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co» Travel English Lesson 20 Settle the bill Exploration Read the dialogue and check your answer. Anna: May I settle my bill, please? I'd like to check out. Receptionist: Okay. May | have your keycard and room number, ma'am? Anna: Here is the keycard . | stayed in room 1402 Receptionist: All right, let me print out your receipt. Here you go. Anna: Why am | being charged an extra $20? Receptionist: That is for the amenities that you ordered. According to our record, you took two drinks from the mini-bar and ordered the movie Cloud Atlas on your second night. Anna: Oh, you are right. Has my card already been charged forit? Receptionist: Yes, it has. Here is your copy of the receipt. Anna: Thank you. Could you please call me a taxi? Receptionist: Certainly! | hope you enjoyed your stay. =OnOxe> Extension a pa \ ye | ew al ‘ 1, What amenities did Anna order? 2. What do you need to do when your stay at a hotel has come to an end? 3. What must you give the receptionist upon trying to check out? DHOZOEOD> Useful Language Complete expressions for settling the bill at a hotel. h expressions are said by customers? Hello, ma'am. Are you ready to the bill? 2. Here's the to my room. Do you need anything else? 3. Did you consume anything from the during your stay? 4, | didn't use any of the extra in my room. There should not be any additional fees. @z@z020> Useful Language Choose the correct responses to complete the dialogue. | a. No, that's all. Thank you! b. I'll pay by cash. Here you go. ¢. 1 wos in room 307. How much do the extra amenities | ordered cost? d. | would like to settle the bill now. Sure! Please retum your keycard. What is, your room number? L | ‘ordered a massage which cost 500 RMB. It says here on your receipt that you | How would you like to pay fori? 3. Here is your receipt and your change. Do you need anything else? 4 Task Have a conversation with your teacher. Settle your bill at the hotel with the expressions you learned. You stayed at The Wellington B88 in ‘Bristol, United Kingdom. Your only extra amenity was a meal that cost £20. Settle your bill with the receptionist. You can use: Hello, | want to Chai , What oro Here’s my ... Istayed in... What were my...? / How much ...' @xOnO=O> Review Hello, sir. Are you ready to settle the bill? Did you order any amenities? $4, sir. Should we charge that to your card? You're welcome. Ihope you enjoyed your stay! Thank you, sir. Here's your receipt.

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