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You ______ leave the table once you have finished

First Quarterly Examination in ENGLISH 9
your meal and politely excused yourself.
St. Rita & St. Ezekiel only
a. must b. can c. may SY:
8. I can't stand these people - I _____ get out of here. I'm
NAME: __________________________________ going to take off forYEAR & SECTION
awhile while you get rid of them.
___________________ a. have to b. must c. should

I. KNOWLEDGE 9. You ____ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The

landlord is very strict about paying on time.
a. mustn’t b. shouldn’t d. couldn’t
Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer at
the left side of the test paper before the number. 10. If I had gone to the University of Miami, I ____
participated in their Spanish immersion program.
Choose the correct modal verb for each of these a. Could have b. must have c. should


1. Which sensory detail does this statement appeal to? 11. "Communication is a process and means that
My fingers lingered on the familiar leaves.... a. communication has clear beginning and ending
a. Sight b. touchc. taste d.smell b. communication resembles still pictures more than
motion pictures.
2. Which Sensory detail does this statement appeal to? c. communication is ongoing and continuous.
The afternoon sun penetrated my upturned face.... d. communication consists of discrete and separate
a. taste b. feel c. smell d. sound
12. The way the term "communication" is used in this
3. What is Imagery? text
a. the use of language appealing to one or more of a. includes all human, animal, and mechanical
the five senses communication.
b, a joke b. includes communion, as used in a religious sense.
c. It's nothing, you just made it up c. includes radio and television programming.
d. a group of words established by usage as having a d. includes none of these.
meaning not deducible from those of the individual
13. Which of the following situations need a consultative
4. How does imagery help us understand the story? speech style?
a. It doesn't a. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
b. By expressing how the author is feeling b. giving last minute instructions to players
c. Imagery helps us to see, touch, taste, smell, and feel c. delivering campaign speeches
what the characters feel and see d. delivering a speech at the UN Summit

5. Which one of the five senses is used in this sentence? 14. Which of the following situations call for a casual
The wolf howled painfully over the loss of his mate. speech style?
a. Sight a. delivering an oratorical speech
b. Sound b. leading a prayer before meal
c. Touch c. talking to a friend while playing sports
d. Taste d. leading a prayer before meal

6. I’ve redone this math problem at least twenty times, 15. Which of the following situations require a formal
but my answer is wrong according to the answer key. speech style?
The answer in the book ____ be wrong! a. talking to a superior
a. must b. is c. should b. reading a court order
c. talking to a stranger
d. talking and laughing about memorable

16. The following situations use formal speech style,

a. inquiring at a hotel
b. delivering an oratorical speech
c. delivering a campaign speech
d. delivering news reports
17. What is communication without words? c. Yes, it should be the preferred choice when making
a. There is no communication without words arrangements
b. Non-verbal communication d. No, under no circumstances should you text for work
c. Telepathy reasons
d. Sign language e. Yes, also, by using emoji’s it can demonstrate the
18. What are the two parts to communication? feelings you want to get across
a. There only needs to be one part, when someone says
something 25. How can a person correctly communicate?
b. When someone says something, and the other person a. Speaking
has understood b. Text message
c. When someone says something, and the other person c. Email
has replied d. Phone
d. When someone says something while using e. All of the above

19. Scenario: You ask a co-worker if they can help you 26. If you are showing that you are interested in what a
with a client, they cross their arms and person is saying, then this shows what?
roll their eyes but do not say anything. Have they a. That you care
communicated? b. That you agree with them
a. No, at this stage it is one-way communication c. That you are good at your job
b. No, when they answer you they will have d. You are encouraging them to talk more
communicated back, completing two-way e. That you think they are worthy of your time
c. No, but they are being rude 27. What is a good way to continue the communication?
d. Yes, they have used non-verbal communication a. Make good eye contact
e. Sort of, you won’t really know until they answer b. Active listening
though c. Nod while they make a point
d. Ask questions
20. Why are there rules about how to e. Do not interrupt
a. There are no rules about how to communicate 28. No matter who you are speaking to, you must always
b. Your workplace is just making sure it has full control speak what?
over you a. The truth
c. It is to make sure everyone understands each other b. With respect
d. Your workplace is obliged to have a policy because of c. English
OSH d. With correct terminology
e. Some people are not very good at communicating e. How you are most comfortable

21. When you are talking directly to a person and you 29. For anyone that has trouble with communication,
can see them, this is called what? you need to ensure what?
a. Verbal contact a. You have an interpreter
b. Face to face communication b. You have paper and pen to write for them
c. Talking c. You make extra time for their cares
d. Interaction d. You speak slowly and clearly
e. Body language e. You only use simple words

22. How will you find out how you should answer the 30. When working with someone who has trouble
phone at your workplace? speaking, it is helpful to do what?
a. You should not be answering the phone at your a. Guess what they are trying to say
workplace b. Speak for them
b. Listen to what the others say c. Give them more time to speak
c. Do what feels most comfortable d. Teach them another form of communication
d. In the policies manual e. All of the above
e. There is no particular way to answer the phone as long
as you are polite

23. When speaking on the phone, what type of

communication is being used? III. UNDERSTANDING
a. Verbal and tone of voice Directions: Use the back part of your test paper in
b. Verbal and body language making a dialogue.
c. Verbal
d. Nonverbal communication
e. Face to face 31-40. Communication differs from the people that you
are interacting with. As an Augustinian, how will you
24. Is text messaging an acceptable form of address or
a. It is not formally classed as communication as 41-50. Create a scenario where formal communicative
communication involves talking style is applied.
b. Yes, in certain circumstances
51-60. Tell us the difference between formal
communication style and informal communication style.
When and where do we apply these two?
Directions: Your dialogues will be graded based on this rubric.
Directions: Create powerful, image-creating sentences by Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing
taking the “Boring Sentence” and adding sensory details. and check it again before you submit.
Make up additional details to construct the new sentence.
Label the sensory details you added.
CATEGORY 2.5 2 1.5 1
Example: Boring Sentence: It was Dialogue
a cold morningThere are 18 – 20 lines of
at Arlington There are 16 or 17 lines There are 14 -15 lines It is not clear which
dialogue. of dialogue. of dialogue. character is speaking.
High School. New Sensory details added: The frigid morning
Focus on The entire dialogue is Most of the dialogue is on Some of the dialogue is No attempt has been made to
air and dense gray fog did not stop Jane from inhaling the
related to the assigned topic could help the related to the assigned relate the story to the
Assigned Topic
fresh smell of rain from the damp concrete and yelling across
topic and allows the reader learn about the topic, but a reader does assigned topic.
the Arlington quad, “Good morning, Joe!” reader to understand subject. not learn much about
much more about the the subject.
61. Boring Sentence: English class is fun.
Characters The main characters are You did two of the The main characters are It is hard to tell who the
Sensory details added: named and clearly following: named named. The reader main characters are.
described in text. The characters, described knows very little about
characters’ opinions are them, and their opinions the characters.
easy to identify. were easily identified.
Creativity The story contains many The story contains a few The story contains a There is little evidence of
62. Boring Sentence: The cookies were good. creative details and/or creative details and/or few creative details creativity in the story. The
Sensory details added: descriptions. The writing descriptions. The writing and/or descriptions, but author does not seem to have
was imaginative and used
______________________________________________________________ showed some his they distract from the used much imagination and
various sources. imagination and used story. The writing showed little attention to the
_______________________________________________________________ various sources. showed little various source of information.
imagination or showed
63. Boring Sentence: Mom cooked dinner last night. little attention to
Sensory details added:
Conventions There are no errors with There are only a few There are several This needed much more
spelling, punctuation, or errors with spelling, errors with spelling, editing.
grammar in the final punctuation, and grammar punctuation, and
draft. in the final draft. grammar in the final
64. Boring Sentence: The park was pretty.
Sensory details added:

65. Boring Sentence: Joe watched television all day.

Sensory details added:

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