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1. In vitro alpha-1 antitrypsin primarily inhibits trypsin and elastase.

2. Alpha 1-antitrypsin has a wide spectrum of antiprotease activity, however, its important physiological
role is the inhibition of elastase.
3. Substitution of a valine residue for glutamate at position 264 is S variant.
4. Substitution of a valine residue for glutamate at position 342 is Z variant.
5. Alpha 1-antitrypsin is a protein that is made in the liver.
6. Aldolase is present in three different isoforms. Aldolase C is the brain isoform.
7. Based on a research, Hereditary Fructose Intolerance will cause motor neuropathy
8. GLUT 5 is a facilitative glucose transporter isoform present in the small intestine and other tissues that
transport fructose across the membrane.
9. Essential fructosuria is a rare, benign genetic condition in which fructose spills over to the urine because
of lack of the enzyme fructokinase in the liver.
10. The most common variant of A1ATD is the Z variant.
11. PiMZ and PiMS are carriers of the alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency.
12. FALSE. A decrease in inorganic phosphate decreases the activity of AMP deaminase and leads to
increased production of uric acid.
13. The toxic effects of F1P can also be exhibited in patients that do not have a deficiency in aldolase B if
they are parenterally fed with solutions containing fructose.
14. The enzyme present in the liver, kidney, and intestine that will phosphorylate fructose to F-1-P at the
expense of ATP is fructokinase.
15. The absence of this enzyme leads to a build-up of F-1-P and depletion of liver ATP and phosphate
stores fructose-1-phosphate aldolase.
16. Fructose-1-phosphate aldolase has an activity for fructose-1-phosphate and fructose 1,6-biphosphate.

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