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Coleen Faye Molina Rubio. C. I: Mr. Aurelio Cachola Jr.

Group R1 Area: Cagayan Valley Medical
September 19, 20, 25, 27 Delivery Room 11-7 shift


General Objective:
- To give holistic care and prevent life threatening condition
- To enhance knowledge and skills learned in Maternal and Child Nursing

Specific Objective:
- To establish good rapport to clients
- To enhance knowledge and skills at the hospital setting
- To put in practice those learned in school

Great responsibility comes with a good attitude and presence of mind.

Especially in our choice of profession which is NURSING. Wherein there is
no room for mistakes. I admit, it wasn’t that easy dealing up with the
situations in the delivery room wherein I had my duty for 4 nights at
Cagayan Valley Medical Center.

I wasn’t that prepared to handle toxic situations in the delivery

room. But with the help of our Clinical Instructor Mr. Aurelio Cachola, the
doctors in duty, nurses and midwives, I was able to handle situations right. I
have learned many things during our duty there at the delivery room even
for a short span of time.

During our duty hours, we were rotate to the different areas in the
DR. Like in the admitting area, labor room, the high risk room and the
delivery room. I enjoyed every single minute of my stay there because there
is too much learning that I have absorbed and some are funny gags that we
have shared there.

Everyone was exhausted after our 8 hours of no sleep in the delivery

room. We are able to deliver cute babies and render our help to both the
mother and the new born babies. It’s quite hard, but I enjoyed it. From cord
dressing of the newborn to injecting vitamin K and the credes prophylaxis.
I was really nervous the fist time I do those procedure, thinking that I wont
be able to do it right.
Every procedure that I’ve witness was really new to me, that’s why I
gave all my best to do it, even sometimes I made a mistake. But then I’ve
learned from it. I also assisted in doing an Episioraphy, assisted in D&C and
many more. I also encountered a toxic patient wherein she is given a MgSo4
every hour and we have to monitor for magnesium sulfate toxicity, and
monitor also his intake and output every hour. Kinda hard but then we
manage the situation well.

We also assisted the pregnant woman’s in their ADL’s like brushing

their teeth, combing their hair, changing their gowns, diapers and linen and
also assisting them in urination by the use of the bed pan and many more.
It was fun giving help and care to them especially when they appreciate what
you are doing for them.

Everything was done with the supervision of our Clinical Instructor

Mr. Aurelio Cachola Jr. RN, MSN especially when assisting to the doctors
and cord dressing. To you sir Awie, thank you so much for the teachings, for
your supervision and the new knowledge and skills that you have imparted us.
Thank you so much for the help and to the doctors, nurses and midwives
thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

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