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COVID-19 is creating a situation wherein it has various impacts not only in the
Philippines but all around the world. As of now, World Health Organizations and the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention continuous sharing information and resources from credible
sources about the pandemic. Also, they are keeping open lines for communications with their
employees, volunteers, and the public. Companies around the world are taking steps to help or to
act responsible in the crisis the we are facing right now, and non-profit organizations are no
exception. Non-profits in healthcare, food access and those others serving the community have
all rallied out making a difference during the pandemic, there are some non-profits that have
specific programs relating to COVID-19 that people might help. Give 2 Asia is an Asia-Pacific
nonprofit that is supporting frontline health workers and national public health priorities. The
organization has been raising funds to slow the spread of the virus. They also provide support for
our frontline health workers in terms of food, transport, and temporary shelter. It is committed to
raising funds to prepare health workers and communities to fight this and future epidemics. Also,
FundLife is directly supporting several on-the-ground organizations who are delivering
emergency food packs to those who are going hungry. It is focusing on keeping children safe
especially adolescent girls who face an increased risk during the lockdown. They are providing
hygiene packs and education leaflets to keep safe and avoid the spread of COVID-19. COVID-
19 puts the already vulnerable at danger of not having enough food and thus expose themselves
to the risk of contracting and spreading the COVID-19 amongst their already packed
communities. That is why non-profits organizations are doing whatever they can to help those
people who are deeply in need to survive the pandemic.

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