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Pransiska Oktaviani (180614914401014 )



TAHUN 2020
Last month i did a PKK Nursing Clinical Practicpractice in RSUD Karanganyar
Hospital. There, i got a lot new friends from other institution. I also was superviced by good
nurse. The first day was given a provision first by lecturers and field superviced, the directly
to the room for orirntation. We were taken to every room where we practiced. Frankly, at that
time i knew nothing about the rooms before. I was quite worried and frankly i was nervous,
but my worries and nervous feelings instantly disappeared after i saw the actual condition of
the rooms. This clinical practice is a clinical practice of KDM and KMB for 2 months. I
happened to be placed in a rose care room for 2 weeks. in the room there are several
treatment rooms ranging from class 1, class 2 and class 3 to the isolation room ( for skin
diseases and infectious diseases), there is a doctor’s, a nurse;s room and also a place to
prepare medicine. The fist day i was quite confused about what to do and what to do because
this was the first experience and had never been in direct contact with patients. But, the nurse
in this room is very kind and always gives guidance. Every time i was always enthusiastic,
and i never forgot the equipment i always used. Mistakes that have been made have also
happened, until laughed at by senior nurses, maybe it was just a joke but that i made a whip
to keep learning and learning so that it is no longer underestimated by others.

Unforgettable experience I got was that may lessons I can take. Here I learn many
things, the eyes must be accustomed to seeing things that are scary, disgusting, such as
wounds, blood, and even feces. The nose must be accustomed to smell all kind of odors, the
ears must be accustomed to hearing the groans of people in pain and the hands must also be
skilled must also be accustomed to touch anything that was never imagined before. Everyone
that’s why our hearts and mouths must always be patient and smart in communicating

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