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02 Homework 1

One specific example of a conflict that might occur due to individualism and collectivism. Explain

Example Answer: The culture that people have or some person grew up in. As a Filipino
I can say that Philippines is a country which has a strong collectivism culture that everybody
called it ‘bayanihan’, ‘kapit-bisig’, as a student I like to handle some things in all by myself and
what i’m saying is that some people sees it as being selfish that I don’t want to help or to
participate with others. Some people, including me, just love being alone in doing things that
some people who have to be a collectivist can’t understand.

Why is understanding culture diversity important in understanding the self?

Answer: The world is actually multicultural. Culture characterizes how people see
themselves and how they identify with others. Individuals should comprehend the significance of
the way of life to have certainty when somebody takes an interest with others who have
changed culture, communicating with individuals who have different practices, convictions,
beneficial encounters, and culture advances compassion. While you can never completely
comprehend somebody's existence without being them, you can learn, tune in, and

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