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Child Observation #2 (ECE 1414) due 2/25/2019 by Sarah Jung

1. 1/30/2020 During gathering time, children were directed to “feelings” boxes where each child were to
place his/her name card in a feeling box - happy, sad, angry, excited and nervous. When asked how he
was feeling, Josiah leaned over and whispered in my ear and said “sad”. “Why?” I asked and he
answered, “I didn’t get enough sleep.” but later after the gathering time was over, he put his name card
in the “happy” box.
a. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Emotions - children recognize, label and regulate
their feelings.
b. KDI - Language, Literacy, and Communication - Vocabulary - Children understand and use a
variety of words and phrases.
c. IDEA - Do another “feelings” box time during the day to see how the feelings have changed.
Add more words other than “sad”, “happy”, “angry”, “nervous” and “excited”. Ensure children
it is okay to feel different feelings and talk about what might make them feel a certain way.
2. 1/30/2020 During large group time, Josiah said pointing at a nearby boy, “He is bothering me”. “Then
you move away,'' Ms Adams said. “ You can solve your problem by moving away.” Then Josiah
moved away.
a. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Conflict Resolution - Children resolve social
b. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Moral Development - Children develop an internal
sense of right and wrong.
c. IDEA - Go through 6 steps of conflict resolution with the children involved in conflict. (1.
Approach calmly, 2. Acknowledge children’s feelings, 3. Gather information, 4. Restate the
problem, 5. Ask for ideas and choose a solution together, 6. Give follow up support.)
3. 1/30/2020 During large group time, designated DJ picked the song ‘Mr and Mrs Clown.’ Girls were
called to be in the center while the children sang. “Mrs. Clown, Mrs. Clown, you are the funniest clown
around. Quick quick, do your trick” (the children stop singing and the girls in the middle do some kind
of “trick”) “Gianni, what’s your trick?” Asked Ms Adams and Gianni said, “ I beat my chest like a King
a. KDI - Social Studies- Decision making - Children participate in making classroom decisions.
b. KDI - Creative Arts - Music - Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine,
and feel through music.
c. KDI - Creative Arts - Movement - Children express and represent what they observe, think,
imagine and feel through movement.
d. IDEA - Instead of being in a binder, the song list can be on a board with numbers and colorful
photos to represent each song. The class DJ not only picks the song but also calls out who gets
to dance first in the circle.
4. 1/30/202 While getting ready to go outside for Outside time, Bailee pulled on my shirt and asked me,
“Are you wearing a wig?” “No, it’s my real hair.” I said and she said “No it’s not. You are wearing a
wig!” and then lined up to go outside.
a. KDI - Social Studies - Diversity - Children understand that people have diverse characteristics,
interest, and abilities.
b. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Building relationships - Children build relationships
with other children and adults.
c. IDEA - Have more representation of diverse people and culture in the Reading Area and Toy
5. 2/13/2020 During breakfast time, Ms Kelly, the speech therapist came to get Ameer for his session.
Gianni said “He might get lost”.
a. KDI - Language, Literacy, and Communication - Speaking - Children express themselves using
b. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Empathy - Children demonstrate empathy toward
c. IDEA - N/A
6. 2/13/2020 During breakfast time, Andrew said to me, “You came back! Are you going to come here
a. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Building relationships - Children build relationships
with other children and adults.
b. KDI - Social Studies - History - Children understand past, present, and future.
c. IDEA - N/A
7. 2/13/2020 While getting ready to go outside, Gianni asked, “Is it time for daddy-daughter dance yet?”
and then during planning time, she said, “I want to go to daddy-daughter dance!”.
a. KDI - Approaches to Learning - Planning - Children make plans and follow through on their
b. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Building relationships - Children build relationships
with other children and adults.
c. IDEA - Do a social evening during the weekend instead of on a school night.
8. 2/13/2020 While waiting for everyone to come outside of the bathroom after lunch time, Ms Taylor said
“If you can hear my voice, do 10 jumping jacks.” and Andrew counted as he was doing jumping jacks
and kept on jumping until he counted 30.
a. KDI - Mathematics - Counting - Children count things.
b. KDI - Physical Development and Health - Gross-motor skills - Children demonstrate strength,
flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.
c. IDEA - Appoint a child to lead a waiting activity.
9. 2/13/2020 During planning time, children were to look at a wheel made out of cardboard that had names
of different areas of play in each section of the wheel and choose the areas they would like to work in.
Diante said, “I want to work in the block area and build a giant tower…”
a. KDI - Approaches to Learning - Planning - Children make plans and follow through on their
b. KDI - Language, Literacy, and Communication - Speaking - Children express themselves using
c. IDEA -
10. 2/13/2020 During work time, Ameer started crying loudly. Ms Taylor went over to him and said, “let’s
calm down and talk about it. What happened?” Bailey, nearby, said, “I can share with you.” Ameer
kept crying. Ms Taylor said, “Maybe you can use your words and ask her what you want.” After talking
amongst themselves, they decided to get a timer and set time for taking turns.
a. KDI - Social and Emotional Development - Conflict Resolution - Children resolve social
b. KDI - Language, Literacy, and Communication - Speaking - Children express themselves using
c. IDEA - Use timer not only for conflict resolution but also for timing play time and work time.

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