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Calculating Directional Well Profile

Subject Matter Experts: Raymond de Verteuil and Iain McCourt

Sugar Land Learning Center

1998, revised 2001

An asterisk (*) is used throughout this module to denote a mark o f Schlumberger

 Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created 1998, reviewed 2001. The following material includes Confidential,
Proprietary Information and is a trade secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All use, disclosure, and/ or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
in writing. All rights reserved. This material may also be protected under laws of non-U.S. countries, including copyright and trade secret laws.

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1 Getting Started

This math module is part two of four and should provide an adequate mathematical background
for what is normally required of the directional driller. The level of mathematics required for
directional drilling work, is fairly basic; however, minimum competence in algebra and
trigonometry is required to understand how wells are planned.

Doing projections and well planning often requires quick calculations at the rig site. While a
computer or programmable calculator often performs these calculations, using a scientific
calculator to check the results "by hand" is a useful exercise. In most calculations throughout this
module, the rules for significant figures will be used to obtain the answer. The final answer in
most cases will be rounded to the nearest hundredth digit.

Before you begin this module, you should have already completed, or understood the
information in the following modules:

• Introduction to Directional Drilling

• Introduction to Math, and
• Directional Drilling Math 1: Calculating Coordinates and Directions.

In this module you will learn how to calculate such missing variables as well coordinates,
buildup rate, MAX hold angle, end of build true vertical depth, end of build measured depth, end
of build displacement, and total measured depth to the target. The variables will be calculated for
the three general types of directional well: build-hold, horizontal, and "S"-type.

To facilitate calculations, you may need

• paper,
• pencils, and
• a calculator.

Study Questions

This module contains study questions. As you come across the questions, try to answer them
without looking back at the lesson. Look if you need to. Answers are provided in the last part of
this module.

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2 Calculating Directional Well Profile Variables

Drilling a directional well involves drilling a hole from the surface to the target in such a way
that the hole can be used for its intended purpose. Careful planning of a directional well profile
prior to beginning actual operation is probably the most crucial factor of the project. During this
stage, the directional driller must (1) determine the specific reasons and objectives unique to the
well being drilled and (2) ensure that all aspects of the drilling are tailored to meet those

Sometimes a driller may have to calculate directional well profile variables at the rig site. A
client may ask how well profile variables are calculated, and the driller must be prepared to
provide an explanation. The driller might also have to recalculate the profile variables to ensure
drilling accuracy.

This module will take you through the steps necessary to calculate the profile variables for the
three general types of directional wells:

• build-hold well,
• "S"-type well, and
• horizontal well.

The formulas used for this module will vary from problem to problem, depending on the given
profile variables of the well. Use the formulas and steps as a guide to calculate other profile

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3 Calculating Build-Hold
("J" or Slant) Well Profile

Objective: Given all but one

of the variables for a well
profile, calculate the values
of the missing variables for a
build-hold ("J" or Slant) well.
As indicated in the graphic, a
build-hold well consists of a
section that is vertical, a build
section, and a tangent or hold
section. In this lesson you
will calculate the profile
variables for a build-hold
well. This well is also called
a "J" or slant type well.

The driller might be asked by a client to explain what type of directional well is being drilled and
how the well profile variables are calculated. This module will help the driller understand the
math behind the calculations so that an explanation can be given at the rig site.

Work through the example problem to learn how to calculate the profile variables for a build-
hold well.

Example problem: With the given information below for a build-hold well, solve for the
following profile variables:

1. Profile drawing, Given Information:

2. Well coordinate,
3. Buildup rate (BUR), • Target Location = 1638.3 ft S and
4. MAX hold angle, 1147.15 ft W
5. End of build (EOB) true vertical depth • Target’s TVD (V3) = 8500 ft
(TVD), • (KOP) Kickoff Point (V1) = 1981 ft
6. EOB measured depth (MD), • Build Radius (R) = 2291.83
7. EOB displacement, and
8. Total MD to the target.

The information provided on the following pages will help you learn how to perform the
calculations for this example problem.

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3.1 Profile Drawing

To visualize how to solve the problem, represent it with a drawing. The look of the drawing will
depend on the type of profile problem you are solving and the value of the variables given.

When solving for well profile variables, you will need to draw both a plan view and a vertical
section view. Include in the drawing the values of the given information; label the sections you
will be solving; and add any other relevant information. The drawing on this page is an example
for the problem in this lesson.

A well planning worksheet has been provided, on the next page, to help you solve the build-hold
profile variables for the example well in this lesson.

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3.1.1 Plan Drawing

A plan view drawing can

easily represent the well
coordinate. Sometimes
referred to as a bird’s-eye
view, the plan view is an
overhead view of the well
path. The drawing should
include the north, south, east
and west directions as well as
the coordinate given in the

The target coordinate for the

example problem in this
lesson is 1638.3 ft South and
1147.15 ft West. The drawing
on this page is an example
plan view of the well

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3.1.2 Vertical Section View


A vertical section view

drawing can easily represent
the well profile variables.
The vertical section view is a
side view of the well path
through the earth from the
surface location to the target
location. The drawing should
include all given information
and the variables you are
solving. The drawing on this
page is an example vertical
section view for the problem
in this lesson.

Given information: Variables you are solving:

A. Target TVD (V3) = 8500 ft 1. Buildup rate (BUR),

B. (KOP) Kickoff Point (V1) = 1981 ft 2. MAX hold angle,
C. Build Radius (R) = 2291.83 3. End of build (EOB) true vertical depth
4. EOB measured depth (MD),
5. EOB displacement, and
6. Total MD to the target.

The look of the drawing will change depending on the type of profile you are solving and the
values of the given variables. When you draw the values, use an appropriate scale so you will get
an accurate view of the well.

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3.2 Calculating the Well


When calculating the profile

variables of a well, you will
have to convert the direction
to azimuth or quadrant as
well as the coordinate to
polar or rectangular. Being
able to perform these
calculations is very
importantto the directional
driller because the client
might ask questions about the
calculation or you might need
to check to see if the target
coordinate is correct. You
should have already learned
how to perform these
calculations. (See Directional
Drilling Math 1 module.)

The example problem in this lesson gives the rectangular coordinate, and you are requested to
calculate the polar coordinate. Use the drawing and the steps below to learn how to perform this

• First, calculate the target direction (angle B). The triangle is a right angle, so you can use the
tangent function to find angle B.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse tangent (tan-1); then place the information into the
formula and perform the calculation.

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In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the target direction. The direction can be
written in quadrant format (S 35° W) or azimuth format (215° AZM). Most of the time, you will
need to represent the direction in azimuth, but a client may request that you use quadrant format.

• Second, calculate the target distance (line a or D2). The triangle in this problem is a right
angle, so you can use the Pythagorean theorem to find line "a".

Place the information into the formula and perform the calculation.

In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the horizontal distance from the surface
location to the target. This distance can be written in either feet (2000 ft) or meters (610 m),
depending on what the client prefers.

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The polar coordinate of the example problem as calculated above is 2000 ft @ 215° AZM. The
driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an
explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic below represents the plan view drawing of
the answer.

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3.3 Calculating Buildup Rate


The buildup rate (BUR) is the

change of inclination of a
wellbore where the angle is
increased. BUR is usually
described as the angular increase
per 100 ft or angular increase
per 30 m of the measured depth.
In section you will calculate
buildup rate for the example
problem in this lesson.

Calculate the BUR by placing

the given information into the
formula and performing the
calculation steps below. You
should have already learned how
to perform these calculations.
(See Introduction to Math
module.)The [(180/pi) x 100 ft]
in the formula represents 100
radians or 5729.58°. (Given: R =
2291.83 ft)

In the above steps, you learned how to calculate the buildup rate for a build-hold well. The
driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an
explanation of how the value is obtained. The buildup rate can not directly be drawn on the
graphic because it only represents a rate, but it corresponds to the build radius (R).

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3.4 Calculating Max Hold


The MAX hold angle, also

called inclination angle, occurs
where the inclination of the
borehole is held constant. The
MAX hold angle occurs, right
after the end of build, and is
held constant all the way to the

Several variables must be

calculated before the MAX hold
angle can be found. Calculate
the MAX hold angle (θ) by
performing the steps below in
the order given to solve the
problem for the answer.

The formulas used for this section will vary from problem to problem depending on the given
profile variables of the well. Use the formulas and steps in this module as a guide to calculate
other profile problems. Study the problem and your drawing to determine the formulas to use.
For help with some of the calculations in the following steps, review the lesson on triangles in
the Introduction to Math module.

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The calculations for each step are performed below to solve the MAX hold angle for the example

• First, find line DC. If D2 (distance to the target) is larger than R (build radius) then subtract
R from D2 (DC = D2 – R) to get line DC. If D2 is smaller than R, then subtract D2 from R
(DC = R - D2) to get line DC. In this example D2 (2000) is smaller than R (2291.83), so
subtract D2 from R (DC = R - D2).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: R =
2291.83 ft, D2 = 2000 ft)

• Second, find line DO, also called change in TVD. To find DO, take the distance to the KOP
(V1) and subtract it from the TVD to the target (V3).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 1981
ft, V3 = 8500 ft)

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• Third, find angle DOC. Angle CDO is a right triangle, so you can use the tangent function to
find angle DOC.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse tangent (tan-1); then place the information from
the first and second steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

• Fourth, find line OC. Angle CDO is a right triangle so you can use the cosine function to find
line OC.

Rearrange the formula to solve for OC; then place the information from the second and third
step into the formula and perform the calculation.

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• Fifth, find angle BOC. Angle CBO is a right triangle, so you can use the cosine function to
find angle BOC.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse cosine (cos-1); then place the information from
the fourth step into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: R = 2291.83)

• Sixth, find angle BOD. If R is smaller than D2, then subtract angle DOC from angle BOC
(BOD = BOC – DOC). If R is bigger than D2, then add DOC to BOC (BOD = BOC + DOC).
In this example problem, R is bigger than D2; so you will add DOC to BOC (BOD = BOC +

Place the information from the third and fifth steps into the formula and perform the

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• Seventh, find the MAX hold angle (θ or AOB). Angle AOD is a right triangle (90°) because
line OA is perpendicular to line OD.

Place the information from the sixth step into the formula and perform the calculation.

After performing all of the above steps, you calculated the MAX hold angle or inclination angle
to be 18°. This inclination angle will be held constant from the end of build to the target. The
driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an
explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the
given profile variables

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3.5 Calculating End of Build

(EOB) True Vertical Depth

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore has
finished increasing. The true
vertical depth of the end of build
is the actual measured vertical
depth from the surface to the
end of build, represented by line

In this section you will perform

the needed calculations to find
the true vertical depth of the end
of build.

Calculate the end of build (EOB) true vertical depth (TVD) or V2 as indicated in the steps below.
Length V1 represents the vertical section KOP, and [R x (sin θ )] represents the formula to
calculate the vertical length NB. Place the given information into the formula and perform the
calculation. (Given: V1 = 1981 ft, R = 2291.83, θ= 18°)

The end of build (EOB) true vertical depth (TVD) or V2 is 2689.21 ft. The driller needs to know
how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the
value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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Study Questions

1) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for a build and hold directional well.

Target Displacement = 2500 ft

Target TVD = 10500 ft
Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 6925 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 120.91°
b) 136°34’
c) 41.18°
d) 26.72°

2) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build TVD for a build and hold directional well:

Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

Target TVD = 10,500 ft
Build Up Rate = 3o per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18o

Select the correct answer.

a) 8,297.67 ft
b) 6,783.4 ft
c) 472.41 ft
d) 8,182.5 ft

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3.6 Calculating End of Build

(EOB) Measured Depth (MD)

The end of build is the location

where the wellbore has finished
increasing, point B on the
drawing. The measured depth of
the end of build is the actual
length of the wellbore from its
surface location to the end of

In this section you will perform

the needed calculations to find
the measured depth of the end of

Calculate the end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) as indicated in the steps below. To solve
the problem, add the vertical section (V1), and the build section [(θ / BUR) x 100]. Place the
given information into the formula, and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 1981 ft, BUR =
2.5° θ = 18°)

The end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) is 2701 ft. The driller needs to know how to
perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation on how the value is
obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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3.7 Calculating End of Build

(EOB) Displacement

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore has
finished increasing. The
displacement of the end of build
is the horizontal distance
between the surface location and
the end of build (D1).

In this section you will perform

the needed calculations to find
the displacement of the end of

Calculate the end of build (EOB) displacement (D1) as indicated in the steps below. To calculate
D1, subtract line ON (R x cos θ ) from line OA (R) as shown in the calculation below. (Given: R
= 2291.83, θ = 18°)

The end of build (EOB) displacement is 112.17 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform this
calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The
graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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3.8 Calculating Total

Measured Depth to the Target

The measured depth of the target

is the actual length of the
wellbore from its surface
location to the target.

In this section you will perform

the needed calculations to find
the total measured depth to the
target. For help with some of the
calculations in the steps below,
review the lesson on triangles in
the Introduction to Math

• First, find line BC, also called the tangent or hold section of the well bore. Angle CBO is a
right triangle, so you can use the Pythagorean theorem to find line BC.

Rearrange the formula to solve for line "BC"; then place the given information into the
formula and perform the calculation. (Given: OC = 6525.51, R (OB) = 2291.83)

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• Second, to find the total measured depth of the wellbore add the vertical section OP (V1), the
build section [(θ / BUR) x 100], and the tangent section (BC).

Place the given information into the formula, and perform the calculation. (Given:V1 = 1981,
θ = 18° BUR = 2.5°, BC = 6109.81)

The total measured depth to the target is 8810.81 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform
this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained.
The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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Study Questions

3) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) displacement for a build and hold directional well:

Target TVD = 10500 ft

Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 6925 ft
Maximum hold angle (θ ) = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 1378.84
b) 376.22
c) 472.41
d) 5276.84

4) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) of a build and hold directional well:

• Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

• Target Direction = S28°E
• Target TVD = 10,500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 8,297.67 ft
b) 11,376.84 ft
c) 8,182.5 ft
d) 472.41 ft

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5) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target total measured depth of a build and hold directional well:

• Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

• Target Direction = S28°E
• Target TVD = 10,500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 472.41 ft
b) 8,182.5 ft
c) 11,376.84 ft
d) 8,297.67 ft

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4 Calculating "S"-Type
Well Profile Variables

Objective: Given all but one

of the variables for a well
profile, calculate the values
of the missing variables for
an "S"-type well. As
indicated in the graphic an
"S"-type well consists of a
vertical section, a build
section, a tangent section, and
a drop section. In this lesson
you will calculate the profile
variables for an "S"-type

The driller might be asked by a client to explain what type of directional well is being drilled and
how the well profile variables are calculated. This module will help the driller understand the
math behind the calculations so that an explanation can be given at the rig site.

Work through the example problem to learn how to calculate the profile variables for an "S"-type

Example problem: With the given information below for an "S"-type well, solve for the
following profile variables:

1. Profile drawing, Given Information:

2. Well coordinate,
3. Build and drop radius, • Target location = 3500 ft @ 235°AZM
4. MAX hold angle, • Target’s TVD (V4) = 12,000 ft
5. EOB TVD, • KOP (V1) = 6084 ft
6. EOB MD, • Build up rate (BUR) = 3° / 100 ft
7. EOB displacement, • Drop off rate (DOR) = 2° / 100 ft
8. Start of drop (SOD) MD,
10. SOD displacement, and
11. Total MD to the target.

The information provided on the following pages will help you learn how to perform the
calculations for this example problem.

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4.1 Profile Drawing

To visualize how to solve the problem, represent it with a drawing. The look of the drawing will
depend on the type of profile problem you are solving and the value of the variables given.

When solving for well profile variables, you will need to draw both a plan view and a vertical
section view. Include in the drawing the values of the given information; label the sections you
will be solving; and add any other relevant information. The drawing on this page is an example
for the problem in this lesson.

A well planning worksheet has been provided, on the next page, to help you solve the "S"-type
profile variables for the example well in this lesson.

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4.1.1 Plan View Drawing

A plan view drawing can

easily represent the well
coordinate. Sometimes
referred to as a bird’s-eye
view, the plan view is an
overhead view of the well
path. The drawing should
include the north, south, east
and west directions as well as
the coordinate given in the
problem. The target
coordinate for the example
problem in this lesson is 3500
ft @ 235°AZM. The drawing
on this page is an example
plan view of the well

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4.1.2 Vertical Section View


A vertical section view

drawing can easily represent
the well profile variables.
The vertical section view is a
side view of the well path
through the earth from the
surface location to the target

The drawing on this page is

an example of a vertical
section view for the problem
in this lesson. It includes all
the given information and the
variables necessary to solve
the problem. BCGO
represents a right angle

Given information:
Variables you are solving:
A. Target TVD (V4) = 12,000 ft
B. B'. KOP (V1) = 6084 ft 1. build radius,
C. Build up rate (BUR) = 3° / 100 ft 2. drop radius,
D. Drop off rate (DOR) = 2° / 100 ft 3. MAX hold angle,
4. EOB true vertical depth (TVD),
5. EOB measured depth (MD),
6. EOB displacement,
7. start of drop (SOD) measured depth,
9. SOD displacement, and
10. Total MD to the target.

The look of the drawing will change, depending on the type of profile you are solving for and the
size of the build and drop radius. When you draw the values, use an appropriate scale so you will
get an accurate view of the well.

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4.2 Calculating the Well


When calculating the profile

variables of a well, you will
have to convert the direction
to azimuth or quadrant as
well as the coordinate to
polar or rectangular. Being
able to perform this
calculation is very important
to the directional driller
because the client might ask
questions about the
calculation, or you might
need to check to see if the
target coordinate is correct.
You should have already
learned how to perform these
calculations. (See Directional
Drilling Math 1 module.)

The example problem in this lesson gives the polar coordinate, and you are requested to calculate
the rectangular coordinate. Use the drawing and the steps below to learn how to perform this

• First, calculate the west (W) distance (line b). The triangle is a right angle, so you can use the
sine function to find line "b."

Rearrange the formula to solve for line "b"; then place the given information into the formula
and perform the calculation. (Given: ∠B = 55°, a = 3500 ft)

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In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the west distance. The distance should be
written as W 2867.03 ft. Most of the time, you will need to represent the direction in azimuth,
but a client may request that you use quadrant format.

• Second, calculate the target south (S) distance (line c). The triangle is a right angle so you
can use the cosine function to find line "c."

Rearrange the formula to solve for line "c"; then place the given information into the formula
and perform the calculation. (Given: ∠B = 55°, a = 3500 ft)

In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the south distance. The distance should be
written as S 2007.52 ft. Usually you will need to represent the well location in azimuth, but at
times the client may request rectangular format.

The target rectangular coordinate as calculated above is W 2867.03 ft, S 2007.52 ft. The driller
needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation
of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the plan view drawing of the answer.

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4.3 Calculating Build and

Drop Radius

The build and drop radii

represent the radius of
curvature of the build and
drop sections of the "S"-type
well. The build and drop radii
of the wellbore dictate the
path the well takes.

In this section you will learn

how to calculate the build
and drop radii for the
example problem in this
lesson. You should have
already learned how to
perform these calculations.
(See Introduction to Math

Calculate the build and drop radiis by placing the given information into the formula and
performing the calculation steps below. The [(180/pi) x 100 ft] in the formula represents 100
radians or 5729.58°. (Given: BUR = 3° / 100 ft, DOR = 2° / 100 ft)

• First, calculate the build radius (R1).

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• Second, calculate the drop radius (R2).

In the above steps you learned how to calculate the build and drop radius for the example
problem in this lesson. The driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if
the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the
calculated answer and the needed profile variables.

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4.4 Calculating MAX Hold


The MAX hold angle, also

called inclination angle,
occurs where the inclination
of the borehole is held
constant. The MAX hold
angle occurs, right after the
end of build, and is held
constant all the way to the

Several variables must be

calculated before the MAX
hold angle can be found.
Calculate the MAX hold
angle (θ) by performing the
steps below in the order
given to solve the problem
for the answer.

The formulas used for this section will vary from problem to problem, depending on the given
profile variables of the well. Use the formulas and steps in this module as a guide to calculate
other profile problems. Study the problem and your drawing to determine the formulas to use.
For help with some of the calculations in the steps below, review the lesson on triangles in the
Introduction to Math module.

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The calculations for each step are performed below to solve for the MAX hold angle for the
example problem.

• First, find line FE. If D3 (distance to the target) is larger than R1 + R2 then use FE = D3 -
(R1 + R2). If D3 is smaller than R1 + R2, then use FE = R1 - (D3 - R2). In this example, D3
(3500 ft) is smaller than R1 + R2 (4774.65), so use FE = R1 - (D3 - R2).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: D3 = 3500
ft, R1 = 1909.86, R2 = 2864.79)

• Second, find line EO, also called change in TVD. To find EO, take the distance to the KOP
(V1) and subtract it from the TVD to the target (V4).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 6,084
ft, V4 = 12,000 ft)

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• Third, find angle FOE. Angle FEO is a right triangle, so you can use the tangent function
(tan) to find angle FOE.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse tangent (tan-1); then place the information from
the first and second steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

• Fourth, find line OF. Angle FEO is a right triangle so you can use the Pythagorean
theorem (OF2 = FE2 + EO2) to find line OF.

Rearrange the formula to solve for OF; then place the information from the first and
second steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

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• Fifth, find line FG. Line FG is equivalent to the addition of both the build and drop radius
(R1 + R2).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: R1 =
1909.86, R2 = 2864.79)

• Sixth, find angle FOG. Angle FGO is a right triangle, so you can use the sine function
(sin) to find angle FOG.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse sine (sin-1); then place the information from
the fourth and fifth steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

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• Seventh, find the MAX Hold angle (θ or EOG). The MAX Hold angle (θ ) is equivalent to
angle EOG.

Place the information from the third and sixth steps into the formula and perform the

After performing all of the above steps, you calculated the MAX hold angle or inclination angle
to be 39.93°. This inclination angle will be held constant from the end of build to the start of
drop. The driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks
for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and
the given profile variables.

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4.5 Calculating End of

Build (EOB) True Vertical
Depth (TVD)

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
true vertical depth of the end
of build is the actual
measured vertical depth from
the surface to the end of
build, represented by length

In this section you will

perform the needed calculates
to find the true vertical depth
of the end of build.

Calculate the end of build (EOB) vertical depth (TVD) or V2 as indicated in the steps below.
Length V1 represents the vertical section KOP, and [R1 x (sin q)] represents the formula to
calculate vertical length NB.

Place the given information into the formula and perform calculation. (Given: V1 = 6084
ft, R1 = 1909.86, θ = 39.94°)

The end of build (EOB) true vertical depth (TVD) or V2 is 7310.10 ft. The driller needs to know
how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the
value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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4.6 Calculating End of

Build (EOB) Measured
Depth (MD)

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
measured depth of the end of
build is the actual length of
the wellbore from its surface
location to the end of build.

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the
measured depth of the end of

Calculate the end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) as indicated in the steps below. To solve
the problem add the vertical section KOP (V1), and the build section [(θ / BUR) x 100 ft].

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: 6084 ft,
BUR = 3°, θ = 39.94°)

The end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) is 7415.33 ft. The driller needs to know how to
perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is
obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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Study Questions

6) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for an "S"-type directional well:

Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

Target TVD = 11,000 ft
Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 136°34’
b) 26.72°
c) 120.91°
d) 22.55°

7) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build’s measured depth for an "S"-type directional well:

Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

Target TVD = 11,000 ft
Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3,439.84 ft
b) 175.22 ft
c) 2,378.89 ft
d) 2,402 ft

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4.7 Calculating End of

Build (EOB) Displacement

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
displacement of the end of
build is the horizontal
distance between the surface
location and the end of build,

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the
displacement of the end of

Calculate the end of build (EOB) displacement (D1) as indicated in the steps below. To calculate
D1, subtract line ON (R1 x cos θ) from line OA (R1) as shown in the calculation below.

Place the given information into the formula and the calculation. (Given: R1 = 1909.86,
θ = 39.94°)

The end of build (EOB) displacement is 445.54 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform this
calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The
graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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4.8 Calculating Start of

Drop (SOD) Measured
Depth (MD)

The start of drop (SOD) is the

location (point C) where the
wellbore inclination starts
dropping. The measured
depth of the start of drop is
the actual length of the
wellbore from its surface
location to the start of drop.
In this section you will
perform the needed
calculations to find the
answer. Calculate the start of
drop (SOD) measured depth
(MD) as indicated in the
steps below.

• First, find line OG. Angle FGO is a right triangle, so you can use the Pythagorean theorem
(OF2 = OG2 + FG2) to find line OG. Line OG is parallel to line BC in the parallelogram
BCGO as shown in the graphic; therefore line BC is equal to line OG.

Rearrange the formula to solve for OG; then place the given information into the formula and
perform the calculation. (Given: OF = 6,051.76, FG = 4,775)

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• Second, find SOD MD. To find the measured depth to the start of drop, you must add the
vertical section KOP (V1), the build section [(θ / BUR) x 100 ft], and the tangent section

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 6,084
ft, BUR = 3°, θ = 39.93°)

The start of drop (SOD) measured depth (MD) is 11,132.45 ft. The driller needs to know how to
perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is
obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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4.9 Calculating Start of

Drop (SOD) True Vertical
Depth (TVD)

The start of drop (SOD) is the

location (point C) where the
wellbore inclination starts
dropping. The true vertical
depth of the start of drop is
the actual measured vertical
depth from the surface to the
start of drop, represented by
length V3.

Calculate the start of drop

(SOD) true vertical depth
(TVD) or V3 as indicated in
the steps below. To find the
SOD TVD, add V2
(calculated in section 4.5)
and (BC x cos θ). The (BC
x cos θ) represents the
formula to find vertical
length (BT) of the tangent
section of the well.

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation.
(Given: V2 = 7,310.10 ft, BC = 3,717.12, θ = 39.94°)

The SOD TVD is 10,160.08 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the
rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents
the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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4.10 Calculating Start of

Drop (SOD) Displacement

The start of drop (SOD) is the

location (point C) where the
wellbore inclination starts
dropping. The displacement
of the start of drop is the
horizontal distance between
the surface location and the
start of drop, (D2). In this
section you will perform the
needed calculations to find
the answer.

Calculate the start of drop

(SOD) displacement (D2) as
indicated in the steps below.
To find the SOD
displacement, add D1
(calculated in section 4.7)
and (BC x sin θ). The (BC x
sin θ) represents the formula
to calculate the horizontal
length (TC) of the tangent

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation.
(Given: D1 = 445.54, BC = 3717.12, θ = 39.94°

The SOD displacement (D2) is 2831.88 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform this
calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The
graphic represents the calculated nswer and the given profile variables.

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4.11 Calculating Total

Measured Depth to the

The measured depth of the

target is the actual length of
the wellbore from its surface
location to the target. In this
section you will perform the
needed calculations to find
the total measured depth to
the target.

To find the total measured

depth of the target, add the
vertical section KOP (V1),
the arc length of the build
section [(θ / BUR) x 100], the
tangent section (BC), and the
arc length of the drop section
[(θ / DOR) x 100].

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation.
(Given: V1 = 6,084 ft, θ = 39.94°, BUR = 3°, DOR = 2° BC = 3,717.12 ft)

The total measured depth to the target is 13,129.93 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform
this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained.
The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

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Study Questions

8) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the start of drop true vertical depth for an "S"-type directional well:

Length of tangent section = 7748.36 ft

Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 9535.18 ft
b) 7378.89 ft
c) 3439.84 ft
d) 175.22 ft

9) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) true vertical depth of an "S"-type directional well:

Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

Target TVD = 11,000 ft
Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3653.69 ft
b) 175.22 ft
c) 1404 ft
d) 2378.89 ft

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10) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target’s total measured depth of an "S"-type directional well:

Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

Target Direction = 330.71°
Target TVD = 11,000 ft
Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 175.22 ft
b) 12,404 ft
c) 11,653.69 ft
d) 22,378.89 ft

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5 Calculating Horizontal
Well Profile Variables

Objective: Given all but one

of the variables for a well
profile, calculate the values
of the missing variables for
a horizontal well. As
indicated in the graphic, a
horizontal well can consist
of a section that is vertical,
a build section, a tangent
section, a second build
section, and a horizontal

In this lesson you will

calculate the profile
variables for a horizontal
The driller might be asked by a client to explain what type of directional well is being drilled and
how the well profile variables are calculated. This module will help the driller understand the
math behind the calculations so that an explanation can be given at the rig site.

Calculating Horizontal Well Profile Variables

Work through the example problem to learn how to calculate the profile variables for a
horizontal well.

Example problem: With the given information below for a horizontal well, solve for the
following profile variables:

1. Profile drawing Given Information:

2. Well coordinate
3. Build radius • Target location = 1800 ft @ 135° AZM
4. MAX hold angle • Target’s TVD (V4) = 3800 ft
5. End of Build 1 (EOB1) True Vertical • KOP (V1) = 2000 ft
Depth (TVD) • Build up rate 1 (BUR1) = 5.73° / 100 ft
6. EOB1 Measured Depth (MD) • Build up rate 2 (BUR2) = 9.55° / 100 ft
7. EOB1 Displacement
8. Start of Second Build MD
9. Total Measured Depth to the Target

The information provided on the following pages will help you learn how to perform the
calculations for this example problem.

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5.1 Profile Drawing

To visualize how to solve the problem, represent it with a drawing. The look of the drawing will
depend on the type of profile problem you are solving and the value of the variables given.

When solving for well profile variables, you will need to draw both a plan view and a vertical
section view. Include in the drawing the values of the given information; label the sections you
will be solving; and add any other relevant information. The drawing on this page is an example
for the problem in this lesson.

A well planning worksheet has been provided to help you solve the horizontal profile variables
for the example well in this lesson.

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5.1.1 Plan View Drawing

A plan view drawing can

easily represent the well
coordinate. Sometimes
referred to as a bird’s-eye
view, the plan view is an
overhead view of the well
path. The drawing should
include the north, south,
east and west directions as
well as the coordinate given
in the problem.

The target coordinate for

the example problem in this
lesson is 1800 ft @
135°AZM. The drawing on
this page is an example plan
view of the well coordinate.

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5.1.2 Vertical Section View


A vertical section view drawing

can easily represent the well
profile variables. The vertical
section view is a side view of the
well path through the earth from
the surface location to the target

To solve the horizontal well

profile variables, you will have to
draw the vertical section view as
indicated in the drawing. Extend
the two build radius lines in your
drawing toward each other to
form a right triangle. The drawing
on the page is an example of a
vertical section view for the
problem in this lesson. It includes
all the given information and the
variables the problem asks you to
solve for.

Given information: Variables you are solving:

A. Target’s TVD (V4) = 3800 ft 1. Build Radius 1

B. KOP (V1) = 2000 ft 2. Build Radius 2
C. Build up rate 1 (BUR1) = 5.73° / 100 ft 3. MAX Hold Angle
D. Build up rate 2 (BUR2) = 9.55° / 100 ft 4. End of Build 1 (EOB1) True Vertical
Depth (TVD)
5. End of Build 1 (EOB1) Measured Depth
6. End of Build 1 (EOB1) Displacement
7. Start of Second Build Measured Depth
8. Total Measured Depth to the Target

The look of the drawing will change depending on the type of profile you are solving and the
size of the two build radii. When you draw the values, use an appropriate scale so you will get an
accurate view of the well.

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5.2 Calculating the Well


When calculating the

profile variables of a well,
you will have to convert the
direction to azimuth or
quadrant as well as the
coordinate to polar or
rectangular. Being able to
perform this calculation is
very important to the
directional driller because
the client might asked
questions about the
calculation, or you might
need to check to see if the
target coordinate is correct.
You should have already
learned how to perform
these calculations. (See
Directional Drilling Math 1
The example problem in this lesson gives the polar coordinate, and you are requested to calculate
the rectangular coordinate. When calculating the rectangular coordinate, you will have to find the
distance of the coordinate for two directions. For the example problem in this lesson, an east and
south distance will need to be calculated. The east distance is represented by line "b"; the south
distance is represented by line "c". Use the drawing and the steps below to learn how to perform
this calculation.

• First, calculate the east (E) distance (line b). The triangle is a right angle, so you can use the
sine function to find line "b".

Rearrange the formula below to solve for line "b"; then place the given information into the
formula and perform the calculation. (Given: ∠B = 45°, a = 1800 ft)

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In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the east distance. The distance should be
written as E 1272.79 ft. Most of the time, you will need to represent the direction in azimuth, but
a client may request that you use quadrant format.

• Second, calculate the south (S) distance (line c). The triangle is a right angle, so you can use
the cosine function to find line "c".

Rearrange the formula to solve for line "c"; then place the given information into the formula
and perform the calculation. (Given: ∠B = 45°, a = 1800 ft)

In the above procedure you learned how to calculate the south distance. The distance should be
written as S 1272.79 ft. Most of the time, you will need to represent the well’s location in
azimuth, but a client may request that you use rectangular format.

The target rectangular coordinate as calculated above is E 1272.79 ft, S 1272.79 ft. The driller
needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation
of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the plan view drawing of the answer.

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5.3 Calculating Build


The build radius represents

the radius of curvature of
both build sections of the
horizontal well. The two
build radii of the wellbore
dictate the path the well

In this section you will learn

how to calculate both build
radii for the example problem
in this lesson. You should
have already learned how to
perform these calculations.
(See Introduction to Math

Calculate the build radius by placing the given information into the formula and performing the
calculation steps below. The [(180/pi) x 100 ft] in the formula represents 100 radians or
5729.58°.(Given: BUR1 = 5.73° /100 ft, DUR2 = 9.55° /100 ft)

• First, calculate the first build radius (R1).

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Second, calculate the second build radius (R2).

In the above steps you learned how to calculate the two build radii (R1 = 999.93, R2 = 599.96)
for the example problem in this lesson. The driller needs to know how to perform this calculation
on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic
represents the calculated answer and the needed profile variables.

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5.4 Calculating MAX

Hold Angle

The MAX hold angle, also

called inclination angle,
occurs where the inclination
of the borehole is held
constant. The MAX hold
angle occurs, right after the
end of build, and is held
constant all the way to the
target. Several variables
must be calculated before
the MAX hold angle can be
found. Calculate the MAX
hold angle (θ) by
performing the steps below
in the order given to solve
the problem for the answer.

The formulas used for this section will vary from problem to problem, depending on the given
profile variables of the well. Use the formulas and steps in this module as a guide to calculate
other profile problems. Study the problem and your drawing to determine the formulas to use.
For help with some of the calculations in the steps below, review the lesson on triangles in the
Introduction to Math module.

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The calculations for each step are performed below to solve for the MAX hold angle for the
example problem.

• First, find line EG. To find EG, calculate the change in TVD, (V4 - V1) and subtract the
second build radius (R2) from it.

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1= 2000
ft, V4 = 3800 ft, R2 = 599.96 ft)

• Second, find line EO. To find EO, subtract the first build radius (R1) from the target
displacement (D3).

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: D3 = 1800,
R1 = 999.93)

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• Third, find angle GOE. Angle GEO is a right triangle so you can use the tangent function
(tan) to find angle GOE.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse tangent (tan-1), then place the answer from the
first and second steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

• Fourth, find line OG. Angle GEO is a right triangle so you can use the Pythagorean theorem
(OG2 = EG2 + EO2) to find line OG.

Rearrange the formula to find line OG; then place the information from the first and second
steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

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• Fifth, find line OF. To find line OF, subtract the smaller build radius (R2) from the larger one

Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: R1 =
999.93 ft, R2 = 599.96 ft)

• Sixth, find angle GOF. Angle GFO is a right triangle, so you can use the cosine function
(cos) to find angle GOF.

Rearrange the formula by using the inverse cosine (cos-1); then place the information from
the fourth and fifth steps into the formula and perform the calculation.

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• Seventh, find the MAX Hold angle (θ or AOB). Line AE (made up of angle AOB, GOE, and
GOF) is a straight line, therefore it is a 180° angle. If angle GOE and GOF are subtracted
from 180°, then you will end up with angle AOB, which is the MAX Hold angle (q).

Place the information from the third and sixth steps into the formula and perform the

After performing all of the above steps, you calculated the MAX hold angle or inclination angle
to be 49.73°. The driller needs to know how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the
client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated
answer and the given profile variables.

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Study Questions

11) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target Direction = 35° AZM
• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• 2nd Build Up Rate = 8° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 26.72°
b) 70.91°
c) 2.66°34’
d) 42.88°

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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5.5 Calculating End of

Build 1 (EOB) True
Vertical Depth (TVD

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
true vertical depth of the
end of build is the actual
measured vertical depth
from the surface to the end
of build (V2).

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the true
vertical depth of the first
end of build.

Calculate the end of build 1 (EOB1) true vertical depth (TVD) or V2 as indicated in the steps
below. To solve for V2, add V1 and [R1 x (sin θ )]. Length V1 represents the vertical section
KOP and [R1 x (sin θ )] represents the formula to calculate vertical length NB.

• Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 2000
ft, R1 = 999.93, θ = 49.73°)

The end of build (EOB) true vertical depth (TVD) or V2 is 2763.63 ft. The driller needs to know
how to perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the
value is obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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5.6 Calculating End of

Build 1 (EOB) Measured
Depth (MD)

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
measured depth of the end
of build is the actual length
of the wellbore from its
surface location to the end
of build.

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the
measured depth of the end
of build.

Calculate the end of build 1 (EOB1) measured depth (MD) as indicated in the steps below. To
solve for the answer, add the vertical section KOP (V1), and the build section [(θ / BUR) x 100

• Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 2000
ft, BUR1 = 5.73°, θ = 49.79°)

The end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) is 2868.94 ft. The driller needs to know how to
perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is
obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the needed profile variables.

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5.7 Calculating End of

Build 1 (EOB)

The end of build (B) is the

location where the wellbore
has finished increasing. The
displacement of the end of
build is the horizontal
distance between the
surface location and the,
end of build (D1).

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the
displacement of the end of
build 1.

Calculate the end of build 1 (EOB1) displacement (D1) as indicated in the steps below. To solve
for D1, subtract R1 (OA) from line ON [R1 x (cos θ )].

• Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation.
(Given: R1 = 999.93 ft, θ = 49.79°)

The end of build 1 (EOB1) displacement is 353.54 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform
this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained.
The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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Study Questions

12) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the first end of build’s displacement for a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
• MAX Inclination Angle (θ ) = 42.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 289.11 ft
b) 300 ft
c) 763.8 ft
d) 255.21 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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5.8 Calculating Start of

Second Build Measured
Depth (MD)

The start of second build

(C) is the location where the
wellbore starts a second
increase in inclination. The
measured depth of the end
of build is the actual length
of the wellbore from its
surface location to the start
of second build.

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the
measured depth of the start
of second build.

Calculate the start of second build measured depth (MD) as indicated in the steps below. To
solve for the answer, add the distance from the vertical section KOP (V1), the build section
[(θ / BUR) x 100 ft], and the tangent section (BC). For help with some of the calculations in the
steps below, review the lesson on triangles in the Introduction to Math module.

• First, find line FG. Line FG is parallel and equal to line BC because BCGO is a
parallelogram. Angle GFO is a right triangle, so you can use the Pythagorean theorem (OG2
= FG2 + OF2) to find line FG.

Rearrange the formula to find line FG; then place the information from the fourth and fifth
steps into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: OG = 1,442.29 ft, OF = 399.97 ft)

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• Second, calculate the start of 2nd build MD. To solve the problem for the answer, add the
vertical section KOP (V1), the build section [(θ / BUR1) x 100 ft] and the length of the
tangent section (BC).

Place the information from the fourth and fifth step into the formula and perform the
calculation. (Given: V1 = 2,000 ft, BUR1 = 5.73°, θ = 49.79°, BC = 1,385.72 ft)

The start of 2nd build measured depth (MD) is 4,254.66 ft. The driller needs to know how to
perform this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is
obtained. The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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5.9 Calculating Total

Measured Depth to the

The measured depth of the

target is the actual length of
the wellbore from its surface
location to the target.

In this section you will

perform the needed
calculations to find the total
measured depth to the target.

To find the total measured

depth of the target, add the
vertical section KOP (V1), the
first build section [(θ / BUR1)
x 100], the tangent section
(BC), and the second build
section [(CGD / BUR2) x
100]. Angle CGD and θ add up
to a right triangle, as indicated
in the drawing. To calculate
angle CGD, subtract θ from

• Place the given information into the formula and perform the calculation. (Given: V1 = 2000,
θ = 49.79°, BUR = 5.73°, BUR2 = 9.55°, BC = 1385.72 ft)

The total measured depth to the target is 4675.69 ft. The driller needs to know how to perform
this calculation on the rig site if the client asks for an explanation of how the value is obtained.
The graphic represents the calculated answer and the given profile variables.

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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Study Questions

13) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the start of second build measured depth of a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• Tangent Section = 1939.74 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 44.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3869.11 ft
b) 4000 ft
c) 3654.46 ft
d) 2763.8 ft

14) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target’s total measured depth of a horizontal well:

Target Displacement = 2100 ft

Target TVD = 3300 ft
1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
2nd Build Up Rate = 8° per 100 ft
Tangent Section = 1939.74 ft
Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
Maximum Hold Angle = 44.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 4000 ft
b) 4243.43 ft
c) 3869.11 ft
d) 2763.8 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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6 Summary

The calculations performed in this module are usually done on the computer. Even though
technological advancements have led to improved and more effective calculation methods, the
directional driller must know how to perform well planning calculations independent of
computer assistance. The driller needs to be able to perform these calculations if the client asks
for an explanation of how the value is obtained.

In this module you have learned to do the following:

• Given all but one of the variables for a well profile, calculate the values of the missing
variables for a build-hold ("J" or Slant) well.

• Given all but one of the variables for a well profile, calculate the values of the missing
variables for a "S"-type well.

• Given all but one of the variables for a well profile, calculate the values of the missing
variables for a horizontal well.

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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Part 7, Answers to Study Questions

Part 3, Calculating Build-Hold ("J" or Slant) Well Profile Variables

1) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for a build and hold directional well.

• Target Displacement = 2500 ft

• Target TVD = 10500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6925 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 120.91°
b) 136°34’
c) 41.18°
d) 26.72°

2) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build TVD for a build and hold directional well:

• Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

• Target TVD = 10,500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 8,297.67 ft
b) 6,783.4 ft
c) 472.41 ft
d) 8,182.5 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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3) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) displacement for a build and hold directional well:

• Target TVD = 10500 ft

• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6925 ft
• Maximum hold angle (θ ) = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 1378.84
b) 376.22
c) 472.41
d) 5276.84

4) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) measured depth (MD) of a build and hold directional well:

• Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

• Target Direction = S28°E
• Target TVD = 10,500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 8,297.67 ft
b) 11,376.84 ft
c) 8,182.5 ft
d) 472.41 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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5) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target total measured depth of a build and hold directional well:

• Target Displacement = 2,500 ft

• Target Direction = S28°E
• Target TVD = 10,500 ft
• Build Up Rate = 3° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 6,925 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 41.18°

Select the correct answer.

a) 472.41 ft
b) 8,182.5 ft
c) 11,376.84 ft
d) 8,297.67 ft

Part 4, Calculating "S" Type Well Profile Variables

6) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for an "S"-type directional well:

• Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

• Target TVD = 11,000 ft
• Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
• Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 136°34’
b) 26.72°
c) 120.91°
d) 22.56°

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7) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build’s measured depth for an "S"-type directional well:

• Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

• Target TVD = 11,000 ft
• Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
• Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3,439.84 ft
b) 175.22 ft
c) 2,378.89 ft
d) 2,402 ft

8) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the start of drop true vertical depth for an "S"-type directional well:

• Length of tangent section = 7748.36 ft

• Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
• Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 22.56°

Select the correct answer.

a) 9534.74 ft
b) 7378.89 ft
c) 3439.84 ft
d) 175.22 ft

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9) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the end of build (EOB) true vertical depth of an "S"-type directional well:

• Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

• Target TVD = 11,000 ft
• Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 22.56°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3653.69 ft
b) 175.22 ft
c) 1404 ft
d) 2379.15 ft

10) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target’s total measured depth of an "S"-type directional well:

• Target Displacement = 3,439.84 ft

• Target Direction = 330.71°
• Target TVD = 11,000 ft
• Build Up Rate = 2.5° per 100 ft
• Drop Off Rate = 1.5° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1,500 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 22.55°

Select the correct answer.

a) 175.22 ft
b) 12,404 ft
c) 11,654.44 ft
d) 22,378.89 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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Part 5 Calculating Horizontal Well Profile Variables

11) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the maximum hold angle for a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target Direction = 35° AZM
• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• 2nd Build Up Rate = 8° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft

Select the correct answer.

a) 26.72°
b) 70.91°
c) 2.66°34’
d) 42.88°

12) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the first end of build’s displacement for a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
• MAX Inclination Angle (θ ) = 42.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 289.11 ft
b) 300 ft
c) 763.8 ft
d) 255.21 ft

Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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13) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the start of second build measured depth of a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• Tangent Section = 1939.74 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 44.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 3869.11 ft
b) 4000 ft
c) 3654.46 ft
d) 2763.8 ft

14) Given the following profile variables, choose the correct answer below after calculating
the target’s total measured depth of a horizontal well:

• Target Displacement = 2100 ft

• Target TVD = 3300 ft
• 1st Build Up Rate = 6° per 100 ft
• 2nd Build Up Rate = 8° per 100 ft
• Tangent Section = 1939.74 ft
• Kickoff Point = 1000 ft
• Maximum Hold Angle = 44.88°

Select the correct answer.

a) 4000 ft
b) 4243.43 ft
c) 3869.11 ft
d) 2763.8 ft

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Source: CalcDirWellProfileVars.doc, Revised 11/12/98, SLC

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