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Decision and Prioritisation criteria for Proposing ROB/RUB on Level Crossings

Type of Road to Railway Crossings :


Level crossing separated

Unmanned Manned
crossing crossing

Fig:1 different types of railway crossings

A level crossing (also called at grade crossing, a railway crossing, or a railroad crossing) is a

place where a railway line and road meet each other on the same level.

Grade separated crossing is the one in which the road and rail alignments are separated by a
bridge or an underpass.

Decision to provide Grade separation on priority:

 In case of Railway crossing

As per the current practise, Periodical census of traffic at all level crossings are taken
at least once in five years to review the classification in the case of manned level
crossings and need for manning in the case of unmanned level crossing. However, for
manned level crossings the existing level crossings should be replaced with Road
Over/Under Bridges on ‘Cost Sharing’ Basis if the minimum Train Vehicle Units
(TVU) on a Level Crossing are 1 lakh per day based on the average census of a week.

 In case of road intersection

Unlike Railway crossing, decision of flyover / underpass depends on the traffic
volume during ‘peak hour’ at that intersection.

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Following figure shows how a decision is taken in case of Road intersection and Railway
crossing for the provision of grade separation.

Total Daily Daily Basis of decision
Peak Hour
PCU > Basis of decision Peak hour
10,000 ATVU

Flyover Underpass ROB RUB

Fig:2 How a decision is taken to provide grade separation at crossing/ intersection

Different scenarios to assess the requirement of grade separation on priority

Scenario-1 Daily TVU’S more than 1,00,000- provide ROB/RUB on priority

Scenario-2 Daily TVU’S more than 1,00,000 but ATVU very less in peak hour
Scenario-3 Daily TVU’S less than 1,00,000 but ATVU very high in peak hour

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1. Hourly analysis of TVU for scenario -1
The vehicular and train traffic and hourly TVU for this scenario is tabulated as follows:

Time PCU Trains Total TVU

8-9 2545 2 5090
9-10 2486 2 4972
10-11 2345 1 2345
11-12 2204 0 0
12-13 2286 0 0
13-14 1545 1 1545
14-15 1327 2 2654
15-16 1275 3 3825
16-17 1845 3 5535
17-18 2459 3 7377
18-19 2635 2 5270
19-20 2550 3 7650
20-21 2466 1 2466
21-22 2090 3 6271
22-23 2051 2 4101
23-0 1873 4 7492
0-1 1627 3 4881
1-2 1673 3 5019
2-3 1645 1 1645
3-4 1688 5 8440
4-5 2052 3 6157
5-6 2073 2 4147
6-7 2432 2 4864
7-8 2449 1 2449
49621.7 1,04,195.
SUM 8 52 42

The total daily TVU’s are 1,04,195 and the peak hour TVU are 7492.

As per current guidelines, provision of ROB/RUB on priority becomes mandatory.

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2. Hourly analysis of TVU for scenario -2
The vehicular and train traffic and hourly TVU for this scenario is tabulated as follows:

Time PCU Trains Total TVU

8-9 2545 1 2545
9-10 2486 1 2486
10-11 2345 1 2345
11-12 2204 2 4408
12-13 2286 1 2286
13-14 1545 3 4635
14-15 1327 3 3981
15-16 1275 3 3825
16-17 1845 3 5535
17-18 2459 1 2459
18-19 2635 2 5270
19-20 2550 1 2550
20-21 2466 1 2466
21-22 2090 3 6271
22-23 2051 2 4101
23-0 1873 2 3746
0-1 1627 4 6508
1-2 1673 3 5019
2-3 1645 3 4935
3-4 1688 3 5064
4-5 2052 3 6157
5-6 2073 2 4147
6-7 2432 2 4864
7-8 2449 2 4898
SUM 8 52 1,00,501

The total daily TVU’s are 1,00,501 and the peak hour TVU are 6508.
As per current guidelines, provision of ROB/RUB on priority becomes mandatory.

However, in this scenario, peak hour TVU are only 6508. So chances of congestion are
low and hence provision of ROB in such a situation should not be considered priority.

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3. Hourly analysis of TVU for scenario -3
The vehicular and train traffic and hourly TVU for this scenario is tabulated as follows:

Time PCU Trains Total TVU

8-9 2545 1 2545
9-10 2486 1 2486
10-11 2345 1 2345
11-12 2204 1 2204
12-13 2286 0 0
13-14 1545 3 4635
14-15 1327 3 3981
15-16 1275 4 5100
16-17 1845 3 5535
17-18 2459 1 2459
18-19 2635 5 13175
19-20 2550 0 0
20-21 2466 1 2466
21-22 2090 1 2090
22-23 2051 2 4101
23-0 1873 3 5619
0-1 1627 5 8135
1-2 1673 3 5019
2-3 1645 3 4935
3-4 1688 5 8440
4-5 2052 2 4105
5-6 2073 2 4147
6-7 2432 1 2432
7-8 2449 1 2449
SUM 49622 52 98403

The total daily TVU’s are 98403 and the peak hour TVU are 13175.
As per current guidelines, provision of ROB/RUB is not mandatory.

However, in this scenario, peak hour TVU are 13175. This creates congestions and very
inefficient traffic movement during peak hour and hence provision of ROB in such a
situation should be considered on priority.

Summary of ATVU analysis for different scenarios

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Sr. No. Traffic during peak Total ATVU Decision as per Remarks
hour current
As per As per guidelines
Scenario-1 5270 7492 104195 ROB/RUB on
Scenario-2 5270 6508 100501 ROB/RUB on May not be
priority required as
peak hour
ATVU is less
Scenario-3 13175 13175 98403 ROB/RUB not Required as
on priority very high
ATVU during
peak hour

Instead of deciding priority of ROB/RUB only on the basis of total ATVU from 7 day data,
consideration shall be given to the hourly TVU data. A value should be determined for hourly
TVU (for Ex. 10000 TVU). If in during a day ATVU crosses that value, that railway crossing
shall be taken on priority for the provision of ROB/RUB

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