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Leadership Lab Personal Learning – 3

Chirag Shah
MMS – Finance

Key Points

The lecture started with the continuation of the previous session where the discussion of ethics
was done. Then we moved onto a self-assessment exercise of career anchors. This self-
evaluation helped us to understand our personality traits as a leader and our strengths. It
depicted what were the traits we values more and are quite vital to us. The discussion then
moved to Assigned Leader Group Exercise. This exercise which consisted of the role play as a
leader, observer, and participant was aimed to help us understand and feel different role as
part of problem solving discussion process. The session also touched upon the important topics
like Fairness, power sharing, and values.

My Reflections
Through the self-assessment exercise of career anchors I found the key strengths I possess and
my priorities related to my workplace would be. From the activity of Assigned Leader group
exercise I learned that it is important to listen more and value my team-mates opinions. It
helped me understand that as a leader, my job is to help streamline the discussion and guide
the team in the right direction. It is also important to come to a common consensus on the final
decision to be taken as a team. As an observer we have to evaluate the leader on his
communication skills, decision making skills and group process leadership qualities. As a
participant I got to learn how important it is to put forward our opinion and have a healthy
discussion as a team.

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