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Leadership Lab Personal Learning – 2

Chirag Shah
MMS – Finance

Key Points
At the beginning of the lecture we were introduced to the new concept of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity and Ambiguity) and how the current times are completely dependent on it. We then had a
debate whether in such VUCA times; an organization requires a manager over a leader. Good
informative points were made from both for and against sides. We distinguished as to how a leader has
a long term vision for the company and on the other hand a manager is the one that practically executes
decisions on the ground level.
Further sir mentioned how in a decade’s time one third of the businesses become obsolete with the
example of the company Metalbox. Changing technology plays an important part on all types of

We then discussed how important are the ethics of an organization and also how they become an
important aspect for its employees. With the example of companies like P&G and the Tata group the
core value of anti-corruption was explained. Later we were fragmented into small groups to discuss the
case study related to the leadership of Mr. Ratan Tata.

My Reflections
There is constant change going on with time and the advancement of technology, and with this the
leadership style also keeps changing. A leader is supposed to always have a broader sense of vision for
the company and in turbulent times come out with an optimistic approach as to how to tackle it. A
manager works on the ground level and has the actual knowledge of how the real scenario is. A manager
at times has to be very practical and pragmatic in his approach.
Every individual has a set of core values which he abides to. These core values reflect what ethics an
individual possesses. In order for a company to sustain longer and remain successful, it is very
mandatory that it should have a set of core values clearly defined for all its employees. Lastly we got to
learn how Mr. Ratan Tata depicted various core values he believed in and achieved various
accomplishments in his life.

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