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Nombre: Couttolenc Ortiz Alexis Matrícula: 2928464

Nombre del curso: Global Culture Nombre del profesor: Rubén Ríos
Módulo: Actividad: 4



To experience the effects of inclusion and exclusion in a simulated activity.


 Begin the lesson by asking students if they think we sometimes label people
because they belong to different groups. Tell them that the labels we put on
people often limit their participation in groups.
 Tell students that you are going to give them each a sticker. Tell them that you
will put it on their foreheads so that they cannot see what it says. Distribute the
labels randomly. Ask everyone to remain quiet and not reveal to each other
what their labels say.
 When everyone has a label, ask students to get up and mill around as if they
were in the lunch room at school or at a party. Remind them that they should
not reveal what is on anyone else’s label. Let students mingle for 4 to 5
minutes, then ask them to return to their seats without looking at their labels.

Why do we sometimes label people of different groups?

Sometimes we just want to belong so much to a certain group that we forgot

about a lot of things and we just want to satisfy the people belonging to this
group. That’s why so many times we try to act like them and we thing we are
better than some people and because of them we label them and sometimes
we laugh at them.

Labeling people had a lot of wrong consequences, some of them are that we
limit the participation of some people that want to be part of a group, and this is
bad because people usually feel very bad and their hopes and dreams can
vanish just like that.

Throughout our lives, people attach labels to us, and those labels reflect and
affect how others think about our identities as well as how we think about
ourselves. Labels are not always negative; they can reflect positive
characteristics, set useful expectations, and provide meaningful goals in our

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