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Missing Cat

Last Sunday, Mimi woke up early as she wanted to take her cat to the vet. Unfortunately, her
cat was nowhere to be seen. She was surprised to find out that the cat’s cage was unlocked. She
looked high and low for her cat around the house.
Immediately, she told her brother about her missing cat. Her kind-hearted brother helped to
search for the cat. They left no stone unturned. Out of a sudden, her brother heard a meowing sound
from the mango tree. It was her cat!
Without hesitation, her brother climbed up the tree carefully. He rescued the cat. Mimi
thanked her brother profusely. She learned her lesson. She promised to lock the cage properly next

(Phrases) high and low - in many different places

(idiom) To leave no stone unturned - to do everything possible to find something or to solve a
(adjective ) Profuse - very plentiful; abundant (dengan banyak , berulangkali eg :
aplogise profusely.

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