Public International Law General Project and Writing Advice

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Project (or any text) Writing Improvement Advice and Tips

1) You can choose any topic, narrow or wide in focus. But

when you have chosen, you have to be clear and specific
in your focus and what you decide you want to prioritize
within that chose focus.

2) Don’t leave the readers with questions. They might have

chosen different questions than you and disagree with you
on the answers, but don’t leave them with questions about
yours. You can take them down any path you choose, and if
you argue well, they will follow you there. They don’t have
to agree with your choices and opinions, but they have to
be able to accept them. So: don’t confuse them with lacks
of logic, jumps in statements, or any lack of connections
between two points when they want to get from A to B.

3) What do I want to show/Where do I want to go? How

exactly will I get there? Are there any other ways? Does
my way sound convincing even to somebody who does not
like either my direction or my destination? Does the reader
have to see question marks floating on the page or in the air
while reading my piece? Will s/he stumble or hesitate at
any point, or can they cruise through, nod at every sentence
full stop, and never wonder “How exactly would that
work?” or “Who/when/where/why does this refer to
exactly?” or “What is the basis/reference for this important
statement?” or just “Really?” or “Are you sure about that?”

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