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ISV Bhakti Shastri Notes - Bhagavad-Gita As It Is

oḿ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaḿ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of
knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him.

Compiled by

Srivasa Pandita Das


Chapter 1 – Setting the scene.......................................................3

Chapter 2 – Contents of Gita Summarized......................................5
Chapter 3 – Karma Yoga..............................................................7
Chapter 4 – Transcendental Knowledge..........................................9
Chapter 5 – Karma Yoga – Action in KC........................................11
Chapter 6 – Dhyāna-yoga...........................................................14
Chapter 7 – Knowledge of the Absolute........................................15
Chapter 8 – Attaining the Supreme..............................................17
Chapter 9 – The most confidential knowledge................................18
Chapter 1 – Setting the scene

No of verses : 46

Outline of Chapter :

A. 1.1- 1. 27 - Both the armies have lined up on the battlefield and are ready to fight

B. 1. 28- 1.42 - Arjuna explains his reasons for wishing not to fight.

Summary : Enquired by Dhritarashtra about the situation on the battlefield at Kurukshetra,

Sanjaya starts replying. Duryodhana goes to Dronacharya and talks to him relative
strengths of the both the armies tacitly pointing out the mistakes and weaknesses of both
Drona and Bhishma.

Thereafter the anticipation of war intensifies by both the sides blowing conches and other

Arjuna requests Krishna to draw the chariot in between the armies so that he can take a
look at those who are arrayed against him in this fight. After seeing his kith and kin ready
to fight each other to death, the soft-hearted devotee that he was, Arjuna becomes
overwhelmed with compassion and refuses to fight.

His reasons are

1) Personal :

a) Fear of sinful reactions for those kill the superiors which is against scriptural
injunctions and killing of the head of families.

b) He will be unable to enjoy the kingdom which is tainted with the blood of relatives
and he won’t have any relatives left to show his opulence.

c) Confusion: To fight or to not fight, that is question. This becomes more apparent
in second chapter.

d) Soft-heartedness :

 The enemies are ignorant of scriptures. They do not know the ramifications of
such horrible activities of killing their own kinsmen. But since he knows, he
should not fight.
 Arjuna is prepared to sacrifice his own sense gratification and go forest and
let his relatives enjoy the kingdom

 The kingdom is prosperous under Duryodhana. Why then cause such severe
disruption to the ordinary people by waging this war?

2) Scriptural and Social :

a) Killing of the head of families causes

 Destruction of family traditions

 Pollution of women which causes varna sankara which consequently

vanquishes the peace and prosperity in the society.

 Stopping of offerings to forefathers

b) All the social welfare projects are stopped.

c) He will go to hell and reside there for a long time due his greed killing others.

He decides not to fight after mentioning all the reasons above and casts aside his bow and
arrows. He sits in the chariot utterly grief stricken.

Home work (3 points)

1. What was the significance of using the word " dharma-kshetre" in the verse 1?

a. Two fold meaning. As most who have answered the question correctly, the
Vedas mention Kurukshetra as a holy place where denizens of heaven
perform sacrifices and hence dharma kshetra.

b. Also kshetra means fields and the Lord will uproot unwanted weeds in the
form of Duryodhana and his party.

2. Arjuna's bow is called Gandiva.

3. What are some of the effects of destruction of the family as presented by Arjuna?

a. Destruction of family traditions b. Women become polluted c. Unwanted progeny

d. Offering to forefathers stopped e. Social welfare projects abandoned f. Perpetrator of
such ghastly acts resides in hell.

4. Acyuta is one of the names of Krishna mentioned in the first chapter. What is the
meaning of Acyuta as given by Srila Prabhupada?

He who never fails to reciprocate the affection showed by His devotees.

Chapter 2 – Contents of Gita Summarized

No of verses : 72

Outline and summary of verses:

 2.1 - 10 – Still being confused, Arjuna states his reasons as to why he will not fight,
but surrenders to Krishna

2.1 Definition of sudra and Srila Prabhupada explains the divsion of chapter :
sankhya yoga and nishkama karma yoga [buddhi yoga]
2.2 The entire purport, except the last paragraph, is about Bhagavan and in the last
para, Srila Prabhupada explains the term "aryan"
2.3 Arjuna's ancestry and the Lord's view of Arjuna's "compassion".
2.4 More Arjuna's arguments.

2.5 Gurus who can be rejected and Arjuna considering them as his superiors.
2.6 Arjuna's confusion and his saintly qualities.
2.7 Nature of material world, approaching guru and the situation of miserly man
2.8 Arjuna unable to reach conclusion, qualities of guru and solution to material
2.9 Dhṛtarāṣṭra's frustrated joy.
2.10 Krishna assuming the role of a teacher and universality of Bhagavad-gītā.

 2.11- 30 – Krishna gives jnana about the soul.

2.11 Krishna's strong words and His will being more important than any other
2.12 Deep purport.. Central theme is individuality of soul and Supersoul. Mayavadi
arguments and refutations.
2.13 Boyhood, youth and old age. More Mayavadi arguments and refutations.
2.14 Duty regardless of pleasure and pain. Arjuna's names explained.
2.15 Sanyasa elaborated in relation to tolerating distress and happiness.
2.16 Body - everchanging and soul - eternal. Beginning instructions of Lord
2.17 Size of the soul and his influence all over the body.
2.18 Soul cannot be killed as the body persishes. Arjuna is asked to fight based on
this knowledge.
2.19 Continuing with soul cannot be killed and injunction that killing whimsically is
2.20 Eternal soul, consciousness and two kinds of souls.
2.21 Contrast between Supersoul and soul and how Arjuna should not lament due to
change of body.
2.22 Ineffective to kill soul using any weapons. More mayavadi arguments refuted.
2.23 More qualities of soul which all pervading. Some more mayavadi agruments
2.24 Accept soul on basis of Vedic wisdom and repeated in Vedas to emphasize.
2.25-28 Krishna presents His arguments for those who do not believe in the soul or
2.29 Wonderment that is the soul and the best way to know the soul.
2.30  The Lord now concludes the chapter of instruction on the immutable spirit soul

 2.31-38 – Karma –kanda process. The Lord explains the rewards to Arjuna in the
form of enjoying the kingdom if alive and heavenly opulences if he dies on the
battle. Also the infamy and sin he will accrue if he does not fight.

2.31 Karma kanda portion. Varnashrama explained and two specific types of duties.
2.32 Gains to be had if Arjuna fights.
2.33 Results of not fighting   

2.34 Lord's final judgement

2.35-36 Others will deride and think Arjuna insignificant
2.37 Win or loss on battle field - Arjuna gains
2.38 Lord says that Arjuna should fight for Him without considering happiness or

 2.39-53 – Buddhi-yoga[Nishkama karma]. The Lord explains regarding how to

perform one’s duties in a detached fashion equipped with knowledge.

2.39 Lord starts explaining buddhi-yoga having expounded on sankhya thus far.
2.40 Benefits of even little effort on the spiritual path
2.41 Faith, knowledge and guidance by Sri Guru.
2.42-46 Flowery words of Vedas, the followers whose aim is sense gratification,
purpose behind Vedas and rising above the three modes.
2.47 Nishkama karma defined.
2.48 Yoga defined
2.49 Condition for executing nishkama karma yoga
2.50-51 Results of following yoga
2.52 -53 Lord starts the discussion of samadhi.

 2.54-72 – Samadhi. By working in buddhi yoga, one attains the platform of

detachment from matter and remains in the equipoised state known as Samadhi.

2.54 - More questions by Arjuna of one who has attained samadhi

2.55-57 - Qualities of a person in samadhi
2.58-64 - Senses, their entanglement, higher taste and a man in samadhi who perfectly
controls senses. Please pay attention to 2.61 as it the first time in the entire Gita, the
Lord asserts Himself.
2.65 - 68 - Steady intelligence is achieved via sense control
2.69 - Difference between conditioned soul and introspective sage.
2.70-72 - Peace via controlled senses and steady intelligence and the result is one enters
the kingdom of God.

Home work (5 points)

1. Srila Prabhupada's explanation of the word "Bhagavan" is given in purport 2.2?

Assume you meet Mr. X who hears the word Bhagavan for the first time. Can you
paraphrase this purport as an answer to give that person?

2. Please memorize the verse 2.13. For this and question 4, please memorize the verse
and write the verse as the answer here (obviously without using the book).

3. Who is a muni? What is the difference between muni and sthita-dhīr muni?

4. More memorization. Please memorize verse 2.59.

5. Please describe in your own words how senses get involved with the sense objects
leading to one’s falldown (dhyato visayan pumas)?

Chapter 3 – Karma Yoga

No of verses : 43

Outline and summary of verses:

1-2.: Arjuna is confused by Lord’s instruction and asks for clarification. Srila Prabhupada’s
purports are summary of second chapter and Arjuna’s questions are meant for us.

3. Sankhya yoga and karma or buddhi yoga

4. Premature renunciation and non-performance of work is not advised.

5 . Srila Prabhupada goes beyond embodied life and says that by nature the soul is active
even after liberation.

6. Pretender defined and explained

7. Control of senses sincerely by Krishna Consciousness is better

8. Performing prescribed duties for purification without which one cannot maintain even
one’s own body.

9. Performing activities for Vishnu is the “great art of doing work”, otherwise one is bound
to this material world. Varnashrama mentioned.
10 -12. Role of demigods and how they should be pleased. Srila Prabhupada mentions that
sankirtana is the best form of yagna in the age of Kali. Those who do not offer to the
demigods are thieves.

13. One should offer the food to the Lord otherwise it is sinful

14. Food grains <- Rains <-Performance of yagna. Srila Prabhupada emphasizes
prasadam in the purport.

15. Lord is present in sacrifice and even though someone who has not followed Vedic
injunctions can take up to KC.

16. Futility of neglecting Vedic scripture and just living in sense gratification

17- 18. Persons in full Krishna Consciousness need not act according to Vedic injunctions.

19. Unattached duty leads to Supreme

20-26. Leaders act according to the scriptures just to instruct the common men as they are
not attached to any results. Janaka and the Lord quotes Himself as an example.

27. Ignorant person’s thinking = I am the doer.

28. Person in knowledge discriminates between working for Supreme and for sense

29. Nice purport. Srila Prabhupada states the devotee’s compassion is sometimes greater
than the Lord as s/he goes to out to give this mercy to materialistic people.

30. Super purport . We get the “purpose of BG”

31. Follow the Lords instruction -> Free from bondage of fruitive actions.

32. Results of not following Lord’s instruction.

33. Nice purport especially for grihastas or householders : One should not give occupational
duties prematurely.

34. KC is the easiest way to control the senses.

35. Better to perform ones prescribed duties both material and spiritual.

36. Why then people don’t follow the scriptures and work accordingly and why do they
commit sin? Questions Arjuna.

37-41 . The Lord answers about lust, its degrees, location, futility of satisfying it and how it
can be curbed.

42. Dull matter < Working senses < Mind < Intelligence < Soul

43. Super purport : Srila Prabhupada sums up the whole chapter.

Home work : [2 points]

1. What example does Srila Prabhupada give to support verse 35?

2. What is the meaning of nirasih and adhyatma cetasah in the verse 30?

Chapter 4 – Transcendental Knowledge

Welcome to 4th Chapter. Hope your studies are deeply satisfying. I am doing fine and
struggling in the material world with its varieties of challenges, but feel fortunate to have
the association of devotees.

No of verses : 42

Outline and summary of verses:

1. Srila Prabhupada explains the history of Gita, nature and how it should be
understood. The nature of saintly kings is also mentioned.

2. Excellent purport. Again Gita for saintly kings is mentioned. Clearly how
unscrupulous persons just misrepresent Gita is mentioned.

3. Who can understand Gita and how it should be understood.

4. Arjuna questioning the Lord for the benefit of the demoniac and those who do not

5. Lord Krishna’s reply and how He remembers all the birth in the past and Arjuna
cannot. Lord’s innumerable incarnations and His transcendental position.

6. Nice purport. The Lord’s transcendental birth and how He manifests through His
internal energy.

7. Wow..what a purport. Read and enjoy! Very useful for preaching and book
distribution. Helpful for interfaith dialogue.

8. Primary purpose and secondary purposes of Lord’s descent and appearance of Lord

9. Perfectly understanding Krishna and His pastimes is way better than impersonal

10. Getting rid of three stages of material life and understanding the word bhava. The
verse from BRS is something we came across in the Nectar of Instruction during the
first semester.
11. Reciprocation of the Lord and Srila Prabhupada re-asserts the nature of the
impersonalist who wants to merge into Supreme.

12. Worshipping demigods

13. 4 divisions of human society created by the Lord and he is yet the non-doer.

14. Lord creates and stays aloof.

15. Better to act for Krishna than to retire prematurely.

16. What Srila Prabhupada explained in purport 4.7 is repeated here. Action following in
the foot steps of Mahajanas.

17. Akarma, karma and vikarma defined.

18. Activity in Krishna Consciousness does not accrue karma while trying to be inactive
without KC will lead to reactions.

19 – 22. Position of the spiritualist whose advancement accrues him no reactions.

23 - 24. Result of acting in Krishna Consciousness and how everything is spiritualized.

25 - 29 . Different kinds of sacrifices

30. Sweetness of the results of such sacrifices mentioned in the previous verses.

31. No sacrifice happiness.

32 – 33. Different sacrifices approved by Vedas and they culminate in knowledge.

34 -35. Approaching Guru and the result of such service to Sri Guru.

36 – 38. Potency of the pure knowledge.

39 . Cultivation of such knowledge leads to peace

40. Who doubt the scriptures ---

Fall down and no peace.

41. Man in knowledge is not bound by work.

42. Nice purport..the whole chapter eloquently summarized by His Divine Grace.

1. What are the different types of sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas?

2. What is karma, akarma and vikarma?

3. Why does the Lord incarnate in this material world?

4. Please categorize the different avatars of the Lord.

5. Please memorize the verse 4.9

Chapter 5 – Karma Yoga – Action in KC

Dear esteemed students : The following notes are written by HH Hanumatpreshaka Swami
and I have included them for Chap 5 instead of my more formal notes for a change. You
can answer the questions which are highlighted as you read the notes. The homework
carries 3 points.

The Big Picture. Do you know the position of Chapter Five in reference to the rest of the Gita? In
reference to Srila Prabhupada’s Sankirtana?

I think it is a repeat of Chapter Three????

Let’s check that thesis when we read.

Again, some Gita questions are for Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhakti-vedanta, next lifetime. Keep moving ahead.


1. Arjuna’s question, Srila Prabhupada’s Purport, set the scene.

2. These Srimad Bhagavatam Texts are cited completely and in part in NOI. Where? What NOI purport?
Same points in the NOI and here? Does Srila Prabhupada favor these three Texts from SB, or is he
following comentary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, or are they all following Srila Visvanatha

3. sannyasi=renouncer. Does Srila Prabhupada reject Krsna’s statement that an advanced soul is
4-7. Continue with Sannyasa?Sankhya x Yoga contrast. This is fundamental theme in the whole Gita. Is
also fundamental theme in Hamlet, “To Be or not To Be, that is the Question”.

What is the name of Shankara-acharya’s Vedanta-sutra commentary?

Pancaratriki text is for Deity worship as we understand. ISKCON Sannyasis are engaged in sensual
activites in that way.

We gave class last night on BG 5.2. Maybe 100 enthusiastic devotees. Our conclusion was that BG is
aimed at those people who are advancing from sannyasa?sankhya to yoga. It is especially for those who
are going from renouncing the material world to utilizing the material world for Visnu, the Parama-atma.


8-9. The five causes seem to be the same as 18.14. Krsna says, “Declared in Sankhya”. Where are they

10. The Gita-upanisad, Bhagavad-gita, says “brahmani”, but Srila Prabhupada explains that this means
Krsna consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada also cites 3.30. After 2.61, “mat parah”, it has seemed to us to be the first place that
Krsna says, “Do your Dharma, Karma, for me”. This is the essence of the Gita, no?

Karma and Karma-yoga are completely different.

12. Prabhupada seems to be absorbed in a related Bhagavatam verse that he doesn’t name, that leads
us into an underlying topic of duality, the Absolute Truth.

13. Nine gates.

14. Tumultuous ocean.

15. Is it by his free choice that the living entity starts this chain of reactions?

16. Guru is the ray of Visnu?

20. Qualities of the yogi. Apply this Purport to yourself. You must realize this.

21. Brahma-yoga, sex pleasure.

22. Krsna consciousness means death. Abandon the body, senses, and just move forward into Krsna’s

23. Is NOI 1, no? Some confidential relationship between the two texts?

24 - 25. Buddhism? Brahma-nirvana (2.72)? Welfare.

26. Turtles, brahma-nirvana

27-28. Well, Astanga-yoga. The eyes point between the eye-brows, but the concentration is toward the
bottom of the field of vision, the tip of the nose? What are the 8ight limbs of astanga yoga? Did you do
this in your last life?

Details in the next chapter.

Krsna has to discuss this to counter-act it? We know Raja-yoga, but KC is better.

Be the servant of everyone’s service.

29. Brahma-nirvana. 10,000 different cross-references are included in Srila Prabhupada’s purports which
will only become clear when we read Nectar of Devotion. Yet they all touch our heart and leave their

“Everything depends on one’s practical performance ... control the senses ... desire and anger.” BG 5.23.

What is echoing is Srila Prabhupada’s brain. You will obtain love for him only when you go insane. Love
for him and Krsna are one. He gets love for the Father who has gotten love for the son.

Reading the Gita in it’s Sanskrita tone.

Is to return to the world of Arjuna’s home.

End of Chap 5 notes.

Chapter 6 – Dhyāna-yoga

Welcome to Chap 6 of BG. Hope you are all well. Krishna explains about ashtanga yoga in
detail. At the end of chapter 5, the Lord briefly mentions, but gives more detail in Chap 6.

1. In this purport, Srila Prabhupada contrasts ashtanga yoga, karma yoga and Krishna
consciousness and how KC is the topmost.

2. "Yoga + Sense gratification = OK" which seems popular these days is not supported by
Sri Krishna

3. Yoga ladder - starting with jnana yoga and all way up to bhakti yoga.

4. In the previous verse, it is mentioned for those who are neophytes, work is the means
and renunciation of work, for those who are advanced. In this verse, the Lord gives more
qualities of one who has attained advancement.

5. Mind can be a source of liberation or a pathway to hell.

6.In this verse the conditions are explained -

Controlled mind - best friend | Uncontrolled mind - worst enemy.

Prahalad Maharaj says the same thing to his father, there is no enemy except the
uncontrolled mind

7. Nice purport..Srila Prabhupada purpose of yoga-> Controlling the mind -> one becomes
receptive to follow orders of Paramatma. But KC devotee automatically achieves this stage.

8. Goal of controlling the mind => Achieving Paramatma

9. Purport to be meditated upon again and again...knowledge without realization or atleast

faith in Absolute is useless.

Can be used to counter the argument that any edition of Gita written by any body is OK,
because they are all same Gita. Academic scholar's explanations are of no value unless
they are devotees.

10. Different realizations of the Lord and how KC person is materially not possessive due to
his/her spiritual intelligence

11-14. How the ashtanga yoga is to be practiced, goal is to realize Paramatma, householder

15. Goal of attaining enter into the kingdom of God.

16-18. Regulation and how who has perfected regulation is called yogi.

19 - 23. Characteristics and the happiness derived by a perfected yogi. Again and again in
this chapter, Srila Prabhupada emphasizes that happiness through KC does includes the
happiness derived by dhyana yoga practice.

24. " God helps those who help themselves". NOI Text 3

25-30. Qualities and results of those who are perfected, they never lose the vision of the

31-32. A perfect yogi in relationship to others and the Supersoul.

33 -34. Arjuna suggests to Krishna that this yoga system is impractical

35-36. Practice, detachment and difficulty with an uncontrolled mind

37 - 39. Arjuna's doubts. This shows that the yoga system thus described by Krishna may
not be successful all the time.

40 - 45. Destination of unsuccessful yogis clearly explained by the Lord. Any advancement
on this path is never lost. BG 2.40

46. Yogi better than ascetic, jnani and karmi.

47. Important verse : Purport by Srila Prabhupada is a must read atleast for couple of
times. Supremacy of bhakti in the yoga ladder, explanation of Enough said.

Homework. (2 points)

1) Please memorize the verse 6.47.

2) Write an essay, which has a minimum of 500 words, explaining how bhakti yoga is
superior to dhyana yoga. Srila Prabhupada's purports again and again emphasize this point.

Chapter 7 – Knowledge of the Absolute

Krishna asked Arjuna to meditate on Him and render service unto Him in the last verse of
Chapter 6. In this chapter Krishna gives more details about His opulence.

1. Hearing from Krishna or about Krishna is emphasized. This is the first step towards
knowing the Lord in truth.

2. Complete knowledge - matter, spirit and the source. ISO 11 also gives the same idea.

3. Super purport.....Many points are discussed here...Rarity of knowing Krishna and how
Krishna can be known only through bhakti and actual bhakti is not that easy to follow as
some people might suggest. Two verses from BRS (Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu)

4. Krishna and His diverse energies and Srila Prabhupada analyzes the material nature

5. Srila Prabhupada talks about jiva - belonging to superior energy of Krishna

6. Source of jivas

7. Absolute Truth is a person - nice analogy about string of pearls

8 -11 - Purports are self explanatory

12. Krishna superior to the modes though they emanate from Him.

13. Again the Lord emphasizes the rarity of knowing Him. He mentions before in verse 3.

14. Two meanings of word guna and who can help us overcome it.

15. 4 types of non- surrendering classes described

16 - 17. Four types of Lord seeking classes and how jnani is dear to Lord.

18 -19. The jnani devotee and his surrender onto the Lord.

20 - 23. 4 verses dedicated to demigod worship. The central point is independence...if

some one wants to worship the demigods, the Lord allows it.
24. Nice purport ....this can used to explain how the Lord is a person in His original state.

25. Yoga maya covers the Lord...not easy to see the Lord by those are unintelligent.

26. Lord knows the past, present and future and Him no one knows...again the rarity of
knowing the Lord...Verse 3, 13 and 26.

27. Jiva is born into delusion bewildered by duality

28. Those who can serve the Lord with firm faith.

29. Who is Brahman?

30. The governing principle and who know at the time of death.

Home work (2 +1+1 = 4 points):

1. Write briefly about the 4 types of devotees who surrender unto the Lord and who is the
highest among them.

2. Unintelligent do not know Krishna because He is covered by the ________________.

3. Why does Krishna strengthen the faith of those who want to worship the demigods even
though He knows it is not the best for them?

Chapter 8 – Attaining the Supreme

1 - 2: In the first two verses, 8 questions (some might count 7) asked by Arjuna.

3: The Lord answers who is Brahman, self and karma. SP gives more explanation about
each in the purport

4: Adhibhuta, Adi-yagna and Adi-daivata explained.

5 – 6: How to remember Krishna at the time of death ? Nice purports….every one of us is

subject to this test.

7: “Important instruction for all the men engaged in material activities.”

8: Write the software code/Take care of baby/Argue in front of judge/Do your business and
think of Krishna.

9: 10 ways to think of Krishna. Amazing purport…

10 – 13: The process of a mystic yogi quitting his body and the destination .
14: Krishna is easily obtained by non-deviated service.

15: Verse specifically targeted towards personalist devotees.

16 – 19: Brahma’s day (living beings are manifested) and night (jivas are unmanifested).

20 – 22 : Spiritual world and process of reaching it.

23-26 : The jnana yogis, karma khandis and astanga yogis must carefully plan their death if
they are to not return.

27: The devotee is not bewildered by both the paths.

28: Purport should be read twice..Srila Prabhupada places these two chapters 7 th and 8th in
context of entire Gita.

Home work ( 2 points)

1. What it the best way to understand and relish Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ?

2. Brahma’s life span according to Gita is _____________________________.

3. Please count how many times Srila Prabhupada mentions the complete maha-mantra in all of
the purports to 8th Chapter.

4. Please explain briefly why devotee should not be so worried about when and how s/he is going
quit this material world.

Chapter 9 – The most confidential knowledge.

1. In the purport, Srila Prabhupada writes that this chapter is about pure devotion and hence is the
most confidential knowledge. Gita is the essence of all the scriptures and the middle six
chapters are the essence of Gita and 9th & 10th are the essence of the six chapters. Here jnana
means bhakti and not knowledge mentioned earlier which is based on sattva guna

2. Long purport wherein Srila Prabhupada gives explanation of each and every word.. Can we give
headings to paragraphs?

3. Srila Prabhupada gives detailed explanation about faith and how the faith is the single most
important factor in advancing in KC

4. Though the Lord pervades the entire universe, one cannot see him due to blunt senses. Srila
Prabhupada quotes BRS 1.2.234

5. Inconceivable nature of the Lord though present in the material nature, He is not within it.

6. The Lord gives the example to clarify verse5

7. The Lord destroys at the end of millennium

8. Under His will, the material nature is created and destroyed. Darwin’s theory of evolution is
refuted by Srila Prabhupada.

9. The Lord is neutral to the material phenomena.

10. Lord = Superintendent of the material world.

11. Nice purport by Srila Prabhupada. We learn many arguments presented by Mayavadis and how
to counteract them

12. The previous mentioned persons are “mogha”ized.

13. Persons completely under divine nature = mahatmas

14. Activities of the above mentioned mahatmas.

15. Three classes of “other” worshippers of the Lord

16 -19. The Lord gives info to those who worship him as the universal form

20 – 21. Seek heavenly planets by studying Vedas and ye shall come back after you have maxed out
your credit card. 

22. “I personally take care of My devotees preserving what they have and carry to them what the

23 -25. The demigods and the destinations of those who worship them

26. Importance of prasadam

27. Offering our daily activities to Krishna

28. Result obtained by performing the activities in two verses mentioned above.

29. The Lord is equal to all, but His affection for His devotees is an enhancement of His glorious

30. Hope giving verse and purport….

31. The Lord says to Arjuna “ Declare boldly, My devotee never perishes”

32 -33 . One and all can be purified if they take shelter of Krishna. Temporary nature of
this world.

34. KC is universally applicable and does not have any prerequisite.

Home work :

None. Please see your email for more details.

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