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Pattern Finding:

1. If QPS -> TSV, then IHK -> ? Answer: LKN since you just add 3 position to each character.
2. If 46 -> 64, then 82 : ? Answer: 100. Just add 18.
3. EAGLE : FZHKF -> THANKS : ? Answer: (UGBMLR) just add 1 and subtract 1.
4. ASTER : HCUVGT -> SLOWER : ? Answer: (UNQYGT) just add 2.
5. 985 : 874 -> 763 : ? Answer: (652) subtract 1 from every digit.
6. 865 : 532 -> 976 : (643) subtract 3 from every digit.
7. ADBC : EHFG -> ILJK : ? Answer: (MPNO) increments each char 4 times.
8. JOHN : LSNV -> MARK : ? Answer: (OEXS) Pattern:(+2 +4 +6 +8)
9. COMPUTER : PMOCRETU -> TELEVISION : ? Answer: (VELETNOISI) reverse the first half
and reverse the second half.
10. A17R : D12P -> G7N : ? Answer: use(R=A+17)
11. COMPUTER : GKQLYPIN -> SENATE : ? Answer: (WARWXA)(odd+4, even-4)
12. KPQR : LRTV -> DGHY : ? Answer: (EIKC) (we have sequences 1,2,3,4)
13. ACFJ : CEHL -> PRUY : ? Answer: (RTWA) (we have sequences 1,2,3,4)
14. VAILANT : UBKJZOS -> TRANSCEND : ? Answer: (SSCLRDGLC) (Odd pairs: val-
1,val+1,Even pairs:val-2,val+2)
15. 27 : 24 -> 64 : ? Answer: (60) Since (24=33-3,64=43,43-4=60)
16. MQD : KRK -> SWM : ? Answer: (NCF) Since(13, 17, 4;11, 18, 11; -5(13-18) 6(17-11)

Eliminate Pattern That Does Not Belong

1. JLP LNT TVZ DFJ Pick 1, since it is the only sequence not a multiple of 4.
2. ABIJ DEHI MNQR STWX Pick 1, the only that doesn't have the same char-to-char distance.
3. ADP QTS HKR STE Pick 1, it is not a perfect square.
5. ADF MPR ILN EHJ Pick 2, it doesn't start with a vowel.
6. STV XYA KKT BDE Pick 3, the only one with two odds and one even.
7. 956 794 884 678 pick 4, the only one that doesn't sum to 20 for all digits.
8. 1,4,16 17,20,24 8,11,18 19,20,5 pick 4 obviously.
9. AE5 DF6 HN14 KP2 pick 4 since P != 2 in positions of chars.
10. HIK DGJ LPT SUW pick 1, only one with distance between each char not equal.
11. LKJI XYWV WVUT KJIH pick 1, only one with odd beginning char.

Fill in the blank:

1. 2,3,7,8,13,14,(20) since diff by 4, 5, 6

2. 0 1 1 2 4 8 (16) add them all up.
3. 3,6,18,108,(1944) (18 * 6 = 108,therefore 18*108)
4. 1,1,4,2,13,3,40,4,(121)(1+3^1=4,4+3^2=13,13+3^3=40,40+3^4=121)
5. 3 7 13 21 (31) (diff 2)
6. 5 11 19 29 (41)(diff 2)
7. 0 2 6 12 20 (30)(diff 2)
8. 5 9 16 29 (54) because 52-1, 92-2, 162-3, 292-4
9. 4 12 6 18 12 36 30 (90)(odd positions times 3 is the even positions)
10. 1 5 (8) (1 + 22 = 5, 5 + 21 = 7 ,7 + 20 = 8)
11. D, H, L, (p) (same distance)
12. 10 14 23 39 64 (100)(distance is perfect squares)
13. 10 74 202 394 650(distance is 64)
14. 2 8 5 6 8 (4) 11(2、5、8、11, all done by adding 3. Then subtract 2,so 8、6、4)
15. 16 30 46 62 (13+3, 29+1, 43+3, 61+1 just find the sequential preceeding prime)
16. 1:4:27:256:? Answer: 3125
17. 2, 5, 26,(677)(Previous number square plus one)
19. 4,5,12,8,9 => 3,4,1,7,8 Then 13, 21, 13, 2, 1, 9 => ? Did not do.

Reasoning Problems:

1. If northwest becomes east, northeast becomes south, and so on, what does southeast
become? (west)
2. Lily can't find her home, she is 25 yards southwest of her home, then she walked 20 yards
toward north, where is her home from her now? (15 yards, east)
3. It has been proven by research that in India, a company which purchases saturation
radioadvertising will get maximum brand recognition. Which of the following is true?
(1)A high degree of brand recognition will help a company win a higher share of the
(2)Radio has wide listenership and companies intending to increase their
awareness,should advertise it.
(3)For maximum brand recognition, a company need not spend on media channels other
than radio publicizing.
(4)Brand recognition in India is more heavily dependent on where the brand advertises
than the quality of its offering.
Correct answer is 2.
4. There are four coordinators named Lily, Cathy,Mary and Nina. Each coordinator is at a
different corner of the rectangle meeting hall. A coffee vending machine is situated at
one of the corners and a restroom at another corner of the meeting hall. Lily and Cathy
are at either sides of the white board, which is situated at the center of the side which is
opposite to the side at whose corners the coffee vending machine and the restroom are
located. Coordinator Mary is not at the corner where the restroom is located.
Which of the following cannot be true?
(1)Lily is not on the side of the hall where the white board is placed
(2)Nina is adjacent to the restroom at one corner
(3)Cathy is at the corner, adjacent to the coffee vending machine.
(4)Mary is adjacent to the coffee vending machine, at one corner of the hall
(5)Lily is at the corner, adjacent to the coffee machine
Picked 1 but not sure the correct answer.
5. A manufacture company has 8 products and 4 divisions. Four divisions are lead by Alan,
Betty, Cathy, Diana. The 8 products are: mixer, iron, water pump, geyser, juicer, blender,
grinder, and heater. Each division produces 2 products, no 2 divisions produces the same
product. Diana’s division produced Geyser, Cathy’s division produces water pump. Mixer
and iron areproduced by division lead by Alan and Betty respectively. The division that
produces mixer doesn’t produce blender. If the division that produces mixer also
produces juicer,how many ways are there for product pairs? (Answer is 3!, which is 6).
6. Say there are five guys M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and three ladies W1, W2, W3. We have to
choose a group consist of 3 guys and 1 lady. M1 and M3 don't get along, M4 and W2
don't get along. Answer the following questions:
(1). If M2, M3, W2 are choosen, then who else can we choose?
(2). If M1, M2 are choosen, then who else can we choose?
(3). If four guys are choosen, then who else we cannot choose?
7. A circular table seats eight persons A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. F seats two seats to the right of C. A
and E seats next to G. B and H seats across one another. Answer the following questions:
(1) Who seats across from D? (G)
(2) Who seats next to D? (C)

Minor Tips:

1. It might be useful to have a char to indice map written down on paper before the
2. It is also useful to have a 8 direction compass written down to save you some time and
for your visualization on the direction problems.

Good luck guys.

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