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P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

Ryan Christian T. Bustillo MAELT-


Determine your Educational Philosophy

Direction: Find out to which philosophy you adhere. To what extent does each
statement apply to you? Rate yourself 4 if you agree with the statement
always, 3 if you agree but not always, 2 if you agree sometimes, and 1 if you
do not agree at all.

1 2 3 4
1. There is no substitute for concrete
___ ____ ___ __
experience in learning
2. The focus of education should be the ideas
___ ____ ___ ___
that are as relevant today as when they
were first conceived
3. Teachers must not force their students to ___ ____ ___ ___
learn the subject matter if it does not
interest them
4. Schools must develop students’ capacity to
___ ____ ___ ___
reason by stressing on the humanities
5. In the classroom, students must be
___ ____ ___ ___
encouraged to interact with one another to
develop social virtues such as cooperation
and respect
6. Students should read and analyze the
___ ____ ___ ___
Great Books, the creative works of history’s
finest thinkers and writers
7. Teachers must help students expand their ___ ____ ___ ___
knowledge by helping them apply their
previous experiences in solving new
8. Our course of study should be general, not ___ ____ ___ ___
specialized; liberal, not vocational;
humanistic, not technical.
9. There is no universal, inborn human nature.
___ ____ ___ ___
We are born and exist and then we
ourselves freely determine our essence
10. Human beings are shaped by their ___ ____ ___ ___
11. Schools should stress on the teaching of ___ ____ ___ ___
basic skills.
12. Change of environment can change a ___ ____ ___ ___
___ ____ ___ ___
13. Curriculum should emphasize on the
traditional disciplines such as math, natural
science, history, grammar, literature
14. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students ___ ____ ___ ___

make meaning of what they are taught

15. Schools should help individuals accept ___ ____ ___ ___

themselves as unique individuals and accept

responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and
16. Learners produce new knowledge based on ___ ____ ___ ___

their experiences.
17. For the learner to acquire the basic skills, ___ ____ ___ ___

s/he must go through the rigor

___ ____ ___ ___
18. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is most important for the
students to learn
19. The truth shines in an atmosphere of ___ ____ ___ ___
genuine dialogue
20. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her ___ ____ ___ ___
own pace
21. The learner is not a blank slate but brings ___ ____ ___ ___
past experiences and cultural factors to the
learning situation
22. The classroom is not a place where ___ ____ ___ ___

teachers pour knowledge into empty minds

of students
___ ____ ___ ___
23. The learner must be taught how to
communicate his ideas and feelings
___ ____ ___ ___
24. To understand the message from his/her
students, the teacher must listen not only to
what his/her students are saying but also to
what they are not saying. ___ ____ ___ ___

25. An individual is what he/she chooses to

become not dictated by his/her environment.

Interpreting your Score: If you have 2 answers of 2/4 in numbers:

1,3,5,7 ______________ you are more of progressivist
2,4,6,8 ______________ you are more of a perennialist
9,15,20,25 ______________ you are more of an existentialist
10,12 ______________ you are more of a behaviorist
11,13,17,18 ______________ you are more of an essentialist
14,16,21,22 ______________ you are more of a constructivist
19,23,24 ______________ you are more of a linguistic philosopher
If you have 2 scores of 4 in several of the 7 clusters, you have an eclectic
philosophy which means you put the philosophies together. If your scores are less
than 4, this means that you are not very definite in your philosophy. Or if your scores
are less than 3 in most of the items, this means your philosophy is quite vague.
Direction: Formulate your own Philosophy, start with the word I believe…

I believe that I am teacher which is more progressivist. I will treat

my students the way they should be treated. They are diverse that’s why
they behave differently. Let them do the way they want because that is their
way of acquiring knowledge. With this philosophy a learner become a
problem solver who makes meaning through his/her experience. As a
teacher, I will teach scientific method and problem solving and let the
students to find and discover an answer because they learn well if through
active interplay with others and they experienced on how to do it. I will
teach the topic through hands-on or manipulative experience.

Reflect on your own philosophy using the following questions as guide:

1. With that educational philosophy:

1. How will you treat your student?
2. What will you teach?
3. How will you teach?
2. From which philosophies that you have studied and researched did you draw
inspiration as you formulated your own philosophy of education?
Answer: From the Progressivism Philosophy of Education. I learned that they
learn if they do because a progressivist teacher considers that nature of the child.
Bear in mind that, “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of
visiting or reorganizing experiences”
3. Do you think your philosophy will change as you grow in knowledge?
Answer: Yes, because we have different experiences with the new set of
students. An institution should always consider the students. Different students,
different strategies. Different strategies, different philosophy. A philosophy that
will provide the needs of the students and let them feel that they are unique.

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