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Criteria 4 : Teaching And Support Staff

Pengrusan staf akademik yang meliputi pelantikan staf kelayakan tugas dan tanggungjawab
pemantauan dan penilaian, beban pengajaran, disiplin serta pembangunan staf adalah merujuk
kepada Garis Panduan Staf Akademik Kolej Vokasional Kudat

1. Teaching Staff
Lampiran C4.1 List of academic staff

2. Technical Support Staff

Lampiran C4.2.1 – Surat lantikan, senaraitugas, cvdansijilpembantubengkel
Lampiran C4.2.2 -Surat lantikan, senaraitugas, cvdansijilpembantumakmal
Lampiran C4.2.3 - Surat lantikan, senaraitugas, cvdansijiljuruteknik computer
Lampiran C4.2.4 -jadualbertugaspembantutersebut

3. Administrative Support Staff

Lampiran C4.3 – Surat lantikan, senaraitugas,

4. Staff Industry Engagement

Lampiran C4.4.1 - senarai guru ygada engagement dgn industry
Lampiran C4.4.2 - strategic planning utkmenghantar staff kesangkutanindustry

5. Staff evaluation
Lampiran C4.5.1 - system penilaianpbppp
Lampiran C4.5.2 - list borangpenilaian staff melaluispk
Lampiran C4.5.3 - new teaching staff borangmento mentee – borangyglengkapdiisi

6. Educators Certification
Lampiran C4.6.1 –CVdansijil academic staff

Criteria 4: Teaching and Support Staff

1. Recruitment policy, criteria & process of teaching staff.
2. List of academic staff with academic qualifications &
industrial experience:
 Bachelor Degree: At least Master OR Bachelor
with min. 3 yrs. relevant industrial experience/
skills certification (max. 30% staff).
 Advanced Diploma to Certificate: At least
Bachelor OR Diploma with min. 3 yrs. relevant
industrial experience/ skills certification (max.
30% staff).
 Min. 5% of teaching staff with at least 1 yr.
industrial experience.
 Staff competence for practical oriented courses
3. Industry mentor for industrial based programme.
4. Policy on research, publication, product development
and consultation.
5. Recruitment policy and criteria for technical support
6. List of technical support staff with academic, skills,
professional qualifications (QT-MBOT) and industrial
7. Adequate technical staff with respect to number of
teaching facility.
8. Recruitment policy and criteria for administrative
support staff.
9. List of administrative staff with academic and
professional qualifications.
10. Adequate administrative staff to support the
11. Mechanism of continuous and career development for
staff. (Academic, Technical Support, Administrative)
12. Industry engagement involving teaching staff.
13. Annual staff performance evaluation system.
14. Evaluation of teaching staff by students
15. Structured teaching and learning training for new
teaching staff

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