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Graduation Project II

Progress Report I
Zainab Sada – 149190

CMSE 406 Graduation Project II

Spring 2017

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürcü Öz

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Eastern Mediterranean University
Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................2
1. Purpose..................................................................................................2

II. PROGRESS..............................................................................................2
1. Timeline................................................................................................3
2. Constraints............................................................................................3

III. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................3
1. Additional Work...................................................................................3
This report is a progress report on my graduation project, which is roughly based on
Super Monkey Ball 2; a game published by SEGA in 2002 for the Nintendo
GameCube platform.

1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to highlight my progress from the end of the fall
2016 semester up until the 1st week of the spring 2017 semester. I will highlight
how I plan on completing my project, what steps I’m taking and how I arranged
my progress.

To date I have completed the 1st phase of my project, which is making a mini game
with the very basic functionalities of my game, which are listed below:
 Moving horizontally and vertically along the plane
 Making pick-up objects
 Counting a pick-up with collision of player object and pick-up object as the
 Detecting when all objects have been picked up and displaying a “You Win”
message at the end of the game
 Not counting a pick up when the player object collides with a wall object

I have decided to divide my work into 3 phases. The first of which I have explained
above. The second phase, which is the longest phase, will consist of me starting all
over and applying what I have learned from the phase and adding more graphical
details to the game and more basic functions like a countdown timer, and finish line
or a finish button. In this phase I will also work on adding levels to the game and
work on connecting different screens to each other. The third phase will be a
prototyping phase, which will consist of me building prototype games and adding
more features to the game, if possible, to make it better.
1. Timeline 1. End of
2. Mid

3. Pha 5. Pha 4. Pha

2. Constraints
There aren’t a lot of constraint apart from time. This semester I am taking 7
courses, so depending on how tasking the other 6 courses are I would have to cut
work time of my project.


1. Additional Work
I have already started on the 2nd phase of my project. Before the end of the month
I am hoping to finish at least one or two levels of them game, with timers and a
good graphical design.

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