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Cody Koslowski

EDU 202

Lesson Plan

13 March 2019


 INTASC Standards used

o The first standard used was standard 4: Content Knowledge

o The second standard used was standard 3: Learning Environments

 Two Nevada Core curriculum standards for Social Studies 11th grade

o H1.[9-12].15 - Analyze the cultural, social, and economic changes that

occurred as a result of industrialization.

o G6.[9-12].1 - Determine how relationships between humans and the

physical environment lead to the development of and connections

among places and regions.

 Auditory is used for the students to communicate with one

another to finish the task at hand

 Kinesthetic is used by the students having to move pieces around

to finish the task


 Index cards with the following terms on them

o Factories

o Industrialization

o Middle Class

o Child Labor

o Urbanization

o Coal mines

o Canal

o Tenements

o Water Frame

 PowerPoint

 Students will be in groups with desks

Instruction-learning Process:

Do First: Hook students by looking at political cartoon which will engage their

prior knowledge to this subject, allow students to discuss with the members of

their group and see what they think the cartoon stands for or its meaning.

(5 minutes)

Mini-Lesson: What things changed throughout the industrial revolution? Think

of environment, social, or economic changes occurred. After answering these

questions discuss in your group using the auditory learning styles and see what

your group partners have come up with. (25 minutes)

Guided Practice: While students are figuring out and giving their opinion about

what changed throughout the industrial revolution in their group, I will be walking

around paying attention to the students that are participating in the activity. As

well I will be asking random students what they have come up with and while

walking around I will answer any questions my students have. During this time, we
will go over every groups answers then compare those to all the answers from the

groups to see what everyone thinks. (15 minutes)

Independent Practice: During this time the students will start with the

sort/label exercise and images/phrases from the industrial revolution. During this

exercise the students will be using the auditory as well as the kinesthetic learning

styles to complete this task. While the students are completing the task, I will be

walking around to assist any students that do not understand the lesson but will

not assist in the matching process at the time they are completing it. (40 minutes)

Exit Slip: we will start by asking the students what they thought of the

assignment they were assigned with today. After this, each group of students will

write their answers on a piece of paper with all the group members names on

them. This will show me that every student and group participated in the

assignment and showed that they understood what they were tasked with as a

group. (5 minutes)

Chen, James (2019) Industrial Revolution: Investopedia

EDU 202 Lesson Plan PowerPoint.pptx


1. The student will be learning a fair amount during this assessment, a big one

in my opinion is working on their interaction and communication skills with

their fellow classmates. This is very important because I believe that many

students in schools do not get enough interaction with other students when

learning something new. This communication helps the student get more

comfortable with talking to other people as well as voicing their opinion. At

this point in the 11th grade the students should be well versed at speaking

with other students and in front of the class. So, with this lesson plan it

should just help assist with the communication skills of the student.

2. The level of student engagement in this lesson plan is very high because for

most of the class time me as the teacher is briefly telling the students what

their objective is and what they must do. With this being said, most of the
class time is spent on the students conversing and voicing their opinion on

what they think and their logic behind that. As far as the active learning

goes this lesson plan really does help with that. Some students may have

more knowledge on the words and their definitions than the other student,

so with this information some students may be able to help teach other

students on the words and their meanings. With this, the communication

between students and voicing their opinion is very high.

3. Strengths:

 Student interaction

 Works on problem solving skills

 Gives students more responsibility

 Hands on lesson plan


 Can cause disruption in the class

 Arguments can come from disagreements

 Not a lot of teaching time is integrated

 Students can be able to slack off due to the paper being turned in as

a group and not by every person individually

4. The first INTASC that I implemented into my lesson plan is standard 4:

Content Knowledge. I used this by creating a lesson plan on knowledge that

the students have learned prior. As well I created a very unique learning

experience for my students that forced them to be interactive with their

classmates. The second INTASC I used for my lesson plan was standard 3:

Learning Environments. I used this standard by utilizing individual and

collaborative learning for my students. Students had to converse with their

classmates to come up with the match for the definition. It helped students

to work on their communications skills in public face to face as well as

encourage them to voice their opinion and give a reason for why they

believe that answer is correct. This lesson plan encourages students to

converse with other which is a great skill to have in the real world.

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