third stage: restoration the athlete's internal energy,
strengthening the central nervous system, normalizing blood pressure, heart rate and
breathing, removing fatigue. Forecast for managers . The day before solving a complicated
problem, you must perform the following exercises. The first exercise is intended for those
who have mastered the technique of self-suggestion and working with imagination. The
exercise will be performed between 9 and 10 in the morning. Sit facing west, eyes
closed. Use the self-suggestion formula: "I will now see easily, without difficulty, behind me
the sun and then my shadow. If after that I see it on the ceiling, it means that today I will be
successful in business."
The order of the exercise:
1. Imagine the sun and try one view in mind, focus your attention it the base of the
cone Ajna chakra. Meditate for 2 minutes, open the "gate" of Superconsciousness. Then open
your eyes for 2 sec. look at your shadow and quickly move your gaze to the ceiling. If the
shadow is clear, it means that the business will be successful.
2. If the shadow is very clear, then you can ask him one or two questions
according to the "yes-no" system. "Will the business be successful?" if the answer "yes"
appears in consciousness, then it will be successful. If "no" appears or nothing appears, then
it will not succeed. After the exercise, sit in a comfortable armchair and, with your eyes closed,
perform the bioenergetic recharge using exercise 2. For those who have not mastered the technique
of developing imagination, there is a simpler exercise. From 7 to 9 in the morning, stand in the
west-facing room and look at your shadow. Then transfer the highly concentrated gaze (but without
physical strain) to the top of the neck (approximately the second cervical vertebra). For 2-3
minutes, as if penetrating with your eyes, send energy and thought inside this point, in the center of
your head, repeating simultaneously in your mind: "I must receive an answer about the business, I
will be successful today or tomorrow." . After that, move your gaze to the ceiling if you are in the
room or to the sky if you are outdoors. You have to see your shadow there. If you don't see it, it's a
bad sign. If you see her, then you can ask her questions as in the previous exercise. You can also
carry out these experiences in the light of the moon. I wish you success!             

Psycho-energy-informational loading of liquids, crystals, precious stones .

Do not eat anything for 24 hours before starting charging and perform a cleansing
enema. In the evening, before going to bed, make contact with the ground, lying in bed with
your head facing north, eyes closed. The first exercise is performed accompanied by prior
mental self-suggestion, against the background of a slight relaxation using the formula: ,
crystals, etc. with my energy accompanied by the application of information.I will strengthen
my energy so that it will be forever in the liquid.The man who will drink the liquid or wear
the crystal will always feel strong, healthy.If he is sick, the energy my defense will be able to
put into operation the defense mechanisms in reserve, they will restore and completely heal
the organism The microcosm (I) and the macrocosm are a unitary whole.I and the Earth are
inseparable.Only this unity can give me understanding of life, that energy which will be
devoted to the happiness of men. " With your eyes closed, immediately recharge your body
with energy.
Without removing the connection with the earth, with your eyes closed, stretch in
your mind a thread from you to Earth, from Earth to Cosmos and from Cosmos to you (create
such a triangle) and you will feel the joy of unity, an undisturbed happiness. Fall asleep with
a light smile, with good and clean thoughts, forcing yourself to wake up at 8 o'clock in the
morning. Once you wake up, disconnect from the earth. As a rule, in the morning you will
feel lively, full of life and energy, and somehow purified. Do light gymnastics. Then take a
shower with water at room temperature.
After all, you can upload psycho energoinformaţională, executing previously
exercises 1 and 2. Without opening his eyes, after year two, mind you send it (free seating):
"I, Earth and C osmo - Sul unit indestructible. This unity will help me to send energy along
with information into water, into any object and strengthen it there forever. Someone will
drink water or carry the object, will always be healthy, his thoughts will be clean and bright.
" After performing the self-suggestion, open your eyes and start charging, for example, the
water. Sit on the ground facing north. Take off your shoes. Make the connection with the
ground to the left foot (possibly to the toes). With your knees, squeeze the vessel (preferably
glass) with distilled or spring water. Raise your arms ("prayer position") and, counting to "9",
draw energy into the solar plexus. You should feel a slight sting on your fingertips. It is now
possible to load the water together with the application of the information. Insert your
fingertips into the liquid on both sides (except your thumbs). Breathing is barely
noticeable. When you inhale, send the energy from the solar plexus to your fingertips. When
you breathe out, perform a reference light energy in water with the thought: "Energy and my
thoughts cloud the water, give people strength, vigor, health, improve m emo - ria. My energy
will be forever in the water." charging is carried out quietly, with full confidence in what you
are doing for 3-5 minutes, until the sensation of sweet-metallic taste appears in the mouth. It
is the first sign that the water has been charged. Remove your hands and shake them three
times, then raise them ("prayer position"), counting to "12" charge the solar plexus with
energy. And again you will feel a slight sting in your fingertips.
You can now proceed to strengthen the energy in the liquid. Insert the tips of the
four fingers of your left hand into the bowl, with the palm of your right hand 5-7 cm above
the surface of the water, slowly clockwise, make seven circles imagining that you would
close a jar with a screw cap. strengthen the energy at each rotation with the following
command: "The energy has strongly strengthened in the water".
Reinforcement technique. When you inhale, draw the energy into the solar plexus
and pass it to your fingertips. When you exhale, gently push the energy out of your fingertips
and say the reinforcement formula in your mind. Perform seven such rotations. After you
have done the last one, immerse it in water for 3-5 sec. fingertips on the right hand. the
psycho-energy-informational loading of the water and its strengthening were thus completely
accomplished. The connection with the earth is removed. Wipe your hands, dry. Counting to
"12" in the "prayer position", recharge the solar plexus.
The person, who will drink energized water in quantities of 30-40 g three times a
day, will feel vigor, lightness, freshness, because his energy system receives an additional
incentive. If you water the plants with such water, they will grow faster, the animals will
almost never get sick, etc.
The connection with the earth. Wipe the radiator pipe with a fur and attach an
insulated cable (clean the end). At the free end, a plate measuring 3x2 cm is welded. Then, it
is attached to the sole of the foot by tying it with an elastic band.
Psycho-energetic saturation of food .
Every housewife strives to please her loved ones when she tastes the food she has
prepared. But, it is desirable that a tasty food is also useful, to bring health. The great scientist
Paul Breg used to say, "We eat food and food eats us." Much depends on the foods we
use. Freshly picked fruit from the tree, freshly picked vegetables contain a lot of
energy. Using them we recharge our energy. After a few days, fruits and vegetables will
contain less energy. In the current way of life, especially in the city, we do not have the
opportunity to consume completely fresh products. That is why it is good to be filled with
energy. Charge the solar plexus (possibly sitting or standing) in the "prayer position" facing
north. Mentally say the self-suggestion formula: "while I prepare my food, I automatically fill
it with energy. My food is tasty and healthy, it is easily assimilated by the body and gives
man health." After that, start cooking the food, mentally repeating from time to time three
times "My food is strong and healthy." Perform the energy charging of the solar plexus in the
"prayer position" facing north and perform the following ritual.
Sit at the edge of the table facing north. The table is in front of you. Make 12
passes over the table simultaneously with both hands, imagining that rays are leaving your
hands. These radii must cover the entire table. Performing the energetic steps, give the mental
command: "Whoever tastes this food will always be healthy". One sentence at a time. A total
of 12 passes and 12 sentences. After this ritual, perform the energy charge of the solar plexus.
Be beautiful
If you don't like certain facial features, examine it carefully and determine how
you would like to see them. I propose three exercises that allow you to correct the face
according to a model scheduled in advance.
The first exercise is performed from a sitting position on a relaxing background
with your eyes open. Hold your own photo in your hand (large black and white, with your
face in the foreground). Distance from the eye to photos - or is 40 cm. For a minute or two,
look at her intently and begin to mentally correct her face, roughly following the following
pattern: "My nose is getting smaller, my eyes are getting bigger, more expressive, and so
on." during this time try to get the illusion of the programmed model. You need to see your
new face clearly. Nine, but yours. If after 2 min. you failed to model the image, extend the
time. After looking at the new model in the photo for 7 seconds, make it penetrate inside you
(just like you saw the purpose of a submarine). Then close your eyes quickly and keep this
pattern clear for 2-3 seconds. Practice 3-4 weeks 3 times a day. Once you have mastered this
exercise, move on to the second one.
The second exercise. Perform the first exercise 2-3 times. When the model is
clearly imprinted in consciousness, immediately take the energy into the solar plexus and
send it through a strong flow in the brain as if you were pushing the model with it. Open your
eyes immediately, mentally send the model to the mirror and superimpose it over your own
image. You need to get to the point where you can see yourself in the mirror in a different
way, as you have planned. The exercise is performed for 3-4 weeks 25-30 times a day, try to
achieve precision in execution. After completing the exercise, be sure to pump the energy
into the solar plexus.
The third exercise. It is performed after the execution of the first and the second
exercise. When you see in the mirror the programmed pattern of your face, take it mentally
through the energy field and superimpose it over the face using the command: "My face is
exactly like that, I like it and others. My face is expressive, bright, etc ". For one month,
perform all three exercises at the same time for 5 minutes. twice a day in the morning and
evening. When the exercises have been mastered perfectly, you can give them 1-2 min. twice
a day (morning and evening), throughout life. They will help you to always be beautiful and
confident in yourself, in your own strengths and possibilities. Do not think that only you will
see yourself in a new look. Everyone around you will notice amazing changes in you,
perceiving the bioenergetic model rather than the physical one.
Longevity and youth .
As practice shows, psychoenergosuggestion can be used successfully in the
development of new and interesting directions in gerontology and juvenology. For 15 years I
have been dealing with the issue of longevity and youth and I am fully convinced that man
can lead a life of real value, active for at least 200 years.
Keeping youth and prolong their own lives to this age are possible if the master
sys - many to improve mental health, physical and bioenergy. We have developed a set of
special psycho - energetic and suggestive exercises, which allow us to act on biological time.
There are different methods to get over the years, methods of rejuvenation. Most of them are
particularly complicated and require careful guidance. But man, that has started on the path of
self-improvement, who knows how to work creatively and live by the laws of harmony
and beauty, will be quite effective rejuvenating method proposed by me.
One of the main cosmic laws presupposes a direct dependence of physical health
on the state of the human spiritual universe. Therefore, opting for the rejuvenation option,
first of all, develop the heart chakra . Even thoughts must always be directed to the Good,
because the bad thought always acts destructively on the bioenergetic system . Preliminary
exercise. Take a photo from when you were 18, 20, 30 , etc., that is, the age you would like to
be. It is from. preferred to have been strong and healthy at that age. In this case, you need
to know exactly the age you were in the photo. Glue the photo on a piece of cardboard so that
there is free space around it (about 10 cm.). On the horizontal surface of the empty spot, write
the age in black ink above the photo (how old were you then). Below, under the photo, write
the word "health". On the left - "youth" (write vertically, letter by letter), on the right -
"soul". Put the cardboard on the wall. Sit in front of it, in a comfortable armchair, at a
distance of 2-2.5 m., Listen to quiet music. It would be desirable for the photo to be framed in
three parts, bottom, left and right, by lighted candles (or at least a single candle at the
Being relaxed for 3-5 minutes. look at the photo, focus only on it. Gradually, you
begin to mentally unfold the film of the events of your life, until the desired age. Complex
(unpleasant) situations try to erase them from memory by self-suggestion: "that situation, like
a fog, has disappeared from my memory." Repeat three times. By the age of photography,
you need to stop thinking and say to yourself, "I want to live this age for the rest of my
life." Words are spoken softly, with love, without harshness, like a prayer. For a minute,
focus all your attention on the photo, remembering all the details from the moment it was
taken. After that, raise your arms a little and send energy to it, then close your eyes and with
both hands take out the energetic "mold" of the picture. Bring your hands to your forehead
with your fingers on your temples. Look at the photo and transmit it with the energy to the
hypothalamus (through the brain in the occipital area). Hold the image for a minute and a half
to two minutes. The arms are lowered, they join. Say the self-suggestion formula three times:
"I've been over the years. All my systems are strong and healthy. The experience and
knowledge I've gained over the years has remained."
After 15-20 sec. you have to open your eyes. Do the exercise until you reduce the
execution time to 3 sec. When the exercise has been perfectly mastered, you can move on to
the next one. Sit in the "visiting position" for 6-7 sec. focus your attention on the number of
years (for example 20 years). close your eyes, and without raising your arms, send energy to
this number. Then, with both hands, absorb this number and divide it into numbers: with the
left hand — the figure on the left, with the right — the figure on the right. Gradually,
performing the exercise, along with the energy you see the numbers, which in the neck area
come together to form the whole number. This number, reaching the hypothalamus,
remains there. Performing a kind of molding of it, lower it through the chakras to the coccyx,
fixing it in the Muladhara chakra. Further, according to the model in exercise 1, the energy
passes through the shoulders, neck, face. When it passes through the occipital part, remove
the mold from the number, visualize it and let it pass with the energy through the internal
organs. Then, according to the scheme of the exercise, send the number to the feet, where it
will "fork" again and then together with the energy, to the soles: on the right sole - the units,
on the left - the tens. After you have mastered both exercises, perform them in the following
order: first — the second, then — the first. Now let's examine the psychoenergosuggestive
methods that contribute
1st extension of life.
A simple method is intended for those who do not know how to work with
chakras. Sit in a comfortable armchair in the "visiting position" with your eyes closed. With
both hands, capture the external energy and transmit it to the area of the root of the
nose. Further, horizontally, penetrate the head with energy, fill the occipital part, visualizing
the numbers - the years of life. For two weeks, try to see clearly the age you want to live (for
example, eighty). Energy is sent to the occipital part (hypothalamus) until the desired number
appears in the brain. Then, for two weeks, try to make the number 90 appear, then 100, etc.
When the number 200 appears clearly (considered the limit), then in the future, throughout
your life, perform this exercise once a day, clearly visualizing the number 200 (Fig. 23).
Complex scheme with the use of the internal energy of the chakras. Direct the
mental ray of energy towards the Muladhara chakra (the tip of the cone) and, clockwise, raise
the energy to Svadhisthana. Raise two energies clockwise, unite them with Manipura, Central
Chakra, Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna. At the same time, when the energy has reached Ajna, the
energy of the Sahasrara descends counterclockwise. Join all the energies near the
hypothalamus, fill it. At the same time, mentally pass on your age information.
Work according to the scheme: the figure "80" appears for two weeks, the next
two weeks - "90", etc. If you suddenly feel a weight in the occipital area, stop the exercise
immediately. It is contraindicated for hypertensives. They can use the first simple exercise

                                                                              Fig .22
Retrospective — the ability to see past lives .
One of the most complex phenomena of parapsychology is retrospection (the ability to
see past events). It is quite rare. However, any person can be brought to this level, using
psychoenergosuggestion methods. I propose one of them.
Place the person with their back to the north, arms and legs together, eyes
closed. The psychoenergosugestologist places the left palm on the Vishudha chakra, and the
right palm in the occipital area. Excite the Manipura chakra of your own body, send energy to
the wrists. Then, once again, make a strong energy reference only to the left hand. From the
base of the cone of the Vishudha chakra of the recipient, send the energy counterclockwise to
the tip of the cone, then raise it to the Ajna chakra (the tip of the cone) and, clockwise, send
the energy to the base of the Ajna cone. Then send it inside the head to the pituitary
gland. Slight stings will be felt in the area of the right hand. Excite the tip of the Muladhara
chakra cone and make a strong clockwise energy, towards the tip of the Ajna chakra cone,
further to its base and to the pituitary gland. At the same time, on a mental level, give the
command: "The person must see his past lives. The film of events unfolds in the opposite
direction." The same command is given verbally. Once you have once again captured the
energy in Manipura and sent it to both hands, make a strong reference with your right hand
inside the subconscious and with your left to the Vishudha chakra. Say the words, "You see
your past lives. Tell us about them."
Getting out of the state. Adjust all the chakras from bottom to top through the tips
of the cones and then from top to bottom through the bases of the cones. Take a strong stream
of external energy, fill it with your wrists in the "prayer position" and then send the energy
using the contactless version to the top of the Muladhara cone along with the red color
visualization. Clockwise, spiral, bring the energy to the base until the cone is brightly lit. The
same is done with the other chakras. Lowering the energies from top to bottom, twist them in
cones, counterclockwise. Finally, use the verbal, suggestive formula: "The mood is excellent,
the head is clean, clear. The body is light, fresh. What you saw has disappeared, but you have
memorized all the details." Those who have mastered the technique of self-suggestion
together with bioenergetic variants , also the method of reaching the Superconscious, can
penetrate alone into the information field of the Earth, realizing beforehand the hologram: "I
want to see my past lives". By opening the channel of connection with the Cosmos, a mental
question is asked beforehand: "Can I see my past lives at this moment? Yes or no?". If you do
not receive a reply and you feel rejected, you are denied access. If, on the other hand,
lightness, freshness, vivacity appear, retrospection can be performed. Remember to say the
protective mantra before exercise. Numerous experiments in the field of retrospective have
given completely new information about the archives of the memory of past lives. I believe
that there are five main archives of memory, located in the chakras of Muladhara, Anahata,
the Chakra of the brown world, the Central Chakra and the Vishudha. All are part of the
Micro - cosmos system . There are two main points of connection with information archives:
in the Macrocosm-Earth system (plasma as an information accumulator) and the Cosmos
(energy-information field). The interaction between the Cosmos and Man is realized through
the Sahasrara chakra (Superconsciousness), the Man-Earth interaction through the Muladhara
chakra. The study of the mechanism, of the connection channels, through which the exchange
of information takes place, opens, in my opinion, extraordinary possibilities for the new stage
of human evolution.
Psycho-ergological method .
It is known that by the holographic method a comprehensive image of the object
can be obtained. By means of a special photography, a photographic plate is obtained at first,
then it is subjected to the action of laser rays. Next to the photographic plate, on which only
spots and stripes are represented, the volume image of the object appears in space. Unlike
photography, it can be surrounded on all sides. Even the smallest piece of the plate, subjected
to laser beams, will give a volumetric image of the object.
Physicists believe that the hologram of an object is a static light wave. The
hypothesis regarding the holographic, undulating model of the world was issued, according to
which each object being a wave of static light and being in a determined place of space, is
simultaneously in all points of the Universe. And, if the Universe is a giant holographic and
mechano-quantum system, then the psyche, as a reflected world, contains elements of
Experiments carried out on various paranormal shows that brain cells are
processes that ensure its remote interaction with the outside world and probably are
natu - Miss quantum wave. Unfortunately, so far no devices have been made to record brain
holograms. However, I consider the psychoholographic hypothesis real and I propose as
proof the psychoenergic - holographic method of quantum wave coding of the image, a
method still experimental only, which requires a serious scientific study, but which is
successfully applied in practice. holograms, of a "static wave" at the mental level using the
internal bioenergy and the psychic sphere. The formation, introduction and strengthening of
the hologram is carried out gradually, in stages.
The first stage: using the method of developing the imagination, accurately model
the object, visualize it in consciousness as a hologram (three-dimensional version).
Second step: send the energy from the base of the Ajna chakra cone clockwise,
into the pituitary area, making up and representing yourself. clear in mind the screen plate for
recording the hologram.
Step three: send a strong flow of energy from the base of the Manipura chakra
upwards, clockwise, to the tip of the Ajna chakra cone (the second cervical vertebra) and,
also clockwise, bring the energy to the base of the cone . Then, "pierce" the object created at
the mental level with energy and apply it in holographic version (decomposes into waves) on
the screen plate.
Step Four: Make an additional energy reference according to the previous model
with the mental application of the information: "The hologram is fixed on the screen".
Step 5: Start the hologram by sending a strong and concentrated energy from the
base of the Vishudha chakra upwards, clockwise to the tip of the Ajna chakra cone and
clockwise to the energy up to at the base of the cone. Concentrate the energy and send it in
the form of a thin ray on the screen plate. Immediately in consciousness appears the color
hologram of the object, which can be sent to any point of the body. Fix it for a certain time in
the brain or take it out of the limits of the bioenergetic system, inserting it and fixing it in
any inanimate or inanimate object .
Step Six: Switch the psychoenergetic system to normal operation.
Perform exercises 1 and 2 to bioenergy recharge the body. remove the internal
visualization of the object at the psychic level using the self-suggestion formula: "The object
exists. It works, it doesn't stop me from leading a normal life. I don't see it."
Let us examine the concrete examples of the use of the psychoenergological
method. Deposition of the hologram on an inanimate object. The work is carried out in stages
according to the scheme presented above. Let's take the most common thing, for example, a
chair. We want anyone who will be in this chair to follow the hologram program: "All the
body's systems work at a precise and healthy pace, blood pressure is normal, heart rate is
normal, etc. Man always feels healthy, vigorous. and with self-confidence. "
It is very effective to use the psychoenergological method to repair diseased
organs or injuries. The hologram of the healthy organ must be created and the image
transferred to the diseased organ by the method of application, according to the given
scheme. Send the energy from the base of the Ajna chakra cone to
clockwise, hologram. Imagine that the energy removes (removes) the hologram
and, counterclockwise, "pulls" it to the base of the chakra cone. Then, send the energy
counterclockwise to the tip of the Ajna cone (the second cervical vertebra) and lower the
energy through the spine to the chakra to which the organ you are interested in is
connected. Overlay the hologram over it. Using the energy of the organ chakra, send energy
from the base of the chakra to that organ by strengthening the hologram.
The psychoenergological method can be used with great efficiency for remote
diagnosis. As in the previous examples; you must master the general method (step-by-step
training, introduction and reinforcement of the hologram). To make the diagnosis we must
have the object used by the person (to remove the frequency of his field). Take the object in
your hand, give a mental command, such as: "I have to diagnose this kidney kidney ." At the
mental level, the hologram of the two kidneys is created. Then their volumetric viewing is
performed. The Ajna and Sahasrara chakras are triggered. close your eyes, transmit the
energy from Ajna to Sahasrara clockwise for 5-10 sec. Then, counterclockwise, back to the
base of the Ajna chakra cone. An impulse, a signal, appears and is clearly felt. At the same
time, from the Ajna chakra, clockwise (horizontal surface) and from the Sahasrara chakra,
counterclockwise, perform the energy transmission. At their point of intersection there is a
"spark" - the volumetric image of the kidneys, the hologram begins to glow brightly. At the
mental level, the hologram shows the pathological characteristics of the kidney (stones, sand,
Once you have mastered the psychoenergological method, you can successfully
apply it in holographic rastropia. For example, a person who has a scar on his body and you
want to know under what conditions he appeared. In this case, you can use the photo. The
diagram looks like this:
The Ajna chakra is set in motion and the Vishudha chakra of the recipient is
carefully examined.
Make a strong energy reference with the optical analyzer in the center of the base
of the Vishudha cone, and then, closing your eyes, pass your own energy through the base of
the cone, counterclockwise. At the same time, a slight clockwise energy is sent from the Ajna
chakra to the area of the pituitary gland. In a few seconds, the events of the perceiver's life -
the holographic film - will begin to unfold in front of you like "cinematic frames". Mentally,
at this point, you need to focus on the scar and the events will start to unfold faster and
faster. And suddenly, a "stop-frame" will appear on the "movie", you will see the event that
took place in the person's life and generated the appearance of the scar. After work, perform
self-cleaning: remove the object from consciousness and charge the body with
bioenergy. The possibilities of the undulating coding method are
endless. An in - depth study of the method and its elaboration will allow a more accelerated
progress towards understanding the functioning of the brain. And the practicality of
psychoenergoholography really opens up fantastic perspectives in psychophysics. I, for
example, am convinced that with the help of brain holograms it will be possible to perform
"operations" to regenerate lost organs, they can be replaced without surgery, the appearance
can be corrected and, of course, the body can be rejuvenated.
The knowledge that humanity has after two millennia of existence of our
civilization opens extraordinary possibilities for knowing the world, penetrating other spaces
or universes, awareness of the place it occupies in the Cosmic Program. At the same time,
mastering the secrets of directing internal energies and external ones also present a certain
danger: if it falls into the wrong hands, psi energy can become a terrible weapon. He who has
stepped on the spiritual path must be aware that there is no more blessed purpose on earth
than the security of the life of the spirit and of the human body.
The question is often asked, which cosmic development plan can be considered
more perspective? In my opinion, the system of self-improvement must "start with the
weakest link, but always and unceasingly must act to improve the karmic plan and develop
the plan of Nirvana - today's people are particularly weak in these two planes. The fate of the
individual in the present time and in infinity it is determined by the laws of Karma, so it is
extremely important to look carefully at every idea, feeling, deed, and after a lifetime you
may be a few steps ahead of evolution or, conversely, thrown away. far behind. in addition to
intensifying development karmic be used practice that oncen - entry of the heart, practice
development chakra Nirvana. the heart, the ability to feel, is the center of life, it focuses the
personal life of every person and business spirit his. "Evacuate to higher ground - this is the
heart," says Agni-yoga. the aspiration to heights gives the greatest potential; every - re, of its
own accord, it must determine it. The ultimate goal is to know all existence, enters - bad in
the Absolute, evolutionary path that requires constant self-improvement of mental
development, spiritual elevation and respect cosmic laws, those moral laws included in the 10
Commandments and the Sermon of Jesus Christ.
Transmit good thoughts to the world, to the earth, to people, and to all
beings. You can also perform a ritual designed to perform only good thoughts.
Tie a bundle of 9 wax candles with a string. Place them on a plate. Beforehand, think of
9 wishes - it is better to note the program. Put your hands on the candle bundle, convey the first
thought and rotate the candles together with the plate 360 degrees. Then do the same thing,
transmitting in turn the second thought, the third thought, etc., 9 thoughts - 9 rotations. Unscrew the
candles, light them and place them on a plate in a circle. They must burn and through their flames,
your information will be received by the Cosmos.
9 thoughts
the thought of salvation, directed to salvation
the thought of the heart, which gives love
the good thought, which decomposes the evil
the pure thought, which purifies all that is animate and inanimate
the thought of friendship, what unites people
the thought of health, which gives health
the thought of joy, which gives joy
the thought of healing, which heals the planet and all that is alive
the thought of the spirit, which dissolves all human vices.
If you have chosen the path of self-improvement, you have felt like a "microcosm-
macrocosm" system, you have become aware of the infinity of your own possibilities, then
you have taken another step towards the Light. The next step in achieving the ultimate goal is
to help those close to you to solve the same problem - the concern for the Great Harmony of
Life. However, the twentieth century, which opens to mankind bright perspectives in the
Cosmic program can at the same time become a fatality. In the history of our civilization, the
need to unite forces in order to save it has never been so clear.
Every Thursday, at 11 pm Moscow time, my students and colleagues from
different cities of the country meditate together on the theme "Towards the Light". I suggest
those who wish to join us.
Sit in the "prayer position" or "visitation position" facing north. With the eye of
the mind, go to the bases of the chakras (cone tips) from Muladhara to Sahasrara, visualize
their color so that they shine brightly. Breathing: 3 sec. - inspiration, 3 sec. - hold your breath,
5 sec. exhale. Clearly imagine the globe as you would like to see it (create the hologram in
Direct the energy from the Sahasrara counterclockwise, down through all the
chakras and through both legs with a strong flow of energy to the center of the Earth along
with the application of the hologram. Make one or two referrals. Then send a strong stream of
energy to the Earth's surface. The next reference will be to the Cosmos. together with the
cosmic energy you direct the flow like a shower back to Earth with the application of the
My energy fills the Earth with a strong but soft and healing flow, regenerating its
depths and its entire surface. Our earth is a living organism, functioning at a precise and
healthy pace.
Everything alive on Earth is regenerating. The water mirror is cleaned. Organisms
that live in water recover. Grass and trees become strong, healthy and clean. The animal
world is becoming strong and healthy. From this day on, our Earth, as a living organism, lives
a full and healthy life. My hologram is deposited forever, ever, forever.
Three strong energy references are made to reinforce the information. A thin
thread of energy is left tied to the Earth and a strong energy is sent from the bottom up
through the spiral with the application of the hologram: I send my energy to all cosmic levels
to Cosmic Reason. My energy is united with the Cosmic energy and in the form of light
cosmic rain, it falls on Earth, purifying people of all sins, of evil, of useless ones, giving them
health, joy, understanding of the truth of life. People are getting cleaner, healthier. All the
people of the Earth, regardless of faith, political beliefs, nationality, are sisters and
brothers. We are a unitary whole and, in one soul, we direct our forces for the good of our
civilization. Our civilization, fueled by a strong flow of cosmic energy, will be able to receive
new knowledge and will be able to reach a qualitatively new level of development in the next
century. Leave a thin energetic thread connecting to the Cosmos and, counterclockwise,
lower the energy through the spiral, joining it with the internal bioenergetic system.
With pure thoughts, good heart, we are inseparably united with the Earth and the
I am a man of the planet Earth, the guide of the ocean of knowledge,
which stretches in front of and behind me, I step on the path of spirituality and I will follow it
with honor to the end. Always and everywhere, I will defend human peace and civilization on
Earth and in the Cosmos, I will contribute to the spiritual and moral rebirth of man. Aiming at
a high spiritual level and its energetic manifestation, I am aware of my own responsibility for
the use of psychic energies and informational actions. Above all in this world, it is only
Cosmic Reason, if I lose touch with it, I lose the right to to use my abilities.

I stand before Eternity, Harmony and Cosmic Reason. I have nothing to hide and
nothing to hide for destructive purposes.
I swear never to violate the Great Harmony, not to carry out dangerous
experiences for the planet and all that is alive, not to physically and spiritually subjugate
other rational forms and other people, to give by all means help to the suffering and those
who need me. To be worthy in all things of the gift given to me above the will of fate, to live
in peace with myself and those around me, constantly knowing the great Truth — Cosmic
1. You have chosen the path Yourself. Don't force others to copy and resemble
you. Otherwise you will lie and put a dangerous weapon in the hands of
an unprepared man. Representative of the Superior Forces, you know how helpless and
fragile nature, the living creature and the uninitiated man are in front of you!
Only the great love for him and the exact knowledge of the consequences gives
you the right to psychoenergetic action, treatment and experiment. There is no greater truth in
the world than the security of the life of the human spirit and body in daily life, for he is the
world. You differ from others only in unlimited kindness and patience.
There is no black and white in the world. It is polychrome and multi-
sounding. Don't be stolen by a single note, otherwise you won't hear the whole Music. The
extrasensor has the right to psychospiritual self-protection and the defense of the person's
society, from the energetic-informational programming foreign to his being from other
There is no superfluous one among colleagues who have stepped on the spiritual
path, because no one has the power to deviate from the path once he has stepped on it.
Create, not destroy. You know more than others, you feel more than others, you
specialize in energy - you specialize in perceptions. Always remember: create and not master,
work and do not seek benefits, achieve your goal and do not be proud of it. When you come
to understand your own "I", you have power - radiate it and give it everywhere.
Always remember that your strength is obtained through inner spiritual activity,
through a blameless life.
Love all, do not offend those who suffer by word, deed, or thought.
Do not boast in your power, do not promise anything, do not pay evil with evil, do
not harm your enemies, speak of them for good, without distinguishing between them and
About the author and his book             
I. Introduction. "I am the microcosm"         
II. Universe         
III. Anatomy of the cosmic organism         
IV. Development of subtle bodies         
V. Consciousness. Attention. Memory . Exercises for memory development 11
VI. In a healthy body - a healthy spirit        
1. Physical health 
2. Mental health 
3. Energy health 
ARE YOU COMING. The problem of life and
death. Reincarnation                                                                         16
VIII. Bioenergy                                                                                                             
1. The biofield - how do you have it? 
2. Energy circulation. Triggering and developing energy centers 
3. Bioenergetic recharging and bioenergetic correction of the body. Defense methods . 
4. Remote amplification of human energy 
5. Bioenergetic protection
IX . Biofield treatment. Remote diagnosis . 29
1. Diagnosis after photography . 
2. Diagnosis by appearance . 
3. Treatment by bioenergetic action 
X. Parapsychological
phenomena                                                                                                      31
1. Vision through the skin 
2. Telekinesis 
3. Telepathy 
4. Clairvoyance 
5. Biolocation 
6. The evil eye (application of negative information) 
7. Poltergeist 
8. Opening the Superconscious 
XI. Psychoenergosuggestion - a new direction in world practice . 39
1. The science of suggestion
2. Jump into the subconscious
3. Psychoenergosugestologist - the profession of the future
4. The method of psychoenergetic action
5. Revealing hidden capabilities
6. Psycho nergosuggestion in art, sports
7. Forecast for managers
8. Psycho - energy-informational loading of liquids, crystals and precious stones
9. Bioenergetic saturation of food
10. Be beautiful
11. Longevity and youth
12. Retrospection - the ability to see past lives
13. Psychoenergological method
XII. Conclusion. "With us to the Light"                      
Oath of the extrasensor         
Extrasensor ethics                       55                                                                     

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