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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 092503 共2007兲

Avoided criticality in near-optimally doped high-temperature superconductors

Kristjan Haule and Gabriel Kotliar

Department of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA
共Received 27 August 2007; published 24 September 2007兲
We study the crossover from the underdoped to the overdoped regime of the t-J model within a plaquette
dynamical mean field approach. We find that the shortest electron lifetime occurs near optimal doping where
the superconducting critical temperature is maximal. The mean field theory provides a simple physical picture
of this effect. In the underdoped regime, the charge carriers propagate coherently among spin singlets, formed
by the superexchange interaction. In the overdoped, large carrier concentration regime, the Kondo effect
dominates resulting in spin-charge composite quasiparticles which are also coherent. Separating these two
Fermi liquid regimes, there is a critical doping where the superexchange and the Kondo interaction balance
each other. At this point, the normal phase is highly incoherent and the optical conductivity exhibits power law
behavior at intermediate frequencies. The onset of superconductivity restores coherence, causing the appear-
ance of a resonance in the spin channel.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.092503 PACS number共s兲: 74.20.⫺z, 71.27.⫹a, 71.30.⫹h

The t-J model is one of the simplest models of strongly 1

correlated electron materials. It received significant attention H = − 兺 tijci†␴c j␴ + 兺 JijSiS j . 共1兲
ij␴ 2 ij
over the past 20 years, following the proposal by Anderson
that it should serve as a minimal model to describe the cup- It contains two terms: the first describes the kinetic energy
rate superconductors. In spite of decades of intensive work, which delocalizes the holes introduced by doping, and the
exact results for this model in two dimensions are not avail- second represents spin-spin interaction. In this work, we took
able, and consensus on a clear physical picture of the physics J / t = 0.3. c j␴ destroys projective fermions to enforce a con-
described by this model is still lacking. straint of no double occupancy. This constraint will be
Over the past decade, significant progress in the field of treated exactly in this work.
correlated electrons was achieved through the development We use CDMFT to map this model into a plaquette 共four
of the dynamical mean field theory. In its single site version,
impurity sites兲 embedded in a medium which obeys a self-
this method describes lattice models in terms of a single site
consistency condition. We employed two different cluster
impurity problem embedded in a medium. Cluster extensions
of this method are currently a subject of intensive inves- schemes: a cellular dynamical mean field theory 共DMFT兲
tigations1–6 共for reviews, see Refs. 7 and 8兲. approach based on a real space perspective9 and an extended
In this Brief Report, we apply cluster dynamical mean dynamical cluster approximation, an approach derived from
field theory 共CDMFT兲 to construct a mean field theory of the a momentum space perspective.7 Our main conclusions are
t-J model. There are several motivations for constructing a robust features of 2 ⫻ 2 CDMFT and were reached using
mean field theory of the t-J model based on a dynamical both cluster schemes.
plaquette. Mean field theory is needed to define and study the The impurity model consists of a cluster of four sites, a
normal state underlying an ordered state. A mean field theory bath of noninteracting fermionic and bosonic particles, and a
based on a plaquette describes the d-wave superconductivity, coupling between the bath and the cluster. It is convenient
one of the leading candidates for a ground state of the t-J to introduce the cluster eigenstates defined by the exact
model. It describes on the same footing two roads for singlet diagonalization of the cluster Hamiltonian, i.e., Hcluster兩m典
formation: the Kondo effect, in which a spin can form a = Em兩m典. To each cluster eigenstate, we associate a pseu-
singlet with a bath of conduction electrons, and the superex- doparticle creation operator 兩m典 = am †
兩0典. The cluster part of
change mechanism, which locks two spins on a bond in a the Hamiltonian is quadratic in the pseudoparticles, and the
singlet state. It can also describe the metastable normal state bath Hamiltonian is also noninteracting. A cubic term de-
below TC. A clear understanding of the evolution of the dif- scribes the interaction between the cluster and the bath. To
ferent mean field states is an important step in understanding solve the four-impurity problem, we use two different impu-
a model. rity solvers. The first is the noncrossing approximation
In this Brief Report, we study the crossover from under- 共NCA兲 combined with the slave particle approach.10 The sec-
doped to overdoped regime and find a surprising result: The ond is a recently developed continuous time quantum Monte
point of maximal superconducting transition temperature in Carlo 共CTQMC兲 method.11,12 Both impurity solvers employ
this model occurs where the underlying normal state has the the diagrammatic expansion of the hybridization term.
shortest lifetime. The onset of superconductivity rapidly re- Within the noncrossing approximation, the crossing diagrams
stores Fermi liquid coherence and gives rise to a resonance in are neglected, but real frequency information is easily ex-
the spin channel. Around this doping, the optical conductiv- tracted while the quantum Monte Carlo method allows sum-
ity has an approximate power law at intermediate frequen- mation of all diagrams but works with imaginary time. All
cies. Hence, various authors have hypothesized the existence the qualitative conclusions can be reached by both methods.
of a hidden critical point under the superconducting dome. In this Brief Report, we focus on a physical description of
Our starting point is the Hamiltonian the results; a more detailed presentation of the methodology

1098-0121/2007/76共9兲/092503共4兲 092503-1 ©2007 The American Physical Society


coherence scale
Tc 0.08
2.5 0.06

0.04 max

2 0.02 0.5

ImΣfs(0 )

0.1 0.2 0.3 max

1.5 δ T=0.5TC
δ=0.02 0
δ=0.1 NM: ImΣ
δ=0.18 T=0.5 TC
δ=0.3 1
ImΣnormal b)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The cluster self-energy ⌺ fs at zero fre- 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
quency as a function of temperature for few doping levels obtained δ
by NCA. The inset shows the estimation of the coherent scale in the −2/3
normal state of the t-J model 共black squares兲 and transition tem-
δ=0.2 Τ=0.02

perature to superconducting state 共red dots兲. The coherence scale is δ=0.2 Τ=0.036
extracted from the self-energy by fitting the parabolic Fermi liquid 0.1 δ=0.18 Τ=0.02
temperature profile, and the characteristic scale sets the coherence δ=0.18 Τ=0.036
0.1 ω 1
will be made available in a longer publication. FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Imaginary part of cluster self-energy
Physically, pseudoparticles represent coarse grained ver- ⌺ fs at the lowest Matsubara frequency ␻0 versus doping for three
sion of the important many-body excitations including fermi- different temperatures obtained by CTQMC 共Ref. 12兲 within real
onic quasiparticles and bosonic collective modes. They have space CDMFT. The scattering rate is peaked at optimal doping and
quantum numbers describing their spin S, number of par- C = 0.01t. 共b兲 The large imaginary part of the self-energy of the
ticles N 共which, divided by the cluster size, gives the den- normal state 共black circles兲 is severely reduced in superconducting
sity兲, and a coarse grained momentum K. There are four state 共green squares兲. The scattering rate is peaked at the point of
cluster momenta: 共0,0兲, 共␲ , ␲兲, 共␲ , 0兲, and 共0 , ␲兲. They are maximal anomalous self-energy 共blue diamonds兲 tracking the point
naturally defined in extended dynamical cluster approxima- of the highest TC 共obtained by CTQMC within real space CDMFT兲.
tion 共EDCA兲 as representing different patches in momentum 共c兲 The optical conductivity ␴共␻兲 is proportional to ␻−2/3 in the
space and in CDMFT as cluster eigenvalues with a similar intermediate frequency region for optimally doped system 共obtained
physical interpretation. We found that the spectral functions by NCA兲. Slightly away from the optimal doping, the power law
remains valid in a narrower frequency region and is first cut off at
associated with 共0,0兲 and 共␲ , ␲兲 are both gapped, so we fo-
low frequency.
cus in this Brief Report on the electron self-energy with clus-
ter momenta 共␲ , 0兲 and 共0 , ␲兲 regions which contain the Matsubara point is small for both the underdoped and over-
Fermi surface of the model in the underdoped and slightly doped systems, while it is peaked at optimal doping. The
overdoped regimes. We will denote this self-energy ⌺ fs to peak is slightly shifted with temperature and, if the normal
stress that it is the cluster representative of the low energy state is continued below the superconducting transition tem-
fermionic degrees of freedom, which are relevant for thermo- perature, the peak of scattering rate coincides with the maxi-
dynamical and transport properties. mum of the anomalous self-energy which traces the maxi-
A striking indication for the existence of an anomaly near mum of the transition temperature 关see Fig. 2共b兲兴. Allowing
optimal doping comes from the evaluation of the electron off-diagonal superconducting long range order severely re-
scattering rate from the imaginary part of the electron self- duces the scattering rate, eliminating the traces of the under-
energy as a function of temperature for few different doping lying critical behavior, hence the name avoided criticality.
levels. The NCA calculations of this quantity within EDCA Further evidence for the anomaly at optimal doping
are displayed in Fig. 1. At large and small doping, the scat- comes from the power law behavior of the optical conduc-
tering rate is small as expected for a Fermi liquid. Remark- tivity in the intermediate frequency regime, shown in Fig.
ably, it becomes very large in the region near optimal doping 2共c兲. It follows an approximate power law with an exponent
when the critical temperature is maximal. A coherence scale, of 2 / 3 reminiscent of the experimental findings of Refs. 13
estimated from the scattering rate, is plotted in the inset of and 14.
Fig. 1 and shows that it tends to vanish close to the point of When the electrons condense forming d-wave pairs, the
maximal superconducting transition temperature. electron scattering rate is dramatically reduced 共see Fig. 1兲
Figures 2共a兲 and 2共b兲 show the CTQMC results for the and a V-shaped gap opens in the local one-electron density of
scattering rate versus doping in the real space version of states. The particle-hole response around 共␲ , ␲兲 is severely
CDMFT and confirm the incoherence of the optimally doped reduced for frequencies below the superconducting gap. A
system. The imaginary part of the self-energy at the first resonance appears in the spin susceptibility coarse grained


high frequencies of order of t ⬇ 300 meV, which also gains
normal state (at Tc) some weight upon condensation and represents the dominant
2 room temp (T=0.09) contribution to the exchange energy difference between su-
δ=0.14 perconducting and normal states.6
Pseudoparticle interpretation. We now return to a physi-
0 cal interpretation of the results. It turns out that out of the
large number of pseudoparticles which are involved in our

2 0.16 t
calculation 共34兲, only four distinct pseudoparticles are very
1 δ=0.16 important, having the largest weight in the ground state as
0 shown in Fig. 4. This fact suggests a convenient interpreta-
2 tion of our results in terms of pseudoparticles by interpreting
the physical response functions in terms of convolutions of
1 δ=0.2
pseudoparticle Green’s functions.
0 Underdoped regime. At small doping, the most important
δ=0.26 pseudoparticle is the singlet state with one particle per site
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 and zero momentum 共number of electrons per plaquette N
ω/t = 4, total spin of the plaquette S = 0, and total momentum per
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 The dynamical spin susceptibility at q plaquette K = 0兲 共half-filled singlet兲. It has the largest occu-
= 共␲ , ␲兲 for few different doping levels and three different tempera- pancy as shown in Fig. 4共c兲. It describes a system locked in
tures: superconducting state and normal state at the transition tem- a short range singlet state as a consequence of the strong
perature and at room temperature. The pronounced peak is formed superexchange interaction. The electron spectral function de-
in superconducting 共SC兲 state at 0.16t ⬇ 48 meV, and a broad peak scribes the process of addition and removal of an electron
in normal state is around 100– 140 meV. Susceptibility at normal from the system at frequency ␻. We interpret this quantity as
temperature is much smaller and the peak moves to higher frequen- a convolution of two pseudoparticles with different cluster
cies. The resonance is strongest at the optimally doped system. It occupations N and N + 1, or N − 1 with integral taken between
disappears quickly in the overdoped site and somewhat more slowly zero and ␻. Note that the pseudoparticle spectral functions
in the underdoped side. have thresholds, namely, a lowest energy below which their
spectral weight vanishes. The necessary condition for a peak
around 共␲ , ␲兲, over 1 / 4 of the Brillouin 共this quantity can be of the one-particle spectral function at the Fermi level is that
compared with the q integrated susceptibility measured in at least two pseudoparticle spectral functions share common
neutron scattering of Ref. 15兲, at an energy scale of the order threshold and are strongly peaked at the same threshold.
of 0.16t, which is approximately 5Tc independent of tem- Since the thresholds of the other pseudoparticles are signifi-
perature, as shown in Fig. 3. cantly shifted with reference to the half-filled singlet, a
In addition, the coarse grained spin response has an addi- pseudogap results in the one-particle spectra in the under-
tional broader peak around 0.35− 0.45t, extending to very doped regime. One can show that this gap in threshold ener-

a) underdoped optimally−doped overdoped

δ=0.08 N=4 S=0 K=0 b)
N=2 S=0 K=0
20 N=3 S=1/2 K=(π,0)
superconducting FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 共a兲
N=3,S=1/2,K=(p,0) Pseudoparticle spectral functions
0 for the three most important pseu-
doparticles: ground states for N
= 4, N = 3, and N = 2 sectors. 共b兲
10 N=4,S=0,K=0 Sketch of pseudoparticle threshold
energies which can be interpreted
0 0.8 as the effective many-body levels
N=4 S=0 K=0
10 δ=0.26 c) in normal and superconducting
states. 共c兲 Pseudoparticle occupan-
0.6 cies versus doping for the most
PP occupancy

important pseudoparticles. The

full lines correspond to the normal
0 0.4
N=3 S=1/2 K=(π,0) state, while the dashed lines cor-
respond to the superconducting
40 δ=0.2 SC state.
20 N=2 S=0 K=0
N=4 S=1 K=(π,π)
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
ω/t δ


gies severely limits the possible decay processes of the elec- the superconducting gap is almost particle-hole symmetric in
tron resulting in a low electronic scattering rate. the optimally doped regime with half-width of the order of
Overdoped regime. On the overdoped side, all three im- 0.12t. When the doping value is changed from its critical
portant pseudoparticles 共half-filled singlet, doublet with one value, the asymmetry in the superconducting density of
hole per plaquette, and singlet with two holes per plaquette兲 states appears. The magnitude of the asymmetry is the same
have a power law divergence at the same threshold fre- as the asymmetry of the corresponding normal state spectra
quency at zero temperature 关Figs. 4共a兲 and 4共b兲兴, which is a and comes from the fact that the occupancy and, therefore,
standard signature of the Kondo effect. Hence, the one- importance of the N = 4 half-filled singlet exceeds the impor-
particle spectral function develops the Kondo-Suhl reso- tance of the N = 2 singlet 关see Fig. 4共c兲兴. The spin suscepti-
nance peaked slightly above the Fermi level. bility comes almost entirely from the convolution of the half-
Transition region: Normal state. In the optimally doped filled singlet with the half-filled triplet 关N = 4, S = 1, and K
region, the Kondo effect and the superexchange compete, = 共␲ , ␲兲兴. The latter develops a peak at an energy of 0.16t
giving rise to a regime with very large scattering rate and, upon condensation, which causes the resonance in the spin
consequently, a small coherence scale. In the critical region, susceptibility.
the thresholds of the pseudoparticles 共see Fig. 4兲 begin to To conclude, we have identified an anomalously large
merge when going from the underdoped to the overdoped scattering rate and power law correlations in the optical con-
regime. ductivity around the optimal doping point of the t-J model.
The spectral function in the underdoped regime is domi- These effects, which are reminiscent of the proximity to
nated by the convolution of one N = 4 and the doublet N = 3 some form of criticality, are avoided or removed when elec-
state and, hence, has more weight below the Fermi level than trons condense into the d-wave superconducting state, which
restores coherence and gives rise to a resonance in the spin
above it. The opposite is true in the overdoped regime.
Hence, in the region around optimal doping, we have a res-
Further explorations of these anomalies using a zero tem-
toration of particle-hole symmetry at low energies. perature method are needed to clarify further the character of
Transition into the superconducting state. The degeneracy the underlying criticality which separates the two distinct
responsible for the strongly incoherent metal with large scat- Fermi liquid regimes, underdoped and overdoped. This is
tering rate at the Fermi level is lifted by the superconductiv- needed to elucidate if the resulting impurity model is close to
ity avoiding the quantum critical point. Figure 4共a兲 shows a critical point which would result in a finite temperature
that both important singlet pseudoparticles 共for N = 4 and N phase diagram similar to Fig. 1, as proposed previously by
= 2兲 develop a very sharp peak at the same threshold fre- Capone et al. in the context of the two-band Hubbard model
quency and, at the same time, their occupancy increases 关see with inverted Hund’s rule exchange.16 There could also be a
Fig. 4共c兲兴 upon condensation, indicating that electrons are finite temperature critical end point at lower temperature, as
locked into singlets with zero momentum. A gap opens be- has been found in DMFT lattice models related to the two
tween the singlets and doublets, which gives the gap in the impurity model.17 Power laws in an intermediate asymptotic
one-particle density of states. Because of this gap in the regime, without an obvious underlying quantum critical im-
pseudoparticle thresholds, the large imaginary part of the purity model, have also been found in frustrated magnets.18
electron self-energy does not persist in the superconducting Another possibility is that the normal state without any
state 共see also Fig. 1兲. Since the density of states is composed unbroken symmetries cannot be continued down to zero tem-
of two almost equally important contributions, i.e., the con- perature, in which case superconductivity has no normal par-
volution of the doublet with both singlets 共N = 4 and N = 2兲, ent state at T = 0.

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