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Uy, Maria Rose Ann R.
Ms. Kathrine A. Pelagio
What do I need to learn?
Compare transformational and
transactional leadership.
Identify the factors that contribute to
becoming a transformative leader.
Participate actively in online
What do I need to know?

The idea of
leadership was first
developed by James
McGregor Burns in
What is Transformational Leadership?

According to him.
LEADERSHIP can be seen
when “ leaders and
followers make each other
to advance to a higher level
of moral motivation”.
Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire
followers to change expectations, perception and motivations to work towards common goal.

Transformational leadership is based on leaders shifting values, beliefs and

needs of their followers in three important ways:

Increasing follower’s awareness of the importance of

task and the importance of performing them well.
Making followers aware of their needs for personal
growth, development and accomplishment.
Inspiring followers to transcend their own self-
interests the good of the organization.
Later, researcher Bernard M. Bass expanded Burn’s original idea to develop what today referred to as Bass’
Transformational Leadership Theory.

According to Bass, Transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact

that it has on followers. Transformational Leaders, Bass suggested, garner trust,
respect and admiration from their followers
Considering Bass’ theory,
Transformational leadership then can be
described as a type of leadership style
that leads to positive changes in those
who follow.
How can u you say you are a transformational leader???
Bass exemplifies the four components of Transformational Leadership
3 Goals of Transformational Leadership
1 2 3
Helping staff
develop and
maintain a Helping teachers
collaborative, Fostering teacher solve problem
professional development more effectively.
4 Dimension of Transformational Leadership

Contingent reward
Management by exception (active)
Management by exception
Laissez faire
What is Transactional Leadership?

Transactional Leadership is sometimes called

bartering. It is based on an exchange of
services (from teacher, for instance) for
various kinds of rewards (such as a salary)
that the leader controls, at least in part.
Mitchell and Tucker add that Transactional
Leadership works only when both leaders and
followers understand and are in agreement
about which task are important.
Compare Transactional & Transformational Leadership

Transactional Transformational

Occurs when followers are moved to complete their roles are Move followers to awareness about what is important and away
agreed with a leader in exchange for a reward. from own self- interest.
 Focus on goals  Focus on vision
 Use rewards and punishments  Use charisma and enthusiasm
for motivation for motivation
 Are reactive in nature  Are proactive in nature

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