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Ronalyn G.

As you plan, you visualize each step of the class. This helps you ensure that
you've thought about everything that you need to say, and that you present
information in a logical order. You'll also be able to prepare for points that
people might find difficult to understand. Having a plan for each session
helps to guide our training to ensure that we do what we intend to do. First
thing to make a session plan we should to prepare Data Gathering
Instrument to know the Trainee’s Characteristics and Evidence of Current
Competencies acquired to a related job. I get the answers to the questions
based from Training Regulations. The components and elements of session
plan are first the Industry Sector and Qualification Title indicates where the
qualified and its level based in the CBC or TR. Second, Unit of Competencies
which are the basic, common and core competencies in a particular
qualification. Third, Module Title in Unit of Competency to write in –ing form
of the verb. Fourth, Learning Outcomes it is the learning blocks or units
that comprise the module. Fifth, Introduction part of that intends to
motivate students to learn. Sixth, Learning Activities actions to achieve the
learning outcomes stated. Seventh, Evaluation this is to evaluate
achievement of learning outcomes. Lastly, Teacher’s Reflection wherein
documentation of the conduct of training on unit of competency. Factors I
must consider when you when selecting my training methods, First is the
Learning Outcomes/ Objectives of a particular competency, the
students/trainees in relation to the learning style based on their Trainee’s
characteristics, the availability of Equipment and materials. I organized the
learning events from simple to complex. I must gain the attention of the
learners, Introduced the Learners Objectives, Recall of Prior Knowledge,
Present Materials, Provide Guidance for Learning, Assess performance,
provide feedback and Enhance Retention of the Competency. The
assessment method I used for my session plan are; Written/ Oral Interview
because it is suitable for factual/ conceptual information, Demonstration it
is suitable to test understanding of process/ procedural information. When
preparing assessment tool first in Validity is considered when the
assessment tools are relevant to the competency standards and Cost-
effectiveness is considered when the assessment tools are maximized during
the assessment activities. It is necessary to prepare a Table of Specifications
when preparing written test because it is very important to ensure that the
distribution of the questions will cover the topics discussed. The learning
principles I always in my mind when I am preparing session plan are; First,
The Learners should have opportunities to practice skills because it is most
effective when it builds what the students already know or has experience
and in learning by doing. Lastly, To be effective, feedback should be
immediate, positive, and non- judgmental because when we are going to
have a positive feedback the trainee’s will be eager and motivated to perform
in learning.

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