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By: emmaboakye1987

A research is a systematic enquiry aimed at dealing with problems or understanding

situations. It is however, the systematic process of collecting and analysing information to

increase our understanding of the phenomena under study. It is systematic because it follows

a laid down procedure in arriving at the conclusion. There are two major paradigms of

research; qualitative and quantitative research. In between the two, there is the mixed

research which is a blend of the two.

Quantitative research is based on the positivist philosophy of how new knowledge is

generated. The positivist philosophy holds that there are facts with objective reality that can

be expressed numerically. Hence the emphasis is on measurement. Before the 1980s most

studies in education were quantitative in nature.

The term 'positivism' is often used to describe the philosophy underpinning quantitative

research. It was first used by Auguste Comte in an attempt to unite the natural and social

sciences under a common philosophy and scientific method, and maintained that, the aim and

purpose of social research was the discovery of the natural laws governing human behaviour

through the collection and analysis of empirical data. The term is now used in a much wider

and more general sense than Comte's original formulation, often to refer simply to collection

of quantitative data through the scientific methods (Stadler, 2012).

Some of the epistemological values and beliefs held by quantitative researchers might include

some of the following assumptions; accurate observation and measurement of the world is

possible, these numerical data are objective representations of those states rather than
subjective constructs, these data can be combined, manipulated and displayed graphically

while retaining an objective relationship to the internal states from which they originated.

Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via

statistical, mathematical or computation techniques. Quantitative research is explaining

phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematical based

methods. (Aliaga and Gunderson, 2000). The objective of quantitative research is to develop

and employ mathematical model, theories, and hypotheses pertaining to the phenomena. The

process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides fundamental

connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative


Johnson and Christenesen (2008) outline the characteristics of quantitative research as

follows; the confirmatory part of the research circle is emphasized, behaviour is seen and

predictable, common aims of research are to be explained and predict. An example of a

quantitative research could be a study to determine the amount of time of study and student

achievement” in such as study, a researcher has to measure time spent studying and

attainment (achievement) and relate them before reaching a conclusion (Amedahe, 2008)

Similarly, there are number of strengths of quantitative research among which include;

findings been able to generalise population about which information is required. The samples

of individuals, communities, or organizations can be selected to ensure that the results will be

representative of the population studied. Structural factors that determine how inequalities

(such as gender inequalities) are produced can be analyzed. Standardized approaches permit

the study to be replicated in different areas or over time with the production of comparable

findings. Quantitative estimates can be obtained of the magnitude and distribution impart.
Inasmuch as there is some strength to the use of quantitative research, there are some

concerns or weakness associated with quantitative research especially in education. The

following have been identified as some of the weaknesses of quantitative research; lack of

resource for data collection. Quantitative research methodology usually needs a large sample

size. However, due to lack of resources this large-scale research becomes impossible as

budget on research and development is mostly inadequate. Inability to control or manipulate

the environment or a given setting for research activities or purposes; Sometimes researchers

face problems to control the environment where the respondents provide answers to the

questions in the survey. (Baxter, 2008). Quantitative research and analysis is expensive and

time consuming. It requires some amount of investment or expenditure in undertaken

quantitative research analysis especially when samples size is large. The time required is also

necessary as number of variables is estimated to minimise errors or ensure exactness of the

findings. Limited outcomes in a quantitative analysis; quantitative research methods involves

structured questionnaire with close ended questions. This leads to limited outcomes outlined

in the research proposal, so the results cannot always represent occurring in a generalized


Difficulty in data analysis; quantitative research requires extensive analysis which can be

difficult to perform for researchers from non-statistical backgrounds.

Significantly, quantitative research requires the use of quantitative data. Quantitative data is

any data that is numerical in form such as statistics, percentages, etc. The researcher analyses

the data with the help of statistics. The quantitative approach holds the researcher to remain

distant and independent of that being researched. (

Quantitative analysis refers to economic, business or financial, educational analysis that aims

to understand or predict behaviour or events through the use of mathematical measurements

and calculations, statistical modelling and research. Quantitative analysts aim to represent a

given reality in terms of a numerical value. Quantitative analysis is employed for a number of

reasons, including measurement, performance evaluation of education, and predicting real

world events.

Quantitative analysis ranges from examination of simple statistical data such as students

performance over a period, to complex calculations such as aggregation of performances of

students among various schools in a particular geographical setting. 

In my setting as a tutor, instructor, moderator, or facilitator and more importantly a key

stakeholder especially in implementation of education policies and programme, quantitative

research and analysis is critical in my entire schedule. The importance of quantitative

research is critical in the area of assessment of students and lessons, appraisal of my output

over a period of time, the overall performance of school performance in the area of academic

and non academic or non curriculum activities such as sports and other social activities.

These are some of the critical areas where the impact of quantitative research is seen.

Quantitative research is more reliable and objective in assessing students and lessons as data

is obtained after lessons have been taught. The data obtained is mostly on the scores of

students after an exercise or assignment. The data is analysed using tables, graphs, equation

and so on. The mean score is obtained and this becomes a guide in varying techniques in


Again, quantitative research enables me to use statistics to generalise a finding. Statistics

deals with all aspects of data including the planning of data collection in terms of the design

of surveys and experiments (Dodge, 2006).  There are two main statistical methods that are

used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarize data from a sample

using indexes such as the mean or standard deviation, and inferential statistics, which draw

conclusions from data that are subject to random variation. These statistical methods are used

in analysis of students, school and co- curricular activities or performances.

Quantitative research often reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number

of variables. Computation of complex problems are mostly reduced and restructured by

quantitative research and analysis. This enables easy analysis of data gathered or obtained.

Sometimes we put together all the data of results of over two thousand students, and this data

is analysed using software such as SPSS.

The relationships between variables are established as cause and effect is highly controlled.

Relationships between variables are easily established and analysis is done on the variables.

Quantitative research and analysis test theories and hypotheses and facts are established in

formulation of policies and programmes in the school.

The methodology of a quantitative research maintains the assumption of an empiricist

paradigm (Creswell, 2003). Quantitative Research is the systematic empirical investigation of

observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The

objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories

and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena.

Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. Statistical Package for Social

Scientists (SPSS) is the main tool which I use to analyze the quantitative data. It is a very

powerful statistical package, excellent for undertaking any cross-sectional analysis. It can

also be used for time series analysis. SPSS is one of the top data analysis tools. Perner (1990)

stated that the process of analyzing data via SPSS covers: coding data; writing an SPSS

program; entering the program and data exercise; checking data and program for errors; and

using statistical procedures and computation. The biggest benefit of quantitative data analysis
in SPSS is SPSS could help researchers to understand the inferential statistics, including their

cross tabulation and correlation.

In conclusion, as a process which could transform, remodel and revise data with a view to

research a conclusion for a given situation, quantitative analysis has an important role in a

study or a project. Without any effective quantitative analysis result, a project will have no

meanings and values. As for education research, qualitative and quantitative research

methods are the main ways. But how to collect useful data and analyze data in a right way are

the main questions that every researcher needs to deal with.

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