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Answer the following

1) Where did Pit and Pat fall?
2) Why were elephants very angry?
3) What did Farmer Seth want to do with the wheat?
4) Why did Pat go down to the field?
5) Why did Farmer Seth look up at the sky?
6) What was the ‘elephant menace’?
7) ’With a great shout of joy, the raindrops jumped down’. Why were
the raindrops full of joy?

Identify the sentences. Write (S) for sentence, (O) for order, (R) for
Request, (Q) for Question and (E) for exclamation.
1. Bring me a glass of water.
2. “Do you know me?”
3. Wow!, its very nice.
4. Please help me.
5. I am going to school.
6. When are you coming to school?”
7. Don’t ever touch my phone
8. Wow, he just won a gold medal!
9. Please do all the work on time.
10. Go fast.

Circle subject and Underline predicate

1. The sun was shining brightly.
2. The dogs were barking loudly.
3. The pretty girl was wearing a blue frock.
4. My younger brother serves in the army.
5. The man and his wife were working in their garden.

Fill in the blanks -

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