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Rakhigarhi, capital city of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization

of ca. 3000 BCE when River Sarasvati was a navigable

waterway linking Ganga-Yamuna-Persian Gulf
Trace of Ghaggar–Hakra palaeochannel on northwestern Indo–Gangetic plain. a Background
shows Landsat 5 TM colour composite mosaic (bands 456). The Ghaggar–Hakra
palaeochannel is visible as a sinuous, dark blue feature. Location of GS core sites adjacent to
the Indus urban centre of Kalibangan, along with core sites at KNL1, MNK6, and SRH5, are
also indicated. Location of key Indus urban settlements indicated by
triangles. b Geomorphological map showing major alluvial landforms in the study
region. Ch, Chandigarh; HFT Himalayan frontal thrust

See: Cosmic dance, Dynamic Himalaya and the terrestrial battle of River

Two plate tectonic events resulted in the migration of tributary rivers into Sarasvati River
system. Yamuna -- tributary of Sarasvati River -- migrated eastwards to join Ganga. Sutlej --
tributary of Sarasvati River -- migrated westwards to join Sindhu. Both the plate tectonic
events resulted in tears in the Siwalik ranges which resulted in the migrations of Yamuna and
Sutlej rivers respectively in sequence. The dates of the events have to be precisely
determined. Presence of ancient settlements on the river banks of the palaeo-channels of these
tributaries help determint the ancient navigable waterways prior to ca. 2000 BCE on River
Sarasvati which together with Panchnad and Sindhu constituted the Sapta Sindhu region of

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