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2025 budiriro 1

114 th close

p.o glenveiw


Honey Pot Maheu

10 New Davies Way

Prospect industrial



28 September 2020

Dear Sir/ Madam


Mufudzi Akanaka is a organisation in Goromonzi District which cares for orphans and vulnerable
children. The organisation is currently involved in a feeding scheme near Ruwa Primary. We are only
affording to feed children on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.

The current COVID- 19 lockdown has caused a rise in suffering among people especially the children.
It is because of of this background that we are asking for assistance to supplement the two day
Tuesday and Thursday with your Honey Pot Maheu brand.

Yours faithfully

Rev D Muzanenhamo (founding trustee) 0772586350

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