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Name:Yudha Agus P Class:X Askep

First time in Pontianak

This is the story of my first vacation to Pontianak. I am very happy
because this holiday welcomed the new year at that time, There was a
friend of my father invited to take a vacation to Pontianak, all very
happy, including me. Early the first day we went to the park in the city
Pontianak, the Equatorial Park, there we saw historical statues and
some other Pontianak relics and there were also very tasty snacks we
walked around the park until evening.

The second day we went to the Kapuas Square Park, but this time the
park was more beautiful than the park we visited before.

there was more amazing cultural characteristics, my family and I were

amazed at the beauty of this park and we also enjoyed the culinary of
fried chikens from the restaurant that was very tasty and delicious and
the price was very cheap at a proportion of Rp 10,000 and we continue to
the next.

I tried aloe vera ice fresh and soothe the neck thirst for p r i c e The
proportion was starting from IDR 5,000 to IDR 10,000. Today we were
going to midnight and we went home after walking.

we spent the last few weeks visiting several shopping centers such as
ayani megamall, sun mall and while walking ... it turns out that
pontianak is quite hot too so all day we are only at the house of his
friend's father .. i think this is a fun and exciting experience

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