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How to Convert Word to Powerpoint

Two Methods:If Document has no imagesIf Document has images

Sometimes converting Word documents to Powerpoint presentations seem such a need that one wonders why it isn't included as a file
Save As type in Word. While we wait for a new version of Ms Office that has a Save As type allowing you to save as a presentation,
here are a few ways of converting. The steps given depend on the size and type of the document you need to convert.

Method 1 of 2: If Document has no images


On Powerpoint 2007, under Home Ribbon, click on the arrow under New Slide.

Select Slides from Outline, and navigate to the Word document that you want to convert to a presentation

Click on Insert and let Powerpoint import you word document into the presentation.

For each slide, the slide title will be in Heading 1 style, the remaining text will have a Heading 2 style. (This is the default
heading style, but you can use any of Word’s built-in heading styles to personalize your presentation.)

Apply formatting to your presentation (slide animations, sounds, themes, word formatting)

Save your presentation, test and re-edit until you are happy.

Method 2 of 2: If Document has images

1. 1

If your document has images, then the above method might not work. In that case, consider converting your document to
pdf, then converting your pdf to PowerPoint. This method is preferable even if your document does not have images, because
it is less hassle free once you've found out what works best for you. Keep in mind that this can escalate to become a multi-
stage conversion.

If your document has text and images and is small (5-10) pages, you can use copy/paste to get the text and the images
into the slide. Alternatively, use a snapshot program to copy the images. A popular image program is Microsoft OneNote.
This comes with a Screen Clipping feature which you can use to copy the images and paste to your slide. This is good
especially if you have multiple drawings/images like flowcharts and you want them in the same alignment as in your

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 Mix and match! You may need to use different methods of converting depending on your time, document size and other

 Give your Powerpoint a test run after converting. If you are not satisfied with the complete Powerpoint presentation after you
convert it, a few manual touches will be needed.
Related wikiHows

How to
Insert a File Into a Word Document

Sources and Citations


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