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Warm Fuzz Case Study

Kathryn Stacy

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In this paper I will be discussing the Warm Fuzz case study. The case study surrounds the

business company Warm Fuzz Cards. In the case study, the owner of Warm Fuzz Cards is faced

with a choice as to how to handle the future dealings of her business. I will briefly go over the

background of her case study and then answer the following questions pertaining to the Warm

Fuzz case. Lastly, I will be providing a recommendation on how Erica Mills could possibly

move forward with the ideas implemented in this paper about Warm Fuzz Cards.
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The Warm Fuzz case study is about a woman who is at a crossroads with her business

and personal life. Mills has slowly grown her business call Warm Fuzz Cards into a small

successful venture. As her business slowly grows, she and her husband decide to start

transitioning into starting a family, on a twelve-month schedule. Mills worries that while she has

made operations worked thus far, she will not be able to juggle both the full weight of her

company and motherhood at the same time. Her Husband suggests growing faster while she

would like to keep her course and grow slowly. Overall, she needed to decide how to move forth

with her business and her life.


As Mills moves forward, she would have to face her primary issue of her lack of business

expertise. The reason her business has grown so slowly is because she is learning as she goes.

Mills seems to well verse herself upon every business hurdle she has encountered, whether that

be inventory, sales, design, or production. Because she has to learn the ins and outs of each

subject to better verse herself on the best next step makes things go by much more slowly. This

would mean her business would not be able to grow at the rate she intends. She would need to

decide which part of the business she wants to be involved in. The financial side of things or the

design/ sales side. Another issue she might face is the lack of funding to get things accomplished.

As she is now, she is putting most of the cash generated from Warm Fuzz back into the business

for things like inventory and website design. If she would want to grow the business, she would
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need more cash to hire the people she needed to as well and the inventory she would need to

supply such a venture.

Mills would have a few different strategies to choose from moving forward. If she would

choose to hire a financial accountant, the finances of her business would be handled. The main

things being payroll, especially is she were to decide to hire more people, paperwork and taxes.

The only downfall of this option would be that she loses out on learning more about the business

side of owning a business. She could also do the reverse option. Where she would hire a

designer to take over the designing of the card, wedding invitations, and business cards. In doing

so she would be able to hone in on her business ethics and practices but not be involved of the

creative process portion of her work. At this point her is spreading herself too thin. If she were

pick a side of the business and stick to that section, her company would altogether flourish.

I feel that Mills should go for the higher growth option. Although this is her first business

and she is on the newer side of experiences, she has proven that she can grow the business. I

believe that as of now she is just spreading herself too thin. If she were to hire one to a few more

people who each have designated task, or a focus on what their role is in Warm Fuzz Cards.

Clearly, she won’t be able to grow her business substantially with solely just hiring on more

labor with goal-oriented tasks because her business right now is strictly hand to mouth in terms

of her profits and sales. She will most likely need to find additionally funds from other places as

well if she wants to grow the business. She might find these funds in the form of investors

because it does not seem like the card industry is slowing down anytime soon. She could even

apply for a small business loan and show her past sells as evidence that she is slowly but surely

gaining sales. With additional hired help as well as some sort of large cash influx to help sustain

the business and new business deals, Mills should be able to grow her company greatly.
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My recommendation for the following steps that Mills should take are for her to look into

recruiting a designer to hire. It seems like Mills really enjoys learning about the business world.

It seems like is she could cut out the most time consuming part which would be designing each

card, whether it be a personal wedding invitation which can have many personal variations, to

the business greeting message for a specific company, or even the common greeting card.

Without having to focus much time in this aspect frees up the time she would need to navigate

the business world of things. It also allows her the time she needs to learn the things she needs

to. Even more so, because she has cut the most time sensitive part, she also has time for the

motherhoodly challenges she might face along the way. In hiring one more person she can

effectively live a different life while still being involved in the way she wants to. The other side

to this is finances. Yes, adding an additional person will be effective. But she will also need a

loan to make this work. A loan would have to be repaid but it would let Mills decide where use

the money and give her free range on how to use it. Or she could look for an investor. An

investor could supply funds for things such as inventory and they would typically want

percentage in the company or some sort compensation from sales. I think if Mills wants the

company to remain hers and she should look into a loan. This is because if she grows the

business like she plans to, shell be able to pay back the loan while will having control of Warm

Fuzz Cards.
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Sharen,Colleen (2009) Spreading happiness warm Fuzz Cards, Accessed March 29, 2020

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