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Name:_______________________________ Score:_____________
Year & Section: Day & Date Accomplished_____________
Subject:TLE 10_______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________
Activity Title:Classifications of soups(Am I Clear, Thick or Other?)
Learning Targets: Distinguish different categories of soups.
Reference Title:Johnson, J.M., E.A. Davis, and J. Gordon. 1990. Interactions of starch and
sugar water measured by electron spin resonance and differential scanningcalorimetry. Cereal Chemistry 67(3):
286-291. Cookery_g10_learning_module
Author: Johnson, J.M., E.A. Davis, and J. Gordon. 1990 Page No: 255-257
Main Idea:
Soupsare based on stocks added with other ingredients for variety offlavor, consistency, appearance and
aroma. A well-prepared soup always makes a memorable impression as it offers a full array of flavoring
ingredients and garnishing opportunities.It also allows the use of trimmings and leftover creatively.
Soups can be divided into three basic categories namelyClear Soup,Thick Soups and International
Soup which are basically special and famous or national soup from various countries.
1.Clear Soups- They are soups based on a clear, 2.Thick Soups - are soups that are thickened to
unthicken broth or stock. provide a heavier consistency.
Broth and bouillon - simple clear soup without solid Cream soups – are soups thickened with roux, beurre
ingredients. Broth and bouillon are similar to stock in Manie, liaison or other thickening agents, plus milk, or
technique and in cooking time. The major distinction cream.
between broth and stock is that broths can be served as Purees – vegetable soup thickened with starch
is, whereas stocks are used in production of other
dishes. Bisques – are thickened soups made from shellfish.

Vegetable soup – clear seasoned stock or broth with Chowders – are hearty soups made from fish,
the addition of one or more vegetable, meat, or shellfish or vegetables usually contain milk and
poultry. potatoes.
Consommé‘–rich, flavorful stock or broth that has Veloutés – soup thickened with egg, butter and cream.
been clarified to make it perfectly clear and
3. Other types of soup(a. Dessert soup)
A. Ginataan – a Filipino soup made from coconut milk, milk, fruit,and tapioca pearl served hot or cold.
B. Osheriku – a Japanese asuki bean soup
C.Tonge sui – a Chinese soup
b. Fruit Soup- can be served hot or cold depending on the recipewhere dried fruits are used like raisins and
prunes. Fruit soup mayinclude milk, sweet or savory dumplings, spices or alcoholicbeverages like brandy and
c. Cold soup - is variations on the traditional soup wherein thetemperature when served is kept at or below
d. Asian soup- is a traditional soup which is typical broth, clearsoup, or starch thickened soup.

Directions:Identify the classification of the following soup. WriteThink, Clear or Other on the space

________1. Consommé ________6. Chowders

________2. Bisque ________7.Veloutés
________3. Broth ________8.Cream soups
________4. Cream ________9.Fruit Soup
________5. Puree ________10.Asian soup

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