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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: __________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Science and Social Sciences (Characteristics of Science)
Learning Targets: Identify the characteristics of science
References Title: Jose, D.& Ong, J. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the social Sciences. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta
Avenue, Quezon City.
Author: Jose, M, D.& Ong, J. (2016) Page No.:6
Main Idea

Society is commonly defined as “people in general thought of living together in organized communities with shared laws,
traditions, and values" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014). It is "an enduring and cooperating social group whose
members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another".

Science, in the strictest sense of the word, pertains to “knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts
learned through experiments and observation".

Social Sciences- is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within
those societies.

Characteristics of Science
Characteristics Explanation
Empirical A phenomenon should be observable using the different senses.
Propositional Things are explained in the form of statements or generalizations
Logical Employs the rules of logic in order to validate inferences
Public Ideas are communicated from one scientist to another
Problem-solving Presents rational explanations about unexplained observations
Continuous Knowledge is built upon by previous and future research on the subject


Directions: Identify of what characteristics of science is being asked. Choose the appropriate answer on the box below
and write it on the space provided before each number.

a. Empirical b. Propositional c. Logical d. Public e. Continuous

___________1. Information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of
patterns and behavior through experimentation.
___________2. Concerned with the subset of declarative sentences that can classified as true or false.
___________3. A rule of inference, inference rule or transformation rule.
___________4. Ideas are communicated from one scientist to another.
___________5. Presents rational explanations about unexplained observations.
___________6. Knowledge is built upon by previous and future research on the subject.
___________7. Things are explained in the form of statements or generalizations.
___________8. Knowledge is built upon by previous and future research on the subject.
___________9. Progression of study because experiments must often be repeated to confirm results
___________10. Scientific knowledge is based on evidence.


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: __________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: The Scientific Method (Data organization)
Learning Targets: Apply the scientific method to everyday problem
References Title: Jose,M,D.&Ong,J. (2016).Disciplines and Ideas in the social Sciences. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta
Avenue, Quezon City.
Author: Jose,M,D.&Ong,J. (2016) Page No.: 6-8
Main Idea
The Scientific Method Historically speaking, humans have developed various means to solve problems that have
existed and confronted them since the beginning of time. These include the appeal to the divine power, authority,
intuition, tradition, pure logic, and common sense. However, modern-day research provides us a more efficient way of
gaining knowledge and solving problems through scientific method. By way of scientific method, we are able to generate
knowledge about the universe, earth, humans, plants, animals, and all other life forms.
Scientific Method
TOPIC The researcher selects a particular subject matter depending on his or her interest; it could
be purely accidental sometimes.
PROBLEM The researcher defines the nature of the problem where a theory can be developed along the
way; this is the most important phase of inquiry.
HYPOTHESIS The researcher formulates a general statement of the problem that could give him or her an
idea on what data to gather or omit.
METHODS OF This is the stage of empirical research involving the use of senses and/ or precision
INQUIRY/ DATA instruments; phenomenon must be carefully and accurately described and recorded.
ANALYSIS The researcher may find patterns and relationships that could help in the analysis of
gathered data; this is the stage of classifying and organizing data.

CONCLUSION The researcher formulates a scientific theory after a thorough analysis of data; a theory can
be changed or revised depending on the result of future research projects.

Scientists use the scientific method in their research, but it is also used by people who aren’t scientists in everyday life.
Even if you were not consciously aware of it, you have used the scientific method many times when solving problems
around you.
Problem: Missing wallet
Hypothesis: My first hypothesis was: I lost it in the market while we were buying goods. The second hypothesis was:
Mae Ann got my wallet. The third was: I had misplaced it in the house.
Methods of inquiry/ data gathering: I went to the market to buy some goods with my friend Mae Ann. When I reached
home, I noticed that my wallet was gone.
Analysis: I searched all over the house for my wallet, but I could not find it. Then I went to Mae Ann to ask if she got my
wallet. She answered in the affirmative. She said she found it while she was on her way home near the market.
Conclusion: I lost my wallet in the market and Mae Ann found it and gave it back to me.

Directions: Read and understand the steps in CRITERIA POINTS

scientific method and apply it to your everyday
problem. See the example above as your reference in Content 2
doing this activity. Use a clean Long Bond Paper, Writing process 1
Creativity 1
to show your answer.
Neatness 1
Total 5points


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: __________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: The Social Sciences Vis-A-Vis the Natural Sciences (Check the difference)
Learning Targets: Identify the difference between Social sciences and Natural Sciences
References Title: Jose, M, D.& Ong, J. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the social Sciences. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta
Avenue, Quezon City.
Author: Jose, M, D.& Ong, J. (2016) Page No.: 9-10
Main Idea
The field of the social sciences attempts to discover and explain the behaviour and attitudes of people. By
applying the scientific method, social scientists are able to study human relations in a society.
On the other hand, the domain of the natural sciences attempts to understand nature's phenomena by relying
greatly on measurable data obtained through scientific method.
Social Sciences- Deals human society and its improvement. Includes fields such as psychology, anthropology, linguistic,
economics, etc.
Social Scientist- someone expert in the study of human society and it’s personal relationships.
Natural Sciences- Deals with the physical things. Includes field such as biology, chemistry, physics, earth science and
Natural scientists- undertake controlled experiments as they validate their working hypothesis. As such, the natural
sciences are sometimes called the "hard sciences" as opposed to the social sciences being referred as the "soft sciences”
since most of their researches are leaning on the qualitative side.

5 main branches of science Disciplines of the Social Sciences

Chemistry. The study of the properties of Anthropology. Study of humanity, both ancient and
matter and how matter changes. contemporary peoples.
Physics. Study of matter and energy and the Geography. Study of the earth and its habitants.
interactions between the two through forces and motion. Political science. Function of political institutions, such as
Geology. Study of the structure of the earth. local, state, and national governments.
astronomy. The study of the universe. Economics. Production, contribution, consumptions of
Biology. The study of life. goods and services.
Sociology. Trends in behaviors in large groups, such as
communities and societies.
Directions: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Identify if it is science or social sciences. Put a check (/) mark in
the appropriate column for each of the following statements.
Statements Science Social
1. Trends in behaviors in large groups, such as communities and societies.
2. Study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and
distribute them among different people.
3. Study of politics and power from domestic, international, and comparative
4. Study of the earth and its habitants.
5. Study of humanity.
6. Concerned with the study of life and living organisms.
7. The study of the universe.
8. Study of the structure of the earth.
9. Study of matter and energy and the interactions between the two through forces
and motion.
10. The study of the properties of matter.


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: __________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Importance of the Social Sciences (I am important?)
Learning Targets: Name the five important roles of Social Sciences in the society
References Title: Jose, M, D. & Ong, J. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the social Sciences. Vibal Group Inc. G.
Araneta Avenue, Quezon City.
Author: Jose, M, D.& Ong, J. (2016) Page No.: 11
Main Idea
Our present social ills can be effectively addressed by obtaining knowledge from both the natural and the social
sciences. The two domains work hand in hand in order to help alleviate problems in the society and improve human
conditions. The field of the social sciences may help us understand the complexities of human behaviour and relations as
it attempts to solve the aforementioned societal problems.
Social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world- how to influence policy, develop
networks, increase government, accountability, and promote democracy.
Researchers working on climate change will be definitely dealing with biology and ecology in the natural
sciences. In the same way, they may have to familiarize themselves with geography as a natural science and then analyze
its effects on humans and society using the social sciences approach. They may also have to obtain knowledge about the
impact of climate change on social behaviors (sociology) and on power as motivation for human behaviour (political
The Important Roles of Social Sciences
1. Social scientist helps us imagine alternative futures- social science helped people understand the consequences and
application of the new technologies of the age, such as steam power. The growth of railways and factories not only
transformed the economy and the world of work, but also changed forever the way people organized their family lives and
2. Social science can change the world for the better- we can generally agree that world needs to be a safer place where
all people can enjoy basic dignity and human rights. This is the case even when we can’t always agree on what we should
do to make this happen. Social scientists working in interdisciplinary teams have made their mark in area of human
welfare and development.
3. Social scientists contribute to our health and well‐being-From sports sociologists to public health experts, from
those interpreting medical statistics to those evaluating policies for our care in old age, social scientists are working hard
to make sure that our health, leisure and social care services work to best effect.
4. Social science can broaden your horizons-For debates about feminism, peace, ecology, social movements, and much
more, social science offers each of us new perspectives and new ways of understanding. Whether your idea of relaxation
is visiting a museum, watching soaps, or chatting online, social science encourages a fresh look at our everyday activities
and culture.
5. We need social science to guarantee our democracy-Social science offers multiple perspectives on society, informs
social policy and supports us in holding our politicians and our media to account.


Directions: Name the five (5) important roles of Social Sciences in our society.






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