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Life Advice on How to Invest Money and Also Do What I Love

Hello fellow reddit folks,

I am looking for advice on how I can get out from the 9 to 6 grind, by investing the money I
have at hand, and by living a simpler life, while also earning some money by doing
something I really love.
A bit more info: I live in England, London, but I am from Romania originally. I have left my
country in 2011. I currently work as a structural engineer in London, but this is a stressful
field of work, for not very much reward moneywise and from other aspects as well.
I have inherited around 300 000 euros and 2x one bedroom newly built flats + 2x 3 bedroom
newly built flats in Bucharest, Romania.
I have rented out 1 of the one bedroom flat with 700 euros per month, however the market
does not seem too friendly to be renting out the others, especially since needing to be
furnished, will require around 40 000 euros more to do, and so I do not think this is worth
spending, especially if a recession coming around.
I have to admit I woke up with this inheritance in my possession and I am not too sure what
to do. I find it not constructive for my wellbeing to do a 9 to 6 grind until I am 70 years old,
especially in this condition.
The original plan was for me and my girlfriend to move to Spain, maybe buy some land,
build a house (I can do it from scratch in time since am an engineer, and not spend too
much ), while having a good income from renting those 4 properties in Romania. (apparently
not going to happen as per above) After having the rent secured, I was looking at making a
coffee shop where I could earn more money and keep me busy, while also doing something I
really love (I always wanted a coffee shop). Besides the coffee shop, we wanted to have an
Airbnb as well. All these means we can remain close to nature and live simpler lives, far
away from stress.
But now since I can’t rent those flats, this dream does not work anymore. I feel all I have left
is to continue my 9 to 6 grind and that’s it.
I still want to make a life with my girlfriend in a country like Spain or Italy, but I am not sure
what plans to make, so that we can make the most of this money. We will probably never
have another shot at being able to use such an amount of money.
Can you fellow folks, recommend to me ways of investing this money? I am not talking
about stocks investment where I have zero experience and it’s risky, I am talking about
something safer.
What would you do if you were in my shoes, what would your move be? How can I make the
most of this money?
For additional info, in case it would matter, besides being an engineer as a profession, I am a
very good cook, make amazing coffees, do a lot of DIY with wood, I write spiritual and
philosophical articles on the net. But I have never been much of an entrepreneur. I can’t seem
to know how to make money, besides working for a company as an engineer. It’s driving me
crazy but I am not sure how I can make money nor invest money. Can’t and don't know how
to make money out of writing, even though my friends say I do so quite fine.

There is also this option in which being an engineer, and loving interior design, and having
experience with refurbishment and doing up a couple of apartments in terms of design and
decor, I was also looking at putting this to work, combined with my DIY skills, maybe buy bad
houses and make them nice?
Some of my passions seem to go well with doing an Airbnb or running a coffee shop, but
that’s just it. I am afraid I will lose the money. I am not sure what to do.
How would you invest this money to make a simple and close to the nature living, while also
not having a hard life.
I am looking forward to see what you people would do, if you were in my shoes.

Hello folks!
I am looking at investing some inherited money, around 300k euros. I want to have a good
passive income, yet to also keep me busy a bit. Do you guys have any suggestions? I am a
structural engineer by profession, so not much investing opportunity there. I am a good cook,
love making coffee so maybe a coffee shop? I don't know. I would like to open an Airbnb in
Spain or Italy and live off that. Is this a good idea? What if I waste my money? I know that
people invest in bonds or whatever, but I am not really familiar with trading and only a really
small percentage manage to make money there anyways.
I know 300k euros is something I will never have again, and I was hoping I could get off the
9 to 6 grind and use this money to really do something I love.

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