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1. a) Learn the poem: 2. a) What will you put into your bag?

Match the pictures with the

I like school words:
a) pen
I like school. b) pencil
I read, I work and play. c) eraser
I like school. 1 2 3 4 5 6 d) crayons
e) protractor
I learn new things each day.
f) notebook
I like school. g) notepad
I write, I sing and run. h) ruler
I like school. i) paint & brush
j) books
It's great to have 7 8 9 10 11 12
k) glue
Such fun. l) calculator
By Kathy Maitland m) sharpener
( n) scissors
o) compass
13 14 15 16 17 18 p) triangle
b) What do you think about your
q) stapler
school? b) What have you forgotten to put into your bag? r) colored pencils

3. Read, guess and say what subjects are these? 4. Read and choose True or False statements:
Which of them do you study? My favourite teacher
Hi! My name is Andrew and I study at
This subject is about different This subject is about the High School in Norwich. I like my school and
1 forces: movement, electricity, theoretical and practical use
pressure, gravity, heat and of computers and storage of most of all I like astronomy. Jenny Brian is
their affect ion on the objects. different information.
our astronomy teacher. She is very patient,
and helpful. She knows a lot of interesting
2 This language is spoken in This subject helps our bodies 7 facts about the planets and she explains every-
Great Britain, the USA and to be strong and healthy. It is
many other countries. It is held in the gym at school or at thing very simply. We do a lot of things at her
studied at school too. the stadium. lessons: we draw maps of stars; we write letters
with our questions to the famous astronomers, we
This subject is about the This subject is about the
3 planets, stars, comets. The countries, oceans, mountains,
8 organize scientific conferences about space and
lessons can be held in the climate, seas, rivers and cities. space exploration. We also write fantastic stories
observatory where we can It is very interesting.
watch the stars.
about space exploration. She loves her subject and
we love it too. I think I know much more about
4 This subject is about different This subject is about the
9 space and stars now. We saw a lot of scientific
chemical substances, their historical events happened in
structure, properties and their our country and abroad long films about the origin of stars and planets.
reaction with other substances. years ago. Statements: 1. Andrew studies in Bristol. 2. His
favourite subject is astronomy. 3. Her teacher’s
This subject is about different This subject is about the name is Kate Brian. 4. The students do a lot of
5 1
plants, trees, flowers, seeds, numbers, different actions: 0
things at her lesson. 5. She is a talented teacher.
their structure, evolution, addition, subtraction, division,
spreading and development. multiplication. 6. Students watched a lot of stars in the sky.

5. Try to complete the poem using the words: 6. Choose the best quotation about education:
*The whole world opened to me when I learned to read.
-Mary McLeod Bethune
School *The important thing is not to stop questioning.
School is _____, a) hard -Albert Einstein
School is _____, *The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
b) easy
School can make me______, c) cool
School can be ______, –Herbert Spencer
d) fools *Education has for its object the formation of character.
School has _____, e) smart
School can be _____, f) soaring –Herbert Spencer
School makes my mind _____. g) boring *Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
By Nikki Auu
–John Gewey
*It is only the ignorant who despise education.



1. – p
2. – n
3. – c
4. – o
5. – f
6. – l
7. – i
8. – k
9. – g
10. – e
11. – r
12. – a
13. – j
14. – d
15. – h
16. – b
17. – m
18. – q

1. – Physics
2. – English
3. – Astronomy
4. – Chemistry
5. – Biology
6. – Information Technology
7. – Physical Education
8. – Geography
9. – History
10. – Mathematics

School is easy,
School is hard,
School can make me smart,
School can be cool,
School has fools,
School can be boring,
School makes my mind soaring.
By Nikki Auu

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