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FELIPE: welcome to those who want to be millionaires version of aminals. From here you can leave with your
pockets full, or with no money but a curious fact more than before you did not know. Today's first participant is
Dayana, Welcome dayana, how are you? are you ready?

DAYANA: Hi Felipe, good, i`m super prepared

FELIPE: OK let's start

1. What animal had the biggest eyes?

a. the mammoth.
b. the tarsier.
c. Giant squid.
d. Eagle owl.
The animal with the biggest eyes is the giant squid.

2. Which has been the largest marine mammal?

a. The giant squid
b. Blue whale
c. Megalodon
d. The cachalot
The largest marine mammal has been the blue whale

3. What animal has been in space?

a. The monkey
b. fly
c. Dog.
d. Cat.
The animal that has gone into space was the dog.

4. One dog was sent into space by URSS in?

One dog was sent into space by URSS in 1957

FELIPE: Well Dayana, do you want to add one more zero to your earnings, or do you retire?

DAYANA: mmmm I better retire jajaja.

FELIPE: OK Dayana, you leave with ten thousand dollars, congratulations. Let's continue our second participant of
the day, your name is Daniela. Hi Daniela, how are you today? you are relax or nervious?

DANIELA: Hi Felipe, i`m fine, a little nervious but ready.

FELIPE: well, let us begin

1. why are the elephants WANTED?

a. ivory
b. ears
c. skin
d. eyes
The elephants are wanted by their ivory

2. why ARE the bears hunted?

a. nose
b. claws
c. skin
d. teeth
The bears are hunted by their skin

3. what are the dogs used for?

a. their skin
b. their smell
c. their rase
d. their hunting instincts
Dogs are used for their hunting instincts

FELIPE: do you want to continue? or do you retire with what you have?

DANIELA: I want to continue and increase my bet

FELIPE: jaja Its fine, here we go..

4. Whic animal is most eaten by lions?

A lot of Wildebeest are eaten by lions

FELIPE: Ooooh, that bad..., sorry Daniela, You were wrong, so unfortunately you can no longer continue and you
cannot take what you won.

DANIELA: Oh shit!, well, I'll practice for the next one, thank you very much

FELIPE: jajaa Your welcome,Now we have a third and final participant, she is Angie. Hi Angie, how are you? how
do yo feel?

ANGIE: Hi Felipe, I am very nervious.

FELIPE: Calm down Angie, this is not very hard, you just must have studied a little and you will win. Let`s start.

1. Which was the most poisonous animal of the worl?

The most poisonous animal in the world is the jellyfish.

2. Which was the animal with the best smell un the ocean?
C-orca whale
D-sea horse
The animal with the best smell is the shark.

3. What was the animal that gives its young names?

The animal that gives its young their names are dolphins.

4.When were the Dodos extinguised by humans ?

The Dodos were extinguised by humans in 1761

FELIPE: Angie you are doing very well, are you want retiring or do you want to go to the next question?
Remember that you have ten thousand dollars in your pockets.

ANGIE: No Felipe, i will not risk, I retire.

FELIPE: Ok, bye Angie.

ANGIE: Bye felipe, thanks to everyone.

FELIPE: There are no more participant, so... we are done for today, Congratulations to the winners and best of
luck to the losers next time. Thanks for watching and see you next time.

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