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Do Teachers’ Learning Styles Influence Their

Classroom Practices? A Case of Primary School
Natural Science Teachers from South Africa

Bongani D. Bantwini

To cite this article: Bongani D. Bantwini (2015) Do Teachers’ Learning Styles Influence Their
Classroom Practices? A Case of Primary School Natural Science Teachers from South Africa,
International Journal of Educational Sciences, 11:1, 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/09751122.2015.11890369

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© Kamla-Raj 2015 Int J Edu Sci, 11(1)): 1-14 (2015)

Do Teachers’ Learning Styles Influence Their Classroom

Practices? A Case of Primary School Natural Science Teachers
from South Africa
Bongani D. Bantwini

North West University, School for Natural Sciences and Technology for Education,
Potchefstroom, South Africa
KEYWORDS Learning Styles. Natural Science. Primary Schools. Science Teachers. Teaching Practice. South

ABSTRACT This paper examines the influence of teachers’ learning styles on their classroom teaching and
learning practices. The reported mixed method study was conducted in various school districts in a large province
in South Africa. The data was collected with the use of questionnaires administered to primary school natural
science teachers and classroom observations made during a science lesson. The study examined the preferred
learning styles of primary school science teachers. It then investigated how they taught natural science and
attempted to establish if their learning styles influenced teaching and learning in their classrooms. Findings from
the questionnaires showed that most teachers preferred or learned better partly through visual, active, sequential
and intuitive learning styles. However, analyses of classroom observations revealed a contradiction as the teachers’
proclaimed learning styles were not emulated, translated into or visible in their classroom teaching practices. The
researcher argues and concludes that the teachers’ learning styles do not necessary shape or influence their
classroom teaching practices.

INTRODUCTION mation, are collectively termed the individual’s

learning style. Dunn (1984) concurs saying that
In their systematic and critical review of learn- a learning style is the way an individual absorbs
ing styles and pedagogy in the post-16 learning, and retains information and/or skills, irrespec-
Coffield et al. (2004) poses a fundamental ques- tive of how that process is described. He also
tion that how can the teachers enhance learner notes that this can differ dramatically from one
performance if they do not know how they them- person to another. Ellis (1985) delineates a learn-
selves learn? They call this a charade whose time ing style as being the way in which a person
has expired, and question the seriousness be- perceives, conceptualizes, organizes and recalls
hind developing a learning society when there information. Passrelli and Kolb (2012), on the
is no adequate answer to the question regarding other hand, theorize that learning styles are in-
learning models teachers employ and how they fluenced by an individual’s genetic make-up,
utilize them to improve their own practice and prior learning experiences, cultural allegiance,
that of their learners. Since the 1970s there has and the society in which they reside.
been a continuous discussion on issues con- Sims and Sims (1995) indicate that research
cerning an individual’s learning styles (Dunn among various populations into ‘learning styles’
1984; Pashler et al. 2008; Zhou 2011; Zhang et al. or ‘learning preferences’ has received consider-
2013). According to Pashler et al. (2008), the term able attention in many developed countries, in-
learning styles refers to the view that individu- cluding North America, Australia and a number
als learn information in different ways. The liter- of European countries. To highlight the progress
ature indicates that an individual processes in- and development in this area, Felder and Hen-
formation by hearing and seeing, acting and re- rigues noted in 1995 that over 30 learning style
flecting, intuitively and logically reasoning, vi- assessment instruments had already been de-
sualizing and analyzing, and both steadily and veloped, while in their review, Coffield et al.
in fits and starts (Felder and Henrigues 1995; (2004) identify 71 learning style models. James
Zhou 2011). Felder and Henrigues (1995) state and Gardner (1995) say that the focal point of
that the manner in which an individual charac- any discussion on learning styles is the differ-
teristically acquires, retains and retrieves infor- ent ways in which individuals learn, and the in-

struments intended to ascertain or measure the learning context and a person’s nationality play
preferred learning style. In these studies, the a critical role. However, is this the case in the
research focus has mainly been on student learn- South African context?
ing outcomes (McGrath 2009) with little explora-
tion being directed at adults (Sims and Sims 1995). Objective of the Study
Opdenakker and Damme (2006) state that much
research still needs to be conducted to further This study examines the influence of the
explore the links between teacher beliefs, learning style of natural science teachers on their
thoughts, theories, knowledge and attitudes on teaching practice and the learning of learners.
one hand, and teacher behavior, classroom prac- Damrongpanit and Reungtragul (2013) argue that
tices and student outcomes on the other. This is a teacher’s teaching style has an effect/influ-
required to deepen the understanding of the cre- ence on a learner’s outcome, and therefore a
ation of classroom practice. These researchers teacher should explore his/her teaching and
argue that although research indicates that class- learning style. Through classroom observation
room practices, teacher behavior and teaching and questionnaire data analysis, this study dis-
styles are important with respect to student out- cusses the following questions:
comes, hitherto little research has been conduct- 1. What are the primary school natural sci-
ed regarding the degree to which effective class- ence teachers’ preferred learning styles?
room practices are class, teacher, and school 2. How do teachers teach natural science in
dependent and are related to student composi- their classrooms?
tion, teacher characteristics, and teaching styles. 3. Do teachers’ learning styles influence the
Most research already conducted in this area teaching and learning of natural science in
has been in developed countries, leaving room their classrooms?
for investigations in underdeveloped ones such The focus on natural science is considered
as South Africa (SA). The issue of how primary imperative, as this is one of the critical learning
school natural science teachers’ learning styles1 areas in SA. It is clouded by severe challenges,
influence their classroom teaching and student which range from a shortage of qualified sci-
learning has hardly received adequate research ence teachers (Centre for Development Enter-
attention in SA. In a study investigating teach- prise 2015; DBE 2013; Human Sciences Research
ing styles and cognitive processes in language Council 2012) to significant content knowledge
learning conducted in Cape Town, Makoni (1998) gaps in the science teachers (National Educa-
states that there is a need to examine the teach- tion Evaluation and Development Unit 2013;
ers’ learning styles and concedes that because Bosman 2006; DBE 2013), to poor learner perfor-
all the teachers involved in his study were wom- mance and achievement in science education
en, a gender factor could be relevant. Undeni- (Human Sciences Research Council 2012; DBE
ably, teachers are a key element in any school, 2014), and declining numbers of learners study-
and effective teaching is one of the crucial pro- ing science at high school and eventually pur-
pellers for school improvement (Ko et al. 2013). suing it at a tertiary level (Holtman and Rollnick
Literature highlights that the learning styles of a 2010; Schultze and Nukeri 2002; Taylor et al.
teacher not only influence how they learn, but 2008). A lack of or inadequate science teaching
also how they teach their students (Krueger and and learning resources (Bantwini 2012; DBE
Sutton, 2001). Furthermore, it argues that when 2013) are also significant problems.
(some) teachers begin to teach, they adopt the What follows is a discussion of the research
practices of their former teachers and teach the methodology and findings and discussion of
way they have been taught (Kennedy 1999; Ole- the reported study, as well as its conclusion and
son and Hora 2013; Owens 2013). By contrast, implications for the teaching and learning of
Felder and Henrigue’s research (1995) highlights natural science in primary schools.
that how much a given learner learns in a class is
governed in part by that learner’s native ability RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
and prior preparation, but also by the compati-
bility of his or her characteristic approach to The reported study used a mixed method re-
learning and the instructor’s teaching method. search approach intended to provide a better
McChlery and Visser (2009) also state that the comprehension of the research problem and

yield rich and informative data that would re- was divided into four parts: the first part col-
spond to the major research question: Do teach- lected demographic information, the second part
ers’ learning styles influence their classroom focused on their educational qualifications and
teaching practice? The mixing of both quantita- experience, the third part on how they learn,
tive and qualitative research was intended to and the fourth on perceptions about how they
enable the researcher to obtain breadth and teach in their classrooms. Questions exploring
depth of understanding and enhance its corrob- how teachers learn were drawn from the Bar-
oration, whilst offsetting the weaknesses inher- bara Soloman and Richard Felder Index of
ent in using each approach by itself. Further- Learning Style Questionnaire (1999). This In-
more, the use of mixed methods allows for data dex of Learning Styles is used to assess prefer-
and methodological triangulation (Denzin 1970), ences on the four dimensions or descriptors of a
which necessitates cautious analysis of the type learning style model. They are active/reflective,
of information provided by each method, includ- sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/
ing its strengths and weaknesses. global (see Table 1). These are used to present
findings and discussions. The instrument itself
Research Context and Participants comprises 44 questions with 11 questions relat-
ing to each of the four groupings. However, for
The study was conducted in the Eastern the purpose of this study, 24 questions were
Cape Province, one of the largest provinces in selected to administer to the teachers. These
South Africa. The province comprises 23 dis- were chosen based on their relevance and po-
tricts grouped into three clusters: A, B and C. tential to provide the rich data required for the
Each cluster is led by a chief director and in- study. Each question had two responses, which
cludes various districts led by district directors. corresponded to one of the categories. Felder
Each district is made up of a varying number of and Henriques (1995) argue that these catego-
primary and secondary schools and is further ries are by no means comprehensive since no
divided into circuits led by circuit managers. Data finite number of dimensions could ever encom-
for this paper was collected from eight school pass the totality of individual student differenc-
districts spread among the three clusters and it es. In addition, they add that the dimensions
was purposively sampled. The sampling criteria have not been shown to be fully independent
focused on the districts’ geographic position- and validated instruments of assessing individ-
ing in order to ensure that all three clusters were ual preferences.
well represented. Furthermore, the permission One hundred and eight primary school natu-
and support of the district director was signifi- ral sciences teachers were asked to complete
cant. Permission to conduct the study was re- the questionnaire. These teachers were from four
quested from and granted by the Provincial De- schools from each of the eight districts. With
partment of Education Superintendent, and the the assistance of district officials who are more
application complied with their research policy familiar with the context than the researcher, a
requirements or procedures. total of 32 were sampled. About fifty-four per-
The participants of the study were all natu- cent of the teachers were from rural schools,
ral science teachers from various public schools. twenty-nine percent from townships, fifteen per-
The schools included rural, urban, township and cent from urban public and two percent from
farm schools spread across the eight school dis- farms schools, and the schools were spread out
tricts in the province. The primary data was col- across the districts. The teacher sampling fo-
lected using a questionnaire and classroom ob- cused on natural science teachers in Grades 4-6
servation tools applied during the teaching of a and ensured that each grade level was repre-
science lesson. sented. Of the 108 questionnaires distributed,
55 (51%) were returned completed. Of these,
Questionnaire twenty-six percent were by males and seventy-
four percent by females. All were South African
The questionnaire sought to determine how nationals and the majority of the teachers were
teachers learn and perceive their learning, and Blacks (89%) with a few Whites (6%) and Col-
how their beliefs about their learning process oreds (6%). About two percent of the partici-
influence their classroom teaching process. It pant’s age range was between 20-24 years, fif-

Table 1: Summary of learning styles and a description of each

Learning Style Description

Active Style o Learners tend to retain and understand best by doing something active with it, discussing
or applying it or explaining it to others.
o They tend to like group work more than reflective activities.
Reflective o Learners prefer to think about it quietly first.
o They do not enjoy group work and prefer to work alone.
Sensing o These learners like solving problems by well-established methods and dislike
complications and surprise.
o Sensors tend to be good at memorizing facts and doing hands-on (laboratory) work.
o Sensors don’t like courses that have no apparent connection to the real world
Intuitive o Learners often prefer discovering possibilities and relationships.
o Intuitors like innovation and dislike repetition.
o Intuitors don’t like “plug-and-chug” courses that involve a lot of memorization and
routine calculations.
Visual o Visual learners remember best what they see, for example, pictures, diagrams, flow
charts, time lines, films and demonstrations.
Verbal o Verbal learners take more out of words and value written and spoken explanations.
Sequential o Sequential learners tend to gain understanding in linear steps where each one follows
logically from the previous one.
o Sequential learners tend to follow logical, stepwise paths in finding solutions
Global o Global learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly
without seeing connections, and then suddenly “getting it.”
o Global learners may be able to solve complex problems quickly or put things together
in novel ways once they have grasped the big picture, but they may have difficulty
explaining how they did it.

teen percent was 30-34 years, twenty-eight per- lesson), and teacher pedagogical content knowl-
cent were 35-39 years, nineteen percent were 40- edge and planning. A total of 22 primary school
44 years, thirteen were 44-49 years, eleven per- science teachers from each district were ob-
cent were 50-54 years, nine percent were 55-59 served during their teaching of a science les-
years and four percent were 60 years and above. son. Of these, six were 4th Grade classes, seven
The majority of these teachers had taught for were 5th Grade and nine were from the 6th Grade.
more than 10 years. In 4th Grade the number of learners varied from
27 to 57 in one classroom, in 5th Grade from 26 to
Classroom and Lesson Observations 99 learners and in 6th Grade from 4 to 82 learners.
From the 22 observed teachers, 20 were females
The classroom observations intended to and 2 were male. Evidently, most primary schools
observe if teachers were be able to apply their are fully staffed by female teachers (Table 2).
preferred learning styles in the classroom dis-
course. Thus, a classroom observation tool was Data Coding and Analysis
developed to allow for uniformity in the obser-
vation process. The observation tool focused The completed questionnaires were import-
on classroom management, instructional learn- ed into the Statistical Package for the Social
ing (including lesson delivery, conceptual fo- Sciences (SPSS). A frequency distribution anal-
cus of the lesson and assessment during the ysis was then applied to yield the statistical re-

Table 2: A demographic summary of the classroom and lesson observation

Grade Number of Male Female School types

teachers Rural Township Farm Urban

4 6 0 . 6 (100%) 2 (33%) 1 (17%) 1 (17%) 2 (33%)

5 7 1 (14%) 6 (86%) 1 (14%) 4 (57%) 1 (14%) 1 (14%)
6 9 1 (11%) 8 (89%) 5 (56%) 1 (11%) 1 (11%) 2 (22%)
Total 22 2 . 20 . 8 . 6 . 3 . 4 .

sults. From each dimension category, a percent- Active and Reflective Learning Style
age of response rates were calculated to deter-
mine which of the learning styles were most pre- In the administered questionnaire, teachers
ferred by the respondents. For example, in ac- were asked what helps them understand better
tive and reflective dimensions, all the percent- when they learn. Of the surveyed teachers,
ages for active learning styles were added and eighty-five percent said that they understand
then divided by the number of questions and better after they try something out, whereas fif-
similarly with other reflective learning styles. teen percent stated that they understand it bet-
The qualitative data coding and analysis fol- ter after they think it through (see Table 3). Re-
lowed an iterative process as recommended by
Miles and Huberman (1994). These researchers garding learning something new, sixty-eight per-
describe various steps that include reading and cent of the teachers said it helps them to talk
affixing codes to the transcript notes whilst not- about it, whereas thirty-two percent believe that
ing reflections or other remarks in the margins, when they are learning something new it helps
and sorting and sifting through the materials to them to think about it. About seventy-eight per-
identify similar phrases and relationships be- cent mentioned that they prefer to study in a
tween variables, patterns, and themes. (Miles group whilst twenty-two percent indicated that
and Huberman 1994:9). Throughout the process they prefer to study alone. When questioned
of analysis, the research questions were used to further, eighty-seven percent mentioned that
inform the emerging issues from the data. The when studying in a group and working on diffi-
following is a discussion of the themes that cult material they are likely to jump in and con-
emerged from the study. tribute ideas, while thirteen percent said they
just sit back and listen. Furthermore, about sixty
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION percent said they prefer to first have a group
brainstorming where everyone contributes ideas,
Teachers’ Learning Style and How they Teach whereas forty percent wanted to brainstorm in-
Natural Science in their Classrooms dividually before coming together as a group to
The findings presented focus on 24 survey compare ideas. From these responses it is clear
questions administered to the primary school that most of the surveyed teachers (76%) are
natural science teachers. Their responses are active oriented and a small group (24%) is re-
grouped based on the four dimensions outlined flective and believe in mental exercise before
above (active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visu- progressing to active and practical activities. It
al/verbal and sequential/global) and are dis- was very interesting to note that when juxta-
cussed together with the findings from the class- posing these findings with the classroom obser-
room and lesson observations. vations, incongruences emerged.

Table 3: Summary of the active and reflective learning styles

Question Learning style Percentage (%)

I understand better after I
o try it out Active 85
o think it through Reflective 14.8
When I am learning something new, it helps me to
o talk about it Active 68
o think about it Reflective 32
I prefer to study
o in a study group Active 78
o alone Reflective 22
In a study group working on a difficult material, I am more likely to
o jump in and contribute ideas Active 87
o sit back and listen Reflective 13
When I have to work on a group project, I first want to
o Have a group brainstorming where everyone contributes ideas. Active 60
o Brainstorm individually and then come together as a group Reflective 40
to compare ideas

Analysis of classroom observation data re- most classrooms the teachers would be the ones
vealed that teachers theorized throughout their dominating the talking and they hardly gave the
natural science lessons without giving their learners a chance to discuss anything. During
learners an opportunity to try out whatever they the lesson, some teachers did ask learners to
were learning. It was only at the end of the les- discuss questions that they themselves identi-
son that learners were given two or three ques- fied, but they did not ask learners to develop
tions developed by the teacher to discuss. Learn- and investigate their own questions. Construc-
ers would be asked to work in groups of 4-7 tivism theory advocates that knowledge is not
mixed gender members. This seemed problemat- passively received but is actively built up by
ic because although most of the learners were in the cognizing subject (von Glaserfeld 1989). Thus
groups, they did not collaborate with each oth- learning is undertaken by the learner and is not
er. In addition, it was unclear in most of the class- something that can be imposed on the learner.
rooms whether each student had been assigned Frykedal and Chiriac (2014) argue that it is not
a role to play in the group, for example, that of a until the teachers relinquish some measure of
group leader, scribe or reporter. From the obser- control and handover the responsibility of en-
vations, it was also evident that most of the gaging in the task to learners that learners will
teachers possessed inadequate knowledge re- take charge of their own learning processes. The
garding the effective use of learner group work, inquiry approach to teaching advocates that
and they hardly even noticed that some learners teachers allow learners to develop their own
were dominating the groups or that the learners questions for investigation in order to ensure
were not effectively collaborating. The issue of effective learning.
the inadequate use of group work in this prov- When questioned on group work, seventy-
ince has previously been reported on (Bantwini eight percent of the teachers mentioned that they
2010; Foncha and Abongdia 2014). The lack of a preferred to study in groups and only twenty-
full utilization of group work can be attributed to two percent preferred to study alone. This idea
deficiency in understanding how to use this is related to constructivism theory, which argues
pedagogical practice in the classroom (Gillies that learners learn from each other. They do this
and Boyle 2010). The use of group work during through discussion, communication and the
science teaching and learning is considered to sharing of ideas, by actively comparing differ-
be a best teaching strategy that can benefit both ent ideas, reflecting on their own thinking and
learners and teachers (Baines et al. 2015; Webb trying to understand other people’s thinking by
2009). Frykedal and Chiriac (2014) indicate that negotiating a shared meaning (Shuard et al.
by engaging in group work, learners learn to 1986). However, the researcher noticed that the
inquire, share ideas, clarify differences and con- group discussion was dominated by few learn-
struct new understandings. Moreover, in order ers who were considered ‘gifted’ in science edu-
to develop and promote scientific thinking skills, cation. Also, in many of these cases, the teach-
Krueger and Sutton (2001) argue that learners ers would not move from group to group to mon-
must go beyond learning disconnected facts and itor and ensure that all learners were benefiting
should rather master scientific knowledge and from this learning approach. This was also con-
processes whilst using logic and reasoning trary to their view as sixty percent of the teach-
skills. The National Science Teachers Associa- ers indicated that when they have to work in a
tion (NSTA 2002) has observed that young learn- group, they first want to have a group brain-
ers learn science best when they engage in first- storming where everyone contributes ideas. In
hand exploration and investigation, which nur- the observed classrooms learners were not mon-
tures inquiry and process skills. This was lack- itored nor were they encouraged to brainstorm
ing in all the classes observed. within their group. They were not even given an
The majority of teachers (68%) hold the be- opportunity to engage the teacher on the
lief that when learning something new, it helps question(s) under discussion. The gifted learn-
them to talk about it, but this was not evident in ers drove most of the groups, as they dominat-
their classrooms. This idea is supported by NSTA ed the discussion and were the ones who ended
(2002) who argue that young learners learn sci- up answering all the questions on behalf of their
ence best when communication skills are an in- group. From Frykedal and Chiriac’s (2014) per-
tegral part of science instruction. However, in spective, group work enhances academic

achievement and socialization. Furthermore, by see a diagram or sketch in class they are most
interacting with other learners they learn to in- likely to remember the picture, while fifty-seven
quire, share ideas, clarify differences and con- percent believe that they are more likely to re-
struct new understandings. In this process they member what the instructor said about it. In a
also learn to use language to explain issues and book with lots of pictures and charts, seventy
construct new ways of thinking. Thus, as Fon- percent mentioned that they are likely to look
cha and Abongdia (2014) argue, the teacher must over the pictures and charts carefully, while thir-
emphasize the importance of participating in a ty percent are likely to focus on the written text.
group task and further motivate learners to take The majority of teachers (65%) stated that they
part in the group work. Felder and Soloman (1999) liked teachers who put a lot of diagrams on the
warn that a balance of the active and reflective board, while thirty-five percent liked teachers
learning styles is desirable if learners always who spent a lot of time explaining. With regards
prematurely act before reflecting, it could lead to remembering, almost all the teachers (96%)
to trouble, if they take a long time to reflect, they said that they remember best what they see,
will never accomplish anything. while four percent remember best what they hear.
When someone is showing data, sixty-nine per-
Visual and Verbal Learning Style cent said they prefer charts or graphs, while thir-
ty-one percent prefer text summarizing the re-
When asked about their preference for get- sults. When meeting people at a party, sixty-
ting information, sixty-four percent of the teach- nine percent of the teachers said they are more
ers mentioned that they prefer to get new infor- likely to remember what they looked like, while
mation in the form of pictures, diagrams, graphs thirty-one percent said they are more likely to
or maps whereas thirty-six percent declared that remember what they said about themselves.
they prefer to get new information in the form of From the above findings, sixty-nine percent of
written directions or verbal information (see Ta- the teachers preferred a visual learning style,
ble 4). Teachers were also asked about getting while thirty-one percent preferred a verbal one.
directions to a new place. About seventy-four There were incongruences when these findings
percent noted that when they get directions to a were compared with classroom and lesson ob-
new place they prefer a map, while twenty-six servation findings.
percent said they prefer written instructions. Findings from classroom observations show
About forty-three percent believe that when they that most of the visited classrooms had bare

Table 4: Summary of the visual and verbal learning styles

Question Learning style Percentage (%)

I prefer to get new information in
o Picture, diagrams, graphs, or maps Visual 64
o Written directions or verbal information Verbal 36
When I get directions to a new place, I prefer
o A map Visual 74
o Written instructions Verbal 26
When I see a diagram or sketch in class I’m most likely to remember
o The picture Visual 43
o What the instructor said about it Verbal 57
In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to
o Look over the pictures and charts carefully Visual 70
o Focus on the written text Verbal 30
I like teachers
o Who puts a lot of diagrams on the board Visual 65
o Who spends a lot of time explaining Verbal 35
I remember best
o What I see Visual 96
o What I hear Verbal 4
When someone is showing me data, I prefer
o Charts or graphs Visual 69
o Text summarizing the results Verbal 31

walls with only one or two charts or pictures In the few classrooms where teachers used
hanging in some cases. In their observation Eby materials to teach, the materials were not aimed
et al. (2009) state that drab, undecorated spaces at ensuring a deeper learning that promoted crit-
lead to expectations of dullness and boredom. ical and creative thinking. The teachers hardly
These researchers argue for the necessity of cre- used the material to probe and encourage criti-
ating a therapeutic environment that allows all cal learner thinking skills. The use of visuals
students to succeed. The lack of visuals was should create a stimulating environment where
also confirmed during the science lesson teach- learning is encouraged and students are ensured
ing as most of the teachers theorized with no that the lesson is presented in a beneficial man-
visual aids. This was despite the response giv- ner to reinforce certain concepts. The use of
en by sixty-five percent of the surveyed teach- learning or teaching aids must help learners com-
ers who stated that they liked teachers who put prehend and recall the concepts being taught.
a lot of diagrams on the board. The dominating They must help them make connections between
learning style in the classroom was verbal as what is taught and their real world, thereby de-
most of the lessons were presented using words, veloping deeper learning. Deeper learning must
both written on the board and in spoken expla- help learners master core science concepts and
nation. These findings corresponded with the content. The goal of using teaching and learn-
thirty-five percent of teachers who said that they ing aids should be to help learners think critical-
liked teachers who spend a lot of time explain- ly and be able to solve complex problems and
ing. Lorsbach and Tobin (1992) argue that es- develop the required scientific knowledge at their
tablishing and maintaining a learning environ- level and beyond.
ment that is conducive to learning should be a
priority for science teachers. Sequential and Global Learning Style
Also, evident in most of the classrooms was
that most teachers used questions and answers About fifty-three percent mentioned that
throughout the lesson. This approach appeared they tend to understand the details of a subject
to be effective as it gave most teachers some but that they could be fuzzy about its overall
indication of the learners’ comprehension and structure, whereas forty-seven percent men-
challenges of the lesson being taught. Assess- tioned that they tend to understand the overall
ment is an essential component of science teach- structure but said they may be fuzzy about its
ing. This view is also shared by the Internation- details. When doing homework, ninety-four per-
al Academy of Education (IAE 2008) who ar- cent said they are more likely to try to fully un-
gues that teachers require sophisticated assess- derstand the problem while six percent noted
ment skills if they are to identify what their stu- that they are more likely to start working on the
dents know and can do in relation to valued solution immediately. Teachers were also ques-
outcomes. In this case a major concern was that tioned about their response when considering a
in using the question and answer approach, body of information. Here, ninety-one percent
teachers hardly probed learners to measure the mentioned that they were more likely to try to
conviction of their responses. Every learner re- understand the big picture before getting into
sponse was taken at face value and not scruti- the detail, while nine percent were more likely to
nized to ascertain how the learner came up with focus on details and miss the big picture. About
that response. According to IEA, teachers re- ninety-one percent believed that they learn at a
quire a variety of approaches to assess their fairly regular pace and felt that if they studied
students’ progress, and these should include hard, they would get it. Nine percent believed
and exceed standardized testing. Additional that they learn in fits and starts and acknowl-
tools include interviews with students about their edged that they would be totally confused be-
learning, systematic analyses of student work fore everything suddenly ‘clicked.’ About sev-
and classroom observations. It was also noted enty-nine percent of the teachers said they like
that none of the teachers reflected on the vari- teachers who start their lectures with an outline
ous learning styles present in their classrooms, and conceded that such outlines were some-
nor on the possibility that some of the learners what helpful to them, while twenty-one percent
would not favor being quizzed throughout the noted that such outlines were very helpful to
lesson. them. Most of the teachers (82%) seemed to be

more sequential in their learning than global (Ta- bigger picture would be teaching that connects
ble 5). This learning approach was also evident what is being taught with the learner’s real world.
in how most of them taught in their classrooms. These connections can be made by using exam-
During the classroom observation it was ples familiar to the students as well as various
noticed that most of the teachers were more con- resource materials. What also did not resonate
cerned about their learners understanding the with the quantitative findings was the allowing
details of a subject rather than understanding of learners to learn at their own pace. Based on
the overall structure. Felder and Soloman (1999) constructivism theory, learners should be al-
state that sequential learners tend to gain un- lowed to learn at their own pace. Lorsbach and
derstanding in linear steps, with each step fol- Tobin (1992) assert that learners need time to
lowing logically from the previous one. They experience, reflect on their experiences in rela-
tend to follow logical stepwise paths to find so- tion to what they already know, and resolve any
lutions. Teaching aimed at students who pos- problems that arise. In the observed classrooms,
sess these characteristics was evident in most various assigned activities were timed and teach-
of the classrooms. What seemed to be lacking in ers constantly asked: “are we done now eh,
the observed classrooms was the encouraging please finish up” or “hurry up hurry up, you
of learners, or teaching for global learners. De- need to finish now.” Another classroom obser-
vitt (2011) argues that learners need not be forced vation that contradicted information gained in
to learn how the teachers want them to learn, the questionnaires was that the teachers started
but rather be encouraged to develop their own their lectures without an outline, despite the fact
ideas within settings, which teachers facilitate. that seventy-nine percent claimed that they pre-
O’Neill (2007) contends that effective teachers ferred teachers who use them.
have high expectations of learners, both in terms
of their standard of learning and behavior. Intuitive and Sensing Learning Style
Although forty-seven percent of the teach-
ers believed that they tend to understand the Teachers were asked what their preference
overall structure but may be fuzzy about the was when required to perform a task. About
details, classroom observations showed that eighty-nine percent of them said they prefer to
none of the observed teachers seemed to cater come up with new ways of doing it, while eleven
to this learning approach. Furthermore, none of percent prefer to master one way of doing it. In
the teachers seemed to be concerned about the regard to learning a new subject, eighty-one
bigger picture of the topic under discussion, in percent prefer to try and make connections be-
spite of the fact that ninety-one percent of them tween the subject and related subjects, while
claimed that this was important. In this case the nineteen percent prefer to stay focused on that

Table 5: Summary of the sequential and global learning styles

Question Learning style Percentage (%)

I tend to
o Understand details of a subject but may be fuzzy about its Sequential 53
overall structure
o Understand the overall structure but may be fuzzy about details Global 47
When I start a homework, I’m more likely to
o Try to full understand the problem Sequential 94
o Start working on the solution immediately Global 6
When considering a body of information, I am more likely to
o Focus on details and miss the big picture Sequential 9
o Try to understand the big picture before getting into the details Global 91
I learn
o At fairly regular pace. If I study hard I’ll get it Sequential 91
o In fits and starts. I’ll be totally confused and then suddenly it all clicks Global 9
Some teachers start their lectures with an outline of what they will cover.
Such outlines are
o Very helpful to me Sequential 79
o Somewhat helpful to me Global 21

subject, learning as much as they can about it. of questions from the learners directed to the
When solving a problem in a group, sixty-four teacher regarding the new information they were
percent would be more likely to think of possi- learning in the classroom. Somehow, it looked
ble consequences or applications of the solu- like the classrooms were not designed for inno-
tion in a wide range of areas, while thirty-six vative discussions or the exploration of new
percent would be more likely to think of steps in learner ideas. In most of the classrooms teach-
the solution process. In reading non-fiction, six- ers seemed willing to involve the learners, but
ty-one percent of teachers said they prefer some- struggled to do so because most learners would
thing that gives them new ideas to think about not engage and remained silent. Learners seemed
while thirty-nine percent said they prefer some- to be more concerned about learning the pre-
thing that teaches them new facts or tells them sented facts so that in tests they could recall
how to do something (Table 6). About fifty per- them and score higher marks. Clearly lacking from
cent of the teachers find it easier to learn facts all the classrooms was the use of an inquiry ap-
while the other fifty percent said they find it proach to help learners develop critical thinking
easier to learn concepts. About eighty-six per- skills through observing and developing their
cent of the teachers said they prefer courses own questions, formulating hypotheses, collect-
that emphasize concrete material (for example, ing data, writing reports and presenting find-
facts and data), while fourteen percent preferred ings to their peers. According to Lorsbach and
courses that emphasize abstract materials (like Tobin (1992), learners need to be given opportu-
concepts and theories). nities to make sense of what is learned by nego-
Even though most of the teachers claimed to tiating meaning. They need to compare what is
prefer an intuitive learning style, their class- known to new experiences, resolve discrepan-
rooms did not seem to cater to this group of cies between what is known with what is learnt,
learners. Their learners seemed to be used to and resolve discrepancies between what is
following the instructions or the approaches known and what seems to be implied by new
prescribed by the teachers. To be effective in experiences. In some classrooms the issue of
teaching, Jang and Stecklein (2011) argue that the medium of instruction was a challenge as
teachers need to promote more student-to-stu- most of the learners came from backgrounds
dent interaction in small groups and whole class where they do not speak English, which was the
discussions. In all the observed classrooms, medium of instruction. Hence, in some class-
teachers did not challenge their learners to come rooms the teachers would switch between the
up with new ways or approaches to solve a prob- learners’ mother tongue (mostly Xhosa) and the
lem or given activity. Also evident was the lack medium of instruction.
Table 6: Summary of the intuitive and sensing learning styles

Question Learning style Percentage (%)

When I have to perform a task, I prefer to

o Master one way of doing it Sensing 11
o Come up with new ways of doing it Intuitive 89
When I am learning a new subject, I prefer
o Try to make connections between that subject and related subjects Intuitive 81
o Stay focused on that subject, learning as much about it as I can Sensing 19
When solving problems in a group, I would be more likely to
o Think of possible consequences or applications of the solution in a Intuitive 64
wide range of areas
o Think of steps in the solution process. Sensing 36
In reading non-fiction, I prefer
o Something that teaches me new facts or tells me how to do something Sensing 39
o Something that gives me new ideas to think about Intuitive 61
I find it easier
o To learn facts Sensing 50
o To learn concepts Intuitive 50
I prefer courses that emphasize
o Concrete materials (facts, data) Sensing 86
o Abstract materials (concepts, theories) Intuitive 14

Data analysis of the classroom observations Nevertheless, findings from the observed class-
shows that despite the teachers’ claim that they room hardly support these qualities of effective
preferred intuitive and sensing learning styles, teachers and teaching. There are no indications
there was no evidence that in their classroom that teachers tried to match the students’ learn-
practice these styles were accommodated or ing styles with their teaching styles. Rather, there
addressed. The NSTA (2002) asserts that learn- was a mismatch between what they proclaimed
ers value science best when various presenta- to be their learning styles and the learning styles
tion modes are used to accommodate different they embraced in their teaching.
learning styles. Overemphasizing one above the Findings from this study show that the teach-
other is a mistake as both have a critical role to ers’ identified or proclaimed learning styles were
play in an individual and serve a purpose. not emulated, translated into, or visible in their
classroom teaching practices. Rather, many
Do Teachers’ Learning Styles Influence teachers seemed to be practicing what they
the Classroom Practice? claimed they did not prefer or like. Zhang et al.
(2013) state that matching a style should not be
Based on the findings from both the ques- simply regarded as the harmony of intellectual
tionnaire and observations, teachers preferred a style between students and teachers, rather it
variety of learning modalities. The most domi- should be more inclusive of other matching sit-
nating learning modality seemed to be visual, uations. Based on these findings, various pos-
active, sequential and intuitive. Clearly these sibilities emerge that can be the source for
findings raise some questions, as the teachers’ change, which can influence the existing status
classroom practice did not resonate with the quo of teaching versus learning styles.
perceptions of their own learning styles. In his First, it can be argued that the dominant way
study, Makoni (1998) claims that teaching styles of teaching is the way that most of the teachers
are influenced by the teacher’s own learning style were taught by their own teachers. This does
irrespective of whether they are teaching a first
not necessary mean they do not have a pre-
or second language. Similar views are shared by
ferred learning style but it could be that the way
Krueger and Sutton (2001) who state that learn-
ing styles not only influence how individuals that they were taught had developed roots and
learn but also how they teach. Nevertheless, find- is now perceived to be the ideal way to teach in
ings from this study hardly support that idea or their classrooms. Literature stating that some
claim, as most teachers did not cater for their teachers teach the way they have been taught
proclaimed preferred learning style. One would has been thriving (Oleson and Hora 2013; Owens
expect most of the teachers to teach the way 2013; Kennedy 1999). Owens (2013) argues that
they themselves prefer to learn, using various teachers are taught to teach using the same ir-
pedagogical approaches to accommodate and relevant pedagogies, such as the taking of notes
address the diverse learning modalities in their and memorizing of disconnected facts for regur-
classrooms, but this was not the case. gitation on multiple-choice exams. This ap-
Sims and Sims (1995) assert that effective proach, unfortunately, was evident in most of
teachers are those who comprehend the signifi- the observed classrooms.
cance of including all their students in learning The second possibility could be that as much
how to learn. They argue that effective learning as these teachers have a preferred learning style,
materializes when teachers affirm the presence when it comes to the classroom reality, they can-
and validity of diverse learning styles and capi- not teach the way that would meet their learning
talize on the climate of condition for learning in style needs because of inadequate materials. In
and out of the classroom through the deliberate the province where the study was undertaken,
use of instructional design principles that take research shows that the inadequacy of teaching
into account learning differences and increase and learning resources, especially in the previ-
the possibility of success for all learners. In ad- ously disadvantaged rural schools, is still an
dition, O’Neill (2007) asserts that effective teach- issue (Bantwini 2010, 2012; Makoni 1998). The
ers are able to personalize the learning for their lack of teaching resources can affect and alter
students, monitor their progress and challenge the teacher’s best wish to teach the way that
each to take the next step in their learning. they believe will benefit their students.

The third possibility to consider is that most reported study. Rather, what was evident was
teachers are teaching classes with a large num- the fact that various issues affect a teacher’s
ber of students and this can hinder them from ability to teach in their preferred learning style,
using pedagogical approaches that would ad- and these include the teaching context, avail-
dress their learning styles, as well as those of ability of resources, classroom sizes and school
their learners. Thus, the use of a lecture or text- policies.
book method becomes the ideal teaching ap- Findings from this study have implications
proach. However, this approach hardly provides for teacher education programs. It is of vital im-
opportunities for learners to develop deeper sci- portance that pre-service teachers are exposed
entific understanding and inquiry skills. Owen to and taught various pedagogical approaches
argues that science learning should involve an that address a variety of student learning styles
inquiry approach with learners being active in and also train them on how to diagnose their
their own learning and engaging with ideas in learner’s learning styles. A lack of this knowl-
authentic contexts and around productive group edge is likely to result in teachers who barely
tasks. The severe challenges of teaching larger understand their own learning style and so can-
classrooms are well documented (Rhalmi 2013; not accommodate and address their learners’
Cooper and Robinson 2000). various learning styles.
The fourth possibility is that since most
teachers were teaching more than two subjects, RECOMMENDATIONS
the lecture method was viewed as the easiest
way to cover the syllabus within the set time- It is recommended that more research focus-
frames. According to Owen (2013), when most ing on natural science teachers’ learning styles
teachers enter active teaching after university, and primary school learner performance and
they are faced with a professional landscape in achievement be conducted. This would provide
which the craft and science of teaching has been substantial evidence about the positive or neg-
removed from the teachers’ domain and placed ative role played by a teacher’s learning style in
in the hands of textbook companies and district their classroom practice. Furthermore, a neces-
pacing. Owens believes that scores of these sity for studies interrogating teachers’ and learn-
teachers unquestionably accept the state of af- ers’ learning styles and how these can be ad-
fairs, which the researcher argues has undesir- justed in order to increase learner performance
able effects on the teaching and learning pro- and achievement in primary school science ex-
cess. Though the researcher presents these pos- ists. The issues of gender, race and age did not
sibilities, the researcher argues that further in- receive attention in this study, and it is therefore
vestigation is necessary in order to learn and recommended that further studies take these into
understand the real cause for a lack of influence account.
in teaching practice in the research context.
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