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WRITING 2 - Intermediate Two - I02

Student: Alonso Arancibia


When you move to another city or maybe another country, it’s going to be very difficult for you not to
have problems adapting to this new location. So, let me give you a few tips:

-Before you travel to this new place, search for information about the city you’ll be moving to, maybe
they have different customs, for example: in Japan, they don’t use shoes inside the house.

-Once you arrive, you’ll have to make contacts in the city, don’t be shy to ask for indications from a
stranger, sometimes people can be very polite and show you the city, probably this stranger could turn
into a new friend.

-After you finish to establish yourself in town, you’re going to search on the internet how to cook typical
dishes from your natal city, in that way you won’t get homesick because you’ll have something to
remind you of home.

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