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Javier Daniel Alquejay

Hello, I hope and you are well, I hope you continue fighting for your goals and
have fun as always because it has always been the most important thing for
you. now I'm in my room writing this, due to the pandemic, hopefully when
you read this everything has already been solved, although right now I don't
know when it will be solved, I know what will. are you still having so much fun
with your friends?
I don't know if they are still the same or new but I hope you continue to have
a good time. How is the university, difficult? different?
I just hope that you continue to overcome all those fears that I have now.
and the family? I hope everyone is fine, maybe older but just as happy
I think this letter was about my goals and what I expect from my future, but
the truth is, we have never had goals that are too clear and I don't expect
much since we have always let the tide flow, so whatever you have decided
to do , what spas that you have my support and I hope you get it, and
remember that you always do things because you want and not because of
what they say you should do, although it gives me the feeling that you have it
just as clear as me hahaha.
Well, I don't take your time anymore, we both know it's worth gold, so I was
still you and that's it, bye.

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