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Activity 1 :

1. what are the three closely related accounts on the etymology

of the term religion?
Answer: According to the first account, the term comes from a Latin word that means to tie or bind. . In
any case, this etymological meaning of religion to the or bind, indicates thetwo objectives of religion:
first, to bind humanity and the divine together; and second, to bind humansinto a community that is bound
with the divine. The second account states that the term religion consistsof two Latin words, namely, re,
which means again and lig-, which means to join or connect. This meaning of religion suggests that
there wasoriginally a unity between the human world and the sacred world which was somehow lost or
strained,and religion is the way for humans to recover or reestablish that unity . the third account,
theword religion derives from the Latin word relegare which literally means & to tread carefully;
and whichindicates respect and care for both the natural and supernatural world. This
furthersuggests that a primary concern of religion is to provide guidance on how humans ought
to live.

2. what is the meaning of religion based on its etymology?

Answer: that religion serves as a bridgebetween the human world and the sacred
world. Accordingly, the etymological accounts suggest that ahigher purpose in human
living is unity with the divine.

Activity 2 :
Read the following and give an example to each element preferably from
your religion.
Elements of religion example
1. worldview God is the sovereign
2. spiritual world Holy spirit
3. sacredness Power of GOD
4. ethical codes Credential minister
5. community Christian fellowship
6. sacred writings Bible
7. central stories Stories about GOD
8. rituals Tradition
9.artistic expressions Fundamental truths

Activity 3:
Answer: you may not know if the person is religious and spirituality because other people is
religious but not spirituality and some people also is not religious but spirituality.

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