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LEARNING CONTENT consumers, WedVert has made interesting

strides to change the kinds of consumption
associated with weddings. It provides
WELCOME BACK YOUNG suggestions about making the wedding
ENVIRONMENTALISTS! How was your more ecologically friendly by making
exam? I’m glad that we are back again and changes in the purchase of wedding rings,
may we embrace midterm as another gifts, and floral arrangements. It also
challenging period. It is our first lesson for outlines ways for couples to buy local
this term I hope that you will give same products that lower wedding costs, and it
commitment as the previous term. We shall recommends sustainable locations for the
be discussing the topic on discovering value wedding rite.
via market analysis particularly on how
Is the green wedding for everybody? Of
value and market segmentation play in the
course not, but there is a growing
sustainability of business.
international target market that places great
emphasis on the sustainability of their
purchases. Weddings are an important part
Lesson Proper: of life, and they often have substantial
In this section, we focus on marketing carbon footprints.
initiatives that reduce energy consumption A. Introduction
and enhance sustainability efforts. Recall
that the strategic planning process (see The WedVert example illustrates how
Figure5-2) underscores the interaction companies are using market analyses to
between environmental factors and help them discover sustainable green
business strategy. The central factor in the strategies. Our analysis of the pursuit of
pursuit of sustainability is the value that sustainable marketing strategies to this
market offerings provide to consumers. point in the text has focused on the
Sustainable value emerges from analysis of interaction between the market and the
the economic, relational, and ecological environment. The market analyses provided
returns sought in a market. Consequently, in earlier sections of this book support
each chapter in our discussion of marketing efforts to craft strategies and tactics that
action focuses on strategies that generate enhance sustainability.
In this first chapter, we outline a process for
WEDVERT GREEN WEDDINGS analyzing markets. This analysis of markets
and market segmentation addresses the
Launched in early 2007, WedVert is the first discovery of value. Promotional efforts by
wedding resource to focus on green efforts which firms communicate value are
as a means to prevent the tons of waste examined in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, we
that weddings create each year. The frame product development as the set of
company’s Web site, print magazine, and processes by which the firm produces
products focus on helping the modern value.
couple turn a traditional wedding into a
green master piece. WedVert values the
importance of saving money and offers
plenty of advice to ensure that a wedding is
exquisite, economic, and environmentally
friendly. In its efforts to target this group of

FIG. 5 - 2 The
The Environment Ecological
Strategic Planning ProcessOrganizational Mission
Social Economic Competitive Political



Evaluation and Control

Market segmentation refers to the process

of dividing a market into distinct segments
The effort to deliver value is addressed in
or subsets of customers that have similar
the analysis of supply cycles in Chapter 8
needs or behave in the same way. This
and in the analysis of retailing in Chapter 9.
would help the owner of the business to
Chapter 10 provides an overview of the
match the product to a desired market.
mechanisms by which the firm proclaims
value via its pricing strategy. Target marketing refers to the organization s
efforts to serve a selected segment within the
Integrated Value Creation marketplace.
The successful organization must discover and
identify the value sought by consumers within a
market. A market consists of all organizations or
people with a need or want and the ability and
willingness to make purchases to address these
needs and wants. If any of these facets of the
market are not present, then the market is also
not present. Initial analysis of the market
requires the marketer to gain an appreciation of
each of these market components. The needs Positioning refers to the development of
and wants associated with products and the marketing mix to yield a distinctive
services reflect the economic, social, and appeal to the target segment. Also, it refers
ecological value derived from a purchase. For
to the place that a brand occupies in the
example, the commuter that buys a bicycle
minds of the customers and how it is
incurs economic costs that yield financial
savings over time. This consumer may also
distinguished from the products of the
enjoy the camaraderie of other cyclists and will competitors and different from the concept of
likely acknowledge the environmental benefits of brand awareness.
Segmentation, Target Markets, and
After the market has been established, the firm Positioning
can begin to investigate the extent to which Market
there are subsets of the market with unique
value statements. The process of moving from All organizations or people with a need or
market analysis to marketing mix positioning is want and the ability and willingness to make
outlined in Figure5-3. After the firm has identified purchases to address these needs and wants.
the market, it engages in a series of activities
referred to as STP marketing characterized by Market Segments
efforts to segment, target, and position.
Groups of consumers that behave in the same
way or have similar needs

Target Market the demand for these products has

increased, conventional grocers interest in
A market that which a marketing organization
proposes to serve the group also increased. The size of the
market segment is a particularly salient
Positioning issue in green marketing given that the
Developing the marketing mix to yield a interest in sustainability factors is increasing
distinctive appeal to the target segment in many markets.12 As the size of a
segment interested in ecological
performance increases, there is likely an
increase in the amount of competition for the
B. Market Segmentation
Segmentation of the market plays a critical
role in the development of business Identifiable and measurable. The
strategies that yield desired value for firms, identifiable and measurable requirements
their suppliers, and their customers. reflect the need to be able categorize
Segmentation enables companies to identify persons within and outside of the market
groups of consumers with similar needs and segments. If we cannot identify who is and
enables companies to analyze characteristics
who is not in a group, then we cannot
and buying behaviors of members of these
groups. When the unique needs of a group assess the size of the group, nor can we
are identified, the segmentation process also develop a marketing plan to serve the
enables the firm to design a marketing mix group. Al- though personal factors such as
that reflects the unique requirements of the demographics(e.g.,age,gender) are simple
group. Consequently, segmentation enables to measure, they are unlikely to be
companies to address the value sought by informative in the analysis of the degree to
consumers while simultaneously achieving which consumers in a market are interested
the firms needs.
in sustainability issues. Consequently, many
The segmentation process begins by identifying
specific factors that reflect differences in efforts to examine consumer predispositions
customers responsiveness to marketing toward green marketing initiatives rely on
variables or requirements. These differences in personality and motives.
levels of responsiveness may be attributed to
many factors such as purchase behavior, usage,
Accessible. In many cases, an organization
benefits sought, or loyalty. may be able to quantify the size of market
segments, but it cannot reach the segment
The process of market segmentation and the via a customized marketing mix. For
design of the marketing mix are activities that example, in emerging economies, the
the firm performs on a regular basis, and these
greatest need for drinking water may be
activities are costly to the organization.
Segmentation strategies should recognize that among extremely poor, illiterate consumers.
proposed segments should be: The firm may not be able to develop a
Substantial. Substantiality is the criterion
that emphasizes the need for the segment
to be large enough to warrant attention. For Responsive. The responsiveness criterion
example, prior to 2000, most grocers did not considers whether the consumers in a
view the market for organic goods as market segment are more likely to respond
substantial enough to warrant their to a marketing mix in a manner that is
attention.11 Organic food sales have different from other consumers. If the basis
increased by 20% annually since 1990. As for distinguishing among market segments

does not reveal differences in preferences Behavioral segmentation refers to the use of
with respect to some factor, then there is no consumer behavior or product use to
need to treat a segment separately from distinguish among market segments.20 The
other groups. For example, in 2005, Nike market analysis pro- vided by the Natural
initially promoted the Considered walking Marketing Institute (NMI) incorporates
boot as an environmentally friendly product. attitudes and behaviors toward
Since consumers were not responsive to environmentalism and consumption
this environmental appeal, the promotion
Similar efforts have been conducted in
shifted to other performance attributes of
northern European markets. Their research
the footwear. has uncovered the following five market
Good segmentation strategies separate segments:
potential buyers from people that do not
have the needs of the members of a buying True blues. Are those consumers with
group. In consumer markets, firms often use strong environmental values that seek to
demographics segmentation to separate bring about positive change. Individuals that
potential buyers based on age, gender, identify with this segmentare also inclined to
income, or occupation. be politically active in their pursuit of
sustainability. These individuals are four
For example, cities that are trying to attract
times more likely to avoid products
Generation Y adults increasingly emphasize the
ecological merits of their communities. Because
marketed by companies that are not
a high percentage of consumers in this age environmentally conscious. Roper Starch
bracket favor environmental causes, the cities research indicates that 31% of consumers
recognize that marketing campaigns to this fit this category.
group must emphasize ecology.
Greenback greens The green back greens
are also interested in sustainability
For example, California is a leading market
concerns, but they are not inclined to be
for green building construction in the United
States. The state has aggressively pursued politically active. Importantly, these
efficiency measures since the oil price consumers are more willing to purchase
escalation era of the 1970s. The state s per environmentally friendly products than
capita electricity usage has remained virtually average consumers. Prior research
stable over the past 30 years even as per suggests that this group represents 10% of
capita consumption has grown across the the population.
country. Experts credit state policies that
have included establishing state-level Sprouts. These consumers appreciate the
appliance efficiency requirements; enacting merits of environmental causes, but they do
strict building codes; and giving utilities not take this appreciation with them to the
incentives to help their customers save
marketplace. Although these consumers will
be unlikely to spend more for green
Several analysts of green marketing in the products, they can be persuaded to do so
consumer sector have used psychographic given the appropriate appeal. Research
segmentation to distinguish among consumer
suggests that sprouts account for
approximately 26% of consumers.
Psychographics refers to the use of attitudes,
opinions, motives, values, lifestyles, interests, Grousers. This group of consumers tends
or personality to distinguish among consuming to be cynical about its ability to bring about
groups. change, and it is relatively uneducated
about ecological concerns. Research

suggests that these consumers believe that LOHAS followers are more moderate in their
green products are too expensive and do preferences for green products. Like the leaders,
not perform as effectively as their non green however, they are cutting-edge consumers for
most purchasing situations.
counterparts. Approximately 15% of
consumers fit the grouser category.
Naturalites. This second market segment
Apathetics. Formerly labeled basic browns, refers to consumers primarily concerned
the apathetic do not concern them- selves about personal health and wellness. Their
with sustainability or green marketing preference for food and beverage pro- ducts
practices. The apathetics represent about is motivated primarily by a strong health
focus, not an environmental focus. Although
18% of the population.
these consumers appreciate that companies
Roper Starch North American Market should be environmentally conscious, they
Segments Concerning Attitudes Toward are not politically committed to the
Sustainability environmental movement, and they are not
generally driven to buy eco-friendly durable
goods. Naturalites represent17% of American
households (38millionpeople).

Conventionals .The largest segment in the

NMI analysis includes 58 millionadults or
26% of the adult population. Because these
individuals are practical and enjoy seeing
the results of their action, they are likely to
recycle and conserve energy.28 They
The LOHAS consumer. LOHAS refers to recognize the value in buying products that
lifestyles of health and sustainability. This term save money in the long run, but the
describes an estimated $209 billion U.S. ecological merits of consumption are not
marketplace for goods and services. These paramount in their decision making.
consumers are focused on health, the
environment, social justice, personal Drifters. The drifter category refers to
development, and sustainable living, and the consumers that are not highly concerned
future of society. Approximately 17% percent (38 about the environment and believe that the
million) of the adults in the United States are
problems will eventually be resolved.
considered LOHAS consumers.
The LOHAS group is based on the cultural Unconcerned. The final group in the NMI
creatives label developed by sociologist analysis is a group that has priorities other
Paul Ray to describe individuals on the than the environment and society. They are
cutting edge of social change. not aware of green product choices and are
Green Marketing Segments from the
generally unwilling to find out such
Natural Marketing Institute information. These consumers buy based
on convenience, price, quality, and value
with little regard for the actions of
companies marketing the products.
Benefit segmentation, which refers to the
delineation of segments based on the
benefits that buyers hope to derive from a
purchase. Thus, delivery truck requirements

for florists and dry cleaners may be similar, care facilities that are making the initial
despite differences in their respective investment in sustainable technologies will
clientele. vary markedly in their preferences from
firms that have repeatedly bought such
In general, the benefits sought by buyers in technologies.
the same industry can be very similar. In
North America, the North American The stages of the buying process
Industry Classification System (NAICS) include recognition of need; need
employs a six-digit hierarchical coding definition and description; seller
system to classify all economic activity into identification; proposal solicitation,
industry sectors. evaluation, and selection; ordering
NAICS, industrial-level analyses are being procedures; and review.
developed to identify best practices, and One facet of the business marketing setting
many of these best practices include that stands in contrast to consumer
sustainability considerations marketing is reverse marketing. Reverse
marketing refers to the proactive efforts
For example, the health care industry has within the firm to identify potential product
been very active in its pursuit of providers or vendors.
sustainability. The industry has developed a
Green Guide for Health Care that identifies
sustainable and green procedures that
enable hospitals to enhance financial
performance, improve patient satisfaction,
protect health, attract and retain staff, and
reduce fossil fuel emissions.

NAICS Description
44 Retail sector
441 Retail: Motor vehicles and parts Retail: Auto dealers
4411 Retail: New auto dealers
44111 Retail: U.S. new auto dealers

The understanding of the various facets of

sustainability within an industry can be
coupled with the buygrid framework to
isolate market segments. The buygrid
framework describes the organizational
buying process based on the type of
purchase and the stage of the buying
process.36 The type of purchase may be a
new task, a modified rebuy of a former
purchase, or a straight rebuy of a product
bought previously. Companies or health

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